Good luck, general. The world is with you. Only if Issam Zahreddine was still alive to help you in your mission.
Other urls found in this thread:
What's his end game?
the (((world))).
A Jewish empire in the Middle East. Because that's what would create it.
How stupid are you fucks?
If that is Soleimani for real, domestic propaganda usage. Same as Drupmhys caps lock tweet.
All old people type like that tbh
that's a pretty cool pic tbh, I'd show it off too if it was me in it, even if I don't support the message
Fucking MIDF Iranian shills starting up already. Ner forget that it was Iran that attacked the USA first in 1979.
It was you who have overthrown their democratically elected prime minister Mossadegh in 50's when he wanted to nationalize the oil idustry which was under Brits. Look up Operation Ajax. You have reinstated an absolutistic monarchy who was number of times worse than the current gov of Iran. That has lasted for 25 years, it was no wonder that they have reacted as they did in response.
Fuck off kike.
Death to America tbh fam
We also shot down an Iranian passenger airplane in 1989 killing all on board including 66 children.
Gotta admit, 3rd worlders make unintentionally epic shoops.
You would expect this shit from a 11 year old.
I bet he won't get Jew-censored. Hold on a sec. How and why do these sand niggers even have Instagram accounts?
IMO secular muslims are a nationalistic ally.
Most muslims not.
Destroy isreal.
Thanks for your time.
any direct action from Iran against Afrimerica would provoke an all in response, which would glass Iran in a few days at most. Ooops! Israel's most dangerous enemy has disappeared! and then get ready for greater pisssrael my fellow goyim
Good luck Iran, we gave them a chance and the most educated and informed red pilled generation in US history went and elected an orange kike.
Sean Connery?
And triggers 5 year olds with one and the same trick for 3 years and counting.
Distracting them from Waffen ICE deporting you lot from the country and preparing your pedo leaders for the military tribunals
Go back to r/the_donald, Trumpcuck
Reminder that persians literally invented jihadi style terrorism, before Hafez el-Assad re-invented it for modern times, for the sole purpose of keeping (((burgers))) the fuck out of their borders.
Loads of people spam twitter.
Very few adults photoshop where their opponent works exploding in fire as part of their argument.
Reminder, Zig Forums is a white mans board. Muslims sympathizers may as well be muslims themselves(implying you're not some form a semite) and are deserving of the rope.
t. retarded kike
You will never be white Ahmed.
I'm 100% european celt and hate ahmeds with a passion, try thinking outside of binary boxes, Samuel.
The White House is one of the largest congregations of ZOG. Inside the White House, you have some of the slimiest kikes actively plotting creative ways to destroy White people in both North America and Europe. Hell, Trump's top advisor, Jared Kushner, is so closely tied to Israel that when Benjamin Netanyahu visits the US, Kushner's parents let Bibi sleep in Kushner's room!
God bless Iran, and may God smite this empire that rules over us known as Pax Judea!
That cannot be disputed
Pretty sick of all the muslim dicksucc that goes on on this board desu.
LMao, the World is NOT with him hahaha. This is typical mideast theatrics that work on people who havent been watching hardcore gore on the internet for years. This is retard tier. Trump will make an example of Iran to keep North Korea in line and BTFO China.
stop calling for war with iran you fucking kike
Trump will make an example out of a nationalist regime allied with Arab national socialists against Israel, a country filled with Jews who actively plot the destruction of European peoples all over the world via mass immigration?
Iran is a country independent from ZOG, and they fund groups like Hezbollah that are filled with both Christians and Muslims who work together to fight the Jewish state of Israel!
So do these clowns work for Israel the way the leadership of Palestine does?
JIDF fuck off
Well, why would the guy create such a painting?
Because the White House is filled with fucking Israelis you dip shit!
Late to work heeb?
Never forget that it was israel and the kike CIA that murdered JFK in order to put (((LBJ))) in power who then immediately set about passing the 1965 White genocide immigration act and the "civil rights" acts of "a thousand ways to hurt Whitey."
Never forget that it was israel that bombed the USS Liberty in broad daylight for the world to see and got away with it because the (((US government))) let them.
Never forget that it was israel and the kike CIA that orchestrated and carried out 9/11 as a means to drag the USA into kike bullshit wars in the middle east for the benefit of israel and only israel.
Iran is not our friend. They will never be our friend. But they need not be our enemy either.
israel, including all jews of the world, IS our enemy.
They have proven this fact themselves over and over.
This is retarded.
Why are so many fools insistent upon calling for nuclear war?
There are GOOD REASONS why the no one has used nukes in war since WW2.
I wish that this were true.
Immigration is not down and deportations are not up.
The only group that would benefit in any way from war with Iran is israel.
Pretty much this.
islum is still garbage, though.
Why not work with the USA like NK is? which why I'm asking.
Don't mean you gotta suck their dick.
Kim is a sellout and he'll be next on the chopping block if he's retarded enough to give up his nukes
Iran literally supports destroying the #1 force driving White genocide in the US and Europe. If I'm wrong, prove it
and here you are arguing in favor of pisslam.
Israel and the US support Saudi Arabia and Wahhabist terrorist groups. Iran supports groups like Hezbollah which allow Christians and Muslims to join and fight together against Israel
You really think iranians give a fuck about whites? This is what I'm talking about. Get off their dick.
Whether they give a fuck about us is irrelevant. If they work to fight the Jews, why shouldn't I support their efforts to do so?
Farcry 11 looks great, guys
Hezbollah is basically what burger's militias were back when burger was white. So you know, like 240 years ago.
DTA and 14/88 from Azerbaijan
You mean like Adolf Hitler and every post-war national socialist?
Who are you quoting?
Thanks for making it so obvious
How do the saracens plan on doing that when our civilian population owns ~40% of the world's guns?
Set his house on fire while he’s sleeping
"the modern United States is for anyone, regardless of race"- Mahmud Ahmadinajad.
If they want to fight jews, fine. They still have to GTFO of white countries.
Iranians make up an insanely low percentage of non Whites in the US. Hell, they make up a tiny percentage of just Muslims in the US
I'm talking about muslims as a whole, see the arab infestation in Michigan and Chicago. And California is crawling with "Persians".
That's all good and well but at the end of the day they're all sandnigger scum
Neck yourself cretin.
I don't know where (((you))) came crawling from, but it sure ain't from around here. Otherwise you'd know how valiantly Assad and his friends are fighting against your kind, Heeb.
Like I said, they can fight them over in sandland, but they need to get the fuck out of white countries.
And them being 'based" doesn't prevent them from being inbred goatfuckers. Keep whiteknighting them though.
Ok, but Iranian nationalists want Iranians to live Iran and not in the West. Our interests don't conflict here
Then they'll have no problem welcoming their racial brethren that will be deported from white countries.
This is accurate, also checked. I am sick of all the sand nigs here, it is a libtarded ass state tho (MI)
Better watch out, he'll call you a heeb for not wanting based swarthy arabs in your country!
You think those "Syrian" "Refugees" are actually from Syria? They are about as Syrian as the "Syrian" anti-Assad rebels. And those that ARE from Syria are disowned by Assad's people. The fact is that nations like Libya and Syria are the floodgates that kept those invaders out of Europe, but you're too fucktarded to know that.
No, I'll call you a Heeb for shilling against Assad.
When did I do that, fag?
I just made fun of you for gulping arab cum.
You kikes need a new shilling manual. Your shite is old and tiresome.
What is your opinion on the muslim rape gangs in your country, my English friend?
Just because its called the white house, it hasnt had a positive relation to the white race in a long, long time.
Muslims are only a problem when they migrate, america is a global problem.
Every white man should be chanting death to america.
Agreed. The civic entity known as "America" needs to die. Hopefully the European descended population can create something that is EXPLICITLY based on race. (at least in the still majority white regions. The deep south and southwest are pretty much gone without turner diaries/siege type stuff).
It matters where they come from because you were criticizing Syrians for coming to Europe, when in fact the "Refugees" are coming from elsewhere. Gaddafi's Libya, and Assad's Syria both kept the invading hordes out of Europe for a good while.
Yeah, they won't.
I was criticizing all muslims for coming to Europe, my man.
Never said I didn't think that. That doesn't mean they are beyond mockery though, you sensitive faggot.
One way or another, they are leaving.
Exactly, which is why we need GEOTUS to declare war on Iran for Israel, so we can be blessed with Iranian refugees and even more diversity.
You know what really pisses me off? During that retarded war in donbass, there wasn't word one about allowing Ukrainians to come to America as refugees. Then when this Syria stuff starts, all the antiwhite congressmen were tripping over themselves to import Syrians to America. Fucking ridiculous.
ohh nooo!
Israel controls Iran.
You guys need to stop and consider for a moment.
If (((they))) control USA, the EU, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, South Korea, China, Canada, Mexico, Antarctica, etc etc, then isn't it possible that they also control Iran?
I'm sure you guys understand what controlled opposition is. And why it is necessary.
Remember what Persia used to be.
Compare it to what (((Iran))) is now.
Does that seem like a country that is for it's own people?
[citation needed]
Kill yourself, shitskin,
Iran itself is crawling with arabs.
It has to be liberated from them and from (((islam)) someday, but that's another topic that won't be solved by dying for Israel.
Good one m8.
Arabs are more useless than nogs are in any type of fight.
lmao even 56% white america is whiter than that god awful shitskin homo pit
rent free
>while he causes the (((MSM))) to consistently out themselves
Well sometimes you can wonder, especially with retards like Rohani. Ahmadinejad was a better leader and epic troll.
The only "people" who kvetch about Iran are shitskins who need to get out of White nations. Whether you're a heeb or a "Persian", you have to go.
We know that already. Doesn't mean theyvdint all deserve death. Jews, Muslims, niggers, all need to be eradicated like an invasive species. Just because one demented inbred desert parasite hates/hated another doesn't make either ok
Muzzies are watching way too many holykike movies.
Duginist Third Worldism is cancer. This aggressive cocksucking of China and sandniggers on the far right is cancer. Where the fuck are all these Nazbol shills coming from? Is TRS raiding us again?
Only the rich and degenerate urban faggots are against that regime. I'm not saying they're wrong, but it makes you wonder…
TRS has pushed the jewish line that Iran is a threat to the US.
I agree on a certain level, but on a geopolitical level you have to go back to your Xbox and lurk for 10 years.
Most of the "Persians" in California are jews who were evacuated from the 1979 revolution because they were subversive American assets or sympathetic to the zionist control of the country that had been ongoing since the joint Anglo-Soviet occupation of Iran during the Second Zionist War.