THE NORDIC RESISTANCE MOVEMENT DEMONSTRATED IN ÅBO, FINLAND TODAY The demonstration took place because the finnish government is trying to ban the organization. Antifa and leftist shitting their pants while strong masculine whites lay claim to their birthright.
LONG LIVE THE RESISTANCE! Demonstration kicks off at 26:30
Nothing that's not happening in the rest of the western europe. Same way western european peoples became spineless shits. Democracy, propaganda, Marxism.
Jackson Lopez
The reason you can't do it in America is because uniformed political marches with foreign political symbolism won't do anything to win over the American people.
Thomas Torres
We can do that in America. You just need enough people willing to sacrifice their friends, their jobs, their family relations. To start anew, to be "baptized" as it were into a different reality, as a people unwilling to capitulate. Once there are enough of us willing to do this, the aforementioned sacrifices will seem insignificant, for you will finally have real friends, and with these friends, a people from which to find a wife to start a family unhinged and unrestrained from jewish control. With enough numbers you can start your own towns, create your own enclaves. Form your own communities. Recreate the social network required to match your children with proper spouses, or to find a spouse yourself.
It's time to stop thinking that our current culture must be saved. It has already been destroyed. Our culture is in the past, and in order to bring it back, we must start from square one. In sense that we must rekindle our traditions, and our industry. Without industry we are slaves.
Hunter Hughes
Try again, faggot.
Aiden Long
Found the faggot
Tyler Collins
There are traitors and the same agenda just as in Sweden, just in a different stage
Fuck off (((shill))) Report and sage slide threads
Carter Perez
Don't worry nigger, when the boomers finally die off and whites make up 40% of the population, nobody is going to give a shit about the federal government flag. You honestly believe the "stars and stripes" represents white people with the way government has behaved through both parties? Give me a swastika with coca-cola colors I don't think it's going to matter.
Have the "it's totally a controlled oppo goyim!!! You shouldn't believe in or participate in anything goyim!!! Wait until literally Hitler goyim!!!" poster been here yet?
Xavier Ward
Go go Youtube, the embed video not available in Finland!
Ethnic Swedes have controlled many political institutions in Finland for hundreds of years. They behave like jews except for the fact that they allow the Finn peasantry to retain some of their culture. You will find the same tactics are used in any country where the majority does not have political control. The majority group will be dissuaded from creating their own private schools, creating their own political organizations, controlling their own media, or having their own law enforcement, judiciary, and local governments. Immigrants help with this. When immigrants come to a country, the goal is for them to settle in major cities so political and financial power can be kept from the majority. It is best that the groups are hostile and not easily integrated into the population. Either they need to be indoctrinated to be hostile like shitskins in the US, or they need to come from a country that is already hostile towards that population. When you start seeing these tactics, it is a clear indication that the country is controlled by a hostile minority. Their control exists only as long as they can beat you into submission.
Juan Young
not enough isolated clips and propaganda taken out of this to be shilled hard yet, wait and see if something popular comes out of it
This is great to see, very glad to see Nords stand up. I really wish Americans would do the same, I am so sceptical of the groups here though.
Nathan Phillips
My adrenaline is pumping just watching. I want to do that here in the US too. We have to soon or later.
Luke Fisher
Pretty much this. People underestimate how difficult this actually is though.
Samuel Rivera
This can be done, but the critical missing factor is organization and intelligent leadership.
What went wrong with UTR is that the right wasn't united beforehand. It was basically everyone show up in the heart of enemy territory with no prior vetting or serious planning. As such, a bunch of nutjobs showed up who wrecked the optics, and in general nobody knew what to do once things went to shit.
Contrast this with the Nordfront rally - clean, efficient, organized, optics-conscious.
Joshua Jackson
Very true. The nordic resistance movement invited any and all friendly organizations to this rally in Turku, as long as they supported the cause. But NRM had full control over the event, no flags, banners or signs other than the ones that came from NRM. You can wear whatever symbols you like, but you'll shout the slogans that the organizers have decided on or nothing at all. In the end, NRM looks strong and capable, while also being perfectly open to organizations that want to support them. Had UTR been organized like that, it might've started something great.
UTR2 involved a lot of people who are of questionable creed. For example, Alt-Kike shill Gavin McInnes - formerly and perhaps still a shabbas goy mouthpiece for Ezra Levant - was there.
Few or no of /ourguys/ were there.
Also, it is likely that when "a bunch of nutjobs show up to wreck the optics" they are shills being transported to the event and paid for the day by our adversaries.
After all, jews like to use proxies - in the Middle East, in Europe and most likely here too.
why dont you pick up rubbish or police the metro at night to keep people safe. do these people not understand the optics of angry white men marching down a street gets you compared to nazis and turns off 99% of the brainwashed public from your message? you think you can undo decades of indoctrination with a few piss weak marches?
Marches are indeed worthless as are all of your reasonable ideas as the Jew brainwashing the general public has been through is so total and scientific in it's design that even when their faces are rubbed in undeniable truth of Jewish crime/predation/intentions to commit white genocide/that the holohoax was a fraud, etc they'll still deny it or blame themselves/other "evil" whites for whatever bad that did or did not happen as Uri Bezmenov pointed out.
Anyway all of your ideas especially the food give away ones would be regulated to death by libtards to prevent said handing out of food/supplies and the rest would be swarmed by antifa fags/libtards/SJW's ruining any possible chance of changing our collective public image for the better.
Nope, its as Dr. Pierce said a long time ago (not in these exact words) only longterm privations, massive suffering and loss of creature comforts (HDTV, refrigeration, home heating and cooling and stable homes in general) are ever going to be able to change the idiot white public's mindset towards Jews/government and even then their opinions may not be changed in a positive anti Jew way but whatever way the Jews wish to sway them against yet another false enemy unless enough of us continue hammering the Jew truth home to both individuals who will and who will not listen to us.
Planting the seeds of Jew awareness is literally all we can do.
Reminds me of a woman in NRM talking on a podcast, she said they've tried getting a rolling soup kitchen going for homeless white people in the big cities. The fees and red tape they had to go through meant it would be both cheaper and easier to simply pay the homeless to get food themselves. Bizarre.
Lucas Fisher
Figures. I guess every occupied country gets the same censorship.
Attached: EU flag 3.jpg (2393x1592
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Benjamin Williams
Why doesn't every Nordic claim Sami ancestry and spread the claim government is filled with racist invaders who also brought the shitskin mudslimes as invaders. The Sami have the minority protection and are the indigenous.
Colton Long
I think you have been in a Time Machine, and just arrived here from say, 1987 or so.
In the world of 2018 pro-White ideas and White Nationalist narratives are growing in popularity so strongly that the jews have been pressuring all kinds of websites to ban any user who articulates such ideas. Comments on Twitter, Reddit, youtube, Facebook have the kikes in a frenzy. They've been nose picking about censorship in every news outlet one sees since at least the election in 2016.
Look around. You are in the 21st Century now, and /we/ have won meme wars and battles for hearts and minds. All the jews can do now is try to outlaw our ideas.
Nice trips, but the sami are not indigenous, they're just a few nomadic tribes from siberia. There's no evidence they've been on our lands for more than 600 years.
Carter Morris
Not a bad assessment. Didn't think of it in this way before.
Nathan Collins
I do share your sentiment, but there is not a single movement in Finland besides NMR that actually represents interest of european races. I would be glad so see a finnic natsoc movement of the same caliber emerge, but it is hard to see that. All the others are some embarassing suomi ensin or other trash. Sisu seems more of a bookclub too.
T. Finnish nationalist (not a member of anything)
Levi Roberts
Yes, I've seen an increase lately in public normies saying things that can be traced right to our guys. It's like there are fewer layers of filtration now.
We Finns aren't white, nor European you cuck. Go back to Sweden if you don't like it Cai-Göran Natsoc is about Germanic supremacy, i.e. genocide Finnics for the benefit of Fenno-Swedes and Baltic Germans. I knew you were a self-hater
You seem to be retarded. Finns are white due to the white of our skin, blue of our eyes and light of our hair. Surely we are not kin of germanics and I feel pride in my finnic roots but it is insane to make enemies among our european neighbors. National socialism is not an ideaology just for the germanics, it can be applied to every nation in earth if they have a soul for it.
If you want to larp as a mongol or some turanic turd eater, do it in private.
Chase Wilson
Rise White Brothers!
Thomas Young
Are you literally retarded?
Matthew Nguyen
Only if we are a big enough force in this world can we achieve our national socialist goals and independence form Jewish controlled banking system. Smaller countries are easily bullied by others and subverted, and we are genetically and culturally similar to each other so I think Nordic super state would do fine.
Ryder Lewis
it's banned in eu area, but youtube has new location feature that you can use to by pass
You can go spread that nonsense East of the Ural Mountains if you want to continue.
I agree except the third example is just enemy wording.
James Martin
Nationalists' march from Finland's 100th anniversary last year.
Dominic Cook
Are you high, nigger? National Socialism isn't only compatible with Germany, idiot. It's simply an ideology which states that you should value your people/nation above all and that the state must protect and uphold the future of the nation and wellbeing of its people. It was applied in Germany first, it can be applied to any European nation.
He is a retard/shill/troll for sure, but NMR has a crucial ideologigal flaw in counting finns as nordics. I do understand proposing danes, norwegians and swedes as the same people and they can be made a nation, but finns are finnic. As national socialism ensures a country for every folk, finns should have one too. This doesnt mean close cooperation, military alliances or free trade withing is off the table.
Ayden Thompson
Can confirm that he's a shill. I remember his exact accusation regarding the NRM being LARPers coming up in a lot of Swedish election threads, pretty sure he even used that same image of Homer and that other one of the guy with the coffee mug.
Aaron Martin
Not to mention, too much prosperity makes one quite complacent as well.
Jason Cook
I thought Finland was a socially right-leaning country. Are they not? Are they a leftist shit-hole like the other Scandicucks?
Matthew Bailey
Any country in the West is.
Colton Kelly
As in INDO-european?
Hudson Lopez
Finland isn't "the West." We're called that due to the divide in Europe, not the world. Europe as a whole isn't "the West." Western Europe, Australia, Canada, and the US are "the West."
Christian Wright
Mason Smith
Wut, is Finland opressing the Nords or something?
Cameron Nguyen
Finland is Nordic, but not Scandinavian.
Wyatt Rivera
Funnily enough Finland has been pretty socialist with strong patriotic undercurrents. And there is nothing wrong with socialism ar long as the people is homogenous, hardworking and united. We have seen major cracks in the system starting to appear in the last decades.
That is merely a geographical term. Finnish volk is distant compared to swedes or the danes if you look at the origins. Cultures are pretty similiar though.
David Williams
It is long past the time of demonstrating.
Levi Ward
Lmao look at him shouting mindless slogans like some kind of robot. A real idiot.
I consider Finland part of the West largely due to their anti-communist stance, their pro-Axis stance during the war, and the fact that demographically (at least historically), the capital city of Helsinki resembles architecturally many other Western and Northern European cities.
Robert Turner
NMR wants a republic, with each nordic ethnicity being able to forge their own paths, coming together for strength and survival, not mixing or subjugation. Each region can shape their own laws by public referendums, and is able to elect one representative to the Nordic parliament.
Jose Morgan
rt loves to bring videos about this, they pop constantly up for me as a rt subscriber.
its not MY aesthetics but i dont live up there, i know that everyone wears black in the north. they love it black lmao.
And as long as the socialistic policies are not anti-entrepreneurial, which a lot are nowadays.
Samuel Watson
This. Darren Osborne is a hero!
Jace Taylor
What about keeping this proposed Nordic parliament away from subversion from the kikes? What are their proposed policies regarding the kikes in general?
Oliver Torres
Kikes are not nordic, and as such cannot be citizens. Positions of power are restricted to citizens only.
A nordic constitution will protect the political system from infiltration and subversion, but ultimately the only thing that can protect a good society is men, trained and armed, capable of overthrowing traitors in power.
John Barnes
The original edition of the 1814 Constitution of Norway barred kikes from the Kingdom of Norway, yet the kikes were able to worm their way into the Kingdom regardless, and the anti-kike clause in the Constitution was subsequently removed, only to be briefly revived under Vidkun Quisling's rule, and then removed again after the war. Now today there are kikes like (((Ervin Kohn))) subverting and destroying modern Norway. As much as one can respect these excellent documents like the Constitution, at the end of the day, they're nothing more than just written pieces of paper.
It’s true lunacy. There are literally hundreds of reddit-ideologue shills here. They think that every single thread on the board that doesn’t explicitly conform to their own worldview (hell, even to what they want to see today) is sliding something. The worst part is that because there are so many, it can appear that their civic nationalist bullshit is ACCEPTED.
Daniel Martinez
Its pointless to be "marching" at this point. Unless the marches are with guns and they are killing the niggers and nigger lovers.
Thomas Collins
You dumb motherfucker. You will perish if you don't forge bonds of brotherhood.
Go ahead. Repeat the mistakes Poland, Germany and England repeated. And meet their fates.
Lincoln Rodriguez
Hitler specifically considered finns to be honorary aryans.
Jordan Russell
We are nowhere near this level of spreading that sentiment on the internet. Heck, the JIDF is more efficient. Unless /we/ actually start militarizing our meme-war efforts and start swarming content aggregators with well-written arguments ALONG with some funny maymays the message will not spread, as the rate of those being turned away VS those who join us is too high. This can only be reversed by a united effort where Zig Forumsacks worldwide act as one and disregard their differences for once. I mean, that's the nice thing, on 8, here, you can organized raids! Why are we not doing this?
Hudson Sanders
What a retard. NatSoc is at first detached from race, and even after that, historically, the Finns are part of the "Aryan race", even if not considered "Nordic". Heck, I don't have blonde hair; but going by that would be literally falling for Hollywood memes.
Colton Ortiz
He is just indoctrinated. He probably is inactive either way; just ignore confused people like him.
Our pro-Axis stance was merely a necessity for survival. Finland's modern political landscape is filled with very left and left leaning parties, a lot of their ideologies resembling communism more and more. A quote from a Finnish female politician regarding LGBT rights: "How can you have too much equality?"
Anthony Kelly
Today's situation is not relevant to the war in the sense that it would somehow make the war effort "merely for survival". Who are you to say what the forces felt was the reasoning for the stance? It was friendly nonetheless.
Nicholas Ramirez
I wasn't implying that. I was pointing out how we returned to the leftist ideology cancer slowly after people started "forgetting" how bad USSR was. I'm also certain I know more about war history regarding my homeland than you do. Germany was the only help available and if we would've turned them down we would've lost a lot more than we did. After the treaty we had to chase the Germans out as well just because the Russians told us to.