The Only Anti-Zionists

Hey Zig Forums

Look how this kike kvetches over Alexandria and Rashida

And how all the kikes kvetch over Corbyn

Have you guys not noticed that the only people in western politics that unequivocally bash Israel are the socialists?

(Hitler was a socialist btw

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Other urls found in this thread:

1/10 slide thread

Also this


That's why I advocate an entryism strategy for national socialists, in the DSA party. We can work our way up their ranks while pretending to be Bernie bros, then divert their resources towards national socialist causes.

The proof will be in the actions taken. Unlike the cuckservatives leftists are very good keeping the radicals satisfied. You might see one or two donors pull out but the majority will stay. When it comes to votes the democrats have no disagreement on replacement. Corbyn is another story, he didn't grow up in a supermarket.


You do realize that the entire democratic establishment lost their shit original over Ocasio-Cortez right? They backed down after cuz shes a pretty little chica and it would make them look like hypocrits

Same with bernie

Look at the actions indeed. The kykes fear the curbing of financialized capital interests. Because those are KYKE interests. That is and always was where they get their power from. Everything else is auxillery. Attack the banks. The socialists attack the banks

Do you not see the truth my brothers?

Well, Bernie didn't truly attack the banks. He was against auditing or taking down the Fed.

>>>Zig Forums

Fuck off spic.

About what? She doesn't have the power to stop the tap to Israel. Listening to npr sing the praises of Nancy Pelosi right now. Nice side show.

Lol pretty little chica was meant as a patronizing phrase to denote her immaturity

You're projecting

Yeah, I'm sure.
You spell kike just like leftypol does too.

>>>Zig Forums

The more socialists have power the more tolerable criticism of israel will become. Look at greece and spain and portugal

I think it's pretty damn obvious I'm a lefty you mong

If you want to attack Zig Forums, use Corbyn. That my tip. He has been critical of mass immigration on the grounds that it suppresses wages. Leftypol doesn't care about works.

He was running for dem leadership. He woulda been shot

Plus I never said Bernie was perfect. Hes an old new york kyke after all

But he was against the bailouts and against (((wall street interests))) was he not?

Just woke up.

Then fuck off?

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I don't want to attack pol tho. I feel your pain.

I'm with enoch. We need to unite the far left and far right to destroy the wretched liberals

Oh, I get it now. You are a strasserite from TRS.

Lefty as in REAL lefty. As in economic left. Not bullshit liberal sjw left. You guys should really read once in a while.

You don't see real leftism on the kyke controlled media. I wonder why?

I actually don't disagree, but it also makes it easer for the media to bat it aside as third worldist bullshit(while ignoring the antiwhite policies).

I'm not sure where Sanders came down on the bailouts. I know he supported, tacitly or explicitly, every single foreign military conflict that US was involved in while he held political office, regardless of his public rhetoric. He also voted in favor of the Clinton-era bill that made the discharging of student loan debt through bankruptcy court impossible.

Leftists are against mass immigration brother. Always have been. It is a method to keep wages down for workers. Common knowledge in leftist circles tbh

Because those wars were good for his co-ethnics in zion.

Those are easy arguments to dismantle. Especially if there are white men leading the charge

Huh, that was lame.

ever get the feeling this board has been infiltrated by some kind of leftist internet defense force conglomeration paid for by some hypocritical leftist capitalist who made their fortune in money trading and pays for what amounts to a cadre of leftist internet trolls attempting to destabilize any non-leftist sector of the internet as a form of psychological warfare?

Both are kikes. Fix your radar faggot.

Oh no user, Communism is based!!

No you fucking haven't. Anything to destroy the class divide. Including class war on the working class.

The economic left is the ultimate in degeneracy. Off some of your fellow potheads before you eat a bottle of pills and fall off a building for maximum effect.

Who told you economic leftism is kyke ideology?

Ever heard of economic nationalism a la bannon? Thats economic leftism. The man even called himself a leninist.

You've been duped by capitalist kykes my friend

Any other words of wisdom, comrade?

Bannon isn't an economic nationalist. He is pretending to be one and is trying to leverage the ideas into policy that pressures legitimate protectionist economies into opening up to free trade. The Trump economic rhetoric is a scam.

You are on Zig Forums here, I wouldn't expect people to notice a difference between the economics they talk about on jewish owned media and (national) socialist approaches. Lots of countries have natsoc followers in the economic left, not in the "right-wing" pro-israel parties.

Cortez still gets the rope, both spic and pro-immigration

Well that's gotta be the starkest example of cognitive dissonance i've seen in a while

How would mass immigration destroy the class divide you mong? And what would a war on the working class accomplish besides further entrenching their pisition as slave goys? How does destroy the class divide?

Can u even unto logic? I thought u guys were proud descendents of the greeks or some shit

If lenin was a mongrel then so r u burger

Are any of these brown whores against the mass flow of cheap labour from America's southern boarder? I highly doubt it.

Your based leader was a Tartar/Jewish/Chuvash/Russian mongrel.
Go follow his lead and die of syphilis.

No class divide if everyone is a nigger.

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I am a newfag to 4+4Chan, but I have a question. Is this a shill thread? We have some like this too over there, but far worse written
Is she just a normie about to get involved in (((evil arts))) or already a (((satanist))) like Killary?

Seriously though I can imagine some kike arguing that familial bonds hold back communist progress.

Umm yea? The class divide will be kykes and niggers

Isn't that what you guys are always going on about?

No racism either. It is Hegelian dialectic at its finest.

OP is from leftypol, what do you think?

That's nice, sweetie.

They have. Kykes are highly susceptible to communist propaganda. The ones not in the inner circle anyway

They get crushed by the covenant pretty quick though. That's why the white man has to lead the charge

Just someone having some bantz from leftypol probably.

Ban OP.

How am I meant to argue against your fantasy? Makes as much sense as killing off all the rich well educated people.

Liberals say that shit. Not leftists. White workers are the only ones who can make revolution tbh

Youre fucking inbred and retarded. I'm arguing AGAINST mass immigration you mong

oh rly?
Lenin is a white man now?

Make. As in future tense. Learn to read. Oh right. You don't do that do you?

No, you are taking the piss. I already askef if that was these bitches policy. It's not.

Did i say it was?

All i said was theyre against israel. And more socialism means more criticism of israel and zionism.

I believe that should be your main goal being that the ZOG is fucking your people in the ass on the daily

National Socialism is VERY DIFFERENT from marxist socialism.

The fact that retards continually conflate the two is shocking and indicative of the thundering idiocy of marxists and their useful idiots.

carl marx WAS a jew. Indeed, he was a blood rabbi and turbo-jewish on both sides of his family tree. He was third cousin to the rothschilds.
marxism is and always was a jewish psy op. It's goal being to identify REAL issues involving rich fatcats, wage slavery, and the excesses of capitalism in order to rile up the "gullible goyim" then screw them over by implementing marxist SLAVERY.
marxism turns wage slaves of corporations into LITERAL chattel slaves of the state. Not an improvement. Plus, they mass murder all of the free thinkers, resistors, and intelligent people.

Also, shitholers will NEVER be on my side.
White countries for White people and only White people.

She's hideous.
I am a White nationalist. I want to make my homeland WHITE again.
I will happily cooperate with non-Whites.

I honestly believe that the ONLY way to remove ZOG is via White nationalism. Only a WHITE ONLY (no jews) movement to reestablish America as a White homeland could possess the clarity, unity, and "will to resist" that would be necessary to remove jews of any race and remove all non-Whites from America. All non-White groups want to "get Whitey" more than they could ever want to remove kikes. And if they succeed and kill us off then they will be the goodest little puppets of kikes because they are too stupid to be otherwise.

And the more they flood in the niggers.

kikes have no morals, ethics, or codes of conduct.
They lie constantly. They have entire "rituals" dedicated to "breaking oaths" so that they feel that "it's OK" to lie to the "gullible goyim."
They are honorless monsters.
So no, Bernie would not have done ANYTHING to hurt jews nor israel nor jew banks nor any of it.

How many times does marxism have to create Venezuela for you marxist useful idiots to learn?
marxism DOES NOT WORK to improve ANYTHING.
It does not, and cannot, create a "workers paradise."
It was working EXACTLY AS INTENDED in the pre-Stalin soviet union. Gulags, purges, genocide of kulaks, mass starvation, and all.

marxism is talmudism.
Including the tendencies to lie and lie in order to fool the gullible, then gut them when they are vulnerable.

marxists are as bad as kikes.

All bullshit.
Insufficiently regulated capitalism is shit.
ALL forms of marxism are shit.

National socialism is not marxist socialism.
At all.

Because the only "class divide" that marxist actually attacked was the middle class. They replaced the "ruling class" with kikes ("the party").
Mass immigration destroys the middle class.
marxists HATE the middle class.
Because marxism is JEWISH and jews hate it when "goyim" have wealth and prosperity and INDEPENDENCE. Just look at what they did to the kulaks.
marxism creates a two-class system in which the (according to original design, jewish) "party officials" have all of the wealth and power, and the vast masses of "proletariat" are brainwashed cattle slaving away in cult-like ignorance.
Again, marxism is, and always has been, a JEWISH PSY OP designed to enslave the world.

This is their general idea.
See "kalergi plan."
They want to create a mongrel race of low IQ brown people to do the "grunt work" and live in poverty while the jews steal as many White genes as they can and remain separate in opulent "walled communities."

It is certainly a stupid thread.
As for spickike commie becoming the "next president," well, the Tree of Liberty is looking MIGHTY dry.

Thus White Nationalism.
Remove all non-Whites from White lands.
Stop White genocide and you derail the kike's plans.
Also, stop White genocide because it is morally imperative and the sacred duty of all Whites.

marxism is shit.

There no distinction. Why do you think leftypol is tranny central? Leftism is all extortion.

But yes, being against mass immigration is and always was the traditional economic leftist position

Do you know nothing of the history of the working class movements in your country?

Oh right. You don't. Because you get your history from capitalist kykes

Reddit spacing with reddit ideas.

Never heard of the kosher sandwich?
Do your research before trying to "troll" Zig Forums.

>middle class

No such thing friend. All are wage slaves.

Arbeit macht frei

Remember that? Cuz kykes dont work

I've already explained why them being against Israel is a net negative for us.
Really makes you think.

Bernie also correctly stated that mass immigration is a big business Koch brothers policy. That is, before the false left media attacked him for it. But then he also endorsed Hillary, which is inexcusable.

Because that would insult BASED Sanders, don't you know?

It's the entire establishment, right and left.

Also Bernie is a goon for Israel.

This is a proud national SOCIALIST board. Ancaps, and libertarians can fuck off back to reddit

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Imagine being this much of a cuck.
Never support a jew; never support a non-white.

How stupid do you have to be to be willing to switch from licking the asshole of one foreign element, to licking the asshole of another foreign element? SUPPORT YOUR OWN PEOPLE, you dumb, dumb fuck.

The one on the right is cute, in a girl next door kinda way. I typically don’t approve of a romantic relationship between races, but as long as you didn’t have a child with her, what’s the harm? Mestizos exist to serve our interests, and I feel their rightful place would be as the servents to Europeans.

Kike kike kike kike kike

The proper spelling is "kyke" dumb dumb

Kikes play both sides, so should we.

I agree 100%

It's 'kike' from 'kikel'

>>>Zig Forums

No, its not. That is how people afraid to insult them type it.Just like "nigga" instead of "nigger"

Doesn’t matter it’s still degenerate. The only human subspecies that’s genetically compatible with the European man are jomon Japanese, and you should only use them as an alternative to a European women in the event you aren’t able to find a mate in your home nation.

Smh u know most corporations that do business in the states are foreign owned? By supporting socialism you support your people

And as a side note. Mexicans and spics in general make up a fraction of immigration. The majority are chinese and indian. But you never hear word one about that from any of you cucks.

Thats cuz you are cucked by the cuckservatives and neocohens and don't even know it

Fine the kike bankers then

You seem awfully concerned with arbitrary symbols for an aryan. The deed is all there is comrade

If you truly love your race, you'd want to mate with your own kind so that you can see MORE of your kind in the future. Don't racemix, please.

What are illegals? Also, Mestizos are literally 15-20% of America's population now. Asians (5%) and Subcontinentals (less than 1%) are nowhere near as big of a demographic threat then them.

You are no Aryan. Communism appeals only to jews, mongrels, and the spiritually corrupted.

>Muh based gooks

Foh you hentai worshipping incel faggot

The only non europeans hitler considered aryan were iranians. And that was mostly for strategic purposes

"Honorary aryan" is completely meaningless and u know it. Justify your degenerate fantasies some other way

Who are you arguing with. Did I dream the rest of the thread?
Dicky Spencer
Oh, we know it. That's why we need to KILL KILL KILL.

Still angry about the fact nobody wants you, Debra?

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Wrong. Hitler considered the Japanese to be Aryan, in other words WHITE. The government even had breeding program to create a new class of Aryan through German men, and Japanese women. You’re just a purity spiraling faggot, ever think about that?

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TRS confirmed.
Letting a few diplomats marry japs for good relations=/= wanting to create a new race of hapas.

mongoloid sage negated

That sounds more like a "My American Name" asians adopt because they're the most cucked and least loyal to their true self.

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Next you'll be telling me how we all need to take mulatto wives to make a BASED American race.

Dear god. The kike has derailed another thread.

Economics is what matter not muh dick you fucking mongs


But yes. The mongoloids will dilute the aryan race into perfect slaves. The kike wins again.

My comrades were right.

You mongs really are hopeless. Enjoy being perpetually class cucked into oblivion.

The white race is hopeless

probably not in the economic sense of the word, dumbass

Make more mestizos by breeding w/ gooks.
Only other baste option.

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We don't want your help, fag.

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If only you knew how bad you really need it. You are a disgrace to the name Aryan.

Sweaty pig skinned mongrels the lot of you.

Then fuck off back to reddit. I'm sure they will love your ideas there.