Gary Johnson

Apparantly this nigger is running again for Senate, should we meme him in for the Libertarians?

Attached: 1534665712328.jpg (784x960, 53.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Pennsylvania


You know the deal, Gary. You have to pay me at least $30,000 if you want me to meme you.

Wasn't he a "never Trumper" with "dude weed" platform?

Isnt he the "What is Aleppo" guy?

Who is Gary Johnson?

It's a shame that calling libertarians 'leppos' didn't catch on.

Johnson is the most leftist libertarian I've ever seen. Meme real libertarians into office, not this "muh illegals" faggot nigger.

Attached: vljk5ijfjnv01.jpg (640x640, 78.88K)

But he is a true lolberg.
No nations for the "statist shitlords".



Lol, this fucking guy turned around and tossed that gift replica of George Washington's pistol in the fucking trash.

Attached: gj-pistol.jpg (960x579, 90.76K)

I would bet a substantial sum that (((Johnson))) isn't his original name.

Johnson looks kind of like pic related.

Attached: missing link?.gif (480x270, 2.69M)

Yeah, something is off about Johnson's face.

He had a point though, Aleppo isn't even that important of a city

Got a live kike here I see.

a true libertarian politician shouldnt give a fuck about syria or any other country

And that's why a true lolberg politician will never be president.
You need to interact with other countries.

Fucking Americans don't know their history.

He would be an improvement to a neocohen and libtard, that's for sure.


fucking morons don't know Aleppo is not in America,_Pennsylvania
Gary meant Syria, megaretard

Assuming you're from the better half of the US population, Aleppo was an important city in the Crusades and it's therefore most certainly part of your history. Maybe if you spent a bit less time on the Holocaust and Martin Luther King you'd have time to be taught about the Crusades in school. As for me bringing up Aleppo, Pennsylvania, that was not just brought up in response to your false claim Aleppo was not located in America, but also to show you that your ancestors, if they were educated, probably knew what an Aleppo was.

Point was about Alleppo Syria. No one in America cares about most industrial towns in Pennsylvania. No more (you)s for your low tier autism

Libertarian party is a bunch of SJWs its not even funny.

Fuck off, gun grabbing gary

Anyone got the webm of him sperging out at the reporter for calling illegals illegal aliens and not "undocumented citizens?"

All keys are common in that game, you stupid nigger.

Sure hes a half nog but hes by far the best candidate within the lolbertarian party.

Attached: sharpe.png (320x414, 118.25K)

That's why we meme him into office. Left-libertarians would siphon votes off the democrats and allow the republicans to drift further to the right without endangering their position.

Austin Peterson was pretty butthurt when I brought up IRL to him that time he debated Chris Cantwell.

meme him into a fucking grave

Dudes riding the money train of all 3rd party candidates in appealing as an outsider but being quite on the inside

Attached: 7F34979D-5318-4FF3-B596-A4F55DDAC5B5.jpeg (750x400, 68.04K)

What a piece of shit. Even if you don't like such a cool gift, why would you throw it out right in the middle of the lolbertarian convention where it was certain to be seen? Aleppo is truly a fucking idiot.

What's a leppo?

Attached: dude weed lmao.png (881x399, 142.14K)

Bumping important Gary Johnson thread.

Fuck that cuck. I used to support him because he was the Lp candidate. After all as long as you get freedom it doesnt matter who achieves it when your free you can do whatever the fuck you want. But no way he would get my support now. Guys a total cuck and i dont believe he could push through any kind of successful libertarian reforms.