Big Tech Censorship

In today’s age of idea censorship, the Right (anyone left of Stalin) is blatantly being banned across the board on most media outlets, especially in the last 6 months. But, is it honestly just Right leaning, independent media that is being silenced? Or are there any instances of Left leaning media being silenced that doesn’t stick to Jew’s narrative? What would be the reason Left leaning media being banned wouldn’t make it on the 6 o’clock news?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Regardless, we need to start encouraging migration to decentralized platforms.
Unfortunately, most of what's available today is still in its infancy.
General tech:
> (YouTube clone based on IPFS)
> (uncensorable microblogging using BCH's Blockchain)
>Cryptocurrency (replacement for PayPal and Federal Reserve - Two Jews, one stone)
Someone want to make a more comprehensive list?

they never punch leftward.


Setup a personal site using Jekyll and add disqus comment capability. They can't shut us all down. And even if you are taken down, just move your site to another host. Easy peasy.

Don't use GitHub. They will take you down. Gitlab is good.

You can always come to my site to shitpost.

Attached: github_is_for_fagits.png (2000x1500, 874.79K)

nice spam, reported

fite me, u oddly shaped fagit

Lefties are harvesting what they seeded. So, regardless of who's jewing who commie faggots will hang high when dotr comes.

I was about to respond "let's be the left-wing, then." - but left and right are completely irrelevant when the actual dividing line is anti-white vs pro-white…

Yeah. It was the Rind study. Federally permab& from academia. What you got on Twatter or Faceberg that can beat that?

This will not end well for them.

user, for fuck’s sake.

mfw federal court says trump can't block people on twitter bc free speech but twitter bans users thus eliminating their free speech

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If Trump was actually good for any of us, he would start blocking people indiscriminately again. If someone tried to sue him, he could instantly countersue Twitter and either bring them under government control (forcing free speech) or expose their censorship.

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no shit twitter is to the left, ((they)) are headquartered in San Francisco…ya know, the same safe space where our pal James Damore got fired from google for saying men and women have biological differences

For now just learn everything you can about IPFS ( Deploy a static website on that and you've got yourself uncensorable content live on the Internet.

Dive into Ethereum and write a smart contract.
Install Ganache ( locally, deploy your smart contract there and play with it.

Kikes are slowly going insane due to the realization that they're losing control.

How poetic is it that the internet (a white man's invention) that (((YKW))) has tried to take control of, will be what saves the white race in the end. They're losing control and with the above tools, they will be left with nothing but their extraordinarily tiny penises in their hand.

jews are fucking retarded

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why not centralize away from them … come together to be the anti sjw?

RT has some pretty left leaning segments—I’m not sure if they’ve been silenced in any way via censorship, but have effectively been labeled as untrustworthy propaganda by the mainstream. I remember Chris Hedges being interviewed by Alex Jones back during the occupy days, and he’s certainly on the far far left, so there is some crossover of opinions. I think a big part of it has to do with audience numbers, I find a lot of the far left outlets boring, which prevents them from having the same draw as an Infowars type broadcast. If they were able to actually influence a huge number of people/change public opinion, I think they would be targeted more.

Their argument is because hes a public official.

This is exactly what (((they))) want. Then they can blame the law for banning people based on muh hate speech. This would also prevent new startups from ever happening.

A new platform is the only way.

How are the Chicoms banning torrents and vpns?

Is there any way around this for when they start doing that here in N. America?

Requesting help across all Zig Forums threads
There is an owner dashboard tab on
Cheesybay - pizzagate
Need it accessed asap pls help
Thank you

Like what?

The Info Warrior himself says Trump is weaponizing for a tech monopoly censorship lawsuit.

Brother Nathanael is making a new internet


Back to usenet

Outright censorship means (((they're))) getting desperate.

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