as a certified Autist Sperg basement dweller shut in, with a photographic memory and an IQ of 128, who spends several hours per day since 1998 researching NSA and the Deep State, reading tens of thousands of pages of their declassified Top Secret dox, i can deliver one ray of hope to Zig Forums.
Bluffdale seems like the embodiment of our greatest fears about this Orwellian Dystopian Nightmare.
Bluffdale seems invincible. it's a military base with surrounded by hundreds of acres used as a firing ground to test artillery. presumably NSA spared no expense and assigned their sharpest minds to design Bluffdale to be impervious to every form of attack. because Bluffdale is the NSA's crown jewel, their most prized possession, the most important asset in their SIGINT portfolio.
but i know how to destroy Bluffdale.
i spent hundreds of hours pouring over Bluffdale County public records looking for the one teensy tiny Achilles' Heel in NSA's masterplan.
and i found it.
the NSA invented magnetic storage devices that can scale to Yottabytes, but they fucked up one mundane detail.
the fields around Bluffdale are a fire plain.
i had to dig back through old County dox about the history of wildfires in that area, and i discovered the Fire Dept complaining that the wildfire preparations are lacking.
then there's the UPSTREAM source of water which NSA requires to cool the acres of cpus inside Bluffdale.
that water head is the South Jordan Water Consevation Treatment Plant just 3.4 miles up the road from Mount Doom.
Bluffdale may be missile proof, but the SJWC treatment plant isn't.
let's say a squad from the Northwest Front Waffen SS blows up that plant. then let's say another squad sets fire to the fields ringing Bluffdale.
now NSA has a dilemma. their water taps are shut off. do they redirect the water they have to put out the wildfires, causing their millions of disgusting peeping tom cpus to meltdown? or do they continue cooling their citadel of perversion and let the wildfires approach and eventually meltdown the cpus? or does the site commander ordet "pull it", initiating the Bluffdale self-destruction sequence, and then evacuate the handful of MSCE sysadmins, taking their most prized pizzagate elite blackmail loli videos with them?
oh yeah, the Northwest Front SS laid mines all over the wildfire fields, but NSA won't discover that unless they choose door number one.
me amigo, personally, i'm hoping NSA chooses door number three and self-destructs HAL.
there is a gratifying and delicious irony in forcing the Enemy to willfully destroy their own most prized possession. if we destroyed Bluffdale, it just wouldn't be as much of a psychological warfare cherry on top as making NSA destroy themselves.
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