94% White and some of the lowest crime rate statistics in America. I'd say there could be hopeful possibilities here. Maybe a good start for an ethnostate?
The state of Maine
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There can be no more running. Wherever we go, the Jews will make sure it's diverse within 20 years.
Wherever we are in this generation, we fight.
What are jobs like there? What is rent like there? Let us know more about this State.
We can make money in any State but if Whites want to do something there and actually make it, they should.
I'm not suggesting to run away but rather to make a stronghold and spread the ideals from there.
Find an innawoods area anywhere in the country and set up shop. Eventually the grip kikes have on the country will run out once the economy implodes. The math is barely adding up now, let alone once china takes over top spot.
These are data mining threads. They pop up on 4chan all the time. Learn to sage.
Haha kill yourself
There is only one solution; and niggers take a back seat to the solution.
Maine is the top state for nurses because nurses are all sluts who just want to travel and fuck. They're the biggest traveling whores next to airline stewardesses.
The USA as a whole was the ethnostate.
It's disgustingly thick with drug abusers and degenerates of their own creation.
t. I go hunting there.
Most whores want to live in tropical climates around rich people. That's not Maine.
That's Portland. Not all of the state is Portland.
Yeah, sorry, paid shill. We aren’t going to fall for any of your plans. You have absolutely no idea what you’re saying and it’s painfully obvious.
There's nowhere to run in the US anymore. Whatever you are you must begin to fight TODAY. This isn't a Talmuddywood movie where "rebel alliance band together in a remote location left alone by those in pret, until the plot convenient catalyst happens, you get a neat little war and A WINNER IS YOU!!!".
stop talking about maine you fucking idiot
get over here, shut your mouth
Great population density and close to cucknada which will be easy to come and go if needed.
Places like Maine and New Hampshire are the types of places the kikes are trying to niggerize the hardest. By the time I could manage to save up enough money to move it'll be flooded with shitskins and I'll be back to square one.
I won't discourage any other whites from moving, though. Maybe you could even manage to crowd out the nonwhites so there's nowhere for them to stay.
They always niggerize the cities, never the rural areas. Nogs never stray far from the gibs.
Defeatist trash.
You forgot the astronomically high infant male circumcision rates.
Defeatest my ass, fight where you are. You're hoping to run to maybe buy you 20 or 30 more years at best, to delay the fight. You're like the boomers that saw the damage integration was causing so they ran to the suburbs.
Is Portland a shitlib town? I had a job offer there that paid well.
>fight where you are
How so user?
I wouldn't buy a house anywhere with the present situation. Rent, maintain mobility. Only exception is if you're having a family. Then move innawoods. If she won't move, call her a coalburner Cosmopolitan roastie.
Find a Synagogue
Go make money user, build yourself up to start something for yourself, more will come from that than staying jobless in a jobless unproductive conservative town, unless you can wife up there, just get the best opportunity and ignore the faggots.
Lurk more.
Yeah it’s full of liberal faggots, but by American standards it’s very nice due to how white it is. It is a somewhat expensive place and filled with brain dead, hypocritical liberals, but I would recommend it if you want to live in a nice city that is overall very white.
Don’t live in some of the suburbs such as Beaverton, Aloha, or Hillsboro as they are filled with spics. However, they are gradually racially segregating.
t. Grew up in Beaverton around spics and now lives in Portland. Feel free to ask me questions
Oh shit, thought the question was about Portland Oregon
Your working off outdated data. Look at the demo's of under 21 yo.
There’s jobs in Portland, same as anywhere else really but Maine is a swing state and big, coastal cities = lots of liberals.There’s no major regional industry besides fishing if that’s what you mean.
Maine is a dudeweed state so their version of right wing is basically libertarian, also super lax gun laws.
OH well. We just need a defacto white racist city for all of pol to move to. There are at least ten thousand of us.
Well shit user, you're correct. My fault for not looking into it more. I guess i'd rather have bitter facts then false hope. 14
The largest conservative city in America is Colorado Springs (and it's pretty White as well), if enough of us go there we can turn CO red again.
I don’t think the liberals in Maine are the pink and blue haired dykes of NYC. Maine is chill. You’re going to find Trump supporters of the magapede and Alex Jones tier probably won’t find a ton of White Nationalists but New Englanders of the White variety tend to be racist we just aren’t so overt about it, at least not anymore. Boston didn’t get desegregated schools until the 70s and the rest of the region never had to worry about it because niggers don’t live in Maine unless they got adopted by some cucks. There’s nothing to do in Maine except work and raise a family and do outdoorsy things like snowmobile, dirt bike, shoot guns, ride ATVs and you’ll have to buy a Jeep or Subaru. If that’s what you’re into you’ll like it.
Like I mentioned in another post Maine has liberals but also the least restrictive gun laws. Niggers aren’t coming to Maine, it’s too cold. They only ended up in places like Chicago and Detroit because of low skill high paying jobs which don’t exist anymore.
I've been saying this for a year, but faggots keep pushing NWF. Half the state is unorganized territory, but if flatlanders come and shit it up, I'll personally hunt you down.
Maine is full of white nationalists. There are 3-4 of us here that I know of and a shitload of cuckchanners.
technically it will be india because theyll soon be the superpower in about 10 years.
I live in main, please do not bring your fucking insanity here. We dont want you. You are a force of destruction. We get along perfect without you. If you come your "ememies" and your "followers" will too and before you know it every fucker you meet will be some edgy faggot who posts on image boards. If you want to move here, work, have a family and act right. Keep your opinions to yourself. This isnt California.
Good point. These are maps we should be looking at.
This thread is rife with retards that know nothing about Maine and base the whole state off of one kiked city hundreds of miles from most of the state.
Keep your anime and your half baked political ideologies and stay out of maine. Even your fucking banner has anime in it. Also every second user here is a pedophile, we dont want that. Zig Forums or Zig Forums you are all degenerates.
t. a jew
You post here an awful lot for hating everything we stand for, don’t you?
No, I'll vouch for this faggot, and my posts here go for years. Most white Mainers hate anime and Jap shit. The only group of outcasts at my school were the weebs. Mainers are mostly farmers, fishermen, and loggers, and anime is considered degeneracy here. I've been on imageboards for years, so I just ignore it.
go away moishe.
what is a ethnostate bud. you know a place for and of your people without subversive fucks like you. there are 100+ million nonwhites. we arent going to maintain the totality of the states. trying to gather together and let the rest of the country fall apart under subhuman rule is the best option. what would scare kikes more than organization of whites
Look at my post history faggot, I dont.
Triggered I picked on your precious anime? Fuck off.
Any good sources to learn more for my self? I could just jewgle it but a good source would be better.
The simple act of an adult watching cartoons is enough to get a bad look, these people just dont realize it.
Yeah, that's true, too.
why is it portland is a shithole no matter where portland is?
also this. if you're already there or near then stay and have lots of children. don't let them win.
for those who are looking to relocate i suggest anywhere midwest.
also a good option
found the civnat cuck
It's too tough, buddy. Most of what makes the media and internet are ultra-kiked coastal areas that don't represent the state at all.
Call me what you want, its just you reacting to being told you aren't welcome in the club.
Most people don't even know that the upper tip of Maine is all potato fields. That has always amazed me.
the message is not meant for you - it is for the others. there's nothing you can do to stop us.
"strategic relocation" has good information, slowly becoming dated, on all 50 states. you can find the ebook online.
Yeah and the street shitters will turn their country into this
So you and your little team are moving to maine now and thats that eh? ok, Faggot.
Why is it always freaks, man children, depressed people or fucking movie stars that want to move into perceived peace after becoming burnt out on "the future". What makes them think they would be welcomed with open arms? Do they expect to waltz up to a farmer and suddenly be one of the boys? What is this mindset and where did it come from?
Sure but those shitted cities are also major economic and political power bases. The same shit is happening in NH.
You're a fucking idiot. Almost all nurses are really old, unattractive, middle aged women. I worked with one hot 20 something at my last job, she was an outlier.
These people are deluded becasue their entire reality is based on infographics that cant be proven or disproven. Ask any of them about the reliability of their source and you are a shill. This is what happens when you are raised on anime and imageboards. This is also why I personally hope they stay in whatever fucked up state they live in.
The external rapefugee crisis was only the beginning. Great ready for the great internal migrations. Except it won't just be liberal whites it the next one will be mixed creatures who have white families to sponsor them moving in. HELL.
I was a travel RN, worked in Maine even, got to see a lot of the country. Nurses are old ladies who don't fuck. They are married and hate their husbands. Or they're 300 lb black women with weaves to the floor. Got to see coast to coast. Maine is a hold out for sure. Keep it white. Resist the Somali importation. Meme that they need to go back. Stop the churches from bringing in more. It can and must be done.
Thanks user, i'll give it a look.
This is true, but fortunately most of the state bleeds red to the point Democunts don't dare admit their affiliations. I heard on local talk radio that a group is trying to make it so groups petitioning have to go through all counties to pass a petition for referendum. Our biggest problem politically is retards and kikes causing stupid shit to go to ballots, but even when they pass something, it gets ratified and obliterated within a year. The dude weed thing was inevitable, I'm from northern Maine and most people above the 45th parallel were already growing it for medicinal purposes. I mean medicinal, too, as most people here work hard trade jobs and have no insurance, so there are tons of people with fucked up backs that don't want (((painkillers))) that they couldn't afford anyway.
More like white lib women who adopt rapefuges for some lovin
Sounds like you never left southern Maine, even Bangor's hospitals are mostly white with the exception of a few Indian doctors.
you're about to get culturally enriched!
Bullshit. It's because the population is aging out, so nursing homes and end-of-life care is at a record high for demand.
So you enjoy seeing a white society get enriched so much you laugh about it? And im the jew?
The reason our demographics are getting kinda shitty is because most younger people leave here for (((cities))), but the old people have learned over the years that it is better here than in most places. I used to hate Maine, but it's better than anywhere else I've been.
I'm one of those people. Used to pretty much hate it, and I moved to Austin because there's no tech work, but I dearly miss the north now. I can't see myself still living in Texas within 10 years unless I find a qt waifu and can buy a good chunk of land away from the cities.
by image board national socialists, you fucking idiot!
I'm all for running. These putzes. "1488 stand your ground, not one inch, live free or die" yaddah yaddah. Go visit SA and tell me how if you'd flee or be overrun like Rhodesia. You can't fight when you are at 30% and 3/4 of that is slobs or traitors. That said never met anyone from Maine who wasn't dumber than a Masshole
The very first time I saw a national socialist flag was on a trip to Bangor as a kid, and as you can see just from this thread, there are Zig Forumsacks in Maine already. The most sympathetic people here don't have interwebz, though, they went innawoods a while ago.
Well, southern Maine is essentially northern Massachusetts, both in semblance and being full of Massholes.
I think we are going to have to wait for the next ice age. We've gone full cultural suicide. Crashing this plane we will need survivors.
that's true essentially on a line anything south of manchester is becoming or already is massachusetts because it's commutable to boston. if the train line ever gets built it will kill new hampshire.
Yeah, I have a cousin who did the same thing. He fucking abhors Texas, but makes triple what he was being paid here for the same work.
it gives me hope. i just don't like he says "don't come here" - when most won't anyways and those who do at least show the proper motivation. we need more white meetups or at least white solidarity. buy up all the housing and land and never rent to non-whites.
Yeah, you guys are at the frontline of faggotry. I'm just glad our winters slow the descent into madness drastically.
Northern Maine is one of the few places you could do that, the problem is a lack of jobs and infrastructure. I could have a free place to live if it weren't over half an hour from the nearest job, which pays a pittance in comparison to my current work.
If you're in Austin, you're in a prime target rich environment, too. DOTR arrives I expect to hear the kvetching from here.
I'm not making triple, and I'm not likely to, but cost of living isn't much higher than southern Maine and I'm still making significantly more. No state income tax, to boot.
Maybe someday I'll get to the point where I can work completely remotely. I could absolutely see myself moving to Aroostook County and just being a grumpy old bastard with lots of guns, a bunker, and shitty satellite internet. Except I really want a white wife and kids.
The thing is, you arent really white user. Your skin may be but you arent. You know nothing of hard work, you watch cartoons which means you have some kind of arrested development, you most likely believe a jewish person is responsible for your personal problems and are unable to help yourself. You are white in color only. We dont need people like you who have problems they are running from.
Our white mongrelization was a plus when it promoted competition. Now with diversity it prohibits our combination into communitys that can fight off parasites. I don't see a redoubt being reliable above a community of 10,000. At those low numbers you can not attract the gibs. But you better not be a thorn in the side of the degenerates either. In 50 years we have destroyed more diversity of genetics than a million years took to sort out.
The only demographic of whites that matter are ages 1-30 due to those who have the potential of reproducing, and those who are able to reproduce.
Sacrifice everything to make that happen. Without kids you are just a hedonisthought at odds with this entire board
Your ideal describes most of the people I know.
That is bigger than most cities in Maine. The town I grew up in had less than 1/50th that population.