A 60 Second Video Guaranteed to Raise Fertility Rates

Show this video to any young woman who thinks she doesn't want to be a mother.

Source: twitter.com/OregonJOBS2/status/1028335130559971329

Don't lead with the conclusion — just tell her to watch this cute video.

Based on the reactions in that twitter thread, this video is the most effective pro-natalist propaganda ever to hit the internet.

Apparently, it hits women right in the uterus. Delete your graphs and charts and essays and word- or logic- or fact- based arguments. With women, all you need is more videos like this (and only because they're not seeing it IRL enough).

A minute-long video of a cute baby doing cute things is literally all it takes for thousands of women to cry tears of longing for a husband and a baby of their own.

Consider how easy it would be to get women to want to be wives and mothers again if we had control over the media and women were seeing stuff like this regularly in the media they consumed which showed the good and cute and beautiful and fulfilling side of being a wife and mother.

Remember this: Biologically, women haven't changed. They essentially have the same genetics as their female ancestors from centuries ago.

What has changed is the culture — which is intent on ruining them (and us) — this is a sad fact, but it also means they can easily be saved. All of this damage could be reversed within a generation or two.

We'd just need control of the culture in order to do it — and there's the rub. That's why they commandeered our culture to begin with and won't give it back without a fight.

Attached: Baby discovers echos.mp4 (270x480, 1.54M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for good in the world.

S-shut it down!

White pride world wide.


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I am confused, I look at the profile but then I watch the video. I guess paternal and maternal instincts get aroused from a video like that just from seeing firsthand how the baby learns about this.

We are getting older. Bump for our future.

Oy vey, delete this!

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Bump for beauty and truth.

Good feels.

We need to really start memeing family oriented stuff. Too many white women are forgoing their best years for child bearing to work and many have pets as surrogates for children.


This. Our future depends entirely upon purging jews from the media. Take back the media and you've removed the jewish parasite's ability to leak his toxic values into the moral bloodstream. Of the weapons the jew has against us, control of our media is by far the most damaging.

cute kid

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bump . OP is right, videos like this and other stuff of children being children with loving beautiful white parents is the best motivator for women to get off the pot and start making babies

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Nice ID. Holy smokes, how did you get that gem?

Would it shock you to learn I get it every time? Lurk moar, faggot.

lurk for 120 more weeks faggot

Don't they already get plenty of videos like this in their social media feeds?

True, the media is flooded with feminist talking points and encouragement. We should still do some meme smithing for pro-motherhood/family messages. Also, get women off of birth control, they feel very different without it.

years and i agree
its literally RIGHT THERE when you hover over it…. fuckin summerfags

Hi newfag. Stop posting.
Lurk for 2 years.

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40 years a slave

I was born into this world a white man
not a colored knave
my parents did not prepare me
for my lifetime as a slave

I saw on TV and movies a lifestyle rich and grand
There were no so denigrated as the common working man

Blacks paraded around with blonde women on their arms
While women were taught that being whores was correct use of their charms

I tried to start a business, but regulation crushed it flat
And currency? It inflated by some ungodly men's fiat.

I tired to marry a beautiful girl, but thy were all for sale
To disgusting rat-faced perverts who used money to prevail

"Get in debt, goyim!" is what I was told was the way ahead
But, I lost it all in 2008 and my household hopes were dead.

I tried to find a virgin for to court and wed
But, alas, girls as young as 12 were already in the rat-face bed.

Women, I observed, had become disgraceful ugly sluts.
Where once my neighborhood was white, there were now ugly mutts.

The cry, as in Eden, also now remained the same:
"Deceive the woman, and cast doubt on the verity of that Name."

Girls fled church, family, and love to instead incubate
While the rats made criticizing this into a crime of hate.

As my country crumbled, with evil walking tall
A voice of reason was heard, though it started O so very small.

The Donald raised a standard against the parasites
Though he did not say it directly, he was the savior of the whites.

I paid him no attention, did not love or hate, until I noticed his enemies were the true enemies of the state.

The last time these people hated one this much was many years ago, A.D.
His name I won't say but he was known for walking on the sea.

Then to the rats' amazement, mighty Donald stomped them flat
They knew their days were numbered unless they got a win for democrats.

But, instead they wre being rolled back like the prices at the Great Wall Mart
And in desperation they tried to silence us, but alas, it just caused more to start

Looking at the details of just who was saying what,
and in looking, they found OTHER truths, and anger was burning hot.

In the 2018 elections, voter fraud was curtailed
And, Hillary's owners realized that that ship had already sailed.

"Let's double down" the lefties said, "and hide our hate no more."
They flung white-hating candidates to bloody their fists upon the door

But, the door was firmly shut again, as in the days of the ark.
And the poor, evil, little lefties were all left out in the dark.

A flood of murders followed, punishment for failure from the devil
What else can you expect when the playing field is finally level?

In trying to wrest any hope of victory in '20, there wasn't a losing democrat left, no, there were not any

Fresh faces, fresh lies, fresh money, and their sins carefully erased
A new crop of pedophile satanists all entered the race.

But, God's fist slammed down and he said them nay, "no further shall you tread."
And with lightning strikes and hailstones he rained justice upon their heads.

After abortion was de-federalized, and blood was not spread out
The blood guilt and treason resulted in an apocalyptic rout.

Chicago was the first to go, a "nuclear accident" how else could the liars describe the fires that rained from the firmament?

But, more cities that were guilty got wiped from the very map
Killing the unborn is a tempting bait, but blood guilt leads to a trap

As Sodom and Gomorrah and those homosexuals of old
God has no room for those who defile the womb for harlotry and gold.

The momentum CNN had denied swept them off the air
And without them manning the bellows, the fires ceased to flare

Whites dwelt with whites, and blacks with blacks, and we all kept our places
Instead of mutual destruction the rats slated for our races.

Without the usual megaphone, the left went into the closet
And we found they were a tiny minority, their lies they could not posit.

What followed was a purging of media of degeneracy
No producer of pornography was treated with any clemency.

You see, we did not "hate" or posit violence ourselves
These were labels put on us by those evil little elves.

The hackenkreuz was flown in honor on every /20th of 4/
True history was uncovered of the Century of Jewish War

Without the Fed they were disenfranchised and had to make an honest buck
So, back to Israel they were sent, where there was none but their blood to suck.

You're all summerfags.

Guys need to be able to marry girls from the start of womanhood again.

Yes! I totally agree! And we should also end with compulsory education like in the old days. Children age 6 shouldn't go to school, they should work in factories and agriculture.
Those were the days.

B-but, isn't it wondrous and enlightened for girls to be sluts from a single-digit age, but only be legal to marry after they are years past their "best before" date?

First pic is a potent redpill.
>Women who had undergone an abortion experienced an 81% increased risk of mental health problems, and nearly 10% of the incidence of mental health problems was shown to be attributable to abortion. The strongest subgroup estimates of increased risk occurred when abortion was compared with term pregnancy and when the outcomes pertained to substance use and suicidal behaviour.
>This review offers the largest quantitative estimate of mental health risks associated with abortion available in the world literature. Calling into question the conclusions from traditional reviews, the results revealed a moderate to highly increased risk of mental health problems after abortion. Consistent with the tenets of evidence-based medicine, this information should inform the delivery of abortion services.
Link to actual study .pdf if anyone wants it:

The hilarious thing is maybe they should.

Children as small farm hands fucking works, it teaches them discipline, a trade as well as developing their strength.

What point are you making? That showing women cute baby videos will shame them into not having abortions? If so, I get that. I'm just conveying my skepticism of OP's proposal. If videos like that are "guaranteed to raise fertility rates," then why hasn't that effect been evident?

Don't forget that young women (and men) can't consent to things like marriage and sex. But prepubescent children can totally consent to "changing sex"!

stop making me cry, user.

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It does. Women that interact with children for longer periods of time will want children. When you exposure is through (((media))) only, you only get the whining, diaper changes, lost sleep, and screaming aspect. THere are moments of levity, though, and that's what makes it worth it.

For the first pic, I think there's a last question that would need clarification.
Does women wanting abortion already have some kind of mental problems that would lead them to this decision compared to others.

If all of those women have the same mental stability then yeah abortion would lead to mental disorder, if not then it could just be compounded effect.

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Too bad we can't show them an aborted nigger and get them to stop talking like niggers

Find a way to send this video back to 2007 and circulate it then. All variety of shitskins have been breeding like rats for the past decade. Go to ny midwest mall and you're likely to see dozens of headscarf and trashbag covered subhumans toting around half-a-dozen brain dead shitspawn. Demographic replacement is well under way, and will only get worse.

Getting whites to start breeding again is a very complex issue that starts with repairing the basic family unit. To do that, you need to unfuck the brains of multiple generations of women while simultaneously destroying the ideological cancer that turned them into the despicable creatures they are now. Getting them to make babies is all well and good, but means nothing if they're going to be banging Tyrone on the side and then divorce within a year to ride the alimony pony. And then, while doing all of that, you've got to find a way to round up, deport, and drive out tens of millions of shitskins.

Babies and Toddlers are absolute hellspawn. It's a women's job to raise those little shits. Human babies are born so underdeveloped that it's embarrassing.
A man should have virtually zero involvement with a child until they are around 6 or 7 years old, or old enough to start being responsible for themselves. Even then, only boys.
Any autonomous man should not want to be anywhere near a slobbering, self-shitting, emotionally charged tiny women creature. When old enough, they can learn to become men.

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Good stuff user

Is that how your childhood went, Jaquarius LeGenius Loquacious III?

That BABY is self aware of a reflection of her own voice.

Meanwhile nigger offspring isn't self aware of their own appearance while looking in a mirror until they're ten years old, which a fucking bird can do.

breeding is immoral.

I've seen videos of nigger toddlers that can't comprehend their own shadow and absolutely panic when they can't get away from it.


Any sane, logistical, or rational person can see that if niggers take an additional year or two to be able to be self aware, then niggers must be mentally and physiologically different.
But what am I saying? That's "problematic" science.

what's to be done about catladies? furbabies?
i think the paper addresses that

there's a graffiti idea

funny that, trump on his new kid

Attached: talking puppy.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

The nigger gestation period is also a week shorter than that of whites, but their first menarche is YEARS sooner.

6 years old, user, not 10.

I'm confused, because of pic related. I understood the power of the video, but it is odd for it to come from a source like this.

Attached: Im Confused.png (1299x929, 767.12K)

I like your style, user.

Please stop acting like a nigger, basic reading skills are a requirement.

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That's a phenomenon that dates back as far as ancient rome, possibly further. When a society gets decadent and lazy and pour their unfulfilled affection into animals.

>baby discovers (((echoes)))

Start popping them out. Bill Clinton and his friends are very horny.

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In any saner time catladies would be outcasts mocked or pitied by regular people.

What did they meme by this?

In a saner time, anyone over the age of 30 without kids would be seen as bizarre. Unfortunately, that social standard went out the window completely in the west within the past two decades.

This is proof that you are not part of us. Logic and facts are essential to us and they are not addressed to whores' minds.
Beyond if your post is factual or not, you are a degenerate normie and probably a fucking cunt larping as a man.
I praise you if are a man, but if not, die horribly dirty whore.

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Why not both? Facts for men, emotional appeal for woman.
Women were brainwashed to disregard their own biological urges to reproduce and instead adopt cats.

It's not the kike's kid:

Thanks for clarifying, I was worried for a second but now I'm relieved. checked

You must post this.

You're glowing schlomo.

Being a father is the best thing in the world. Have more kids lads

Unironically true,

Traditionally fathers weren't exposed to their children until their breeching day. Prior to that children were effectively treated as gender neutral units. After this day, fathers would begin to direct their sons education.

Persians for instance wouldn't meet their sons until their 5th birthday. Partly because the death of a son was considered too painful. After the 5th birthday, they would teach them to : Ride the Horse, Draw the Bow and to Speak the Truth.

I can't tell whether you are an autist who has never touched a woman or a shill. Women are not logical and logical arguments do not work on them. You have to hit them in the feelz

Attached: Feelz.jpg (410x479, 26.74K)

Being a father to a less than 3 year old isn't all that great. 5 year old - 12 year old boys are the master race.

Constantly ready to get down without whatever Dad has in mind. I could get my sons to kill an man for me. They would think it grand and then want to go get pizza after.


good idea user.

my fellow polacks focus too much on negative propaganda, because of our high Power Levels, and because we know just how bad things really are, and we don't focus enough on Positive Propaganda, which would be infinitely more effective to convert Normiefags and women.

i recall reading something by Goebbels where he said in the early years of the Reich that he was careful to only use propaganda that depicted the idealized version of the Reich, because it planted the seed in the Volk's minds about how things ought to be. people possess a magical ability to mimic what they believe ought to be, and thereby create it themselves.

as a counter propaganda strategy, your idea reminded me of a recent trend i have seen where (((rich urban kinderloss))) live vicariously through their pets, and even use pets to arrange social functions the same way children used to be used for get togethers.

attached are images of "Bark-Mitzvahs", which illustrate the point we need to broadly telegraph throughout white society.

white women celebrate motherhood, their children and the perpetuity of the Great Race.

while foul, rude, arrogant, selfish, atheist, hideous Jewesses celebrate their dogs, mock their traditions and glorify the extinction of their own dying, leafless tree branches.

Autists with Meme Magic talent could embelish this idea and shit poast these memes on kike forums, to subconsciously plant the fear provoking idea of self-holocaust.

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Dump your whole jew dog folder, I know you got it.

Inspiring. You should definitely write more poetry

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Can confirm. Raised on a farm. Strong and fit and never broke a bone despite falls and crashes and fights. Able to force myself to work hard if needs be. I was ruined by school and college though. Too much poz was poured into my brain during the 8 hours a day of school I had to attend rather than doing farm work and learning self sufficiency and business

Whereas Vikings held their sons the day they were born and if they did not accept the child then the child was left to die in the cold.

Who in hell would want to get involved with a woman?
To play the feeling game with them is pointless because every redpilled men knows already the outcome.
Who cares what whores want, feel or think, the important thing here is to make them produce White babies like a factory.
Appealing to them is to play their game, a more realistic approach is to impregnate them in a smart way to dodge the incoming tsunami of demands and complaints, all of then backed by ZOG.
This is a realistic vision of the subject. They are all whores unsuitable to be housewives, so they are by themselves.

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I want blonde children ASAP. brb

Your nose is showing rabbi

Similar to the Spartan who bathed the child in wine and then would commit infanticide on any weak children.

I coached my wife's birth, I cut my sons cord, I hold him everyday (he is three) I can't imagine a day without teaching him new things fuck these kikes saying you need to abandon them. One of our sons(and daughters) are worth a thousand kikes.

I would restructure education so that children learned our civilization from the beginnings to the end. So as the child ages, the learning becomes more advanced. Young children are taught hunter/gathering…older farming…older still trades and crafts…older governments…older technology…so it would be as if every single person learned our civilization from the ground up and knew everything that there was to know, beginning to end about all we have ever achieved. There would be specialization at the upper ends of the scholastic spectrum because that is proper according to ability. But we would end up with children who were basically immune to any social trauma as they understood all of their history start to finish. Also innovation from their experiences in so many different environments would allow further development of technology in ways that we can't currently imagine. Also, we need a new form of language…this one is ridiculous.

Then save money to buy the best Aryan egg in market and to rent a womb.
This is the winner deal.

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That is very modern of you.

Where was the tribe/clan of women coaching your wife? Where was the mid-wife who has delivered hundreds of babies. Was you wife instructed by the extended family on how to breast feed?

Fact is you went into a hospital, and likely a kike or asian ob-gyn delivered you kid and there was not extended kinship involvement.

I'm not saying abandon modern medicine, I am saying the extended female kingroup raising kids is the norm. The doctor should be basically be there and shut the fuck up otherwise. After that it should be Moms, Aunts and Gramma's doing the rearing.

Yeah, leaving our impressionable children without paternal influence during their early years sounds exactly like what the kikes would want. Harder to get a foothold in their young minds with a father pointing out all the kikery to them as they develop.

You are a total and absolute failure of a man. Babying you child now will carry over into their adolescent an teenage life. You will not be able to mentally detach the image of the helpless mass that you hold so very dear. You will unknowingly hold them back their whole life as the maternal bond you create will override your paternal instinct. You will never be able to show them "tough love" as you will fail to strain them to their highest attainable abilities. You will crack and give way when you find them in mental and physical pain. You are a failure of a man.


This. Lefties love to ignore how painful emotionally an abortion actually is. I can't even fathom how it would be when the infant is further along. It's why I don't spare anyone on my social media accounts who support abortion. I had a tumor inside me, rather than the baby I badly wanted, and I cried after the surgery when I heard a baby crying in the lobby. He was right behind me too. I had to undergo chemotherapy because I had developed gestational trophoblastic disease that mutated into small-cell cancer after the surgery. The only thing that comforted me was that I hadn't been pregnant with an actual baby. God only knows how it would have affected me if that had been the case, and the infant had been stillborn. But I have a cute baby boy now who coos at me and does this little sound like he's yodeling at me in the morning. He's healthy too, and near the same age as the cutie in OP's video.

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You are a failure of a man, you have no children. Probably a kike, fuck you.

Like it or not, my opinion is not rare at all, and every day is more common.
To immolate ourselves to women's desires is a no go.
Children are women's property, not ours according ZOG; so, why any reasonable man would want to finance and to take responsibility for a woman's child, when it is not even possible to know if belong to him?
As I see it, most White women are doomed to procreate as niggers, with many different fathers and supported by the State.
Consider this a fair price and karma for their "liberation".

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My first wife had an abortion and it tore us apart, best wishes with your family.

Believing all that glitters is Gold
Was the mantra of the young and White
Reruns of 'Leave it to Jeanie' and 'I dream of Beaver'
acted as the White mans plight

What was lauded as a life that awaits
Was to become nothing more than a beleaguered fate
A mindfuck which only exists in Pedowood
where the innocent female goyim become the hook-noses rafe

Slowly but surely, reality sank in
As the dream became a nightmare
The women beautiful by day, haggered by night
Could not be saved by prayer

But wait, success is in your future
By incurring debts you will shine
You need only use trinkets, and stuff
And shiny metal objects to attract the sublime

Ah yes good banker, indeed I shall
With school loans, mortgages, a car
Become the envy of all
And surely I will go far

But none brought rewards, only remorse
A missed fortune that was fake
For I also lost my place in society
From the wealth extraction of '08

Happiness is not quantified by material gains
one thing I learned about goods
As I sat there munching on blanched cockroaches
In my new home innawoods

What's funny is there are a lot of black guys in the thread who've had their heart warmed by this child and are acting like they want to be moms.

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You kikes are pretty transparent with your shilling

Not only are you an embarrassment, but you're also fucking stupid.
You're fighting hundreds of thousands of years of biology and tradition so you can be a "special father" who is always there for you son.
Such same mentality bred the "everyone's a winner" generation. You're following the same path of failure an entire generation of men before you did. You have learned nothing from their example.

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Child abandoning Boomers GTFO. You've already destroyed the world enough.

Attached: 2014-06-27-SocSeccard.BabyBoomers.jpg (600x382, 68.2K)

>all the women in my family, wife, grandmother, aunts, etc. are absentee and I specifically need to raise my child
And it shows too.
Refer to you sad sack.

Holding your son doesn't damage him, teaching him how to be a man helps him. Thankfully kikes like you aren't capable of raising good sons.

Knock it off.
There is plenty of simp's dick around.
Why to come here to pissing us off?
Women have wombs, not us. Go and talk to them to make babies.

Attached: I don't always take off my shackles.jpg (500x627, 104K)

Boomer Cuckservative meme

"They gave trophies to everyone at the child's soccar game, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

And nobody gave a fuck. It was a plastic piece of memory that you were there playing with your friends. It didn't make anyone feel like they won anything. I never got one. I was too poor to afford to join anyway, but my friends just threw the trophies away and kept the ball or gloves.

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You lack a very basic reading comprehension. It damages YOU, you total dumbass. The mother is supposed to have the severe emotional bond with the child, you're supposed to have the heavy hand. You will fail in your position as a man if you become an equal emotional caregiver.

Get out of that rock you're living under.
I fear for you. If you do not see that the vast majority of people aged 18-35 right now very truly believe that "everyone is a winner" then I have not the fainest idea how you could call me the out of touch govt pension sucker. You must be culturally blind and deaf.

Are some areas so kiked that they make you pay to join a public sports group?