Doctor rapes a heavily sedated patient. Lawyer argues in court that he is a victim for raping her be

Doctor rapes a heavily sedated patient. Lawyer argues in court that he is a victim for raping her because he's not a doctor any more and crushed his own career dreams by raping a woman. (Seriously). Jurors give him no prison time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

and there's the reason
he's a fucking dunenigger

A Doc Pajeet can get
1. A really expensive
2. The race card cause its the current year.

If nobody kills the guy, everybody deserves it. I'm tired of my race being 99% cucks.

Stuff like this is how you know our civilisation is dead. If truth and logic can't stand in a court of law, nothing can.

How much do you want to be that the jury was a bunch of filthy spics, sand niggers, and street shitters? They see a fellow shitskin and that's all they need to make sure he gets off easy. Change the demographics and the concept of justice goes right down the toilet along with everything else that only White people care about.

This must have been a bought jury too, because it's fucking Texas.

Historically, this is what lynchings were for. Don't let any kike "historian" tell you otherwise.

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Imagine being the girl's father. You've tried going with the system, and that didn't work. Now what? You only really have one option.

Depends what the race of the girl is.
White dad? definitely has guns, definitely pissed.

amendment: the guy, + the judge, the lawyer, and the jury

Her father? He isn't going to do anything. She is going to have to think it through and settle the score herself. She is 32 years old. Obviously the Law is a joke and Justice in the USA is a joke…so treat it like the joke that it is…do whatever you like.

The mistake was assuming the government and its bureaucrats who are intent on destroying the West would actually work in favour of the woman.

Just going to play devils advocate here.

She was admitted for shortness of breath, meaning sedation would be a terrible idea unless the attending doctors thought this was anxiety related. She was probably on a very reasonable dose of Xanax or Valium, not unconscious. In fact, she even remembers his visits, so absolutely awake and certainly a low dose of whatever she was on.

If you hate thIs man, you hate Everyman who had sex with a drunk girl. Sure, he absolutely abused his power and the medical association was right to give him the boot; but this isn’t fucking rape. She was awake and not screaming for help— over TWELVE VISITS. This is regret-“rape” something Zig Forums used to mock and hate the accuser of, not the accused.

Gross, inappropriate, firable? Yes
Rape? Fuck no.

Stop defending shitskin behavior.

Your logic only fucking applies to every WHITE man who has had sex with a drunk girl. This was a fucking sand nigger piece of trash who took advantage of his undeserved station and then had his kike lawyer play the race card in order to get away with it.

The government and its bureaucrats must be brought to their knees and purged with righteous fire.

Fuck off kike.

Yep. OP, no idea what board you think you’re on not mentioning this

On what fucking planet does me calling for this fucking dune coon trash to be held accountable for his actions make me a kike you stupid piece of shit?

I bet my last fucking breath of air that we can make him regret the fuck out of that decision

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Wow, so much for the high-IQ kike meme

You are trying to make willing women into rape victims after the fact. You are the scum that lowers white birth rate as men who can actually consider their future refrain from sex out of fear of the state boot coming down on there throat.

Guess what kike? The state just gave this dude a gentle choke and released him. Because his isn’t a fucking rapist, just an opportunist pervert.

Is this what you meant to say?

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This slag wanted it. Losing his job is the appropriate punishment and ten years of probation is more than enough.


Sorry Habib
Your BS doesn't fly here where people can read

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You're not fooling anyone Achmed. You're here defending the actions of a sand nigger that should have never even been in the country to begin with let alone practicing medicine. Trying to work the anti-feminist angle doesn't work when you're championing subhuman invaders. You're a subversive cunt and you deserve a bullet in the brain right alongside your precious shitskin doctor.

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I already read the article. Read my first post.

Damn dude, I had to hide that poo in the loo shit. Don't do it again.
Pict is what they morph into when your wallet is drained of its resources.

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You are here trying to drive sentiment towards the revocation of consent. You are a turbokike who thinks women should be able to decide if something is rape the next day rather than fighting their rapist, screaming for help, and immediately gong to the police.

You are trying to turn intoxicated hookups into a god damn felony, and based Texas isn’t buying it.

Try again in Cali, kike.


Giving me the willies, I feel the live crawling through her scalp and their flaky poo in the loo flakes of skin falling all over her…why do dreads always look like hairy dogshit?

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Uh sure, it is 'fine' for subhumans to rape white women…this is improved/pol/

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Re-fixed, but good call on that one.

Deporting any shitskin with even an iota of smarts back to this shitstain on the map is essentially a lynching user.

Boomers everyone

I'm doing nothing of the sort. I'm here calling for a fucking subhuman piece of shit to be punished for putting his god damn hands on a White woman period. The fact that she is a selfish and duplicitous whore is completely fucking irrelevant.

If this doctor had been a White man and he was judged by a jury of his peers to be not guilty of rape I wouldn't bat an eye. Yet here you are doing your damndest to White knight for a brown turd. The woman issue is secondary to the invasion issue you utter twit.

Simply amazing.
Might I reccomend taking the law into your own hand? And in the meantime not trying to advocate for terrible laws that will hurt white men just because you have zero foresight or knowledge of how precedent works?

No one has been advocating any change in laws. This is you just coming up with any excuse to defend your mudslime brothers

At first I thought it may have been in Austin, but then I saw it was in Houston, so close enough.

Simply autistic.
I don't know what sort of terrible shit some selfish cunt put you through, and I certainly don't wish that upon any White man, but you need to put that all aside and realize that your precious consent laws won't amount to jack shit in a country that is majority non-White. Get your fucking head straight here.

Of course, that's giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're actually a White user who was burned by a woman in the past and is overly sensitive about the issue because of it.

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Another man's career ruined by a woman who couldn't keep her legs shut.


healthcare diversity thread?

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I only read the headline, and was making a joke.



Open Bobs

Laws don't apply in banana republics you thick headed fuck. The USA is rapidly becoming majority non-white and you're here shitting up the thread because you're terrified of sticking your dick in the wrong roastie? Nigger where do you think you are? You're prattling on about "good" laws in a situation where laws are specifically ignored when it comes to shitskins and drastically over-enforced when it comes to Whites. The government isn't on your side, dumbass. It's completely occupied by the enemy. No shitskins will be put in jail for anything consequential while that is the case. Every fucking day the country slides more and more into oblivion as the kikes who are in charge push forward their demographic change on every level. The activist judges in power care not for rule of law, they care only about furthering their multikulti agenda and lining their pockets. The politicians on both sides of the controlled parties are charlatans owned wholly by multinationals whose boards are stuffed to the brim with kikes and masons. The police are armed footsoldiers of ZOG. You have your fucking head up your ass if you think that the current situation can be remedied politically. We are way fucking past the point where voting is going to fix this. You need to fuck off back to whatever normalfag site you came from with this garbage idea that rule of law actually still exists in America.

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Ignored the rest of your comment. Those aren’t laws.

Moreover, your vehement desire to enforce non-laws betrays your expresses opinion on law. The law doesn’t matter to you at all. All that matters to you is getting rid of non-whites.

A truly noble goal, and I mean that unironically; but not at the expense of the law. You desire for innocent white men to suffer just to make it easier to get rid of non-whites. This isn’t a crusade, this is selfishness and ignorance.

I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.

Thanks for proving me right, dumbass.

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This was literally a wild satire greentext years ago, made into reality.
We truly live in clown world.

M. Night shamAnon, you were the nigger all along.

I don't find either of these women attractive.
Disregarding the loo for obvious reasons, is there something wrong with me Zig Forums?

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not even joking

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Yes there is something wrong with you. They may be 6’s or 7’s, but chad would gladly take them home.

You hope for something that even rejects chads occasionally. Foolish to the ultimate degree. You need to adopt the Patrice 30-point scale to better evaluate women.

A ten would be an amazing ugly woman. A 20 would be an amazing average woman. A 30 would be the pinaccple of attractiveness.

None of the women posted are at least a 29. Not being attracted to the peak of average women makes you a supergay.

Don’t feel bad, most users on 4chan are gay as fuck.

Goebbels is right, but it's no surprise a jewish film-quoting reddit-spacer is going to ignore the truth.

But I never said I thought they were ugly or didn't think they could be considered good looking, I said I personally didn't really find them attractive, I really don't know how to put it more eloquently.
You also make it sound like I have super high standards or something, which I assure you is not the case at all.
Maybe I'm just tired, who knows.

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30 point scale is based and yes, most of Zig Forums is super gay

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Texans are the biggest cucks on Earth. They will not do anything.


This. A jury serves no purpose if the jury isn't homogeneous of the population that made the laws and courts.

What a disgusting heeb.

Digging would be required to reveal the race of the woman, but I don't think she was white.
Sounds like shitskin on shitskin violence. Any med fags able to explain why someone admitted for shortness of breath would be heavily sedated? That would reduce a patients respiration, and an anxiety/panic attack would put her in the psych ward and not in a private room.

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