VIDEO shows Putin dancing with Right Wing Austrian FM, delivering toast in German language at her wedding

On Saturday Vladimr Putin was a Wedding Guest of Karin Kneissl, the Foreign Minister of Austria's 'Far Right' (Euro-Nationalist) Government

Karin Kneissl and Vladimir Putin have known each other for some time. As a head of state of course he knows many diplomats. But he doesn't normally attend their birthday parties, weddings or family reunions. So there muust be something more to the story of Putin bringing flowers and a Russian Cossack choir to her nuptials.

How far to the Political Right is Karin Kneissl?

Nazi Roots?
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz headlines; "Austria's far-right foreign minister a tough critic of both Israel and Muslims"
"Officially she doesn’t belong to any party, but her appointment as foreign minister was made at the request of Heinz-Christian Strache, the vice chancellor and head of the Freedom Party, which has anti-Semitic and even Nazi roots".

"One of the greatest targets of her criticism is the influx of refugees. "

She doesn't like Muslims - at least not in Europe.

Banned by Israel
And jews don't like her, or so it seems from the Israeli government's "boycott" of her (along with other Austrian government members), which was in effect at least as recently as February of this year…

In Vienna, rogue Likud MK urges Israel to lift boycott on Austrian FM

In reality she has a personal history in the Middle East - her father was employed for years as a pilot in Jordan, and she basically grew up there - so her outlook is nuanced and it's probably misleading for the Zionist jews to label her a Nazi. Yet the jews say & do a lot of things that are unfair, and stick to their course of propaganda anyway.

So clearly - although she's probably only a milquetoast Nationalist by Zig Forums standards, she is a Far Right extremist by the West's mainstream news media standards… And you bet Vladimir Putin is well aware of that political reality.

So what's he doing at her wedding… besides dancing with the bride?

Attached: Putin salutes.jpg (700x476, 29.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here he is dancing with the Nationalist Foreign Minister at her Wedding on Saturday

He has been able to speak German language at least since his KGB days in East Berlin

Attached: Putin wedding dance.jpg (900x506, 107.46K)

Another whitepill to those losers that prefer to wallow in depression than notice that for the first time since WW2 we actually have some things going our way.

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic

Q predicted this


I can't even begin to describe how tickled my jimmies are at the distinct lack of schnozz in this picture. A wide one to the left, but not a schnozzola to be seen on a pale man or woman that day!

Ask your rabbi.

So you are saying Putin is going along with the Zeitgeist, nothing more nothing less? Just refrain from posting shitforbrains.
The entire march of tyranny world, aka those aged 30+.

I don't begrudge people power, it's how they get it and how they use it, mong.

I promise not to post any more stuff, Miriam, just as soon as Jerusalem goes into the nuclear flames - which is of course what fate was set for it when the US embassy was moved there.

At the UN Bibi says he likes Iran's 'Ghadr III' missile best because it can reach Jerusalem with a big hot nuke

Attached: Bibi it can reach Jerusalem3.jpg (548x333, 28.43K)

Putin is a Zionist

I don't know if most Putin worshippers here are people not european or RIDF, any and all eastern europeans don't trust this guy as much as we don't trust jews because he is only after his own interests, which includes sugaring certain nationalists to be in his favor.
Even with all the aspects of him being useful for us, he is not to be trusted since once we gain the momentum, he will capitalize on it. We Ex-USSR soviet state countries know this too well.

Good, let it burn for a thousand years.

Attached: Make Jewrulesemall capital and.gif (500x212, 501.63K)

Schön is bei uns, heil dem Land und unserem Volke

Sorry, opticfags, he's not going anywhere.

Putin is no savior of the white race. The white genocide is happening in Russia under his leadership, and the largest Mosque in the country was recently built in Moscow. A lot of Muslims from Central Asia have also moved to Russia.


try harder

This. Putin wants to fracture the EU but it's not because he likes German Nationalism. He's doing it to serve his own interests.

This. Most of Slavs actually hate Russia. Except probably Serbs.

This place is starting to read like a tabloid

woah controlled op liking controlled op? based

Fukking bylaaaaat

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which is a problem, countries like ukraine are signaling so hard Against Russia which plays right into (((NATO))) hands, russia is no white nationalist paradise but it is far far better than the e.u and nato

signaling so hard they are importing this

Attached: QqxcTt3e_400x400.jpg (400x400, 30.57K)

That he's a jew.

There's suspicion that his mother has Jewish ancestry.

CIA fuck off

Oy vey - I'm gonna make hasbara bullshit simple for you

Just tell the Goyim that anybody who does anything against the jews is secretly a jew themself - - or say they're a "controlled op".

that'll fool the Goys for sure

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The problem is, Russia never was.

In fact Russia is the only state that was always multicultural and that made it to the 21th century with arguably Poo-istan.

So to a lot of citizens of the Russian federation, the idea of racial based nationalism is batshit crazy, even on "hard" right, because the Russian Federation and before that the Soviet Union and before that the Russian Empire always was made up of a core of Russians (and threadly reminder that "Russian" is like "German", it's a family of people, not one people) and countless minorities, which always had special rights, relative self-governance, etc…

Which is probably one of the reasons of how much hate Russia is getting.
Multiculturalism is killing Europeans nations and their ex-colonies which makes the internationalists extremely happy, but somehow Russia still has a government and population fiercely "nationalist" that is somehow immunized to the worst of the BS those people weave.

It is rather ridiculous. But still they keep at it, because ridiculous or not it is an effective strategy. It's not the power that you have that counts, but the power that your enemy believes you have. Thus, I'm of the belief that any poster shilling the "omnipotent jew" meme fall into two basic categories: spergs, and jews themselves. The former because they'll believe anything that gives them license to sperg; the latter because the illusion of omnipotence is a potent demoralisation tactic. And of course many jews are neurotic basket cases themselves, so undoubtedly there is some crossover between the two.

The Russian armed forces are so overwhelmingly White - not 100%, but a very big percentage - that rumor has it the White Nationalist girl Evalion has left North America and has now joined up with the Ruskee army.
pic related
/jk :D

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You are literally a dumb faggot.

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Imagine being this fucking stupid.

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Get the fuck out of here, Ahmad Vandovsky.

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Yeah, because he's an Eurasian-Imperialist, not a White Nationalist. He's still a reactionary and generally traditionalist leader though, but don't expect him to be on our side, at least not always.

no….. Tyrone Rodriguez

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the part about the largest mosque opening recently is not true tho, it opened in like 1890, also their are only two mosque in all of Moscow, London has 125.but yes putin is not perfect and i wish russia would stop using cheap central Asian labor . still Moscow is worth a visit, it's amazing to see a massive city where 90% of the people are still white

Putin bows to the clown. He is no hero to whites or Christianity.

Attached: Russian Degeneracy.png (843x1242, 1004.24K)


Why is this shilling in here? Putin is a literal kike. And a former kgb agent to boot.

Attached: usa putin russia flag burning.jpg (1000x1000, 712.87K)

this pic is of jews at Ellis Island about a century ago - immigrants to the United States.

Now their descendants are working as desperate hasbarats, pretending to be White and telling us on Zig Forums that the Russians don't look White enough to them, and shouldn't be our friends or allies.

Also included is a pic of some Russian special forces for comparison.

Hasbara, hasbara… what a steaming load of shit… but it's evidently all the kikes have to offer..

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It's not that simple. Putin is in a very complex position and Putin is an intelligent guy. Aside from a few basics, it's hard to tell exactly what Putin wants. There are benefits and drawbacks to supporting the EU, independent nations in Europe, or supporting china. Russia has a game of 4d chess on their hands right now with lost of factors to deal with.

Imagine being so stupid that you dream of color combinations from a movie franchise as being representative of what a person wants in reality.

I told you I would win without lifting a finger


that doesn't mean he's good, it means he's a dangerous opponent. He's former kgb, loves netanyahu, wants to consolidate russian power and will do that in whatever way works.

Russia isn't a white nation, the government is more oppressive than most EU states

yeah that's totally a legitimate pic and completely representative of Ukrainians who don't want to be crushed by Russian control

b-but the media hates him so he must be baste right? he's so fashy

America was like that 60 or 70 years ago. Thanks to improvements in technology, Russia will get niggered much faster.

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Reported and filtered.

Russian Nationalists demonstrate in Moscow against Central Asian (brown Muslim) immigrants

These look more like /ourguys/ to me than ADL or AIPAC or Israeli jews do… Eye of the beholder.


Attached: Russia Nats v Central Asian immi.jpg (631x383, 44.2K)

iv'e been to both ukraine and russia, both are white faggot, ukraine is being suckered into being a rapefugee dumping ground

Pretty much this. One of their popular slogans is "Russia is for Russians [citizens], Moscow for Muscovites [ethnic Russians]"

that's the history of ukraine in a nutshell fam, it was more or less a penal colony/buffer zone from europe for the Russian Empire

good effort

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▶Anonymous 1 minute ago 5dce58 No.12035739

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good effort>>12035739

In Russia Far Right Nationalism sometimes has the support of Eastern Orthodox Christian spiritual leaders.

The Nationalists draw strength from their faith.

Attached: Russia cleric w nazi.jpg (900x598, 405.65K) the original structure is from 1904 and the new structure was finished in 2015. Still, it was opened with Putin's blessing.

And that's the point, Russia has been an empire ever since it stopped being the Principality of Moscow.


fuck the eurasian empire, fuck dugin and fuck commies

Putin is right wing - his job is to not allow comeback of communism in Russia, that almost happened when after transformation people quickly found out how shitty capitalism is.

Putin has a fairly strict restitution policy for religious building and compensation for soviet (read: Jew religious war against Christianity) torts (IE building are to be returned in the state the Russian state seized them during the revolution, so basically they have to be completely restored or even rebuild before being returned), which main beneficiary is the Orthodox Church, as the other religions didn't get much of their stuff confiscated (the Orthodox Church being the n°1 land owner of Russia at the time).
That mosque was one of those eligible to a reparation grant, the Russian Council of Muftis opted to build a new one using that state grant + additional donations mainly because it was too small and had an original mistake of orientation.

Note that they initially requested a doubling of the number of mosque (from 4 to 8) in Moscow, which was AFAIK denied.

Because it's better to have ONE big ass mosque that you can closely monitor and make sure Saudi desert cannibals aren't the ones preaching the slaughtering infidels to devout Muslims. And having a big and shiny new building with all the niceties and the president making the inauguration and having the imman preach so, only reinforce the felling to the devout mudslime, that nope, the Russian gov isn't an enemy of mudslimes, so he won't go blew himself up in a market.

Russia is doing the exact opposite of what's happening in West where under the guise of "religious freedom" THOUSANDS of mosque are opened, financed by god only who (well we know who, mostly the Muslim Brotherhood… a fucking terrorist organization) that have "imams" which just pop up and NO FUCKING ONE know what their qualification are (most of them are from KSA cannibals "school" of Islam), so many are actually wanted in their home MUSLIM COUNTRIES, you know places that do respect the Islamic law, for extremism (so they get actual political refugee status and gibs, because if they do go back home they do get executed/jailed forever… for terrorism).

This is how you stop destabilization movements. You nip it way ahead in a controlled environment.

Which is why (((they))) is trying to turn that into "Jewtin is muslim" bullshit. To enhance divisions now that their favorite golem isn't actively rebelling against the Russian state.

Russian Far Right Nationalists in Moscow march against non-White immigration

Attached: russia salutes.jpg (604x373, 113.81K)

How about no fucking them and we just shoot them instead?

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz headlines; "Austria's far-right foreign minister a tough critic of both Israel and Muslims"

We talk Putin but it seems a woman will be the one to save Europe.. from another woman (Merkel). Maybe women really are the future, the biggest cuck politician in the world is after all, male (Trudeau).

During the final 10 years of the reconquista in Spain, when Ferdinand and Isabella drove the Moors from Europe (at Granada) the Moorish leader frantically negotiated for a peace treaty and offered to become a vassal of the Catholic kingdom. Historians say that Ferdinand was considering it, but Isabella would have none of it.

At her stalwart insistence, and with her in the field with her army, Christians drove the Muslims off of the continent of Europe.

She then booted out the treacherous age-old collaborators of the Muslims in politics and in the slave trade, the jews… "Alhambra Decree, 1492"

She was one tough cookie.

He said, proving my point.

Britain had 100 times the empire for 10 times as long as Russia. Were there more or less Anglos post empire?

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1/4 Croat here. I love Serbs and I love Ruskies. You faggots need to get your shit sorted out. All Whit Nationalists are Good White nationalists. Whatever their nation may be.

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