Operation Alicia Mk4 - Punished Lizard Edition

ITT: We fuck with porn kikes for great justice and the salvation of a literally-retarded waifu.

Last thread at 700 replies.
CAUTION: A massive shill wave has been detected in response to a magnitude 6.oyvey kvetchquake generated by the content of this operation.
You have been warned.

From the first thread:
(((Mods))) on cuckchan are deleting threads about this.

Quick rundown from cuckchan thread

Here is a video of her saying they wouldn't let her have her comfort animal with her at a shoot and she had to be hospitalized because of an anxiety attack.

Video with her being on drugs

Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (422x664 144.65 KB, 457.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Once we have sufficient information, we definitely should make a quick video

Trump was a mistake.

Attached: President Donald Trump Meeting with Kim Kardashion.png (613x629, 538.84K)

Details about her accident
Details about her legal mental capacity
(She's obviously retarded, but was she judged incompetent by the a professional? If so, did her legal guardians allow her to do porn? Was this legal?)
Confirmation on the pre-2017 porn findings (If so, details of all participants in the production and distribution of cp)

Alicia Bennett's Family Connections (Including social media accounts)
Alicia Bennett's Porn Industry Connections (Handlers/Agents/Managers/Corps)

Collect all useful data from Alicia's personal fb account
Contact her connections looking for someone to expose the family (Start with Tommy Johnson)
Create memes
Contact streamers and content creators with the target audience (Killstream/Metokur/etc)
Spread the info on social media

Alicia Herndon Bennett
OLD: facebook.com/alicia.herndon.507
ACTIVE: facebook.com/alicia.bennett.7374

Grandmother: Wendy Treadway
Mother: April Treadway Herndon
Father: Fred Bennett
Aunt: Emily Gussenhoven
Sisters: Keisha Herndon, Jasmine Paige
Step-Brother: Samuel Herndon

Harlow Herndon. Not sure what relation he is, but the family name is the same as her twin sister's family name.

Attached: 1433396428858.gif (500x357, 114.75K)

Joining this late, but has the possibility of kikes (or those CFR "ninjas") trying to ruse Zig Forums been ruled out? I remember some degenerate porn company trolled reddit into thinking one of those girlsdoporn videos was kidnapped to do the shoot, and it turned out to be a viral marketing stunt; which ensnared many redditard white knights.

Updated Archive for thread #3.


Attached: Tits Are Good But....JPG (1280x720 4.95 MB, 4.43M)

What we have so far

What we need
>Find out who her (((handler))) is

How would drawing attention to the fact that they exploit girls be a good marketing strategy?

"It was just a prank guys, we we're just pretending to be evil kikes!"

Please remind me why your butt hurts.

You're not that late. The 4 threads maxed out in rapid succession. We've only just begun.

facebook.com/keisha.herndon.3 (Sister)
facebook.com/fred.bennett.750 (Father)
facebook.com/april.herndon.3 (Mother)

Attached: tree.png (488x267, 11K)

Someone really should have posted that by now.

-Details about her accident
-Details about her legal mental capacity (She's obviously retarded, but was she judged incompetent by the a professional? If so, did her legal guardians allow her to do porn? Was this legal?)
-Confirmation on the pre-2017 porn findings (If so, details of all participants in the production and distribution of cp)
-Details of State (California) and Federal laws with relation to consent in the context of disability and production/distribution of obscene materials
-Identity of Alicia's father
-Identity of Alicia's step-father
-Identity of note-worthy participants in social media exchanges from faceberg (Harry Turner, suspected recruiter; Levi Johnson, suspected Jewish family-by-marriage to sister or mother; Tommy Johnson, suspect family member expressing apparent disdain for Alicia's pornographic activity)
-Details about Alicia's family (mother, sisters, aunt; all apparently willing participants, supporters of Alicia's actions, and ostensibly the source of her motivation to do porn)

-Alicia Bennett's Family Connections (Including social media accounts)
-Alicia Bennett's Porn Industry Connections (Handlers/Agents/Managers/Corps)

-Collect all useful data from Alicia's personal fb account
-Contact her connections looking for someone to expose the family (Start with Tommy Johnson)
-Create memes
-Contact streamers and content creators with the target audience (Killstream/Metokur/etc)
-Use social media to apply public pressure to pro-White, 'conservative' and/or Christian politicians, celebrities, and activists to take action on/bring attention to this issue
-Disseminate the info on social media

Attached: fixedb.jpg (1280x720 464.32 KB, 11.11M)

Go lick Sholom Rubashkin's asshole. If you still believe in democracy after everything Trump has done you are less than worthless.

I suppose because it got the company name on the news, and shared it to a wider audience. They're hoping for the, "Oh God… that's terrible… umm where is this terrible video so that I can help analyze it" response.

Zig Forums ruses itself. She is quite literally retarded but was a degenerate slut long before kikes got a hold of her.

Some anons just want to use it to malign the porn industry, will some anons what turbowhore niggerblasted sloppy seconds.

It’s fun, stick around.

Anything is possible with Jews but compiling all of these redpills is still valuable. These threads have made it clear there are way too many degenerate porn watchers who browse here and pretend to be redpilled.

From thread #3:

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (2323x1322 267.9 KB, 429.13K)

That is true, what a degenerate world we live in, but honestly dude she gives off the impression that there is something wrong from the get-go

Remember when tumbler trolled pol ? There's a documentary about it now.

I've only had my 12th cup of cocoa today and my diapers are fresh and soft

4 threads at 750ppt is 3000 posts in past 8 hours. Not including all the shilling.
This is gonna blow the fucking lid/yid of that thing

Zig Forums rises once more.

Attached: frogjump-2.jpg (425x454, 41.7K)

Attached: 55950E1D-CD0B-4908-B79A-E824D3E86E6E.jpeg (550x543, 92.14K)

my oven is already preheated to 500


You should write holocaust books.

This, that is exactly right


AH, our friend nihilismanon is still with us.
Good. For a kike shill, you're kinda fun.
Just don't go back to that awful shit you were doing towards the end of thread 3. That was gay as fuck bruh.

Attached: Evil Jews - Chicken Genocide.webm (1280x720 7.75 MB, 4.26M)

Damn, you're dumb as fuck. He's done nothing but serve Israel while running on an America First platform. He invited a coal burning whore to the white house, he's friends with Kanye who literally promoted blacked.com on national television. Trump is proof that voting doesn't matter. He was elected by whites and he serves niggers and kikes.

Attached: Donald Trump and wife Melania with Nelson Mandela.jpg (998x628, 61.78K)


Attached: what is on her heel.jpg (768x1024, 143.02K)

Her branding? Looks like a cross to me

We won't be able to prove she's mentally incapable. Literal, legal retards can't dress themselves and talk in complete sentences like she does. She's just a dumb girl with a rural accent whose life has been filled with degeneracy. That being said, here's how to actually fuck with the porn industry:

Dox and harass producers of porn
Dox porn actresses and their families
Encourage families to file civil lawsuits against porn producers
Dox and harass engineers and other porn site staff
Document and spread all the suicides and overdoses of porn actresses
Shame people for viewing or discussing porn – make it abnormal and creepy again
Spread the science about the damage porn does to men
Pressure lawmakers to enforce obscenity laws
DDoS porn sites
Spread fake stories about porn browsing history being breached

alright faggots, here's how this woman can be saved


get on a date with her and win her over. that's it.

Attached: 2018-08-20-030201_633x704_scrot.png (633x704, 93.34K)

who the fuck knows she's a tard that does tard things


Attached: HANNAHHEEL2.png (768x1024, 990.11K)

Yes, and what is particularly insidious is that it uses our natural biology against us, we're all genetically predisposed to being addicted to attractive potential mates. I won't lie, it definitely messed with me before I smartened up. Broadcasting the sick kikes and the seedy background behind their operation does wonders to block their poison though.

It looks like a marker. She said she just had ankle surgery. It's probably a mark for the hospital saying "cut on this ankle" or "don't cut on this ankle".

How on earth do we not know this isn't a massive scam. Even if it's not a scam, how do we know that her producer isn't screening for people he'd prefer didn't get close to her.

Oh shit, my bad, I think this is nihilismanon.
Its so hard to tell you cretinous bastards apart in threads like these, where you're so ubiquitous.

This, however…

… this is:

Kill yourself. She can't be saved. She is a propaganda point and nothing more.

Boi, where do you think you are ?

The fact she can't even get $3500 together is proof enough she's being used. Hell you can probably swoon her with a fucking McDonald's salary. I spend $200 on a weekend just to get shitfaced on Business trips. If she was in NY I'd do it and fucking film it.

It's a cross tatoo. Says on her bio page

sorry kike, the DOTR nears by the day for you

No one is perfect. We were all born into hell, we're going to have our demons to fight on the path towards a brighter future. The important thing is that you're aware of the problem now instead of defending it and pretending a vice is a virtue.


Attached: CROSS.jpg (532x781, 70.29K)

You don't know that she can't get 3500 together. Her producer could very well be telling her to do this to scam her viewers out of money. Kikes pull this kind of shit all the time.

Her (((agent)) takes a big cut, then they probably make them pay for staff like makeup. They also likely encourage her to live beyond her means (nice apartment, fine clothes) to keep her hooked on their shekels. Plus she probably spends money on drugs. It's the standard Hollywood playbook, just even more degenerate.

Well, there's modern Christendom for ya.

But, hey, that's a nice piece of ammo for attacking the Mike Pence crowd. Those Evangelicals don't like their porn, and like Christian retard girls in porn even less, I wager… Well, some of them probably like it alot, but they won't/can't say as much publically, which works just as well.

Fucking niggers and kikes for Christ, JFL at Christcucks.

Attached: 4e184213d0b3c641c94327e501c561185eaf2ab91e6ac631b85fefe681af106d.png (800x600, 606.15K)

You losers aren't scaring anyone.

That right there is a propaganda picture just WAITING to be made and disseminated.

shouldn't be hard to convince play small town retarded country girl, into the game.

that might be a pressure point, I'm sure getting into region with her might pull her away from this kikery.

[nervous Jewish laughter]


Scared you enough to come post here.
I mean, really, come on - do you think you're fooling fucking ANYONE with that kind of a post?
Hah, top kek. You're literally came here because you got this fed to you because your higher-ups or accomplices are terrified of this blowing up. We can all tell at this point, the shilling has been NON FUCKING STOP since this topic arose, and its only gotten more aggressive with time.

You faggots are fucking terrified. Its fuckin' awesome. I can't wait to see what you're like tomorrow, let alone a few days from now.

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In her videos she says God led her to be in porn. Christianity is a disgrace.

It is easy
A glass of milk and a diaper a day keeps a jew away. (It reminds them of their military time when they shat their pants) (Milk also upsets all the nigressess, their milkshakes only bring the dhiarhea to the yard afterwards)

He’s done more for America than any president in three decades. I honestly don’t give a fuck if he also did the same shift for Israel as every other president.

Gauging improvement by fucking your enemies over saving your own country is retarded. Do you think Hillary would have told Israel to fuck off? Romney? Gore? Obviously not Bush, right?
At least we have a president improving things for our own country; most importantly bringing industries necessary for war like metals productions home. You don’t want to fight a world war without internal capability, do you?

Yeah thats cool bro.

Came here to say God speed to all you anons who are working this case. May you strike down this perversion of (((Freedom))) and take us one step closer to a brighter future. That is all.

Attached: BloodlustRising.jpg (1110x684, 175.88K)

No. Take her on a date to watch over 6 hours of GSNT.

(((Their God))) you mean

Is this of importance?

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her room is messy!!

Attached: messyroom.jpeg (900x1200, 117.53K)

Yep, these two are together.

They REALLY wanna derail this thing with Trup shit. A shame our mods are such worthless degenerates that this shit goes unabated, but, that's life on Planet Jew I suppose.

If she can be brainwashed by a kike she can be manipulated back into society. I'm sure her (((manager))) will probably watch her like a hawk depending on how much money she draws in, the biggest challenge would be separating her form him.

Here's some details to take note of:
She's alone in her videos
She's depressed
She's a christ cuck

She's completely open to being turned. She just needs to sit with a good looking red-pilled white guy and talk about Christ-cuck shit.

What do you expect? She's fuckin retarded. And a Southerner.

This is your mind on blacked.com

Typical of a teen girl.


Oh man you guys are just hilarious, I swear.

Another pic of that car.

Attached: e4e98629dcbe0e9c7ce3aeb40fc9e9923b5bd9860e484be4a54c5725677e4545.jpg (720x960, 78.55K)

Wow, me BTFO. I guess all those other presidents and their opponents were vocally anti-Israel, amirite?

Are those Alice in Wonderland pictures on the wall? We're going down the rabbit hole…

ARapeToHaveOne ?
ToRapeTwoEightsOnce ?

dubs checked and confirmed truth

Yeah dude, the hell, noticed that too

Gee, that took less than a minute. Even though you were accusing people of derailing the thread, reminded of Saul alinsky, and suggested to not respond to off-topic posts

Could you be any more of a kike?

Attached: messyroom2.png (900x1200, 1.28M)

that's a nice fucking car tbh.

good eye

Every President since WW1 has been trash. Trump is significantly worse though because idiots like you think he is helping white people while actively working towards their genocide. The fact that him being friends with Nelson Mandela and Kanye doesn't set off any alarms in your head is proof your an idiot.

Scared me not at all.

A good Christian woman always tends to her flock's needs, even to the black sheep.
Jesus likely approves of her work; after all, he died for her sins, so she has nothing to worry about, right ? :^)

She really has a great butt. Otherwise she’s pretty gross.

Her dirty mirror or camera lens.

Mirror, definitely

Sounds more some kike talked her into believing some "this is your destiny" shit. The bible denounces laying with the beast, at least allegedly it does I dunno never read that shit.

Looks like the kind of car a porn industry kike would have imo. Good find.

Currently compiling and curating all the current information. Keep digging.

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smoke = smudges on mirror

lol forgot to announce I also filtered this yid
[muffled Jewish sounds]

That aside, how exactly would Hillary have been better for the US?

Attached: room3.jpeg (1200x900, 102.71K)

digits confirm, jew devil owns red car

Because you're an obvious shill and I'm 'avin' a laff' at you bro. Your shilling is fucking awful.
Now, tell me, are you next going to tell us you're shilling us for our own good? Like Kampfy used to do with rachposting?
Because I have a feeling thats what you were going to do before I called you out on it.

Doesn't really matter, I only read like 15% of your posts anyway and I get my thread bumped with each snarky fag response you spit out, so, either way, I win. Thanks for helping me keep the thread bumped.

Cya tomorrow. :)

stop derailing with it you faggot

It also says not to fuck men like you do a woman… but now there are Churches with rainbow flags. Even the story of God launching a nuke attack on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah didn't get the point across. Christians don't read their book.

Please add me to the list.

at least censor it, degenerate

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Hah, I had a feeling you were gonna start spamming her porn pics.
Shoulda called it back with the cross bit, but, you seemed to have an excuse for that one.

Ah, those missed opportunities…

Alright, I gotta crash.
Keep digging, keep posting, kee- well, START ignoring the shills.
Back tomorrow for round… I dunno, 6 hopefully? We'll see!

Hopefully by then you can tell me who her stepdad is and who Harry Turner is.