Normalizing Pedophilia

Anyone else notice that normalizing pedophilia has been shilled in full force recently? Whether it’s people trying to make hebephilia a normal acceptable thing that’s completely different from pedophilia. Or sympathizers who pity and seek help and protection for pedos especially “non offenders”. Comment sections on these types of videos demonize normal individuals who have normal reactions to this issue like disgust,hatred,etc.

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I'll believe it when I see it.

Have you not been it's everywhere everything from Vice to Vanity Fair

Link me articles that actually say this. Like actually link a shit load of them since you implied feminism in general wants this.

Shlomo has arrived.

All she's advocating is to recognize the difference between sick desires and sick actions.
The less scary it is for pedos to come out and admit their desires, the quicker we can give them the "help" they need.

Don't forget Salon which had the "I'm a pedophile not a monster" article that they later deleted when they got called out for defending child rapists

come on OP

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There’s no such thing as a passive pedophile. Many have even admitted that they would have acted if given the chance. It’s porn,lust and fetish seeped into the core of your brain not something curable like depression

I said send me links in which feminists advocate raising the age, not instances where bills were passed

If it became normalized, wouldn't that free all the elites who've been pedo-blackmailed?

Feminism caused this. 20"18", the chosen year marrying teens became outlawed just about everywhere. But fags and miscegenators can still get married, no problem. Good game, western civilization letting women have power and all.

They have so many reasons to do so.
First, it's gotten so bad in the upper echelons that they have no hope of keeping it under wraps, so, instead, they seek to lessen the blow, both socially and legally, by normalizing it.
I'm guessing they are privy to some knowledge that John Q. Public is not, such as the identities of those named on those sealed indictments, and the gig is almost up.

Secondly, by giving children the right to consent, it opens the door to other rights, such as freedom of association, which they previously did not have as legal minors.
This will be used to chip away at the power of parents to act as legal guardians and decision-makers (similar to how British parents who tried to stop Pakistanis from raping their kids have instead been the ones to face charges.)

Mike, get the jumper cables

Can I get a sauce on that?
Would be nice to have on hand the next time I get into an argument with an apologist/defender.

I would argue that's it not event the explicit, hard-core kind, either.
Implicit and soft-core has infiltrated every facet of media, and people have become inured to its presence.
I cut the cable about 5 years ago and it's so obvious now whenever I happen to catch some in passing.

Legal or not, there will still be consequences for that shit if it's discovered.

Getting warmer…
Ask yourself who was behind feminism.


Again unless you can cite your sources fuck off

Can you list some examples? I'm not seeing pedophilia being promoted, I'm seeing the extreme opposite in the legislation being passed.

Goes without saying. Feminism was the original birth control for the goy, and still is.

The most well known of these is the German program Prevention Project Dunkelfield, which, since 2002, has accepted self-diagnosed paedophiles or hebephiles (men attracted to pubescent minors) into a year-long program to reduce the risk of CSA and/or using child abuse media. Key to the appeal of the Dunkelfield approach was that it might provide treatment to a hidden population of what Cantor and McPhail (2016) call 'non-offending pedophiles' (that is, paedophiles who have never committed an offence against a child). However, evaluation data found that the majority of Dunkelfield participants (88%) disclosed a child pornography offence and/or a contact offence against a child ( Beier et al., 2015). …

Really? Are you living under a rock or something? Many MSM sites are making articles describing it as a sexual orientation and are even suggesting ways in which an adult and a child can have relations in a “safe legal” matter

The global elite like things the way they are. Making it easier for 18-year-old niggers to have casual sex with 14-year-old Whites with Romeo and Juliet laws is about the only "normalization" that's going on. While they make it impossible for established men to marry 16-year-old virgin brides.

You confuse their shilling for the mental health industry with normalization of pedo relations in fact and in law.

I think a lot of people have gotten confused about all this with the pizzagate investigations. The elite can already do whatever they want with the protection of ZOG; they don't need to normalize shit.

Do you not have any sense of critical thinking whatsoever? If it is seen in society as a sexual orientation or “sickness” then no one will hate them. All they have to do is pander to the masses about how sick they are and liberals will simply give them “the help they need”. Their careers and relevance don’t take any hits whatsoever

Yes, we had threads about this Hejne bitch and we even named this particular gig TEDogate. Where were you? Just to clarify, Hejne bitch did not invent anything, this bullshit is Frisco stuff from the seventies they used to normalize faggotry. They just slightly modified it to fit their new narrative. And yes, they are pushing it hard, a couple of weeks ago France cancelled age of consent making it a free for all. Add to this that Hejne bitch is a kikess working for a kike. But you know what? Jews are going all in because they do not have anymore cards. Dotr is near.

They like it in the dark and it will stay in the dark, because they have the protection of ZOG. I always remind people about the Snowden revelations. With all the surveillance, do you think ZOG doesn't know who the real pizza people are? All these elites trafficking children in their gated communities, do you think they all use encryption? No, those fucks are old-school and have been doing their thing since before all this high-tech shit. They make their arrangements over insecure communications, and ZOG lets it fly.

Your assuming legalization and acceptance are the same thing. Just because it isn’t legal doesn’t mean lefties still won’t normalize and feel sorry for criminals and offenders. The point is that if society accepts pedophillia as an everyday thing (not legalizing it just accepting) then all these huge figures won’t have their lives ruined like bill Cosby. They will still have their money and reputation. Also don’t you draw any similarities with this and the fag acceptance during the 90’s and early 00’s? When they were saying that It won’t be a slippery slope and that accepting fags would normalize them and prevent them from entering these degenerate scenes?

France is not the world.

I guess I missed that thread. But this post isn’t really about the video per say, just that very recently they have been shifting the pedophile shit into overdrive. I guess i should have posted the adult swim commercial in which they talk about pedophillia/ rick and morty

There's nothing wrong with pedophilia!

What is wrong? Rape.


OP is a massive faggot. There's no such thing as hebephilia. There's just paedophilia, which is sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children.

We are biologically hard-wired to be sexually attracted to the opposite sex from the start of puberty. That has been "normalised" since the beginning of mankind up until jealous early feminists somehow got governments to raise the age of consent in many countries. There shouldn't even be a numerical age of consent it, should simply be pre-pubescent = illegal. (Not including precocious puberty.)

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Exactly. They are even banned DRAWINGS of little girls in many countries

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Go for it you haven't made loli illegal, at least not yet

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Does that stand for Faggots Being Incensed?

Been saying for years that pedophilia was next after trannies but no one listened irl.


We’ve been knowing user, when fags started to get accepted we all knew it was down hill from there. Thankfullly it’s only in its early stages the “de vilifying” stage in which they convince you that they aren’t as bad as society says they are

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The Christian guy kills the whole message tbh. Rather than point out the obvious slippery slope LGBT has it makes the post seem the only people suffering are Christians

Feminists are yet another golem.

Pedos shall not be normalized! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! NO RAT PHINKERY!! Pedos shall not be normalized!

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Imagine my shock

Funny you mention that, because it was the fucking queers who threw NAMBLA under the bus to gain acceptance after using the organization to gain the sopotlight.

Yep. Free for all. Not like they're just focusing on the real problem or anything.

The fact that you would raise a family with a woman with the lack of mental development of an adult though, is infantile and beta. Degenerate. Do you think that 'outlying and marginal' standards are placed on the age of consent without careful consideration of social consequences?

Women virtually have all the abilities of a mother when they finish puberty, but men must go through many phases of development before actually becoming patriarchal or fatherly. However, this is not an argument against my first point, that women must be mentally developed adults before properly engaging in a family with a man. That still stands. Despite their earlier development than men, they must still mature into early adulthood and overcome its trials before understanding human responsibility. Not as heavily as men must, be to the extent that they are ready for the struggle of housewife existence and ready for a real man who will put them in their rightful place.

If you are engaging in sex hedonistically, you are dead weight to society. If you are planning to raise children while being infantile or with an infantile partner, your whole family is dead weight to society.

tl;dr degenerates are the same garbage as pedos, and their behavior cannot be justified

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You've met different women than I. In my personal experience, females tend to top out at their open-mindedness and critical thinking around 16 or 17 at the most, then it's all downhill from there once they discover they can just use sex to get what they want. There have been rare outliers, and they tend to be outliers because they're either fat or ugly, which kinda kills the whole sex angle for them, so they have to make up for it by developing an actual fucking personality.

Not surprised

You sound like a neck beard

Immigrants are literally manchildren animals that have no comprehension of sexual moral order or sexual health. They will die for somedat sweet white pussy. This won't stop any of them, under the paradoxical integration/separatist model of jew-imposed immigration, from destroying native european woman/society. Talmudvision literally teaches them that white women want to be raped by them, and that they should completely disregard pre-existing social norms (including the law, which is also under attack by the jews). Not to mention, the degeneracy of pornography being pushed on both sexes making them want to gargle niggerdicks.

Men, aswell. But it doesn't work. They ruin their lives - I have seen it first hand. I don't consider all women to be naturally like this, though. It's just the jewish infiltration of feminine culture, mobilizing them against their female reality (I won't say traditional values, because that creates an abstraction). Black Swan is a great example of this infiltration, using Freudian psychology to unleash their sexual passions and commit self-destruction.

That is the opposite extreme of the spectrum being pushed by jews, but if you look closer, you'll see all the same common symptoms of a defeminized woman. Either that, or they'll be emotionally ruined hamplanet autists carrying around the neurochemicals of 2-3 other women inside them. They all equally need dick, but dick in a more philosophical sense. The Logos and Eros in the psyche must be in balance, inside a man and woman both, before they can join, be in harmony and properly reproduce.

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Kikes lost control of feminism within the last decade.
You can see it with the group of feminists (i forget the name) that hates trannyfaggots.
You can see it with feminists constantly wrongthinking other "minority groups" because these other "minority groups" are encroaching on the feminist's victim status.

Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist

It's the collapse of the Brave New World panacea circus. Only the strong survive. The bible is our survivalist handbook.

Raw intelligence actually peaks around 14. Pic related.

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Nice sourceless pic

Jewish influence eh?

Throughout 2016, Epstein had discussed the possibility of Google search algorithm manipulation in favor of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.[15][16] He estimated in a September article that as many as three million votes in the upcoming election could be shifted as a result.[17] His research on the issue has been called into question by many other outlets since.[18][19][20] Former head of Google Search Amit Singhal has directly disputed this claim, explaining that "Google has never ever re-ranked search results on any topic (including elections) to manipulate user sentiment."[21]

Many, many, of us voiced that warning. Pretty much anyone who can see the jew knew sexual exploitation of children is their (increasingly less) secret little sickness.
Do NOT stop exposing the jew. Even if 1 in 10, even if 1 in 20, people you talk to so much as start to consider what you're saying, don't give up. Bear down, grit your teeth and keep exposing these fuckers.

On the subject of pedo-propoganda, does anyone have that old newspaper clipping of the town hall meeting that was protesting the proposal of legalizing child marriages? I believe it was a southern town but I can't be certain–it's a useful image to have because it instantly shoots down the assumption that such practices were universally accepted in prior generations.

He's stating scientific facts. If a jew said that two plus two equals four I bet you would insist that it actually equals five.

How? The article was simply a speculative response to a question. There were no researches or studies linked in the response at all. Saying that it’s factual and qualified just because he’s a psychologist is the same as being in Juden petersteins cult of followers that say he’s a wise prophet

Pedophilia is already normalized among the (((elite))), now they're just normalizing it to the general public. CP will be legal to own and produce in ten years.

Please don't report insignificant shit like this (as in not actually illegal) or we'll end up with another situation where legitimate reports get overlooked

No it won't. (((They))) are too stubborn to realize that every normie hates pedophiles and no amount pf brainwashing will change that.

It's porn. Not just the amount, but the kind of porn people are watching is leading to this slippery slope:
Porn leads to men imagining the role and position of the female; they want to feel what it's like to be the girl getting bangbanged because she's pretending to enjoy herself. People are now pushing fetishes and niche porn markets to the extreme, and the end game of extreme porn is cp. I'm convinced thats where the rise in bitcoin came from, people buying it for deepweb cp and other extreme content. It just gets worse after that level

You sure about that? We live in a society that worships fags and tells kids that they are trannies. “Normies” are trying to take the moral ground and de villify pedos. They say shit like “oh he’s just sick, we need to help him not shame him”

Exactly. Full on pedophilia on human kids (not loli anime) is the final step. It’s the stage where porn has seeped into the core of your brain. Of course “research” immediately shoots this down when talking about the potential causes of pedophilia

Top kek, someone's getting blown the fuck out.

No sane person would tell kids they are trannies and people don't worship fags. You mistake apathy towards faggotry as approval.
No they don't. Whenever pedophiles get caught diddling kids, normies go into a killing rage and describe how they would torture and kill the pedophile. They also constantly demand we bring back the death penalty for pedophiles.
What planet are you living on?

On JewTune ive gotten these ads where its either this like 10yr old Nogling or other child 12 or under asking questions about HPV. Im sorry but thats just fucking creepy. We've known all about HPV for long enough that this is a standard behind doors part of the sex talk. And this was on family friendly channels too that kids that age or younger likely frequent. Just feels to me like its promoting young sex in a roundabout way. Smells jewey.

Research does talk a bit about the causes, but it's not where you were going with the porn aspect. Pedo's tend to have another cognitive disorder, such as ASPD or psychopathy, along with hypersexualized behavior similar to those with frontal lobe damage. Interestingly, pedo's tend to suffer from a head injury before the age of 6. Here are some articles, notice the new key word PWP (people with pedophilic interests).

Look at the comment sections on pedophiles retard. All the replies to sane comments such as “all pedophiles should be hanged” have responses such as

Yeah I’m aware. They have 0 empathy for their victims and even try to justify their actions

Normies were against whores in decades past, now it's expected that a woman will have multiple sexual partners.

You refer to hypothetical comment sections and pretend that proves your point.
Anyone that responds in that manner os a pedophile themselves. No normie would ever support pedophiles. Literally every news report has comments calling for tortute being liked the most. Any comments pushing the 'virtuous pedophile' narrative are made by anonymous accounts because people posting the comments know normies hate pedos.

You are comparing adults being sluts to child abuse.
Two totally different things.
BTW you need to go outside. Most normies don't like whores. Stop believing the internet represents reality.

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Sorry, this was supposed to be pic 2.

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Do you think that normies are just these politically neutral people who ignore what’s going on in the current world? It’s not the 90’s anymore “normies” aren’t these apathetic people who tolerate shit, they actively virtue signal to appear super accepting. Also I’m not saying that they are currently trying to make pedophilia acceptable rather they are trying to de vilify them. I’m case you haven’t noticed normies including liberals and lolbergs LOVE to take the moral high ground even if it bites them in the end.

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Do you have an actual point to make? This whole thread you’ve been nothing but a contrarian

Eventually pedos will be the new sexuality that needs to be liberated along with necrophiliacs and people who perform beastiality

Are you retarded? Do you really think this is evidence that normies want to 'help' pedos.

Just pointing out how retarded you are.

Anyone see Sam's recent video about the Adult Swim controversy? He has got a series coming up, and it's him setting up pedophile hookups and catching them up. We need to physically protect this guy lest he be taken out by the jewish hollywood pedophiles for being anti-semitic.

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No retard those are only a few examples. So you don’t have anything to add huh? Just “lol your retarded” . Just blew in from half Chan did ya?

We need Sam Hyde to be the new Chris Hansen.

Another Wilhelm Reich infographic to spread.

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Wew lad.

Fucked up the punctuation, save this one instead.

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And how about you? You who say you are against pedophilia, do you oppose, in public, the culturally systematic practice which is the sexual torture of babies, the sexual mutilation of babies, which is given the euphemism (((circumcision)))? Do you take a stand that demands that all circumcision wherever it may occur must be abolished?

You cannot be against pedophilia and be fore circumcision.


Not normies.

I absolutely oppose Male Genital Mutilation. Everyone I know does too. Probably because I live in a Catholic country.

Yeah you just are denying just for the sake of it.