FBI hiding landwhale's phone recording?


It seems unlikely that investigating authorities would be unaware that the driver of the maroon-red minivan blocking the southern exit of 1-way 4th St NE (a Honda Odyssey) was taking a video of the Dodge Challenger's approach on her phone. How possible would it be for us to find a record of the FBI or Virginia State Police collecting this as evidence? If we know the technical name of the evidence, this would create the possibility of sending FOIA requests. Even if they are rejected, having people go through the process could bring public attention to this video.

It wasn't mentioned in court like the Red Pump Kitchen footage from the ground or the aerial footage Berke Bates took from N31VA prior to it being shot down, so it's a lot more mysterious, nearly as much as the Pie Chest video that Sonofnewo talks about.

Previous (limit reached) thread on Unite the Right: and semi-related thread on Cantwell release:

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Other urls found in this thread:


It was a homicide retard. Even the coroner came out and said so along with an independent county investigation.



Post it I dare you
Double dare you
Double dog dare you

Truth my asshole.

Nice lack of sources, being a fat overweight inbred must be real difficult for 1488 class huwite night

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A fatal heart attack caused by the actions of another can still be considered homicide. Your passion is admirable but don't let it blind you.

Trying to derail this quickly?
He's not even talking about the dead whale.
OP must be onto something.

Are you naive enough to think the coroner didn't have any political pressure on him?
Dude didn't want to commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head.

Watch the damn video, the car doesn't even touch the girl who died.

only a peasant third worlder would consider this magapede moron man fat

just starve already, let us eat in peace

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A person with heart issues shouldn't be on a high tension situation like a protest.

Cite one legal precedent and I'll shut the fuck up
Boo , did I scare you to death yid? Is your heart ok?

Got an Idea.

How about we get this mother to sue the university that employs this guy?

Or be a chain smoker
She put herself in danger by being obese and smoking and around a dangerous protest

Excellent idea

It's difficult to imagine someone in such good health like her could just kick off like that; especially with a heart attack of all things

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Agencies must not classify the following as Criminal Homicide—Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter (1a):

Accidental deaths
Fetal deaths
Assaults to murder
Traffic fatalities
Attempts to murder

That's not her. How do you make an effortpost this autistic only to post the wrong heifer?

but would the mother have a case?

Also are these two the same people? Did I find the ham beast?

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I'm not sure my man , I'm not a lawfag

yeah, she was a picture of health

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Guys, please don't derail with discussion about what we think caused Heather Heyer's death. The point of the matter is: the public at large cannot make an adequately informed decision on this without getting access to the 4 videos in FBI possession which they have refused to release:
1) Berke Bates video from helicopter
2) (name needed) video from maroon van
3) from Red Pump Kitchen (owners Lynn Easton+ Dean Porter Andrews)
4) from Pie Chest (owner Rachel Pennington)

Yes, I should have clarified that, the woman driving the maroon van is not Heather Heyer. There's a 3rd landwhale so ideally if anyone can tell me the proper name of the non HH landwhales or come up with a decent nickname, I will use that for disambiguatory purposes.

Sager: I never said the landwhale taping the Challenger was HH. She's probably counted among one of the "injured" though, since she does visible get knocked back by the Odyssey

No, different people. I understand the confusion because they are both superobese women stupidly wearing black shirts on a very hot day. This woman was further south than Heather Heyer. Heyer was north of the minivan, while the minivan driver (Landwhale2) was south of her minivan.

Thank you for the clarification user

The FBI has a fucking, helicopter video of fucking everything from a helicopter that crashed and 2 cops died and it's sealed by court order.


It looks like the same hambeast, butt it's hard to tell when she's on that pallet truck or stretcher whichever that is. Is there any way to crop the blow hole section of her back? Maybe she had an obstruction or she was out of the water and away from her natural pod. AntiFa needs to tighten up on their Wildlife mgt. and rescue training tho

Fair enough.

Mini isn't near as fat as Hamplanet Heather

this is a longer clip of her taken in charlottesville

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The protesters were committing a crime by illegally blocking traffic, (and assaulting motorists), and during this crime Heather died. This makes every protester legally responsible for the manslaughter of Heather Heyer.

we should prolly check on the AntiFa guys to make sure they recovered from their back injuries after lifting a blob of 550 lbs. of unbaked Vanilla cookie dough. Safety first! amirite tho?

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8 people to carry THAT HAMBEAST

that is her. The hair color is an exact match

How does it feel to be right all of the damned time?


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what a total spaz

He fucked him self over with that reaction if he went to court, which is why I'm asking if we should get the mother involved.

We could perhaps pivot things. Just imagine if the mother went on fox news with that Clip. People would feel sorta sorry for us,and become really angry at the communist.

Yes, this was the video shot by Berke M.M. Bates.This is what the FBI is hiding. Its existence was substantiated in December when they used it as evidence for the prosecution prior to sealing. While I did find some public aerial footage shot by a drone, it is shot at an angle where all you can see of the crash is the maroon van being pushed into the intersection. The building obscures all the details on 4th St NE north of Water St.

Mini is cute but it's too vague, we need something more unique.

I've included a comparison of the minivan driver sitting down after the crash to Heather lying down after the crash.

if she's smaller, it's not by much.

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Shit happens and fat bitches have weak hearts.

RIP boys.
Also look at the shirt sleeves. Spic van driver was wearing a tank top. Hammy was wearing a t shirt with sleeves
Also no tattoos on the upper arm either. Spic van lady has tattoos

This is not the spic van driver as dudes comparison pic clearly shows
Hambone wasn't even close to getting struck by ANY vehicle

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In fact one can tell from the blubber layer and white skin that it isn't the spic van driver.
This is fucky boys

I'm speaking legally, not morally.

What's the name of that lady who does body language videos?

So wtf is the fire dept doing there? For these types of situations you cut off the clothing and attach aed pads. None of these niggers have an aed? Why isnt her fat land whale tits flopping out? Seems like incompetence on the part of ems.

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Killing fat people is not murder anyway.

Hamburglar dies from 5mph hit to fat-lobes

She probably suffocated in her own lard and impact had nothing to do with hit.


It is also worth mentioning that giving CPR to a landwhaleperson is often unsuccessful since you are unable to reach the heart thru the blubber.

Same goes for AED, it is far less effective.

"Homocide" is a funny way to describe an independently induced heart attack. She didnt even have a scratch on her, because she was never hit.

I have no way to properly add to this thread but enjoy the bump.


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The jewtube channel is called Body Langauge Ghost , not sure her actual name though
Even I could see that commie faggot was shaking scared. Scared. I could taste it over the god damned internet it was so palpable

Which is why I say bring the mother in,and perhaps put her and the video on fox news.

Sounds good to me.
Got any contact info for fatty Mom? I don't give a fuck , I'll call her and lay blame for hambeast' death on Dwayne the Asian race mixer (degenerate scum)

Mandy Bombard, and it appears that YouTube has deleted her channel.

Yep, she moved a lot of stuff to her own site, but there are key videos missing unfortunately. Like the Ronald Bernard analysis.

See, shit like this is why I'm surprised more people haven't gone full-Nasim, yet.
And they sure were quick to sweep that whole affair under the rug, lest others start getting the same idea.
Another new tactic I've been noticing is YouTube has been fucking with the audio on "problematic" videos and channels, lowering the volume until you can barely make it out.

Cool. Thanks. Let's see if I could get a video created.

Would anyone else be willing to ask her about the video? Just ask her what did she think of his reaction toward the film crew.

Dude it's blatantly obvious
You can see him quite literally shaking. Notice the right side of his neck. That's called getting called the fuck out irl

"terror. thats what that was…pure terror"

is what she said so far.

Ironically, these antifa wanabees think they are "le fug the bourgeoisie system, man" when in reality their names, location, and timestamp are on a list at the ATF while their names, location, timestamp, and firearm make/model/id are on a list with the seller for three years and are able to be sold as advertising/purchase data to other companies for profit.
Stupid faggots should have manufactured their own firearms before all these jews trying to shut down cody and make doing so, without license and registration, illegal.

They should also be wearing masks.

What do they have to fear?
They are useful idiot pawns for the overlords.

The only thing they have to fear is:
A. Civil War (we're a long way off, and they're too dumb to even think about it)

B. their overlords sending them to slaughter once they have served their purpose (once again they're too dense to realize this)

Dudes, do you even lift ?

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So arrest Kraft foods.


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I had a hard time even finding pictures of Heather, she's practically a ghost, even before she died.
Her facebook profile is practically empty, it's all face shots but never anything to show you how the rest of her looks. I only ever found 1 picture that revealed her true girth and it was a side angle of her shoulders up, on some small news site.

Checked dub dubs

Sandy hoax type shit, yeah?

its been awhile since i looked into all of this, but after UTR i watched 100's of videos and pictures of the event. i was one of the main people that pointed out corey long and deandre harris' attack of the old White man before the infamous parking garage beatdown.

what i remember is this. that van was parked there for about 10 minutes or so before the crash. i have a video of this somewhere that i got from YT. basically a guy walking down the street adjacent to the front of the car (approaching the passenger side profile) there was already medical personel and stretchers literally right there. about 2 mins or so before the crash the whole crowd shows up and stops there for some reason. then the crash happens and the cops a few streets back just let the guy drive away. not too long after that, the police copter that was apparently filming the whole thing crashes, which has got to be some type of setup, as im sure that is a very rare thing. this isnt hard to imagine if you consider that state troopers and swat guys were already in uniform onsite long before the unlawful assembly was declared. the mayor and vice mayor and police chief were also in a room with a pre-printed unlawful assembly declaration before anything even started to happen there.

tl:dr yeah it was a setup, and i really think now looking at the evidence that not only was the corrupt city encouraging and enabling the violence so they could shut it down, and then wage retroactive lawfare, but they also had some fed-level false flag shit with the crash that looks more and more setup with loose ends tied off (copter taken down, and james fields probably to be declared insane and locked away)

more than anything the right needs to make a comprehensive and well made documentary about this event, including the before and after

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She might have lived if those firemen hadn't taken her back to their hall for a gang bang. Sick fucks. I despise BBW perverts..

holy fuck i love this place sometimes.
The shills, the Streisand effect.
They will always try to hide the truth, but become the breadcrumbs that lead to it.

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White lives matter unless you're a fattie.

It's called fat girl angle for a reason user.

wow. That's an amazing quick post. That was literally a CIA post. So fascinating. How they oppress us.

We can fix that soon enough

She was so fat she died because she was next to something exciting. Shitlibs are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for martyrs these days; 1917 hardened russian peasants they ain't.

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right, lad

This is the driver. I found her way back, through the gofundme.

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Nice find OP. Bump.

This Fucker is on point!!!
Why doesnt he have more exposure?
Now all that crossed with posidan style news and music.

Live 1/2

Live 2/2

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if you guys remember back in the early days when someone ran the plates on the van and it came back as some dude named Ray Chandler.. that is her wife/girlfriend. she has a couple aliases on facebook. her, ray chandler & the women who ran the gofundme all travel back and forth to DC. in that one overhead crowd photo before the crash, she is showing her phone to some black guy. That could possibly be Ray Chandler.

this lady has like 4k friends on facebook. Big network

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Then the men who attacked Fields and trained rifles on him are guilty of murder, good to know.

my theory. the girl who was hit with the car & hauled off was not the same person the media shows everyone. There are a couple facebook profiles who were personal friends with Heather & that is where you can find some normal photos.

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I only problem I have with the whole Cvillething is if you're going to do something like that, even justified or not you should go out in style instead of just being a cuck and surrendering

Heyer’s mom could have just been making the common error of confusing heart attack and cardiac arrest.
There is no reason why Charlottesville’s corrupt (((system))) wouldn’t have the coroner record a diagnosis of death from blunt force trauma even though there was no evidence of trauma except for that caused by vigorous CPR attempts. The reason is a phenomenon known as ‘Commotio Cordis’ where the heart goes into fibrillation due to a shockwave caused by a sudden blow to the chest wall.
You can bet they will try use this argument to fuck Fields for murder one.

The only victim in this case was James Fields.

Correct user
What the exact fuck???

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Need to see if she's affiliated with Dwayne Dixon/Redneck Revolt. I remember a vid of him saying to barricade shit, which is obviously what she did.

I think there were several organizations involved with this whole thing.
antifa. redneck revolt mostly on scene
fbi/cia? those trucks driving around
freemasons. Cville is full of that crap. There is a Widows' Son's lodge like 2 blocks away. Shriner sticker on the back of the one truck. Those clowns walking around probably shriner freemasons.

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Its all about the show dude. FF/EMT user here, and I can say with certainty that the FD on scene was just doing compressions to make the situation look better. Can't pronounce without calling medical control and you don't want to stay on scene with a bunch of crazy niggers hootin and hollarin, so they dragged her flabby ass to the truck doing half hearted compressions and probably didn't do shit on the ride to the ER. ER Dr. probably pronounced her before they even got her off the stretcher in the trauma bay.

there's 2 omega moos in that last pic but only 1 with her cattle brand on that beef flank she calls an arm

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Lol, do you expect anyone to believe that you just hang out here for shits n giggles? Like this is fun to submerge yourself among people you simplly don't identify with on any level, huh? Good time! I always find myself hanging out with my Antifa buddies! I love how they belittle me and challenge everything I say on a constant basis. It's just so fun!

WTF???? Go away! It can't be worth a few shekels to sit here and get fucked with every single day, for countless hours and just fucking take it over and over like a nigger. Go! Get!

Gents, I've been doing some digging and found the video with the angle showing "Mini" recording with her phone. I have attached it.

What concerns me is that in the process of looking for it, I have seen video taken from this angle in several YT clip shows which has cropped this out.

12 August 2017 youtube.com/watch?v=erg-sYrPOLQ&t=5s by Crazy Stuff

13 August 2017 youtube.com/watch?v=iS9cbH_KfMw&t=51s by Dash 10 Media

I'd be interested in compiling a list of all users (particularly early-postings like these two) who use the cropped version which removes the start before Mini disappears offscreen. This is heavily suspicious.

Attached: maroon minivan driver recording.mp4 (1280x720, 2.64M)