The jews can censor us all they like, it doesnt matter. Every dollar bill you get your hands on write things like:
"Who are the Goyim?"
"Stop Jewish supremacy"
"Investigate tower seven"
"What is pedogate?"
"Heard of Operation Northwoods?"
"Is MKUltra still operational?"
"Where is the $2.3 trillion?"
"what is operation Mockingbird?"
"its okay to be white"
Lots of people use cash every single day, and a dollar bill with something written on it is almost guaranteed to be looked at.

Attached: IN GOD WE TRUST.jpg (3230x1368, 1.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyone that does what the Jews want them to do. Basically the niggers. Anyone that obeys a Jew is the goyim/nigger

Although it's much more subtle, you can just use a pink or orange highlighter to highlight "FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE" on the top. Might cause normies to look into it and get redpilled on the Fed and its (((owners))).

Attached: 5-U.S.-Note.png (765x353, 646.88K)

Yes, I have seen the code for the tech they use to make it happen with my own eyes.

They don’t use LSD anymore, which is a shame, they had the best LSD from what I understand.

They distributed it to the Jews and their operations everywhere. They did this by actively labeling them as Mossad informants.

It’s what the CNN and Comedy Central are. The program is still active.

What is the Haavara Agreement?

I would avoid that one, because it has been so watered down with obvious bullshit like that Kappy kike. Referencing specific cases would be better, IE: "What was the Franklin Cover-up?"

Don’t sell me short, one of your niggers stole the cash out of my wallet as well as my water.

They deal was to not touch my resources directly. You’re a nigger

And most of the so-called "alternative" media.

Attached: 1b3852f8e8e2c8a35f05485a1a3b3dd586068a64b4e6d97dd816d8f636a7fa7b.jpg (567x851, 121.96K)

It’s what the Kikes turned their back on, otherwise they would all be in their own country, but leftists kikes are pieces of shit.

I know nothing about any of that, I watched Jones back before he got huge. When Ron Paul was still around.

good idea

good idea as well, really any redpill is good

>kill whitey as a false flag

It's also the point watching the Greatest Story Never Told for the first time where it suddenly clicked:
"Why have I never heard of this EVER?"
"omg. the Holocaust is a lie isn't it?"

Not entirely. 60,000 still settled there from Germany. The existence of this treaty which went on for 7 years shows that the whole "Hitler always planned to kill every single jew in the universe" narrative is bunk.

all of these are good,
anything that redpills people and most importantly gets them to ask questions

Your digits nigger, they are gay

If you are worried about passing the bills to a human then just feed them into a machine to get them into circulation.

It would probably be best to do a bunch at once, if it’s always you passing the bills then that’s pretty strong circumstantial evidence over time.

JIDF detected

Attached: 1533617716540.gif (200x222, 1.08M)

Defacement of currency is a federal crime, just sayin'

Attached: 1393424929367.jpg (547x640, 301.11K)

do this

Attached: dollar.png (462x304, 347.38K)

hows that boot feel on your neck?

I for one respect every rule and regulation the head kikes in charge cook up to control us.

money is worthless

Attached: 1375951_321099824696830_865984029_n.jpg (639x852, 90.1K)

I'm just saying don't get caught and alter your handwriting, so that you don't feel the actual boot on your neck.

Attached: shlomo's perfect class.png (600x886, 90.22K)

I wasn’t aware they stationed JIDF on the northern face of the Grand Canyon, because that’s exactly where I am at right now.

Agreed, i should have put in the OP that it is a good idea to write with your non dominant hand or make a stencil

Says the drug dealing communist.

Plenty of dick. She was way the hell over there. Bitch can come closer.

Fuck this, I am going to find somewhere else to sit.

u fucking wot m8?

I think he's going to grab a bowl of matzo ball soup.

Broken bot

No goy. Please!!! My beautiful fiat currency.

Attached: 1465308984557.jpg (782x1080, 74.08K)

Back when he used to hang out with the Loose Change heebs and kvetch about people who blamed Israel for 9/11 and blacklisted conferences where Holocaust "deniers" were present? I used to listen then too, and he was still a kosher shill.

envious much?

Attached: IMG_3757.JPG (3264x2448, 2.26M)

write redpills on them nigger.

Cool but I wouldn't scrawl it over the entire bill though.

Who even uses paper money anymore?


I've heard about the dancing kikes, is there any solid sources on this? I want things to show to people that this was legit

that's not even hard to find, most documentaries that aren't disinfo cover it.
it will still be on pootube, failing that go to shitchute.

I mean I use my debit for a lot of stuff but i still see cash daily

Don't be an obnoxious faggot. Do something like instead.

If you want to redpill people, assume they're smart and just don't have the info. Those who can be redpilled at all are those who don't need giant lettering to understand something.

Attached: titpost.jpg (713x918, 87.53K)

You’re the sissy

You’re the sissy. You won’t approach without triggering the alter you bitch.

Yeah the guy getting assaulted is the obnoxious faggot.

what the fuck is wrong with jidf bots right now?

is not bad, but there is nothing wrong with having blatant redpills

Oh shit! They're gonna backtrace my hatefact shekels! The jig is up! :^)

Attached: 7450300910077bc173fa2ebdb0b122cfd8951eb68a0393df8c705d04cf33b09e.jpg (453x604, 52.91K)


Disinfo nigger spotted

The uncucked.

This is good. I'm going to start doing this. You could also write "did this always say this?" Because most people wont have any idea that it used to say "United States Note".

i wonder what would happen if i argued to my lenders and their financial guarantors, the government, that i cannot pay them back for lending me money for school because the notes that I would do so with have zero value, as they are backed by nothing, and are issued by an international terrorist organization and not my government like they use to be and, additionally, there is no way i can be expected to exchange my time for nothing or offer nothing in exchange for my school loans, as that would deprive me of my protected right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Additionaly, adjusted for inflation (the change in minimum wage), a 2018 working hour or dollar holds less than 1/3 of the value of a 1968 dollar while the cost of living and the cost of school, after the same adjustment of inflation, have increased 3x.

In other news:

no it isn't

you're failing

clean your keyboard

Kek i mean i know its fake but hopefully its real and he uses them to distrubute redpills

Few others i have heard on 4cuck or come up with myself:
"Europe is better? It is more white."
"Blacks are 12% of the population and commit more than 50% of the crimes"
"who runs the media?"
"who runs hollywood?"
"Who runs the banks/fed?"(I would go with banks, normies dont know what the fed is

Im sure you niggers are smart enough to come up with better shit, but im just sharing some good ones ive heard.
Lets make this happen, we could red pill, so many people.

There is room to be creative here, as long as it is a redpill it is good.

Bruh that's like 3 grand tops. Wtf is 3 grand gonna do.

Attached: pathetic.png (672x787, 979K)

They backfire if they're obnoxious. It's like alex jones saying "they're putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay". That much is true, but since he's obnoxious, people laugh about it instead of taking it seriously.

Just make the redpills look good is all.
Funny is better than preachy too. Don't ever come off as preachy or you have the opposite effect of what you wanted.

Attached: gay frogs.mp4 (853x1110 7.71 MB, 77.14K)

I had a similar idea

Attached: Video 10 0 00 17-50.jpg (1280x720, 113.71K)

literally why?

A normalfag looking at that thinks "so Andrew Jackson was an evil nazi? Oh wikipedia says he is!". Terrible idea.

To the niggers that don't get the inference; Herp + Derp = Herpaderp. kthx

Attached: Andrew Jackson.jpg (1165x1749 38.71 KB, 246.56K)


it may spark the question in the normie mind
why would anyone compare Andrew Jackson to Adolf Hitler?
the both of them hated jews for the same reasons

we should capitalize on the left's mistakes by drawing attention to them:
you get the idea.

you have the penmanship of an eleven year old child.

A bill like that gets taken out of circulation and possibly won't even be accepted. Jews want a digital only exchange with no hard currency anymore. So you are serving them.
In other words, OP's a faggot.

found the jew. don't draw attention to it and if asked say you got it from a atm or 7-11 and it will always be accepted. some nigger or spic cashier is not going to care. the number of bills pollacks can propagandize isn't even a drop in the bucket of existing currency. but it does achieve a wide audience irl. when jews want to eliminate hard currency the number of defaced bills doesn't even factor in. but i like that you're wringing your hands over this it means we're on the right track. "oy gevalt those dirty antisemite bastids is using our debt notes against us this is anudda shoah!"

And you conveniently ignore the rest of the post.

Attached: 1465737354256-1.jpg (349x356, 20.12K)

i addressed your entire post, jew.

Attached: on_debating_jews.jpg (612x792, 170.53K)

Nah, you’re still completely wrong.


Thanks, we’ll be writing on even more bills because you don’t want us to do it, moishe.

filtered because your post makes no sense and youre probably a bot

Thanks for admitting you are a jewish paid shill, that you are terrified of these bills being written on, and that everything you said is a lie.

is that a mac keyboard?

Attached: laughingcaocao.gif (320x200, 1.9M)

Friendly reminder to filter shills, don’t waste your time arguing with them.

Worse than that, it’s one of the old Bluetooth ones. It’s not even a full keyboard and the arrow keys are jammed under the right shift.

It'd be pretty easy to make a stencil and then just use a short spray of spray paint. Also just do one side and hand the cashier the money "message" side down, they're not gonna look at both sides, they just slot them into the right spot in the register.

All hypothetically of course, I'd never endorse defacing money since that's a crime :)

I hope he was a nigger enough to just still it from his local university rather than shelling out for that atrocity.

Attached: Laughing DeDeDe.jpg (456x528 13.74 KB, 218.54K)

It's even worse than that. It's filthy af. Look at Q and tab keys.

People who don't want to be fully plugged into the kike matrix.

Indeed, Jackson was based, which is also why he had an assassination attempt. Trump is just a kike puppet wannabe.

On another note, was Nicholas Biddle a kike? I haven't found any proof of such, no doubt that he was an agent and a frontman for the kikes.

Usually it's drug dealers, strippers, kids, tourists, illegals and the homeless. But everyone redpilled should use cash as it's one of the few truly anonymous things left in this world.

Attached: US-Marshal.jpg (1024x681, 194.3K)

I know you're JIDF, but to everyone else reading, there's been a couple of assassination attempts on Trump already.


Jackson had a bullet go in him and nearly kill him because he made moves against the central bank, Trump being "attacked" by some (((gaslit))) shitlib is not the same thing, and all he did was appoint a non-kike to head the Federal Reserve, which is largely just a gesture, since kikes are still disproportionately in the management positions of the FOMC and regional branches.

Fuck is it too much too ask people to invest minimal effort into developing a nice hand style?

Still takes far more effort to investigate such things than if you go cashless instead.

People write on dollar bills all the time: - They stamp the bill with their website and you can go online to track where the bill has previously been.


Some of the best messages that I have read:
Who are the goyim?
Stop jewish supremacy
What is operation mockingbird?
What is the Haavara agreement?
The world is a better place when White people exist.
Every White nation is being destroyed.
Negation of the White race is a negation of Life.
If White people are evil, why does everyone want to be in our nations?
White genocide is a crime against Life and Humanity.

Come up with more you faggots.

You’d have to be mentally ill to think that they track every bill’s dispersal to people, much less where it came from store-wise.


What did he meme by pic related?

Attached: thomas jefferson quote.png (369x252, 84.62K)

Hook it up Feds. Got all this spare dollars laying around.


Also you can’t buy ammo and firearms anonymously.

That’s brown, Greens are Druids and they are all Northern Europeans.