Attached: PEPe.PNG (648x634, 819.09K)

Other urls found in this thread: youself{"autoUpdate":["autoUpdate"],"basemap":"grayscale","feed":"1day_m25","listFormat":"default","mapposition":[[-53.5403073915002,-261.9140625],[65.5129625532949,19.335937499999996]],"overlays":["plates"],"restrictListToMap":["restrictListToMap"],"search":null,"sort":"newest","timezone":"utc","viewModes":["list","map"],"event":null}

A forgettable 80's song?

oh shit

Meaning: To sway, to quake, to sway back and forth

Attached: Reeing Pepe 2.jpg (236x236, 7.55K)

Ooooh boy.

Don't play with my feelings, user. I need this.


This isn’t reddit.


Can you link the music or not?

Attached: 1d32fc8738097e358ae959e130….png (894x815, 185.09K)

Kek was born on Zig Forums. Reddit doesn't understand the magic they try to wield.

Attached: afujapdjada.png (423x419, 386.29K)


It's from 2012

Rolling to make this happen. Zero survivors within 100 miles of the coast.

t.California native

Attached: Skittles_Car.jpg (640x480, 51.38K)



In on this possibly epic thread youself


I do every day brother

I always wondered what it would sound like for a bug zapper to fall on an African talking drum in the cellar of the Peppermint Lounge. Thanks, user.

Guess I should share some of my work.

Attached: 1`-1000 (54)

Attached: frog.PNG (92x161, 37.31K)

Attached: Screenshot_78.png (215x395 1.14 MB, 143.44K)

Holy fuck
This joke is funny universe , keep em coming


Th-th-the r-return of Kek?

Attached: 4844aa71f784440544223a2f4c9a3abd_395.jpg (395x395, 67.7K)

Some of mine

Attached: med_1477427873_image.jpg (640x464, 44.22K)

Attached: afc5b6b671c89b9cf14d54c2ca11106d60bac56ecf2e8c6f20ffe2dd278cf333.jpg (255x202, 22.34K)

How far up his grandma's asshole did op have to reach to find this piece of shit?

Likewise, burn it down, burn it down to the ground.

The fires rises
Things are gonna be shaking soon boys
Rolling for an 8.8 on 10.14

Would make good video game music

Well that's what I get for being an enormous faggot and rolling for dubs
Fucking off now

Attached: Screenshot_37.png (430x139, 9.18K)

Maybe someone's waiting to drop the brass for more gun control.

Wow, a really shitty piece of music with no meaning behind it.


Attached: Pepe the frog.jpg_8060648_ver1.0_1280_720.jpg (706x740, 110.97K)


Attached: Boomer Memes.jpg (2732x2048, 2.65M)

Attached: 50942a7.jpg (736x1012, 56.66K)

I'm fine with this.


Attached: Default Project.webm (320x240, 7.57M)

I find this piece of music disappointing - constant build up and… doesn't deliver. So yeah I guess it's perfect for this place.


that's what she said

true samsaric listening over and over

checked for erratic seismic action

it's like the shadilay version of blackpill

outside of the frog, it's just a beaner name.

this is old ass news OP plenty of anons new of this during the election cycle

beautiful, may it come to pass

dbl post to add this

Attached: SHADILAY PEPE CALIFORNIA.mp4 (406x720, 3.43M)

triple posting to say if you think this is a new find you are now 2 years late to the party

It sounds like shit.
Bury it where you found it OP.

Sage this shameless music promotion

I don't know which is worse; being stuck in the 2016 circlejerk mindset or being a newfag and thinking anyone still cares.

never post here again

Shadilay was discovered long before the qoomers showed up you dumb nigger.

The 4chan thread was deleted (alongside many others I posted the message) because I posted messages this:
"disclosure is here

keyword: synchronicity"

proof: (look for my post)

Hermopolis is ours faggot.

Can someone get this hothead outta here

It's here. The next memetic happening may very soon be upon us. Peace be to Kek, the one whom I have never stopped believing in. Forgive me for any wrongdoings I have committed against myself or my people.

Lets make this happen KEK. t.Californian.

Attached: fixing_California.webm (320x240 1.67 MB, 4.81M)

The fuck is that? That has to be some sort of reporting error

It looks like the ring of fire is about to blow.{"autoUpdate":["autoUpdate"],"basemap":"grayscale","feed":"1day_m25","listFormat":"default","mapposition":[[-53.5403073915002,-261.9140625],[65.5129625532949,19.335937499999996]],"overlays":["plates"],"restrictListToMap":["restrictListToMap"],"search":null,"sort":"newest","timezone":"utc","viewModes":["list","map"],"event":null}

There is nothing left that can't be replaced at some future date with Europeans. The whole place is full of genetic trash.

Well, lets not throw out the baby with the bathwater user. There are a lot of good whites in the rural areas, like me.

Attached: How white am I.png (199x255 3.13 KB, 12.31K)

Those readings are crazy man…I can't believe what I am seeing…if that is not redacted in a few hours I'll be shocked. I wish they were arranged in geographic location on that page so I could compare timelines and amplitude.

Your a keeper. What are you still doing there?

inb4 something happens on the 14th of october in california

Attached: Rational Youth - The Man In Grey (1983).mp4 (320x240, 3.49M)

Reminder that parts of California are below sea level now with all the water wells drawing water from it and saltwater seeping into the fresh water system. Have fun getting drowned diversity people.

Rolling for drowned and starved spics, niggers, and kikes.

the prophet Tom revealed himself and kike chan mods deleted a thread. now i cannot even find where he revealed himself in the archive. Links to said archive are no longer visible

Attached: yankeedoodle_tj76.jpg (1182x864, 1.69M)

Attached: Capture.PNG (914x712, 201.06K)


thank you for not being a complete faggot like op

Shadilay is still the best.

Attached: shadilay color 1280.png (1600x1200 41.02 KB, 37.76K)

This is news to 99.9% of us you fag. Probably 100% and you're just talking out of your ass.

We must use this for our next concerted campaign in electing our glorious orange kike Emperor for his 2nd term
Shadilay my fellow goyim!
In ZOG we trust

Attached: COD_Towelhead-edition.webm (352x240, 1.98M)

No, it means sway. Not earthquake.

Attached: v1.bTsxMDg0OTk1MTtqOzE3ODU1OzEyMDA7NTAwOzcxNw.jpg (206x305, 24.29K)

there is no risk for california right now, but october is a bit away so it may change

Attached: DlAOWi9U8AEUJza[1].jpg (640x1136, 105.81K)

I feel you brother.

Happened in the Heather Locklear Mike Myers Saturday Night Live skit which was deleted by mods

Attached: pepe kek saturday night light snl.webm (396x302, 9.59M)

Attached: deleted SNL skit mike myers matrix pepe holohoax heather.jpg (720x900 234.57 KB, 520.04K)

Just stop

It still means "sway" not earthquake and you're going to confuse the findings and translation.

The Blue Monday that never happens.

good song. way better than any of that vapor wave stuff. jews hate kek probably more than any other recent thing because it's an actual genuine resurgence in true non-kosher spirituality

this word doesnt mean what you think it does. an earth quake isnt some big deal where the whole city feels it. you see, the word 'quake' means to tremble, and 'earth' refers to the glob itself. the earth is in constant motion around the sun. so when people on the news say "level 4 earthquake" they're really just over reacting. so just stop

praise kek. our memes have never been stronger than when under the power of kek. did more to piss off the jews in two years by some people on the internet than christianity did in two thousand with the full backing of just about every white nation

Attached: 1495751505724.jpg (500x467 71.83 KB, 28.92K)

kek is a psy-op to muddle activism with stupid /x/ tier garbage

how was this piece of shit even pressed on vynil?

Real song


Fake remake

t. user who has never been in an earthquake. The entire city, cities, feel it. I was shaken out of my bed once and thought it was a fucking ghost. And another time my cat starting screaming a few minutes before it happen looking to the sky.

Attached: feel so real.jpg (500x500, 41.58K)

You (((Alt-Right))) crowley Bolsheviks always hated KEK and did everything to destroy the meme.

Please take your fucking meds, user.

Attached: 4f40ef0d615c4d171c9f9200c9672e736ea7cd745a6122d86141858cdd7e6a37.jpg (1024x752, 140.45K)

This image itself is a boomer meme.

Seems like this Kek entity has been sleeping since the election ended.


Attached: 1521162592828.jpg (508x604, 78.61K)

>(((esoteric))) kike magick
< not naturalism white magic
The shills are active all night all day.

Attached: keke meditation.jpg (495x495, 71.55K)

Attached: 3124D8BD-2B5F-4408-866F-D8B9651DDAB2.jpeg (743x720, 44.71K)

Pepe California- Zig Forums attempts music.

Here's some upvotes for you faggot
See that there? That's for you.

You guys really can't change it up once in a while?