Stefan Molyneux

1, 2, 3, strikes your'e banned

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Hope they ban his bald cultist ass. Also, Fatfuck of Akkad and Paul Joseph Faggot.

Done more for our movement than you.

You mean (((our movement))) goy?

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Molyjew is a faggot. I hope he does get banned and then I hope he blows his Jewish brains out. He had his chance to speak up about censorship and he refused, so fuck him.

Mee Tooo , he wants some AJ style attention.

I only care about furthering interests of Russia, I do not give a fuck about your alt something or are all of no use.

I hope Molyjew gets banned, but for a different reason. He talks in this video about not self-censoring, but that's a lie; the faggot self-sensors every time it comes to the jews. He knows it, because he understands it will get him instantly de-platformed. He'll talk about Israel and give it minor criticism whenever it does something particularly abhorrent, but Molyjew won't dare talk about the jewish power structure occupying the West in any real depth, other than limp admission that there are many jews involved in banking and media, etc.
I think getting whacked with the banhammer will be good for him. I don't think he's a jew like some of the spergs here; I think he's a self-censoring coward that likes to pretend that he's not self-censoring so that he can claim the title of philosopher. But that said, Molyjew is actually very good at what he does: presenting facts and developing a reasoned argument. Today he is open and vocally pro-White. Ban him outright and give him nothing further to lose, and perhaps he will grow a spine and tackle the world's true power structure.

"Oh no, don't ban my favorite efag!"

In the past he did, but I doubt he would now. He's pushing the neo-cohen line like Jonestein.

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Meant to post this.

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Does he cry in this one? What a cock tease.

Top kek my dude

Fucking torposter at it again
Having a jewish mother doesnt qualify you as a kike these days? Have they gotten strict over in israel? Plz let us know

He probably lied about that, which makes it all the more funny.

good one

I'm talking about moving the over ton window.he's a lot cooler to the general public than anything the public university system has produced in decades.

He's our generation's bill Oiriley. Compare his controversal topics to what Bill says to the boomers.

I would phase him out eventually, but people like him are good for getting individuals to not back down when called "racist".

Peterson is making about 800k a year. WAY more than any MSM drone on TV. If people knew how much it paid to be "far right"….

I get he could be a globalist stooge, but I would rather be here now with these possible cons, than to back 30 years into past when it comes to Celeb type representatives that conservatives had..

I call him Molyjew because it's a fun meme, not because I think he's a literal kike. And there are many problems with being a sperg; chief among them that it leads one to accept shoddy "evidence" that is taken out of context, for no other reason than because it says what you want it to say, and gives you the opportunity to sperg out about it.

Wow, bumplocked and all these posters shitting on him? What the fuck is this bullshit? Molyneux is pretty good.

Moly, like most civ nat cucks always stop on the brink of enlightenment. He can come to terms every now and then with undeniable evidence that all signs point to the JQ but like the rest always fail to address it directly for fear of reprisal and labeling. Once he is stripped of his precious arguments and has to accept the failure of libertarians non-aggression principle he may have no choice but to shift further right and abandon his high minded anarcho-capitalist ideals but by that time it will be too late for him. We won't support him for being a long time fence sitter and his enemies will have deplatformed him forcing him into a corner like the rest of the other responsible conservatives waiting for Hitler 2.0 to show up and save them. Let's hope he gets banned and accelerate things anyway we can.

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growing on youtube it's not in your hands

im glad he going to address the jewish question




@ 3:48 is where he gives the classic "If you don't understand IQ, then you don't understand the success of the Jews."