And just yesterday, watching Fox Business some guy was like "we have Greek scenario, maybe Venezuelan if we are unlucky. But don't worry, that is 20 years from now".
Tl, dr - stop worrying goyim and spend. Max out those credit cards.
And just yesterday, watching Fox Business some guy was like "we have Greek scenario, maybe Venezuelan if we are unlucky. But don't worry, that is 20 years from now".
Tl, dr - stop worrying goyim and spend. Max out those credit cards.
Nobody said bombing Israel was going to be cheap
It would be far cheaper to build a generation arc spaceship, put all the Jews on it and chart the course to Alpha Centauri or Sirius.
We tried the ovens last time, user
must change strategy
The incentive to murder your debtholder increases proportionally to the debt amount multiplied by the terms of your loan.
I do not understand why they are still using the credit cards instead of the debit cards. The debit card can help to control your spendings.
It's almost sad how desperate and reaching these tel aviv shills are
They'll play the ol' world war game again to get rid of the debt. Probably why they've been hyping Russia up so much.
The thing I am most annoyed about is Trump's retarded boomer logic about the stock market. Every time he tweets about "new all time high, trillions of $ being created" makes my blood boil.
It is forcing me to start thinking that doom peddlers like Peter Schiff are more right than I was aknowledging before.
Buy bitcoin now or cry later. Every currency on earth is irredeemably fucked.
The only thing that is annoying is brainlets, golems, and shills who try to convince us that muh orange kike drumpf tweets are official government policy instead of simple bants for keks
Wrong by 1500 km. And an entire continent.
a thread died for this kike
we all know the debt is a jew lie
debit isn't safe for purchase, it's better to buy with cash
Many people are using the smartphone as their bank cards so that means the cash is disappearing/
Or don't be a nigger and spend more than you have. Not hard.
You'd be surprised how many still use cash or money order for everything
BS. Thats less than ten years from now (probably less to ensure it happens during Trumps tenure). That faggot doesn't factor in unfunded pensions throughout the country, unfunded medicare and medicaid. Buy everything now for the next 25-30 years before money is worthless.
Why wouldn't the course be directly into the sun. Heat + gas would be a fitting end don't you think?
>"Hey, slave, guess what: your shackles just went from 3.7" thick to 3.75" thick."
wow, yeah, that sucks.
Why would I change anything, I am not burning
Or Sol.
Sucks for you.
Post# 12034652
I'm curious, are these bots in every thread now?
I’m the guy you just a beaner to assault, and then called me a slave
Then playing dumb act doesn’t work pig