(((Race Realism)))

The Jews sowed the divide and conquer idea as another way to keep the goyim occupied and prevent any real traction against them from taking hold by being able to paint any attack against the Jewish people as "racism" which would inevitably drag African, Asian, and Arabs down along with them, thus bringing all of the previous peoples against
anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.

Don't believe me? Even as early as the 1900s, much of the scientific "work" being "done" to "show" racial disparities in intelligence, strength, etc, were done by, guess who, the Jews.


Ever wonder why they're so opposed to shitskins in Israel too? Because they need to keep the image up for the goyim subconscious, that racial divide is something that not even the Jews would want to deal with, when in fact, they fear a union of the races against their shared parasite.

Ever wonder why the third world is such a shithole? Well, during the Cold War, the Jews had their good goys, the US and USSR, funnel billions of dollars in arms and glow in the dart niggers into South America, Africa, and the Middle East, in order to destroy any semblance of functionality. The third world had mostly functional governments immediately after they were freed from colonial rule, that's why they got let go by the British, French, etc. The Jews didn't like that. So they got to digging their talons in and shredding their societies up via White countries to keep the ages old mindsets alive. And this doesn't affect the Jews' positions at all, they can shapeshift at will between White and minority.

Attached: jewishracism19.jpg (400x225, 32.47K)

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Oh, and also, the ((Second World War)) threw the only functional Asian society at the time, Japan, onto the "bad goys". I wonder why? Oh wait, because they wanted to unite the Asian continent against ((foreign manipulation)).

Attached: jewish racism31.jpg (1527x879, 165.15K)

No, it is filled with niggers. What is going on now is what always happened there in the absence of whites. That they do it with guns and gas and not sticks and stones is nothing but window dressing. The only functional modern states are those led by whites. Jews did not have to do anything other than get whites to ot do anything out of guilt for trying to save the lesser races from themselves.

Wonder how they keep the image alive outside of Israel? Mossad uses intelligence agencies (primarily CIA, FBI) to drug up South America, Africa, Middle East, US/Canada, Russia with opium, cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, and local nasty substitutes like Krokodil, in the case of Russia, or tainted drugs like they were planning with that arab nigger in Canada. They force the drug in every willing and unwilling hole so that the goyim will be busy pointing fingers left and right and never get around to ripping the Jews out until it's too late. I guarantee you, sooner or later, they're going to try to like the opium problem in the US to Iran and Russia.

What are you talking about Africans, Asians, and Arabs are all racist as fuck

Attached: soul sistah.webm (996x560, 7.73M)

Because the Jews can't blend in with their leadership. Majority ethnostates are perfectly fine, but that's why there's only a problem in White countries with racial tensions, where they were too trusting of the Jews a few centuries back and they infiltrated the ruling classes.

kys tard

Or maybe Jews just always play both sides of the fence.

You just contradicted yourself please delete this thread as penance

The drug trade, slave trade, and diamond trade, among others, keep the goyim divided over the true cause. Wonder why so much is coming to surface recently? Like that training camp that got wiped by the feds? Because they know that they can funnel Middle Eastern refugees with a hatred for Whites into the US, and pit the Whites against the Arabs, in their own country and abroad.

All races are lesser races in the eyes of the Jew. See my picture.

I don't need a excuse to hate Arabs

Attached: 153f746331b955d185407d56cfa6b5561664cfae069a62de4fe630f6981ca2c1.jpg (960x638, 112.04K)

Fuck off, shitnat

Hi Shlomo, about time you showed up to damage control.

They most definitely are, but they can cripple any movement as I said in OP by making it seem like an attack on [ALL OTHER RACES] whenever the Jews get singled out. And they keep feeding sources of problems as I mentioned in my replies

You're damaged alright, you fucking niggerloving faggot.

kikes push racial division to turn other races on whites and they push kumbaya crap to whites.
shove your kumbaya up your fucking ass.

They don't even do that racial division is the natural reaction to any multiracial society

So your whole argument is that we should PRcuck on race even though PRcucking never works? Race exists, and it matters - that doesn't mean you should have hatred for other races, though it is understandable if you do. Racialism should never be about dragging others down, but always about raising yourself up.

Attached: 1446175643859-1.jpg (1000x1500, 312.04K)


If you can't rally the minorities against the Jews as well, you'll never be able to remove the Jews.

Nogs, Asians, Shitskins all freak out when you try to assert they're inferior. Even if it is scientifically true, the Jews are using that (and manipulating papers and giving contradictory results) to have the tension play out in a way that stops Whites from mobilizing in any real way. Again, all they have to do is shout "muh racism" and all the minorities leap onboard the train while they simultaneously shame all the Whites for not being "tolerant" enough.

The shitskins don't need Jews help to hate you.
lol just stop

They're numerically inferior to Whites, what other fucking word do you expect me to use

And the Jews just need to keep the drugs and media pump running and dragging Whites and non-Whites in opposite directions while they siphon out cash, technology, and even humans for their own sick pleasure and cult.

Just no.
Non-whites see jews as just another white ethnicity. And what the jews are currently doing is beneficial to nonwhites, so why would they ever be antijewish in any appreciable sense?

"Inferior" and "superior" are infantile ways to view race. The only race that is superior is the race that survives. PRcucking does not work, and the only way to win over the mobs of non-whites (which is unnecessary) is by promoting positive-racialism. Do Jews play on racial tensions? Absolutely. Does that mean you should capitulate on race? No. You ought to read Mein Kampf, because I believe it has a lot of lessons that you should personally learn.

They're doing this on a global scale, not just the US or EU. They might be singing for gibs and acceptance in the White countries but they just have to keep making the non-Whites more and more detestable on the news, in papers (sometimes), and in their home countries worse and worse (and enabling and exploiting their base weaknesses) and the White countries will be forced into confusion over whether or not the drugs and war are the cause of shitskin inferiority instead of pure genetics. And that's where the SJWs can come in and play their white savior game while lumping the Jews in their "inclusivity" and protection.

Besides, if we rally the other races against the Jews (arabs already hate them), we can always deport them back to their places of origin after regaining control of White countries.

Importing fucktons of them into white countries, displacing whites, miscegenation propaganda, and anti white propaganda are beneficial to nonwhites,yes.

Yes, and this frightens the jews because all parasites are dependent on a healthy host:

"In an America in which people of color form the plurality, as has already happened in California, most with little or no historical experience with or knowledge of Jews, will Jewish sensitivities continue to enjoy extraordinarily high levels of deference and will Jewish interests continue to receive special protection? Does it matter that the majority non-European immigrants have no historical experience of the Holocaust or knowledge of the persecution of Jews over the ages and see Jews only as the most privileged and powerful of white Americans? Is it important that Latinos, who know us almost entirely as employers for the menial low-wage cash services they perform for us (such a blowing the leaves from our lawns in Beverly Hills or doing our laundry in Short Hills), will soon form one quarter of the nation's population? Does it matter that most Latino immigrants have encountered Jews in their formative years principally or only as Christ killers in the context of a religious education in which the changed teachings of Vatican II penetrated barely or not at all? Does it matter that the politics of ethnic succession — colorblind, I recognize — has already resulted in the loss of key Jewish legislators (the brilliant Stephen Solarz of Brooklyn was one of the first of these) and that once Jewish "safe seats" in Congress now are held by Latino representatives?"


Low effort, low energy shill post. You should seriously be denied your Shekels.


Please expound on what you’re saying here. Are you trying to claim the races are genetically identical?

fuck off kike you're all getting gassed
nobody believes your easily refutable lies

I want the jews to die, but I do not want niggers or muzzies around.

There are some poisons they are not willing to drink themselves. Real pity, that.
No, none of these images goes mainstream. It circulates here and here alone.
Jews fear dividing themselves into different and competing camps.
This can only happen when our nations are free. There are no alliances between toys and pets.

Non White countries have had jews meddling in them since communism was able to fund movements against Whites. Typically Niggers are extremely resistant to calls to action like politics or work, they have to be beaten and threatened likewise to do anything productive at all. The communists killed and tortured their way in to gathering a following that undermined the Europeans. We would still have Apartheid and Rhodesia if it weren't for jews funding and forcing niggers in to hating the Whites there.

Race realism is a basic redpill but is for the deeper understanding of the ultimate truth meaningless except in regards to the jews.
Everybody with eyes can see that niggers are mentally inferior to eurasians, but do you hate animals because they are animals?
The conclusion of race realism is the fact that jews have biologically inherited traits that make them for the lack of any other word: demonic.
This is important because it means that their cunning and malicious ways are not learned, but inherited, their talmundic upbringing just awakens their latent potential for evil
(There are a few exceptions like Fischer and Menuhin but there are also a few blacks with 100 IQ).

As Evola correctly predicted a new collective has formed:

these paradoxes are signs that the free races of the earth are finally ready to expose the hooknosed wizards behind the curtain.

This guy gets it.