A 2 hour walk in Paris

A 2 hour walk in Paris

Streets filled with dindus and man hating feminist hags.

It used to be the arguably fanciest city of Europe and now it's the gutter…

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Also pretty much all native French guys you see look either overweight or downtrodden.

Wild dindu getting aggressive at random.

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drug deal going down

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nogs lurking around the metro station entrance looking to culturally enrich people

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Sure as hell feels comfy taking cash from an ATM surrounded by thug nogs.

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how can we use this, or stuff like this?
side by side before and after photos are as good as i can think of
then there's simply old photos and footage which alone should shock the current year viewer into realizing "my country wasn't always a multicultural country of immigrants"

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It's lost but then so are most all European cities. The only real European city left I saw in all my travels recently is Budapest.

Budapest is nice but also depressing in a way.

Their economy has been rekt since the end of communism and you see lots of alcoholic and downtrodden guys downtown.

Note to future whites. No to cities. All rural.

For the time being. The enemy has observed our flight to the smaller towns and now they're using traitorous Lutherans and Catholic immigration foundations to parachute shitskins into the smaller towns too, in an effort to pollute the gene pool everywhere.

In western Europe there is no escape.

In Germany small towns get flooded with equal or greater numbers in rapefugees.

Just look at this shit; if there was any doubt about going back to the erstwhile "good ole dayz" of everybody going to church on Sunday morning this should seal the deal and make everyone wake up to what venal treacherous scum all the Christian churches are.


Though they are officially “non-profit” organizations, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, and several other Christian organizations are profiting from lucrative contracts with the federal government to resettle refugees in the United States.
Of the 100,000 refugees resettled in the United States in 2014 under the Refugee Resettlement program, an estimated 40 percent were Muslims.

In FY 2015, the State Department, through the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and the Office of Refugee Resettlement, spent more than $1 billion on these programs, which settled international refugees “vetted” by the United Nations High Commission on International Refugees in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The federal government spent hundreds of millions of dollars more than that on refugees, however. The Department of Health and Human Services also provided a number of “entitlements” to these refugees.

Much of this $1 billion in annual revenue goes to voluntary agencies (VOLAGs), several of which are Christian non-profits, such as Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, World Relief Corporation, Church World Service, and Domestic and Foreign Missionary Service of the Episcopal Church of the USA. (also referred to as Episcopal Migration Ministries), who are contracted on behalf of the government to help these refugees get settled in their new homes in America.

Five of the top nine VOLAGs are Christian non-profits. The other four are Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, International Rescue Committee, US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, and the Ethiopian Community Development Council.



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Good video but at what times do these highlights happen in the video?

between minute 10 and 15, seem to be the most enriched parts of central paris in the video

(Strasbourg - Saint-Denis metro)

Maybe they confused it with the no go suburb of Paris named Saint Denis?

come on lad… There's still a bit more than just budapest.

Better a poor drunk than a rich minority

Zagreb was really nice. Belgrade's nightlife is was breddy gud as well.

American here in Paris and can confirm it’s flooded with dindus. At least they’re not in the museums

Kek it's always so funny to see mutts cry about European ghettos. You can't even make these videos in your worst hoods because you will be killed for sure.

Can someone explain to me what's the go with the crowds of niggers standing around every couple of blocks. It wouldn't be so strange if i saw other people do it, but literary in this video like deja vu there's a group of niggers containing 4 or more every couple of blocks. I'm not a city faggot and this strikes me as very odd.

Warsaw starts showing the (((multiculturalism))) since (((antiimmigrant))) party just broke all limits on immigration.

Selling drugs most likely.

The trouble is the European ghettos are actually whole cities now, and we're talking about the major cities of Europe. It's sad desu.

Haven't been to Hungary unfortunately though I want to go. Last two trips to Europe I did Ukraine for 3 weeks and then 2 weeks to see Barcelona, Vienna and Prague. Barcelona was pretty nice, noticeable amount of diversity but the natives were quite based. I remember going to a pub for the france vs. croatia final and cheered in my head as a Spaniard in front of me called the french team simians. It's not THAT bad but its not perfect either. I went to france pre invasion and that was worse than Barcelona a month ago. Vienna is beautiful and very clean but there's too many fucking mudslimes everywhere. Again, not as bad as France or London, but worse than Barcelona and very noticeable. Checking into the hotel was an instant wakeup since we walk in and we see a dude in a white body condom throwing his bare feet up on a table in the lobby. Prague was very beautiful though very crowded, it's a very european city and don't believe the lies, west prague > east prague. The only kike thing worth seeing there is the Spanish synagogue and maybe muh cemetery, the rest of the town is just wonderful with beautiful architecture and several brightly colored buildings everywhere.

Ukraine steals the show for me though. Cheap as shit because 25 local = 1 USD, insane architecture, color everywhere, great beer, great food, great vodka, NEAR ZERO NIGGERS, SPICS OR MUDS. A blue/green/purple haired woman encounter rate was like 3/wholecity (at least for Lviv, Kiev was more like 10-15). Felt safe walking out and about at 2am. Saw muds get harrassed by locals because "oi dont take our fucking women". Absolutely recommend about 4 to 5 days in Lviv (to really just relax and enjoy) with about 7 or 8 to sight see in Kiev.

sauce? I don't see shit about it on the catalog. If true, start a thread that's quite the happening.

Even regular people are noticing how bad it is in cities like Paris now.

You know who to thank for this gift of multi-culti.
Without shabbos, psychopathic kikes would hold no power.


France is no longer France.

France has a lower average IQ now than Vietnam's 94. It has roughly 4 points to go until it passes the Rubicon point of dysfunctionality. France is in fact the Jewish vision for all European cities and in a way it foreshadows our future. Not trying to be a black piller here, but there's not many ways to look at the situation, especially when most white males are soyboy cuckolds.

Do you have a source on this? Genuinely interested

don't worry
eventually they'll just start testing Whites when the IQ starts to fall too low
that's what the good ole USA does
There's no way in hell the beaners and niggers aren't dragging us down to at least 92 or 93

Hate to write this, but a Google search will give you the info pretty easy. For France, use the kewords France, 94, IQ.

t. IQ and genomics researcher.

Seen it happen since the 90s, it was filled with nigger hawkers even in 2000s and prior, it's just much worse now, it was already bad then..


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Reminds me of Berlin. Train stations are full of black drug dealers that harass you.
Kebab stores everywhere. Beggars everywhere.
At least the parks were really well kept.

Ukraine is definately alot of fun, can recommend it aswell.

Worst encounter i ever had was in Venice, holy shit. Niggers and lack of proper upkeep have let this unique piece of european history go down so far i almost broke out in tears and still feel horrible every time i think about it.

They may have an IQ of 94, but at least they aren't speaking German amirite?

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Everything I can find gives it as 98, same as USA.

Then you should know that's wrong because that's as high as the US but France is basically half African.


Trying to get non-whites to run white civilisation is like trying to run GTA V on a Commodore 64 computer. Not happening. Pictures: France.

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Keep in mind, the article linked is old. The research is old. During that time,

France has been importing more non-whites during then and now. The actual IQ is obviously lower but we aren't sure by how much, at least not yet.

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More Paris.

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Even more Paris.

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Self Cleaning Toilets in the 1990's?
Outdoor exposed Urinals, disguised as "Eco friendly" now.
pic related, sorry for BBC image ;)

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Looks like hes pissing in a mailbox, wtf.
Should have just copied the urinals in amsterdam, atleast those have a minimum of class.

Outdoor Urinals advertising is targeting the mainstream population (pun Intended), but once accepted (Eco) (not just for Festivals) will appear en mass (and are really for all the Animals)…
pics; For the Ladies are next.
Already in San Francisco 2016

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They even pre-plan for it. The west will become india.

This is a sorely overlooked aspect of jewish influence. Without a single traitor, jews would have no power. All one has to do is look into who let the jews into rome and later into europe and you can see the pattern.

These days eastern european cities are crawling with asian tourists that paris used to get. Even Warsaw, which looks like Berlin.

Not even Hitler destroyed these places as much as niggers have

Paying a little extra to be kicked in the balls. Just unreal

Leftists campaign for their own replacement and annihilation. Leftism is basically a suicide-cult.


pic 1… search google images "bronx 80s"

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The best thing is, you can't tell the difference.

But, I downloaded it from a source claiming it was France. Oh well.

Where's the voice of the old Parisians that have had to relocate over this mass invading army of nigs? Anyone got a vid of people from Paris pissed off about this or has it since been suppressed or are they ok with it all?


OFF TOPIC: Why is the reply box now gold lined?

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"Self cleaning toilet". More like "hey guys, do your crack, heroin, raping and sleeping in here!"

?t=1h45m51s Whats Varg doing in Paris???? I thought he did not like civilization

Also why is he black

I sometimes see that, but not right now. I think it highlights if you click somewhere or press a key or something, not sure though

This faggot.

I'm making a few webms of this, also taking requests. Starting with 12:50 to 13:30

Someone needs to walk up flip that table. When they finish picking up do it again.

Thnx m8.

Which Arrondissement(s) was this filmed in?

Minsk is still probably okay.

Average IQ in the USA is 98, but I have no doubt that if we had the demographics of the 1960 census still intact, the average IQ would be more like 101-103 today.

They most likely quietly went into the interior of the country. A lot of boomers fled to the countryside to escape (((diversity))).

He was probably summoned to court over some (((legal bullshit))).


How do kill them all?

European and American ghettos are the same, Americans just have many more. Niggers are always concentrated in cities everywhere you go, anyways

Paris was always a shithole. I lived there as a kid and frogs we’re pissing in the streets and dog shit was everywhere. The tourists spots, like Napoleon's tomb, where black with soot. The whole city was disgusting, except for the pastries. There is something called Paris syndrome where tourists get so upset about the realities of Paris that they need medical help. This was long before the dindu invasion. Paris is just shittier now than the shit show it has always been.

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its been a degenerate shithole for at least 150 years, ameribro.

self cleaning toilets have been in Paris for 20 years I believe, pay, on a timer, sounds alarm for open door or over stay, cameras on outside, etc…

I guess Paris really took offense when Celine called public toilets the communism of shitting

European IQ map proves Brits are brainy
By GLEN OWEN, Mail On Sunday
Last updated at 16:30 26 March 2006

While Britons managed eighth place in a new European league table of IQ scores, with an average of 100, the French languished in 19th place with a score of just 94.

The league table has been compiled by Professor Richard Lynn of the University of Ulster, who has ranked average national IQ scores for the first time.


They work great in switzerland.



:D:D :D :D :D Goodness the irony…

Hitler did not bomb Paris, so not only did he not destroy it as much, he didn't do it at all.

Yeah that was kind of my point, lots of fags consider Hitler to be the most evil person who ever existed and yet not even he did anything to Paris. Course we know now Hitler was actually the good guy in WW2 and the allies were the ones who actually bomb the ever loving fuck out of everything


Only one thing left to do at this point: bring down China with us so Greater Israel can flourish.