Founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales publicly denounces Jeremy Corbyn and implies he's an "anti-semite"
Founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales publicly denounces Jeremy Corbyn and implies he's an "anti-semite"
bump. I remember a thread a while back about Jimmy Wales was shadow-editing Wikipedia articles that had wrongthink in them. This is something to monitor
Only if you give a shit, which you shouldn't.
Have those 150 gorillion rockets even killed a single kike?
Holy fuck, that jewish entitlement though.
Thanks for the PR, kike, I guess.
Normies rely on Wikipedia for far too much. If they were to know it was compromised, hopefully the dissidents would spawn their own catalogue of information. Do I care about Jimmy Wales the person? No. But the potential to ruin yet another infiltrated institution could be at hand
the horror..
>>>/suicide/ shill.
I'm sure the wiki on Corbyn wont show this!
You mean normalfags.
Yeah bump for fuck Wikipedia and people who use it.
Reminder that Jimbo Wales is a Jewish porn king and expecting anything resembling "neutral point of view" from his website is the definition of naive.
We need to coin a new term. How about:
>(((Jimmy Wales))) a jew calls some an anti-semite
imagine my shock!
Current total is about 6 million dead user. Other than that, a couple old ladies were got a scare as the warhead-less missile struck their roof.
Corbyn isn't anti-semetic he's just another anti-imperialist commie. Jews supported anti-imperialism and now cry whenever those same people hate on their shithole nation Israel.
Chickens come home to roost.
1) don't pay the SJW to propagandize you.
2) If the subject has anything to do with politics, Wikipedia is off the rails full SJW on it, including bald face lies to support AGW.
3) Not my circus and not my monkeys. Love watching them throw shit at each other like real monkey's, tho.
6 gazillion!!
he's just virtue signaling for shekels. I wonder what wikipedia's donations look like over the years?
1. stir shit
2. Move people to Infogalactic
3. Zig Forums takes full control
How do I join Hamas?
Contact your local JIDF
>(((((Jeremy Corbyn))))) and implies he's an "anti-semite"
Corbyn is a jew.
History of Jimmy Wales
It's fucking deep – Russian Jew mafia
to be fair, those bomis babes are definitely over 18
(((Jimbo Wales)))
Does this mean Zig Forums stops using
Everyone who isn't a Zionist is an anti-semite according to the IHRA and the definition they're trying to push on Western nations.
When they say "rockets" they include everything like thrown bottles or rocks.
Only 150? Oy vey, it was 150000 you bastid antisemitic goy!
Nice pilpul Jimbo.
Wales edited his own entry and that of his girlfriend (((Rachel Marsden))).
Is there a Zig Forums thread on this?
Try Infogalactic.
Yeah. They're convinced it's because he's a libertarian.
I think that noticing that discrepancy is what redpilled most of us in the first place. Jews are confused as to why "white supremacy" resurfaced among the newer generations despite their propaganda. It wasn't that we read the DS and Zig Forums, it was the fact that we noticed their double standard. Jews don't practice what they preach because they're detrimental ideals, so it's wise that we reject them as well.
I guess that settles it then.
Vote for Corbs
What redpilled me was the same lolberg and free speech jews (throughout the 90's and 00's) suddenly went 'shut it down' around 2012.
Maternal grandfather: Ernest Josling
Maternal grandmother: Caroline Stott
Paternal grandfather: Benjamin Corbyn
Paternal grandmother: Dorothy Bush
All of his great-grandparents were born in unsuspecting places, like Norfolk, Sussex and Plymouth. The fact that he's made no specific claims seems to mean he's deflecting to stay in good graces of the public.
Read Dr. Joyce's article on so called leftist antisemitism.
Regarding Wikipedia, the best we can do is delegitimise it as an institution. Meming it as the Ministry of Truth would be a start.
Vote for Corbyn and be shit on by his Muslim friends instead
It's called a reset.
I'd rather kill a Tory than vote for one.
Fucking ridiculous that the only bloke in my shit hole of a country that speaks up against these parasites is a fucking socialist. Someone just fucking nuke us already.
Anyone got Dibby? I asked Zig Forums but I got banned from there the same time I got banned form here and apparently theirs hasn't been lifted yet like the one here was.
There are literal shill groups focused solely on that.
Jimmy Wales is a fucking joke. He's a fucking (((lolberg))) who let his website become overrun by SJWs.
I always assumed it was as jew infested as Jimmy Saville in its very conception.
Colmunist for (((The Intercept))) now also implies Corbyn is an antisemite
Bibi proceeds to thank him
This has always been the way of things, even in the original fable. We saw it when the feminsits funding was cut when protests began in israle, when blm lost its funding after the lead nigger was especially stupid and leaked his texts with his sponsor, and currently witnessing it with the chaotic in-fighting amongst the lgbtqwertybbq+ that wastes their funding.
As for wikipedia, it's a powder-keg of censorship, gaslighting and blatant anti-White racism that's large enough to redpill anyone shy of a talmudvision addicted boomer. Watching jimmy wales' plagiarized pet project blow up in his face is going to be nothing short of hilarious.
Daily Mail has joined in today kvetching that Corbyn says that MPs have speeches on Israel prepared for them, and that jews don't understand British irony even though they have been living here for ages.
They even say that he believes jews have a sinister underground side controlling politics. Shock.
I am liking of these odds, comrades.
wtf, I'll start funding wikipedia.
Comrade Corbyn is the hope and light for Britain, as we speak the jews will not shut up about the man and threatening to expel themselves from our isle. I am filled with utmost glee at such a prospect and I will vote for him.
Jimbo is bought and paid for by (((them))).
so he's saying being anti-evil is a bad thing?
speaking of israel boycott, wtf do they sell? There's intel and ..
basically england is in a bubble where being against "zionists" is supposed to be shocking. Not by much but things are further along in the us.
Tories are bigger cucks than fucking labour now, truly clown world.