Can we have a thread about IQ here? I came upon this image and started to wonder a bit:

Attached: c285e44fcc3a08e6fbdd1be1baa7f9c6035750e7bd335d63f2adc70facc0f94c.png (2650x1064, 403.27K)

Other urls found in this thread: et al_JCCP2007.pdf
here you go I'm not going to spoonfeed all of this for you

More heritable in children, there is very little evidence that any environmental interventions (e.g. Head Start) have any lasting impact

Short answer is differences in evolutionary pressures were different. Sub-Saharan Africa has no winter, really. If the main challenges to your existence are "random" e.g. predators you have little chance against (lions, crocodiles), disease, etc. as opposed to very predictable yet severe challenges (winter) then reproductive success is less dependent on being an exceptional individual than on not being the "unlucky" person caught by a chance event. Can look into Lynn's cold winters theory more if you want to.

OOf more heritable in adults I meant…

Does this apply to things such as the critical period as well? I can imagine that if the opportunity for a person to learn languages is not used then their brain is just that much less developed. Certainly then, stimulation of other areas early on in youth will have the reverse effect, provided that the child understands the material and isn't just being fed calculus at age two.

They still had their dry seasons and such to plan for, didn't they? They come around the same time yearly, so it seems reasonable that eventually they figure out they need to plan for them or die out.

And also the best way to change IQ over time is to change the frequency of alleles with a causal relationship with IQ (this is occurring in a dysgenic fashion at present). Any change in such allele frequencies is "evolution" but it's not really an adaptation to the environment. Subsidizing the reproduction of low IQ people is a terrible fucking idea but we do it anyways because someone made the mistake of giving women the right to vote (men, so that's on us).

Abortion is the only successful eugenics program in Western countries. Welfare is highly dysgenic and more than offsets this. This could be less of a problem if accepting shots of Depo-Provera were required of women on welfare and additional children they cannot afford would require they either be sterilized or forego any state benefits from that point forward.
Blacks are less likely than whites to carry gene variants that have a positive causal relationship with IQ. These SNPs related to IQ were discovered by other studies and Piffer 2015 just observed how they differed by frequency and every time we see Africans are less "gifted" in genetic terms. You are not going to change the frequency of "good gene variants" with environmental interventions. No more than feeding someone more than they need will make them grow taller.

They still have bodies of water in the dry season, and you can walk around more or less naked fairly comfortably.

damn thats a lot of spoonfeeding, but I'm bored so I'll bite:

Wechsler Test and I think the new one is called WAIS.

pattern recognition, abstract problem solving, spatial intelligence

this is difficult to do because some intelligences cannot be turned into numbers, things like being good with animals or green thumb.

obviously lol, assuming a healthy environment, the biological IQ arc starts at 20-25 at its peak, after which is degenerates with age. I think you drop 10-15 points until you're 80. Obviously doing drugs and getting concussions worsens this drop. Whatever IQ happens before 20 is a bit of a meme because of the math involved and fake "environmental" effects contributing. There's also brain development which makes it far more difficult to disentangle.

turns out niggers don't gotta do a lotta thinking in the jungle.

We, as well as NE Asians, have to solve the problem of growing enough food in the summer for the entire winter and the time until harvest. This involves rationing your food to yourself, feeding other villagers through the winter because you need their pair of hands to work the field, and developing a calendar to know when the growing season should begin. We are very lucky that the moon's orbit isn't far off our own calendar year.

Africans cannot solve the problems they face, which are chiefly unpredictable flood and dry seasons as well as tropical disease outbreaks. It's simply too challenging without the intermediate evolutionary step of becoming a sedentary farming race first. However, the African environment is relatively forgiving though, with plenty of food all year round. The seasonal environment of Europe is far more predictable, but much harsher. Europe requires methodology while Africa does not. The brains reflect this.

You don't actually think a government has time to take care of every individual's needs and wants right? We have to lump people into groups and then treat the groups as such. Individualism only works among Whites. This system is not sustainable.

No because they aren't White. What makes a "low IQ" White important to us is his membership in our race. We view the world as racial groups, not as fucking individuals. I don't care about "muh smart negro".

They're foreign and compared to us, they do suck.

gas yourself

look, unless you lock someone in a basement for their entire lives, they will be adequately stimulated. Don't you ever notice kids playing and fucking around with everything around them? They will stimulate themselves. Something as simple as drawing circles in the sand with a stick will keep their brains healthy. Fritzl's daughter, who was locked into a basement and never socialized, still has normal intelligence.

After the age of 6, if you use simple language, a kid will understand anything its cognitive capability allows for.

You can't plan for them because you don't know when they'll come and how long they'll last. It doesn't have a neat 12 month pattern like the European climate does. It could be rainy and lush in Africa for generations, and then dry for 10 years straight, as I said, the leap is too far. Contrast that with the strict annual cycle in Europe.

Clearly it took them longer than it took a pack of autistic niggers to go into the snow lands and become White before going fucking back to Africa to subjugate the locals. Whites are more highly evolved and Africans are archaic. They are obsolete. Nature compels us to replace them.

All IQ tests are soft science.
This is an ongoing debate.
Yes. Even during the course of a day - mood, time of day, ect. all effect IQ scores.
IQ scores are rising faster in Africa than can be accounted for by evolution.
Economics, infrastructure and the like.
You should.

$0.02 has been added to your account.

prove any of your fucking claims, especially these:

Attached: suuber geg.jpg (651x1024, 59.02K)

IQ is a myth IQ is irrelevant. Only dicipline and hard work determine if you are able to perform a skill or not.

IQ never made it possible for someone to build a car, or fly a plane. It takes practice and hard work.

IQ is for idiots. Its like determining if someone is a good cook by the strength of their nose.

IQ might help, but it really doesnt get your anywhere on it own and it wont stop you if you put the time in.

If you are for making IQ important you are an idiot

Africa is basically Garden of Eden. Yeah there's disease and wild animals and shit but you can eat just everything that grows and there's plenty to hunt, and that works when niggers live in small tribes where their numbers are kept in check by the aforementioned factors. So they never had any evolutionary need to think ahead.
Then they got modern medicine and their numbers exploded and live in complete squalor because they don't possess the faculties required to maintain our level of civilization.

Some useful tidbits of information related to IQ:
Teaching a child to play certain instruments when young can help boost IQ. Examples would be piano and guitar. Playing African bongo drums or Abbo mumble pipes don't do shit.
IQ tests are illegal to perform at school in some states, due to the fact niggers were scoring low and getting put in special education at a high rate.
Kikebook, online IQ tests are completely innacurate. There is a scientific standard for IQ tests that apply to children and to adults. The online versions are the equivalent of "what Walking Dead character are you?" "tests" designed to be something shared repeatedly on social media platforms.

Oh my, they are niggers. They can not even mantain what was gifted to them, they never built a functional city and so on and so on. Are you a nig?

OP made this exact same thread yesterday

Proof? This is my first time making it, and if anything people who haven't seen that thread will see this one.

How about you use one of the other ones you created last week moshe?

Kill yourself, nigger.

Yeah… Wikipedia does that. If the subject is at all political, they put a heavy SJW spin on it.

Look up k-selected species versus r-selected species. K-type versus r-type explains all of your questions.

To answer one;
Because they live and breed in a manner which r-type thrives. Not the best, not even average in most cases. But rather the greediest members reproduce which creates more greedy members.

Attached: k type r type jew type.png (954x736, 521.03K)

Because Psychology is a soft science, yes.

Is the graphic implying that Wikipedia is a trustworthy or scholarly source? Esp. on the subject of racial biology, it's predominantly a platform for Jewish and radical egalitarian propaganda.

It's always the people who are least exposed to niggers that say racism comes from nowhere. Niggers exhibit unprovoked violence. They're obnoxious and unproductive in the workplace not to mention distractive and annoying.

There are the rare well mannered, professional blacks but it's too rare.

Our soul is filtered by the organ of the brain. When one filters something it withholds something, yes? IQ is pointless.

Attached: rsz_1rsz_web_filtering_blog.jpg (379x214, 15.93K)

This is a shill post. IQ is deeply important beyond any other measures.
Even if you can do a mundane job, managing your life, finances, not abusing drugs or alcohol and investing for retirement all require IQ.
Everyone with a half decent IQ gets ahead by their 30's even if they have something like ADHD.
Low IQ idoits fall into jewish run vices.

Should, but made a world where it's going to have to be impossible at one point.

shills are attempting to shut this thread down so i guess I'll bump it


brainlet statement. look up the effects of malnutrition and mental illness on fluid intelligence.
working memory is a better indicator for success later in life and guess what, you can train that.

Isn't working memory just really short-term memory? Wouldn't it help to exercise long-term memory instead?

Africans have an 80% allele match to chimpanzees. This means they are 80% chimp. In other words…they aren't human or are only 20% human…which is not enough to qualify as human.

How do u get a reel iq test done on you

Augmenting the datastore helps in the long run, the cap for maximum intelligence is reached at a later age, but I believe it to be mostly inherited in humans.
Working memory and processing speed are the main forces behind fluid intelligence. The augmentation of fluid intelligence makes you look once at a citation instead of twice, you'll be the first to understand a joke and … anything really. Short-term memory is much more important than long-term memory when it comes to actual usefulness.

Contact a competent psychiatrist.


Wow. This explains welfare. This is why their culture is not improving. We've brought the sustaining bounties of Africa to the inner cities until they reproduce beyond the ability of the plains/gibs. In short, they must starve to improve.

was online…bunch of biologist fooling around with GEDMATCH ran a bunch of DNA comparisons between monkeys and humans…found that all the races share higher allele percents with different monkeys and apes…people were freaking out on the chat board when they posted it…saying it was going to cause great social upheaval and that it should be immediately retracted. And what do you know…the kikes eventually got around to deleting it (also showed that kikes are 40% black…so they have chimpanzee alleles as well due to their mongrel rapemixing (whites have ZERO), which explains their hatred of us. Kikes are the 'bridge' between black chimpanzees and humanity. Link if you want to follow it but there is nothing there…

Attached: Jewish and Black DNA.jpg (526x470, 83.6K)

A real Stanford-Binet IQ test is shit like a table of blocks with different color/shapes/designs on every side, then they show you a picture and you have to use the blocks to make the picture. They had me take that after 100%ing the Iowa test standardized math test at like 12. 154 IQ bitches. I was offered a scholarship for rocket science.
I guess Zig Forums caught snippets of the data as well…

Attached: chart of IQ standardized test NYT.jpg (1333x752, 447.4K)

It says for me the thread does not exist.

Ah, and so, here we are - we have finally achieved the state of normalization of the "what do you think about X?"/"how does X make you feel?" threads that are so common on cuckchan.
This board is finally what I expected it would become: smaller, slower cuckchan.

They deleted it that fast eh? Ok…fuck these fuckers

Download it NOW

Attached: Why Jews Fear Europeans.jpg (9740x5994 780.53 KB, 5.03M)

Always so funny that they divorce themselves from 'other jews' to retain these percentages. What would the data look like if they included their mongrel bastard nigger kin? LMFAO.

This does sound retarded but I know some very book smart people who are god awful in a garden. The overwhelming majority who try to grow marijuana grow complete shit even after years of doing it. Personally I find it extremely easy.

Iq is a myth, iq is irrelevant

1) iq does not determine how well you do something, you need practice. A person with high iq and zero experience still cant cook

2) who made this standard, who determined they had a high "iq" and determined what questions prove this. Are these questions and answers logically reproduceable or subjective? If reproduceable then there can be a field of study to teach high iq. If subjective then its an art.l not a science and has no place among math and physics majors.

I had a discussion with my friends about white iqs and nigger iqs and he defends them with "they had no education" and "couldn't work in the hot sun" although I told him about their melnin and they never invented the wheel or anything.

What is the problem with normies and we all hooman räce and all the same?

Attached: 11519615.jpg (504x504, 54.98K)

They are being intellectually dishonest. It is one of the largest problems with Europeans. If we were all hooman they would have no problem moving into subhuman neighborhoods and living with them…but they would rather lie from a DISTANCE than confront the truth of the matter which is that WE AREN'T EVEN REMOTELY SIMILAR TO THE APE PEOPLE.

intellectual honesty would require them to come to the ONLY CONCLUSION that is possible on this planet. That these mongrel 1/2 apes don't deserve to live on the planet…that the planet BELONGS TO HUMANS, not 1/2 animal apes, since jews and their pets are MAJORITY APES they don't want you to know that they need to be exterminated BECAUSE THEY AREN'T HUMAN

Hold on a second, what is this graph saying?
Differences of 0.01 are pretty small, no? Chimpanzees are an entirely separate species from humans, and no amount of efforts have ever crossed the two. If anything, this image seems to indicate that Africans lack Denisovan and Neanderthal DNA, and that they instead crossed with other sorts of ancient human subspecies. I don't think they necessarily screwed monkeys, but that they seldom came into contact with Denisovans and Neanderthals in lieu of other kinds of people.

Nigger tier logic. You are comparing IQ which is the ability to solve problems vs a skill.
Think of Apollo 13. High IQ is the ability to figure out how to filter a space capsule with a box full of junk.

Found a few articles on this

Which is why the military has been using them for decades. Okay. And it's not as if there's a correlation between IQ and income, likelihood of going to prison, reaction speed and basic human decency.

It's (((fake))) because if true, the legitimacy of the political hemisphere left of center collapses overnight.

Attached: 1457886571095.jpg (352x344, 54.29K)

It'd look bad, but here's the rub: Even THAT data is based on WILDLY inflated figures.
I'm going to do another one soon wherein I utilize the baseline of Ashkenazi as has been shown by the only quality studies there have been - there have been VERY few quality studies in this capacity, but there have been a few, and those suggest Ashkenazi, AT BEST, are looking at like 105-017 average.
Which means those total numbers would come down a loooot.

Yes, but that's not really 'intelligence' m8, its just a skillset, and those two terms are not necessarily synonymous. That a given skillset fits your behavioral predispositions doesn't equate to some sort of 'intelligence' in that capacity, at least, not as regards what we're talking about here.

A completely worthless commentary, no offense, as IQ really DOES contribute to the determination of your effective capacities.
If I take three people, IQ 70, IQ 100 and IQ 130, and I give them all the same degree of experience/training in cooking for example, generally speaking, the functional output is most-likely to fall into the line of IQ70

Also, while I'm here…

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (4856x1296, 785.33K)

Ability which problems?

Solve math problems , learn math
Solve construction problems, learn civil engineering

IQ problems if they are rooten in a scientific method should be possible to be taught, if not they are a dibjective art

So show that IQ determines better problem solving capability? Set up an expirment. So far its just conjecture.

You wont know how to solve a rocket science problem with just IQ … you need to study the general science and foundation.

IQ produces no value and no one has argued or shown that it does.

Correlation does not equal causation. Learn to be a real scientist and provide proof.

The burden is on you. Until then high IQ is just as valuable as being tall

Well, this is what I gathered from it all…we all share the same 'building blocks of DNA' but we don't share the same arrangement of those building blocks…(when I am done with vacation I am going to start researching this more so that I can build my biological super weapon that will free the Earth from this plague of mongrel dogshit half animal DNA, KEK)…the alleles are the arrangement of the building blocks. So you could be 100% European but if your alleles in your arms were arranged in the same pattern as a whale, you would have whale flippers instead of arms. There are the building blocks, and then there is the pattern that they build via emergence. So when a nigger has a 60-80% match to chimpanzees, it means that they have that as a majority pattern of their half human DNA…they will tend to chimp feature, chimp behavior, chimp IQ, chimp culture, chimp values.

The jews are the same way they share so many of the same allele patterns with blacks that they have the same value systems as a troop of chimpanzees and many of their physical characteristics. Homo/pedo, genocide, torture, cannibalism (vampirism), usury (gibs)…you know…all the values and culture of 'jews'…and niggers…they both share the same DNA.

This is why I am constantly saying that they need to be exterminated OFF THE PLANET…because they are nothing more than chimpanzees in human bodies…running around with human capacities and tools.


Daily Reminder

-> = primary/significant vector of influence

Physiology -> Psychology -> Behavior -> Culture -> Society -> Civilization

You should look into the Matrilineal belt.

Buncha atoms can't really think about themselves, can they? They form new things when they are arranged a certain way, so maybe not physically, but abstractly, and those things form things beyond mere "atoms".


It is time for Europeans to START FUCKING LISTENING to the things jews and nigger SAY and DO; stop thinking 24/7 that they are human in other form…they are not HUMAN…the are an GENETIC ABOMINATION.

Yeah that thread that blew the Ashkenazi 'IQ' out of the water was pretty humorous as well. I hope you continue I saved both chart you posted, highly relevant.

This was the purpose of them making the entire Earth 'in their image' (disgusting, deviant…ugh, just GET IT OFF ME, right)…they are trying FORCIBLY to eliminate any opposition to their chimpanzee values and DNA. When they realized that people who ARE STILL HUMAN don't want to comply with their chimpanzee values they decided to genocide us via rapemixing (for European women) and porn (for European males) to condition us to accept their culture and overwrite our own and our own brain structure with their 'programming'. THEY NEED TO BE GENOCIDED OFF THIS PLANET if the planet is going to survive.


The evidence against these jew/nigger mongrels grows every day. They have managed to bastardize almost the entire Earth with their DISGUSTING nigger DNA and Europeans are still not capable of coming to an understanding and agreement about what ABSOLUTELY MUST be done to preserve ALL the Life (non nigger abominations) of the planet.

I keep posting these picts hoping that people will come to an understanding of what has been done on Earth…and how far the semitic contamination has spread. This is the most serious question of the history of the entire Earth.

Attached: Islamic slave trade routes map chart african.jpg (1024x654 67.96 KB, 161.28K)

Attached: notsendingtheirbest.png (1703x855 1.91 MB, 744.68K)

If you have a high IQ, aka you have a demonstrably greater-than-average cognitive expression as a result of the traits of your cognitive platform, you will almost-always out-perform those of a lower expressed cognitive condition in terms of complex actions/behaviors like those associated with, say, mathematics or civil engineering/architecture.

Nah, that makes no sense in context.
Just because something is born of the scientific method does not suggest it can be taught - examined, observed, better underdstood, surely, but not necessarily 'taught' in the context of advancing cognitive expression.
That said, I'm pretty sure that you CAN teach 'high IQ' to some extent, by simply exposing potential subjects to the contextual traits of the questions - themselves derived to attempt to generate an unbiased measure of expressed cognitive capacity - and thereby generate familiarity.
See: The LSAT. If you were to give the LSAT test to an IQ 100 individual, then you were to take them and train them in the context of the questioning platforms, place them under appropriate stress to simulate test time limitations, etc etc, they likely would come out with a better score on the IQ test… However, the tests themselves are generally designed in the context of subjects who are NOT espousing hyper-familiarity with the testing context, so such 'preparatory' efforts merely act to sort of bypass the intention of the questions to generate an outcome that is not as-indicative of the expressed cognitive ability of the subject.
tl;dr: The test is designed for people who haven't spent fucktons of time getting hyper-familiar with the context of the questions (as opposed to simply engaging the questions without that degree of hyper-familiarity), so if you spend that time, your results are not liable to be as indicative of the intended area of examination as would be otherwise the case. Or to put it another way, if you train a chimp to always touch a red spot you put on it when exposed to a reflective surface in order to get a banana, its response to a mirror is not as-indicative of its normative response to such stimuli as if you simply exposed it to the mirror.

Its not though, that's basically what IQ tests are: attempts at measurement of problem solving capability.
Each question is designed in that vein, to create a problem that requires a certain manner/degree of cognitive complexity or expressed capacity in order to effectively solve, and the overall test represents this within the capacity of a limited period of time. IOW: Here is a list of problems that measure various traits, solve them as best you can in a given timeframe, your results place you somewhere on a spectrum of results derivative from the overall human population.

And someone with a higher IQ will demonstrate a greater capacity to solve that rocket science problem. Again, we're back to the cooking example.

All evidence disagrees.

Causation is often nigh-impossible to 'prove' with total conclusivity. A 'real scientist' would know as much. No offense.

And being tall is super-useful in a great many problems - if you put a ball 7" in the air and ask 10 people, ranging from 4'9" to 7'4" to grab it, height is obviously going to be a major factor.
And that's another potential concept of how to understand IQ test questions: Each one is the equivalent of a cognitive ball raised to a given height, and those who are better-able to functionally solve those problems in the context of testing are those with a greater degree of expressed cognitive capacity in that context, the result of testing in said vein being grounds for identification and placement of that individual in the context of the spectrum of results.

The 'jews' (mongrel niggers) are facilitating the expansion of niggers (through the 'slave trade') and contaminating the DNA of the entire Earth with their disgusting 1/2 animal DNA.

Attached: skin tone rape iq homocide map world.png (3428x2888 568.14 KB, 744.51K)

Depends entirely on how your organize them.
I don't think they do. They form into conglomerations of different sorts, and those conglomerations form into conglomerations, up to the point of forming cells, tissies, organisms and the processes via which they function.

Tell me this: If I go in and start removing atoms, can/does that have effect upon what 'you' are? Depends, doesn't it? If I take off your big toe, not so much - if I take a big-toe-sized clump of "atom conglomerations" from your frontal cortex, well… The remnant atoms won't be doing a whole lot of thinking either.

I know, I was doing a lot of the research in that thread.
Good, I've seen them around, and they really help to eliminate the camouflage this "high jewish iq" shit presents in the context of their overt over-representation in media, finance, academia and government.

I am inclined to agree with you here.
I am less-inclined to agree with you in this context, but it doesn't really matter at this time. I will say, however, that I am generally in agreement of the idea that some of these creatures are representative of a sort of hominid-stage pathogenic response.


Two tribes, two species, two set of bacteria go to war.
One of them utterly genocides their enemies in battle every time they meet. The second one is altruistic and lets their enemies live. Over time, which group remains alive? Remember, we were the vast majority of humanity at one point, but they have genocided us whenever they found us and diverted ALL of our resources to feed and raise their own kin. They approach as slaves and leave as masters…you work to fucking feed shelter educate and advance THEIR KIN IN YOUR NATIONS VIA THE WELFARE STATE AND AID TO AFRICA, etc.


We are what, estimates range between 4-10% of humanity on the globe now, and decreasing in number across the board as they attack us with rapemixing, chemically, biologically, through drugs, wars, torturing us to death and planned starvation? But we used to cover the Earth on every continent we were the majority…we were the dominant culture and species. We are a miniscule remnant of what we were.


God damn it…I am so frustrated. I would kill them all in a heartbeat wipe them entirely off the Earth for the things they have done upon it, if I could just figure out how to do so.

Attached: enternal sentry white genocide 2.jpg (1446x882, 253.9K)

I mean yeah your urban city dwelling ass needs some shit to eat don't it?

You aren't actually about to claim that being a better farmer because of a superior innate understanding of plants and animals (on a genetic basis) isn't intelligence or heritable.

That's why a lot of people can't figure it out to save their lives, perhaps literally.

I know that we are talking about the highly abstract cognitive functions only, which are easier to measure, but for these other intelligences (which are necessary for survival), the best measurement is "who is the best at X in the village". An intelligence is a problem solving capability, and successfully raising crops sure does seem to be a solution to a difficult problem.

You'd be the next Einstein of genetics if you could mathematically formulate a normed measuring stick. Fst is a fickle thing and only works within a data set. See my attached graphs for Eurasian populations, also using Fst, but the units are of different magnitude.

It helps us make babies to think that we are greater than the sum of our parts.

gif related

Attached: ethnocentricism always wins.gif (995x942 763.45 KB, 431.59K)

But in our case the traitorism is within. The humanitarianism is applied to what IS NOT HUMAN. The 'ethnocentrism' is applied to what IS NOT HUMAN. We are following 'the winning pattern' but doing so for an ALIEN ABOMINATION on this planet which is inhabiting our nations as the Cuckoo. WE are supporting the dominance and growth of something THAT IS ALIEN TO EARTH…


Attached: planet of the apes.jpg (2000x1000, 578.61K)

Here is an idea: could we have one thread on race phycology that ISN'T just "muh IQ"?

Thus is life on Planet Jew.
See the post below for a graphic detailing how it works out when you don't take on an ethnocentric position.

Yeah, but I'm actually a rural-dwelling person who has a garden that's been on-going for nearly a decade now, so…

I am indeed.
Further, I'm going to suggest that 'innate understanding of plants and animals' is something I don't believe exists, at least, not as I perceive you implying.
A greater propensity towards behavioral patterns which may permit a 'more conducive' paradigm of interaction with other organisms, perhaps, as its certainly possible - but, in the context of cognition as discussed in this thread, I do not think it applies.
A high-IQ individual is most-likely going to have an easier time figuring out the skillset we're discussing than a low-IQ individual, and I don't think I would describe that status as an 'intelligence' so to speak.

Yes, that is exactly why - its a skillset, specifically one they have little exposure to the context of, and thus even high-IQ individuals may struggle with it in a modern context. But in the past? Lots of people engaged in agriculture, and I'm quite certain that those of a higher-IQ base were better farmers/livestock handlers than those who were not.

I am inclined to suggest that the measurement of such will almost-invariably find the person with the higher-IQ to be better in said context; but, again, its more of a matter of predisposition to a set of behavioral patterns, some of which may not be linked to cognitive capacity (ie greater/lesser empathetic response may translate to greater/lesser behavioral predisposition in the context of concern, regardless of cognitive capacity).

I agree to an extent, however, I would suggest that the problem solving capacities in play are misrepresented by your commentary; in that, it appears to imply a dissociation from the problem solving capacities that're the primary focus, which I believe are the same which would apply to something like raising crops.
I've done some basal-level agriculture, and I would suggest that those espousing the traits associated with a high score in IQ testing would translate to high degree of problem solving capacity in the context of agricultural pursuits.
tl;dr: I don't think 'green thumb' is its own 'intelligence', per se, but a skillset which is best-espoused in demonstration by those who espouse a high level of cognitive capacity as would be measured by IQ… still tl;dr: More intelligent people will have a 'greener' thumb within the spectrum of results if such testing were somehow applied.

I don't know why, if that's the case.
I'm a pure materialist naturalist sort of person, and I have no issues with wanting to make babies, even acknowledging we're just conglomerations of atoms forming into variably complex matrices.

I dunno, can you spell psychology correctly?
I wager the answers to both those questions are one and the same: we could, but its not really important enough to warrant being a priority.

How about this: Instead of being a whiney faggot who contributes absolutely nothing of import or insight, you bring up a topic you'd like to discuss and see if others are interested in discussing it with you?
You clearly have something you want to get out there and address besides "muh iq", so spit it out already you cunny-mouthed queer.

No offense.

Oh, and if you were for some reason attempting to initiate a discussion of race in the context of algae, my bad man.

Woops, and I fucked up and missed the citation.
Second part is obviously for you fella.

Less caps lock and neuroticism please. Calm down, we are trying to look like intelligent people here.

Ethnocentricism is a strategy available (and historically practiced) to every racial group, and we see it in monkeys too. Chimpanzees regularly go on brutal genocide campaigns against other tribes. Dehumanization is an evolutionary strategy, it makes the enemy easier to kill, and yes, we should redefine "human" to refer to Whites only. But please go relax.

You want to start by contributing something like the distribution of the Big 5 traits?



High IQs also tend to be unsociable or autistic, what makes you think those are good prerequisites for interacting with animals?

This is essentially just semantics at this point. Intelligence exists outside the IQ scale, obviously, just not in the way leftists want it to with their stupid invented nonsense of "emotional intelligence" or whatever.

How come niggers and arabs make such terrible pet owners then?

To disprove you I'd have to find a low IQ population that is agricultural, which is exactly what happens with subsistence farming in India. They would probably suck at a math test but they can grow food, at least to the extent necessary not to nigger-mode starve to death.

Which, just like reading, seems to imply that its outside the high abstraction level the g factor is measuring. Of course the smartest farmers figured out increasingly smarter ways of farming because they had the higher intelligence to make sense of heritability in plants and animals.

Its a safe bet but not necessarily.

Hopefully. But I have my doubts.

That's not how you get people fucking and fighting though. We are fundamentally religious beings and need god (in some way shape or form) to justify our existence. I'm not coming at this from the perspective of a proselytizing xtian, but from the evolutionary view on religiosity as such. God is a necessity to a healthy race, and I am proven right by the modern irreligiousness and direct correlation with various mental illnesses and filth.

Thus proving my point.

I don't care about 'looking intelligent' I care about saving my people…not how I look to outsiders. Do you really think that people come this far, bucking the status quo to all of the sudden 'be worried' about how they look to shareblue and the leftist retards that troll Zig Forums? Fuck them, they should know that my world is RULED by anger, passion and lust for murder and that I live to see the day when they are executed.

would be interested in a study about working memory rather than IQ

tfw reddit spacing is real

This is the best free online IQ test I'm aware of.
It's Raven's Matrices, which is the most G-loaded single test.
It will probably give you within 5 points of your full-scale IQ unless you are very biased for or against verbal intelligence.

IQ is a convenient way to put willpower aside.
IQ without willpower will only make you a better slave for the government.


There actually are multiple IQ tests professionals use but anyone can do better or worse depending on which test they took and which they would have been best or worst at. To take an actual test you often have to pay a psychologist to give you the test and assess you. I was given an IQ test once in school but I am not sure how official it was because I don't know the name of the test.

dude relax lol

The Terra Nova is an intelligence test.
The ALICE test is just a straight up IQ test.
The Austrian army also gave us IQ tests.

Safe to say I scored in the top 3% echelon on all three. Was pretty kek hearing the potatoes exclaim that they don't know what to do with the shapes.

I took two batteries so far; the 1st score was 128, and the 2nd score was a 132. The difference was a matter of eating breakfast

Mozart wasnt even alive when the first IQ test was done in the 1800s. And Nobel prizes stopped being IQ and achievement based post-WW2.

The creative behavior of the Cro Magnid races, or the Aryan, is unique and measurable only by its highest achievements like the moon landing.

Attached: boundless space.png (533x300 2.03 MB, 7.43M)

I don't know, the local Himalayan natives were always climbing stuff and were the ones who guided other adventurers up those slopes.
Pic related

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thanks CTR for reminding us of inconsequential contributions by locals no on cared about.

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I'm not just bringing up token niggers, I'm telling you you're wrong.

You are bringing up token niggers.

Who's idea was it to go to the north pole?

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I'm not the slimy goal-post mover here, you are.


Attached: proofasiansaresmarterwiggas.png (437x586 800.31 KB, 124.16K)

Listen schlomo, members of my race are the ones that pointed at the highest point on the planet, or on a point on a map that we invented centuries before, and demanded that we go there and plant a flag "just because its there".

Who landed on the moon just because they could, or went to the deepest point on the surface of the Earth in the Mariana Trench?

The other races cannot even conceptualize this calling of the infinite.

jews only parasitize. The ceiling of their accomplishment is linked to whatever race they have colonized and are riding on the back of. Einstein's case is one in a line of many, his "great accomplishment" (partially plagiarized) was nothing more than the other theory left standing from the Michelson-Morley experiment. The postulates and implications of those postulates were written before Einstein's birth, it was just up to the physicists to do the experiment that would set our course.

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Some of these regional personality profiles may seem counterintuitive. In particular,
stereotypes about national character usually do not portray East Asian cultures (e.g.,
Chinese, Korean, and Japanese cultures) as those where people are in a great deficit of will
and determination to work hard toward their goals (i.e., low conscientiousness). Our ISDP
findings challenge not only intuitions about personality stereotypes but also certain rea-
soned expectations about the relationships between personality traits and objective societal

Hahahaha, the second link. Asians actually have higher neuroticism and lower levels of conscientiousness. LOL! et al_JCCP2007.pdf

Attached: race.jpg (606x401, 51.37K)

My thoughts that iq is very much just a memory and pattern recgonition test.

Iq shoud not stand for intelligence unless we are equating that to memory and patterns which i think most would consider very shallow.

If this was intelligence then you would think that there is no difference between one person taking a test open book and one without … but there seems to be something beyond memory and seeing a type of problem.

There is the simultaneous comparing of known information. Which some seem to lack. I would put it that intelligence is not only seeing the patteren but also seeing the anti patteren

Even before we discuss the test we have. Ask how do we define intelligence. Then ask does this test accurately test for that?

If not the IQ is like KFC … just an acronym

experience still cant cook
Given a desired outcome one adept at abstract reasoning will tend to comprehend the process and implement it more quickly and more efficiently than another who is not so gifted. This will tend to be true regardless of training.
You can teach almost anyone to play chess but this won't make them a master. That those taught some skill may best a naive contestant possessed of a higher IQ doesn't negate the existence of an innate difference in capability. You could measure it as a the difference in temporal investment and that difference transcends discipline. Whether you train a chef or a player the end is the same. Some people learn not only faster but achieve a much greater depth of understanding. Your questions aren't without merit but your conclusion is invalid. You may teach a skill and proceed to measure it subjectively. You cannot teach an ability and yet it can still be measured, objectively.

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No shit that outliers can potentially exist everywhere. However the average IQ of a society is the most crucial factor, because in a society that's just not intelligent enough you could have the most intelligent man in the world born there and his prowess would be just squandered. Isaac Newton or Nikola Tesla couldn't have achieved what they did if they were surrounded by primitives hunting with sticks.

Why is it that Inuits aren't as accomplished as whites despite having basically a permanent winter?