While America seems to de-evolve over its unhealthy obsession of breaking down race to become an ethnic mongrel melting pot, as well as pushing (((liberatarianism))) I have to wonder if America can be saved and revert back to Colonialist America.
The founding fathers were great men with good intentions, but their system of "liberty" and "freedom" is a doom prospect that has only let non-European peoples take control over Columbia. For that I admire the age where America was controlled by the European empires of England, Spain, and France. Also the founding fathers were in that cancer kike heap secret society of the Masonry. Nothing, good can come from philosemites/actual kikes.
Discuss colonial and non-US American-European culture.
Pre-Declaration America
No, it can't be saved.
No one believes you, yid.
zog and zogbots.
For those who don't know much about history, the term "republicanism" meant you were against monarchism and other forms of "right wing" political positions at the time, which is why the Irish Republican Army aka the IRA is usually left leaning and nowhere near what Americans consider to be republicans. So in a way, Democrats should be just composed of NatSoc-lite cantidates like Pat Buchanan and libertarians like Ron Paul instead of pseudo-Marxist spics and nigger who all want free gibs.
Dred Scott was a mistake.
It was supposed to be a melting pot of beef, lamb, pork, etc. However, some asshole threw in fish heads and monkey's assholes.
You know the "melting pot" was suppose to be for Pan-Europeans only. The founding fathers said only "whites of good character" are eligible to be Americans. Then of course someone comes along and willingly misinterprets the first part and ignores the second.
While you're right that "republicanism" normally just means a democracy without a kind, and more specifically one modeled on the Roman Republic, the image in OP was actually about the US Democratic and Republican Parties around the time of the Civil War.
America was never controlled by those or other countries. The colonies, sure, but not America.
That was before the kikes subverted European Masonry. Go find Washington's letter to a friend saying he hasn't been in a Lodge in years, but he does not believe that the Illuminatus (Weishaupt) has infiltrated American Lodges yet.
What is non-US American-European culture? Do you mean Canada? kek
It was never meant to be a 'pan-European' nation. It was meant to be a British colony, although it wasn't overtly hostile towards the colonial towns of the Dutch and French and was happy to work with them where it was beneficial. Eventually these Dutch and French towns would more or less 'intergrate' with the Anglo-Saxons, although they kept their cultures distinct and alive.
No one was happy about the Irish, Italians, Germans or Poles coming. No one wanted more immigrants. Catholics particularly were unwelcome.
lol the brits got cucked again
This is the truth. Initially, a trickle of immigrants was permitted to populate the land (to prevent the Spanish, French, Russians etc from staking further claims). After the War Between the States, Europoors were brought in to undercut native labor because our Anglosaxon elites have since the beginning acted like kikes. 'Nativism' was not a rare phenomenon, but the ever present desire of the Anglosaxon founding stock to stay the way they were. Today when politicos say we're a nation of immigrants, they're only telling half the truth—immigration has been a part of our history, but never in a positive way. Americans have always been hostile to mass immigration and have always expressed fears of replacement.
In general, freedom and liberty is SEVERELY overrated. Especially in America. The health of the nation should be paramount and to achieve this we need shared sacrifice, not militant individualism.
Colonial America was essentially a Jewish trading post. American culture is simply bourgeois/Jewish culture and has never been anything otherwise. This is why the USA has never had any great writers, artists, philosophers, etc. Because it's a jewish commercial center, not a nation.
At the time that they said this, there were already tons of Jews, free niggers with voting rights, mixed race Indian mongrels, etc. "White" in America has always been more cultural than racial. Being "white" in America just meant being integrated into the judeo-American culture or part of the bourgeoisie, and this mentality carries on even today. The American elite is still "white" supremacist, but their definition of "white" is the historically American cultural-white definition.
Eat longknife, pinko.
Wrong. It was meant to be a Jewish tax shelter.
And what did all of these colonies have in common? They were all heavily Jewish and integral to the global Jewish economic system of capitalism.
Particularly, the know nothings, founded by Lewis Charles Levin and his fellow Jew/Americans. They didn't like these immigrants because they tended to be hostile to jewry.
It's a fact. Niggers had voting rights in several states before the country was even founded. Non-whites, such as Jews, have always been defined as white in the USA. The USA was founded as a liberal state, not a racial state.
It was explicitly meant to only be a colony for Englishman and by extension Scots and Scotch Irish. Literally nothing supports anyone wanting more ethnic europeans when the founding fathers themselves disliked even Germans being in Pennsylvania.
Mind you, America is only 240ish years old.
Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Herman Melville… also modern writers like Stephen King have a lot of good but often trashy works
Norman Rockwell, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol… yeah… I admit it's pretty weak.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Paine, Skinner…
Many Europeans forget that America pre-WW2 was a pretty amazing place, due to so many Whites' philosophies on race, the redskins were being killed off slowly and the negro population kept falling. Hitler was inspired in the US for his racial policies.
Pulp trash
Communist garbage
Anglo bourgeois garbage
Probably as close to great as you will find for America, but still subpar.
Leftist kitsch trash
Jewish trash
Are you trolling?
False. It was a degenerate Jewish shit hole.
Also false.
Daily reminder that the only reason Germany even had eugenics and race laws was because of the US, which was the champion of the Eugenics movement for over 40 years.
This meme needs to die. Europeans had HUGE trading networks before even Rome existed. The Scandinavians, Britons, Iberians and Greeks were all big on trade. Trade and exploration are fundamentally linked.
The only solely 'jewish' profession was usury. They were blackmailers, loansharks and bankers. Their most famous 'trading' jobs have been drugs and slavery, and more recently the whole 'blood diamonds' thing.
It's a mistake to call the British Empire a 'jewish empire'. Like with all major powers and institutions throughout history, once Britain became powerful the kikes latched on to it. Just like they had done with the Prussia, France and Austria. Just like they had done with the Ottoman Empire and Carolingian dynasty. Just like they had with Christian Spain. Just like they had with Islamic Spain. Just like they had with Ancient Rome.
Jews do not make or achieve anything on their own. They wait for others to do something and then invade and corrupt it from within. You do your ancestors a disservice by making out that it was the jews who managed to create vast empires, create marvels of technology and explore the entire planet.
America's 'freedom' and 'liberty' was about being free to be PURITANICAL to such extents that they made the common folk of their old homes HATE them. The way it has been inverted to mean the exact opposite today would be hilarious if it were not so sad.
Again, completely false.
It is not a meme. European trade was heavily regulated. Jewish trade is what occurred in the USA.
No it isn't. It was run by Jews for the sole benefit of Jews. It was a Jewish empire.
Jewish capitalism is what made Britain powerful in the first place, retard. Read Werner Sombart.
Or, in other words, Jewish.
I'd like to see you prove me wrong. Hitler even says in Mein Kampf he was directly inspired by American eugenicist and the Rhineland bastards.
Forgot to take off sage
all of my this
That's why lolbergs are such jewish pawns, they use modern kike individualism to retcon the early post revolution America into this idea that everyone was a heroine addicted sex addict. We've basically never lived in a society more like the libertarian ideal than modern America… and it sucks.
He does not. He only says America is the closest state to having racial laws he would desire. But, of course, American racial laws were not actually racial in a true sense, but cultural. That is why Jews and mongrels were always considered White.
Oh yes. Heavily regulated viking trading! How could I forget about that?
Funny how the jews have been working near tirelessly to undo all of the philosophical things that the Brits gave to the world: freedom of speech is under attack, common law is gone, the old British educational system has been removed in the West yet it is still in place in some of the old Colonies (and unsurprisingly they are prospering from it). Mmm. That jewish Empire that spread all those things that the jews are now trying to get rid of.
What even IS capitalism? Is it something that is focused on securing the most wealth possible in all scenarios? Or is it that thing where people sacrifice vast amounts of money and blood to end slavery and bring their religion to the far corners of the planet? Certainly the desire for trade and wealth was a part of it, but there was so much more to the British Empire than that. I would suggest that the main reason that Britain had more success than most of the other European Empires was because they followed the ideals of the Romans; TREAT YOUR SUBJECTS WELL. Obviously there were many exceptions and no doubt we'll have people raging about the tragedy with Boer - but the fact remains that compared to what the French, Spanish and Belgians were doing - the Brits were pretty much angels. - But no, surely it was all capitalism, whatever that is.
Are we back in school where people know nothing about anything? You realise that the defining characteristic of the jew is the 'talmud', and that the talmud is essentially a cheat-sheet detailing loopholes for AVOIDING being 'puritan-esque' in any way.
Yeah, this is why language is so important. The common people fighting in France for 'Liberté, égalité, fraternité' certainly were not thinking about niggers being their equal, homosexuality being a virtue and masculinity being evil. And yet here we are. The kikes love the word 'freedom' because it is so abstract that they can twist to mean whatever they want - all they need to do is seize control of the media and they can make it mean what they want.
German national socialists got to the moon, not Americans. Americans were too stupid to pull it off.
americans were the big swinging dicks that gave them a roof over their heads once shmule was done with them, don't forget that part
more like, spacefaring nazis were masonic pets after the war and gave us some good optics to consider
"all of my this" refers to my agreement with your post, btw. lurk moar
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Viking trade was barter. Very low level stuff. But their commerce within their own societies was very regulated.
Because it no longer serves Jewish interests. It did in the past, when Jews were not yet secure in their power. But that doesn't mean they were not the largest power behind the empire.
This is the opposite of the truth. Britain was the most successful because it always employed the most immoral underhanded Jewish methods that others would be ashamed to reduce themselves to. Your understanding of history is very poor. The myth of the benevolent British empire is as fraudulent as the current myth of the benevolent American empire. It's basically the British version of modern American neocon talking points.
Modern capitalism would be defined as a system employing (Jewish) financial instruments along with Jewish free trade/markets. Unknown in Europe prior to being invented by Jews.
You faggots don't seem to understand there were very real divisions in colonial America even beyond the fact that allegiance was more to the state than to the empire of America in totality. The groups were and indeed remain ethnographically distinct to this day though two groups interbreed due to their shared proclivities in some areas.
1) Roundhead Puritians
These are your Puritans and libshits, they settled almost entirely in New England and a few other ports and remained concentrated on the coast to this day. The similarity between the social signaling of modern libtards and the hysteria of puritans is obvious to anyone as is their pacifism and propensity to hold working and warrior classes in contempt. These faggots were kicked out of England for be being too stuck up for the other proto-leftits in the Roundhead movement. These today are most exclusively leftist, atheist, and pro-kike. Indeed this is where most of the post-WW2 kike intermarriage is drawn from.
2) Dutch
Most of these moved inland in New York state and slowly were absorbed by others they were two few to really matter and remained distinct for a long time due to animosity toward English rule. They aren't very important.
3) Kikes from the Netherlands
Though few in number these settled in the areas around Long Island and became the stereotypical kikes we think of today in association with America. The Puritans accepted them much like Cromwell in England but they were hated by most others.
4) Irish
Some were indentured criminals who rebelled against English rule in Ireland but most others were relatively wealthy, they settled almost exclusively in Maryland were they got along with the Cavaliers there
5) The Cavaliers
The opposition number of the Roundheads but they must be divided into two groups. One group composed of former men at arms, more martial nobility, landed peasants, and political supporters of the king in the English Civil War. Most of these were very amiable toward to agriculture, working class living, war, and in general the sort of culture we would think of as indicative of rural America even to this day. There were however others who had a certain contempt for working, most of these were slave owners and they had relations with kikes though through the decades their number declined and kikes came to own plantations via intermediaries more often. I cannot confirm that this was due to kiking the owners out of their holdings but is is possible.
6) German Mercenaries
After the 30 Years War many mercenary armies and their attendant baggage trains were disbanded, stiffed payments, or just kicked out of the German cantons due to them being seen as dangerous and separate from larger society. These settled in areas controlled by the Cavalier, particularly in Pennsylvania. William Penn originally sided with the Roundheads but after their political advent he seems to have gotten cold feet over just how shitty they were making society and their pro-kike attitude. As if in recompense he became very pro-Cavalier and pro-German. This ultimately worked out as these people got along well enough and though they didn't intermarry until many generations later their similar proclivities prevented any strife between them even when in close proximity. Penn also alienated much of the upper classes of any origin due to his antipathy for any form of servitude, he felt that keeping servants made people soft. This created a very hard line between New England were slaves were technically legal but never common and Maryland where slaves were somewhat common which would later influence the lines drawn in the run up to the Civil War.
7) Floridian French
Few in number they are mentioned here only for completion's sake
8) Louisianans
Politically influential in early America, particularly in the pro-slavery movement just after the Revolution but of little importance today.
9) French Huguenots and Meonites
These mostly settled in New England and Pennsylvania. The former eventually interbreed with the rest of the population and the later remained separate in their multiple variations. They had little political impact other than the Huguenots being proto-liberals like the Roundheads.
It's common knowledge. Look it up.
No, Americans were the shabbos goyim who destroyed their nation at behest of Jews and then kidnapped them and forced them into slavery under threat of death.
Most of these are actually (((Dutch)))
A nigger was president in the United States. That's all you need to know
That's why I separated them into distinct categories, the actual dutch moved inland and became simple farmers of little import.
Thanks for posting today user.
I think it can actually. I still believe there are still vast enough differences between states and regions that there would be more than one potential territory if the federal government dissolved.
user, if you think that things can just "revert" back to an original state, you haven't been paying attention. Nothing can ever be as it once was.
But we can create new, better nations for our people.
That's cute. Nothing more though. Spain will never rule over a colonial empire in the foreseeable future.
There is some truth to this, but the anglos didn't really care when the germans, irish other western euros went to populate the sparsly populated plains,midwest,and pacific northwest regions. The southern whites and most white new englanders(aka the original colonies) are still UK stock. The remaining southwestern whites, esp in texas, are generally anglo stock as well.
They had to make do with what they had. After the Revolution, they didn't expect very many UK immigrants. So they decided to get continental western Europeans instead (which is what most White americans are descended from, there is only a couple million Italians and around 3 million western slavs).
Sage for LOL AMERIMUTT thread.
We could probably make it work if we’d just start the damn civil war already
A nigger is also mod of Zig Forums Zig Forums and deleted all of my fact-based anti-American posts. On nu-Zig Forums, one is only allowed to post false jewish/revisionist history where America is portrayed as being an antisemitic white utopia free from all influence of jewry.
They did that because America can only survive through infusions of fresh blood because it consistently degrades all living here by way of its Jewish culture. America is a perfect metaphor for the old George Soros type jews extending their life by blood infusions from younger goyim.
Indeed, the farther west, the more recent date of arrival genealogically. Rarely is it mentioned that the War between the States was not merely a war of ideas. Newly arrived Germans almost exclusively fought for the Union, as did other immigrants, and the Confederacy cast itself as an Anglosaxon Republic, i.e. as the true America. Occasionally you'll see a Confederate flag flying in Ohio, or Michigan or Iowa or wherever, because today it's a symbol of Anglosaxon American heritage, and white heritage more generally. Genetically though, NW Europeans are virtually identical, and it's a matter of ideological, religious and cultural differences at this point. I dream of a Greater Anglosaxonia spanning from Great Britain, to North America, to the Antipodes, to South Africa.
It was a white utopia until the early 1900s m8( it was all downhill after Rosenfeld got in). And there were almost no jews here until the 1880s.(aka, when the west was won, and the danger of the Indians had subsided)
It is called manifest destiny, my man. What were they supposed to do, leave 4/5 of the continent unsettled?
Sounds good, as long as the Afrikaners get their Boerstaadt, and the Anglos get their own state in SA. They would make good neighbors, but they probably cant live under one govt.
False. It was Jewish, as my posts (now deleted by kiked mods) proved.
Again, completely false.
The mediterranean and eastern Europe is waking up. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see another Primo de Rivera come from Spain very soon. Let us not forget that 2 years ago, Italy looked like a hopeless cucked state.
Funny how people like you only say this about America, but don't say this about the rest of the Anglo new world. Could it be that you have a agenda?
Also, Hitler himself said that National Socialism was influenced by early America, and like other anons have said, NS racial policy was heavily based on American eugenicists like Maddison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard.
Proofs anytime. According to demographic reports from back then(IIRC), there were only a few hundred thousand jews in NYC, and a couple thousand in the big cities in the south.
Most "American" jews are descended from post 1880 immigrants from eastern Europe. (this is why we have such a large "Russian" population, but almost no actual Russians.)
Also, if any of you anons are interested in reading about the ethnic composition of the White American population, you should read these books.
All of the new world was significantly Jewish, as was the British empire. If like mods had not deleted my posts, you would see I already proved this.
False. I already debunked this too.
And there are only a few million today. Proportionally, the Jewish populations were about the same, or possibly even higher in the past. And, as today, they ruled and defined the culture as a minority elite. And this is not accounting for the fact that a large portion of Jews were crypto (the two most common Jewish surnames in the USA are Miller and Fischer).
America 1768, things that are allowed:
- Slavery.
- Domestic violence.
- Racism.
- Gender discrimination.
- Witch burning.
- Drugs.
- Prostitution.
- Pedophilia.
- Non regulated arms trade.
America 2018, things that are banned: all above.
In fact old America comparing to modern was ancap as much as it possible and modern US is commie government safety-box.
Because of the strategic position: island empire vs continental cucks. Island Empire could invest most military spending into Navy this both protects their land AND allows them to rule the seas and overseas lands. Continentals cucks attempts to spend on Navy is always held down by necessity to secure land borders from their infinite "friendly" neighbors.
US is super Britain by strategic position: bigger island, wider channel so it naturally took its place.
At least you are intellectually honest and probably not a shill.
We cant really prove if Hitler said this about America or not, but if you think that NS Germany didn't take ideas about eugenics from the top eugenicists of the era (a large portion of which were Americans) then you are just wrong m8.
What in early American culture (which is pretty much anglo colonial culture mixed with other W.european culture) was especially jewish? Was it the ancap-esque elements that
alluded to?
I know it's tongue-in-cheek but the fallacy is the idea that "the only thing that the only inhibits your freedom of speech is the government". Right now the biggest thought police are private companies, oh "freedom and liberty" is allowed if you like porn, faggots, kids cutting off their genitals and worshipping niggers and that's why there's actually more freedom in fascism than a republic.
How could htiler take eugenic ideas from America when his race policies were almost entirely focused on Jews? In America, Jews were considered elite whites. If Hitler took eugenic ideas from the USA, he would have made Jews the ruling caste as they did in America and attempted to judaify the populace, as America did.
It was anti-european, had commercial/bourgeois mentality, judaized forms of christianity, etc.
Pretty much all of the founding fathers said a white majority needs to be maintained for the system to work. The present system you see today is what they warned about and not reflective of what the ideal American system would be.
Jews were hated in America before WW2. You can repeat ad nauseum that they were considered whites, but that's bullshit. Of course, Jews will argue a point even when caught in a bald face lie, but this is an undeniable fact for all those lurking.
They extrapolated the eugenic research on the blacks and applied it to their minorities (Jews and gypsies). Not that hard.
In 20th century America sure, before that, not so much. (see Peter Stuyvesant's attempted expulsion of the jews from new Amsterdam and General Grant's expulsion orders). But you really cant expect lots of antisemitism out of a society that was founded by the British empire.
Not until the traditional WASP ruling elite was displaced in the early 1900s. Anti-England, maybe.
Well, we were a former economic colony of England.
I assume you are talking about Protestantism?
I'm not even going to address this one, because this shit always turns into the "not real Christianity" circlejerk.
Not to mention jews were famously lynched in the south, that's where the ADL came from to fight this. And anti-jewish sentiment was a key aspect of the KKK revival in the 1920s. The idea that "jews were accepted as Whites" is fucking moronic and preposterous… there's literally no way you could seriously believe it.
I have never seen these books before, thanks much fren. This is why we need more book threads, it's hard in this day of soft censorship and memory holing to know what's good to read.
Here's my contribution, it's about the four Anglosaxon groups that founded the country, their similarities and differences. Modern America is certainly judaized, more so than any other empire ever; yet it was not always so. Contrary to all the well-poisoning hating on the Founders ITT, the Christians, Deist and Freemasons of 1776 were not under the thumb of the Jews. People like David Franks and the Rhode Island Jews were influential, but not the elite of the new republic. Not all the Founders were Masons, and not all the Masons were Judeophiles.
And there I have to stop you. This is something that only started in the 1960s. Prior to that, such claim is inaccurate.
Definitely not.
… Sort of. To be honest, a lot of them were kinda faggots, and their blunder in failing to predict linguistic and social evolution, thus spurring them to avoid inclusion of a racial requirement for citizenship in the Constitution, really fucked everything they sought to create.
Liberty is freedom from unjust obligation.
Duty is inherent obligation.
They generally wind up standing in opposition to one another, and the maintenance of the balance is key to a functional society; however, he moment priority falls upon the former, the latter suffers, and thereby the balance is broken.
You shouldn't. In actuality, those countries imported more non-Whites to their lands than America did - the difference was, America was full of a bunch of religious kooks and they formed the backbone of the movements to support negroes being freed and allowed to remain.
I don't believe him, I agree with him. God Bless the Commonwealth.
t. Pittsburghfag
On that first point…
The US citizenry was 99% white before the slaves were freed- even after that it remained about 90% white until the 1965 immigration act.
This warrants addressing.
The United States was 80-90% White until the 1980s, which was a direct consequence of the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965. Its important to note that the people in the 1960's WOULD NOT have supported that legislation - and they weren't given a choice. But if they were, if there had been a referendum, they would have voted it down, doubly so if they knew what the US would look like today as a result.
And that's the real kicker: The people who pushed through the Hart-Cellar act EXPLICITLY stated that none of these things - demographic displacement most of all - would happen. They said it explicitly, "This will not happen". They said that if you said it WOULD happen, you were just doing that because you are a racist.
Take it from LBJ, in Jew York City, 1965.
"Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Ambassador Goldberg, distinguished members of the leadership of the Congress, distinguished Governors and Mayors, my fellow countrymen.
… This bill that we will sign today is not a revolutionary bill, it does not effect the lives of millions, it will not reshape the structure of our daily lives or really add importantly to either our wealth or our power.
Yet it is still one of the most important acts of this Congress, and of this Administration, for it does repair a very deep and painful flaw in the fabric of American justice. It corrects a cruel and enduring flaw in the conduct of the American nation.
… And this measure that we will sign today will really make us truer to ourselves, both as a country and as a people.
It will strengthen us in a hundred unseen ways.
… In the final days of consideration, this bill had no finer champion than the present Attorny General, Nicholas Katzenbach, who with New York's own Emmanuel Cellar, and Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, and Congressman Feighan of Ohio, and Senator Mansfield and Senator Dirksen constituting the leadership of the Senate, and Senator Javitz, helped to guide this bill to passage…
… This bill says simply, that from this day forth, those wishing to immigrate to America shall be admitted based on their skills and their close relationships to those already here. This is a simple test, and it is a fair test.
Those who can contribute most to this country, to its growth, to its strength, to its spirit, will be the first to be admitted to this land. The fairness of this standard is so self-evident that we may well wonder that it has not always been applied. Yet the fact is that for over four decades the immigration policy of the United States has been twisted and has been distorted by the harsh injustice of the national origins quota system.
Under that system the ability of new immigrants to come to America depended upon the country of their birth. Only 3 countries were allowed to supply 70 percent of all the immigrants. Families were kept apart because a husband or a wife or a child had been born in the wrong place. Men of needed skill and talent were denied entrance because they came from southern or eastern Europe or from one of the developing continents.
This system violated the basic principle of American democracy–the principle that values and rewards each man on the basis of his merit as a man.
It has been un-American in the highest sense, because it has been untrue to the faith that brought thousands to these shores even before we were a country.
Today, with my signature, this system is abolished.
We can now believe that it will never again shadow the gate to the American Nation with the twin barriers of prejudice and privilege.
Our beautiful America was built by a nation of strangers.
From a hundred different places or more they have poured forth into an empty land, joining and blending in one mighty and irresistible tide.
The land flourished because it was fed from so many sources–because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples.
And from this experience, almost unique in the history of nations, has come America's attitude toward the rest of the world. We, because of what we are, feel safer and stronger in a world as varied as the people who make it up–a world where no country rules another and all countries can deal with the basic problems of human dignity and deal with those problems in their own way.
Now, under the monument which has welcomed so many to our shores, the American Nation returns to the finest of its traditions today.
The days of unlimited immigration are past.
But those who do come will come because of what they are, and not because of the land from which they sprung.
When the earliest settlers poured into a wild continent there was no one to ask them where they came from. The only question was: Were they sturdy enough to make the journey, were they strong enough to clear the land, were they enduring enough to make a home for freedom, and were they brave enough to die for liberty if it became necessary to do so?
And so it has been through all the great and testing moments of American history.
Our history this year we see in Viet-Nam. Men there are dying–men named Fernandez and Zajac and Zelinko and Mariano and McCormick.
Neither the enemy who killed them nor the people whose independence they have fought to save ever asked them where they or their parents came from. They were all Americans. It was for free men and for America that they gave their all, they gave their lives and selves.
By eliminating that same question as a test for immigration the Congress proves ourselves worthy of those men and worthy of our own traditions as a Nation."
… Funny how the President forgets to mention that there WERE laws restricting immigration to the US even before it was a country, and that after it WAS a country, one of the first things they did was state that only 'free White people of upstanding moral character' could become citizens. But I digress…
Now, post-1980's, after the consequences of those policies began to be felt, the response has changed. Now, when its pointed out that all these things HAVE HAPPENED, ARE HAPPENING, the answer now is, "Well, if you CARE, you're a racist".
Its also worth noting that American values prior to 1965 were very ethnocentric - Whites didn't espouse a mentality of opening their country to the world in majority. But effectively, that culture was changed with the 1965 act, and in the 2 decades that followed before serious effect was felt, great effort was put into arguing that this new state of affairs was American values as they'd always been.
Now, whenever someone attempts to levy opposition to demographic displacement - the same sort of opposition which was offered, and would have been offered more greatly with foresight, by White Americans - its thrown in their face that these new values are America's values.
Basically, we were lied to, and when you try to call someone out on the lie, they call you a racist and tell you those lies are America's values and always have been.
… In case you were wondering, the 'ambassador' that LBJ mentioned?
This is a reference to Arthur Goldberg, Chicago-born Jewish US Ambassador the UN. From the WikiJew:
During World War II, Goldberg served in an espionage group operated by the Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the CIA,[4] serving as chief of the Labor Desk, an autonomous division of the American intelligence agency that was charged with the task of cultivating contacts and networks within the European underground labor movement during World War II. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency stated, 'Goldberg's file notes that as both a civilian and a member of the Army, he supervised a section in the Secret Intelligence Branch of OSS to maintain contact with labor groups and organizations regarded as potential resistance elements in enemy-occupied and enemy countries. He organized anti-Nazi European transportation workers into an extensive intelligence network.'
Under Kennedy, Golberg served as Secretary of Labor and later as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
In 1967, Goldberg was a key drafter of Resolution 242, which followed the 1967 Six-Day War between Israel and the Arab states. While interpretation of that resolution has subsequently become controversial, Goldberg was very clear that the resolution does not obligate Israel to withdraw from all of the captured territories.
Goldberg's role as the UN ambassador during the Six-Day War may have been the reason why Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert F. Kennedy, also wanted to assassinate Goldberg.
Goldberg was a member of the Council on Foreign relations in the early 60's, and then again from 1966 to 1989, and served as the President of the American Jewish Committee.
Italy is in no position any time soon to colonize anything, nevermind America.
here is why.
1. Italy has debilitating and chronic domestic problems including but not limited to
a) A tradition of unstable government. Almost no administration actually sees their term through
b) Criminal syndicates control entire regions and have used their time and power to cement their authority
c) Ethnic disunity between northern Italy, southern Italy, Sicily, and Sardinia drastically weakens Italy's ability to project power
d) Massive debts incurred by successive globalist-leftist governments have depleted the country's ability to take on any foreign ventures. they can't even balance the budget, how can they go gallivanting abroad?
There are more problems, but I'll let them lie for now.
2. Italy has no real military. They can barely maintain internal security. They are not going to be colonizing America any time soon.
3. They lack access to the Atlantic. Even if, EVEN IF they had a navy worth a damn, it doesn't have direct access to the Atlantic Ocean.
I love my Italian brethren. And I freely admit the superiority of pasta.
But Italy is not going to be a world power in the foreseeable future. The absolute best they can hope for is to rid themselves of foreign rule from the EU and jewish banks, and to halt the flood of hostile invaders.
That was one of the most cancerous things I have ever read.
If shtf, I can foresee a forcible parting of the north and south of Italy.
Unfortunately, I foresee this as much more likely.
I was talking about Spain… Italy was never a colonial power. D-do you think they're the same country?
I meant to say Italy was never a SERIOUS colonial power. I'm aware they had some colonies in the scramble for Africa but they were a joke.
Ah my bad. You mentioned Italy and I gave them my rundown but then forgot all about Spain.
Well, Spain has similar problems.
No real navy. Ethnic conflict. Corruption.
The Spain that created the Spanish empire of 1550 is long gone. Exhausted.
Now they'd be lucky if they managed to simply hold their small Iberian country together. Dreams of empire are out of the question.
First off, they'll need to get their domestic problems under control. Strong secessionism, a tradition of corruption, and serious economic inefficiency are not just going to vanish in a decade. Short of complete extermination, I can't see the Catalonians or Basque forgetting their dreams of independence.
Then they'd need to rebuild an imperial army and navy from nothing.
And even if they did, America is not a good target for colonization. It might actually be one of the worst targets in a sea of terrible targets.
Tell this to bakers who refused to bake the cake. BASED courts BASED police.
That's LBJ for ya.
The entire Vermont colony was Jewish. Washington didn’t even want to accept them. Neither did Franklin.
It can be saved and go back to its more Colonial roots if the entire industrial revolution is reversed, and we go back to living much more simpler lives.
Reducing our quality of life is what the Communists and Jews want us to do.
Poles helped us during the Revolution. Have you never heard of Tadeusz Kościuszko? Or Casimir Pulaski?
Vermont wasn't a colony.
Why did they?
That's so retarded when they both have a target on their backs from the blacks and their kike handlers.
With kikes, you can only trust that they will lie.
Nani? So the democrats REALLY were the racists? I thought it was just a meme.
Truth is not a matter of agreement. Fuck off.
We don’t hate other races. We just want blacks to go back to Africa, and be self sufficient. Leftists on the other hand destroyed the black community, and hate them. That’s why they push socialism so much. We want Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, Israel for Israelis, and Europe for Europeans. We don’t support colonization here on Zig Forums either.
Amen brother. We don’t strand by South African race traitors who abandoned their homeland, and people to set up shop on somebody else’s soil.
Speak for yourself. They don’t hesitate to exterminate us. We have to exterminate them, otherwise the white race will NEVER be safe. EVER. Darwin himself called for this, because THAT’S HOW ALL COMPETING ANIMAL SPECIES BEHAVE. He recognized the worthlessness of the niggers (and even asians). They squat on lands that we could be using to get materials to build white civilization.
They’re not. Why should we give up the richest farmland and mineral rights on Earth?
They never had a community. You’re a civic nationalist cuckold in denial. “Black America” only existed thanks to the white man. Dressing blacks up and parading them around as humans is a leftist affectation. They never would have built anything for themselves if they had remained in Africa. They owe everything they have now to whites.
No… socialism (read: communism) is secular judaism. It’s the jewish goal of genetically mongrelizing all non-jewish races and enslaving them in a global, stateless commune, ruled over by the jewish ethnostate of Israel.
Every jew on Earth, down to the last unborn child, must be exterminated. If you are unwilling to do this, you are a redditor and will be exterminated right alongside them.
GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. OF. HERE. and write your fucking will.
Sup, JIDF? Working hard trying to falsely make us out to be a bunch of genocidal maniacs? Extermination is the mindset of a kike, not the white man.
It was its own republic for a short time, though.
I forget the name of the brown creature in the OP image. Someone remind me of meme's name please.
You’re done, okay? Go back to reddit and scream and cry about the evil racists and how they’re going to slaughter you. It’s not going to stop us. Kill yourself before we get our hands on you or you’re going to WISH the holocaust HAD happened. Everything you’ve said here is now irrelevant and will be dismissed on sight.
True, but that doesn't mean that it was an American Pale. In fact, I can find no records of an unusually large jewish population in the Vermont Republic.
nice try, polack