USA/Trump Cucks Canada and trudeau on NAFTA

OTTAWA — U.S. President Donald Trump is suggesting Canada has deliberately been left on NAFTA's sidelines as one-on-one talks heat up between Washington and Mexico.

>"We're not negotiating with Canada right now," said Trump, who has frequently complained about Canada's supply-managed dairy sector.

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Kek. Cucknada can't be forced into anything. If Trump had a set of balls not held by the kikes, he would break nafta and create a bilateral deal directly with mexico like he threatened to do a million times. All showcasing for his based magacucks.

So much winning MAGAbros, just like the most expensive aid to pissrael ever he just signed. Definitely a good deal for us. America First!

Top kek. He did always say either renegotiate nafta til its good for the us or to scrap it. I guess mexico has less latitude to virtue signal with.

First post kike post

No, he said he was going to trash it then later back peddled like always because he's slimy lying jew

Good pilpul hershel, try again next time

Whoops, here you are mr. Shekelstein, i laughed too hard at your desperation, forgot to reply to you.
Here's gronald grumpf stating he wants to renegotiate nafta favorably or leave it if he can't

How many do you have in MIC stocks you neocon sick fuck?

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nice goalpost shifting mordechai, sweating bullets that your wars for the tribe are going to end? Trump's a failure and even the most cuckservative naive MAGA republican understands that. You're just trying to misdirect and sully the thread for your the agenda of your masters.

Considering you and your kosher faggot friends are derailing the thread, looks likes a classic case of
the kikes cry out in pain as they strike you
You niggers lost 3 posts in.

Hopeless projection on your part because your entire presence in this thread has been one big fucking strawman after strawman fallacy. You need to review your jwo thread sliding manual semite boy.

I guess he doesn't have a single friend as the same way with Canada.

Of course, why would a mestizo 3rd world shithole side with an asian country over their mexican brethren?

They work in teams.

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Exactly. The entire shitlib party has been destroyed so magacucks will go along with anything Trump does now because the alternative is "unthinkable". Same tactic used in the UK.

This isn't a trump fanboard you maga loving kike.

Wew gotta love the shill money dump during campaign season.

one book everyone needs to read

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When they stop with garbage like a feminist trade policy, maybe Trump might negotiate.

They're also apparently paid by the post.

Attached: Born_to_Jews.png (486x576, 5.72K)

Raking Canada, along with every other "ally" of ours, more than makes up for it. We the jews now.

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Does anyone buy this shit anymore? Go back to r/the_donald or buy a new shill script or something, you're fucking terrible at this

Get a new script, you fucking loser. Also, filter, because I did not come here to talk to jew.

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I think The Trumpenkrieger is just dealing with one silly socialist at a time. Once he has Mexico catering to him on all fronts, he will deal with some Muslim faggot from the future northern states.

For the OP whose thirst for magacock will never be quenched.

Attached: Donald Trumps CNN on Monday Night RAW.mp4 (1280x720, 10.54M)

then post the fucking pdf or mega link

That's a lie and you know it, just like everybody who followed the election knows it.

Why don't you post a source for your claims you projecting cunt? Because you can't

don cuck

Attached: trumpjewcabal.jpg (1104x9958, 2.96M)

No one on here with half a brain is buying it, gas yourself kike.

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He’s playing them against each other. Of course he wants to deal with both, but by simply acting as if he doesn’t, it’s screwing with them. Even though it should be obvious he won’t cut CA out completely


NAFTA is officially dead? Sounds like two different agreements instead of one.
This should be done in the EU. Fuck political integration.
Each member get an agreement with other members separately so there aren't stupidities like the Greeks and Germans sucking up the whole Eastern Europe and demanding to take muslims in return.


Pictures of assholes do not belong on Zig Forums!

Good. I hope Trump trashes the Canadian economy before the next election so Trudeau bites the dust.

Sheer is such a fucking cuck, I hope he gets embroiled in a sex scandal so Bernier can run.

Seems like a decent negotiating tactic. If all parties were at the table Canada and Mexico would probably show solidarity and stall negotiations because fuck Trump right?
So first things first Trump had to pick one of the two to negotiate with first. The government in Mexico is changing so the current administration there is pressured to get something through. Also by picking Mexico they will feel relevant and important and will want to show they can make a deal without Canada backing them up. Now assuming they do make a deal the tables will be turned and now negotiations will be 2v1 against Canada since Mexico will now be invested in the deal, Trudeau will cuck out and accept the deal saying he was forced. Trump will look good as the US will come out with better terms than if they dealt with both countries at the same time.

Go make sure the Mexicans can still export those cheap car parts

>Cucknanada vows not to abandon Mexico in NAFTA talks (source: