Violent Immigrant Propaganda

Violent Immigrant Propoganda

ITT we post our WEBms and Info-graphics re: Violent Immigration. This should primarily relate to the Muslim invasion of Europe and US/CA as well as the Beaner invasion of US.

My own $0.02 would be to say the focus should be normie friendly for the purpose of putting normies in an emotional state in order to control them later on only one or two stars of David - lemmings will take the JQ pill, but are skittish creatures

Also, apologies for shitty OP. I just realized all of my prop in this category was still on jewtube. If this thread is well-received, will create 2 more, 1 for das juden and 1 for white herois, of which I have a few to contribute.


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Other urls found in this thread: Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy.pdf Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy.pdf

Immigration is caused by the Jews.
If it wasn't for them, there wouldn't be immigration of any kind in the first place.
OP clearly works for IDF.

This thread will get shilled to fucksville. Juden doesn't like it when whitey finds out his "HATRED FOR ISLAMMMSSS!!!" is a manifest of judens ideology and not whiteys ideology.
Make no mistake, I don't want to live with shitskins, but shitskin muslims see Jesus as a prophet comparable to Mohammed.
For now, it makes sense for us in the western world to 1. try to cut off more importation of shitskins and 2. team with the shitskins to dethrone and eradicate the jew.
We are natural allies in cause with the shitskin. We can worry about segregating after the real problem is expelled.

*White Heroism.

Children, this is an example of JIDF.
OP displays his knowledge that jews are forcing immigration,and states here they are directly involved with the Muslim immigration in Europe.

The theme of the three proposed threads represents what OP has found to be a good red-pilling strrategy on an individual basis. Which goes something like this

1) Use current degeneracy and ironic humor or violent, shocking news in order to disarm people / put them in an emotional state in order to control them later on.

2) Leave your target breadcrumbs to the JQ. In their emotional state, these breadcrumbs can be pretty large, things that would otherwise be off-putting. For example: "KIKES ARE KILLING EUROPE WITH IMMIGRATION!" That is never going to work on its own. But, here are a bunch of immigrants committing violence. Here is a video of a kike saying Europe will not survive without multiculturalism… well that is an easier pill to swallow and you do not have to name the jew yourself.

In fact, it is preferable if your TARGET names the jew FIRST. If that has happened you have won this mind for good. I would even say to pull back at this point and bring up the conversation a few weeks later. Maybe hand them a copy of Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy Posted here for your reference Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy.pdf Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy.pdf

3) White Heroism. Now that your target has a visceral reaction to violence, a confused state of mind due to the JQ crumbs discussed above, it is time to help them understand what they already know. White people are better than non-whites. Again, tailor this to your audience. If your target loves football, point to the fact that all the QBs are White, as this is a natural leadership position that takes judgement and intelligence, as opposed to raw speed / explosiveness. If he is more of a cerebral type, discuss the fact the historical context of liberty being a white invention which we then shared with nonwhites. The point is to snap his mind back to its natural state. One that prefers his own group both because it is his own group and because it is actually better.

Within this context he will likely grow without further nudging.

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Totally agree, that is the point of this thread. Please post WEBms and not your blogpost.

No, I'm sorry you are wrong for a number of reasons. First, we are not a state, political group, or otherwise insurgenct cell. We do not, in our current state, have the means to ally with anyone, least of all radical terrorists. I would slightly disagree with your view on Muslim views of Jesus/Christians as well, but it would be besides the point of this conversation, and would be subordinate to the point which I think we all agree on which is that Kikes has Christ, Christians, and therefore whites.

Please post Webms. thx

get a new script you fucking retards. I can see your mountain sized noses frpm the edge of the univers you kikes

Poor excuse for /b/ REKT thread.

this is a blue board, you need to spoiler that shit you fucking obvious outsider

Hajis are our friends now? Go fuck yourself, mudslime.

Mods should nuke any thread with a glaring misspelling. Using obvious misspellings is a shill tactic used to discredit a site.

Fuck off leddit.

What the fuck are you talking about you dumb faggot.

cuckchanner detected

whatever happened to gex?

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what am i going to do with this folder

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You are the man my guy

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That's her daddy Dr Clemens Ladenburger

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