Republicans are Failing Young People

How The Republican Party is Failing Young People? They're recruiting new members from a rather shallow pool of candidates. Do you have the money and time to spend a year off of work following around a senator? Then you're recruited! The only way to step into the world of politics with the republican party, is to know someone! They think because they like Kanye West they're suddenly doing appropriate outreach - heck no! Didn't you see the democrat memo leak that said the DACA illegals were "essential" to the democrat re-election campaigns? The fact is, either you somehow deport a couple million people - or you do some outreach and get young people and minorities into the party. Here I am, a young minority - and I can tell you, the job offerings are looking slim! JOBS! Get young people in republican ranks with JOBS! That's the key! Maybe you disagree, but hey, this is an opinion video, what do expect?

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Republicans are failing the youth because young people only want to exterminate all Jews and shitskins, while the republican party stands in the way of that.

Yada yada yada … the youth will only be taken care of by their parents, not the state

The republican party is out for itself as it should be, our kids should be out for themselves. This is liberal projecting that the state is supposed to serve children.

No sage, prove otherwise

It's out for the jews and Israel

the neocons the cuckservatives they all need gas

People don't need the WN brand, it's filled with catty infighting bullshit. The GOP just needs to advertise #MAGA brand and it'll attract youth by default.

It's realy bizarre how the Republicans make it this hard to get young people to join them and become politically engaged, while the Demorats are always trying to indoctrinate the youth with Marxist teachers and get them involved. Young people are also easily impressionable and easy targets for the leftist entertainment industry and the media.

Under normal circumstances, the parents should be the ones teaching their kids the basics of politics and how to get involved, but right now the Republicans are certainly failing for not engaging more with the general public.

They won't even do that. Instead they push fags like Charlie Kirk.

And that's false anyway, since the youth is 65% brown.

Essential because they're going to be turned into future voters. Until then the state for everything humanly possible to make them comfortable.

Wont matter anyways, within the next decade the country will default.

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All work today is makework for rent seekers.

I suppose the take away from this is that we need to shove ourselves straight up the republican partys ass and change it from the inside.

What is up with these cancerous threads?

More like 40% bucko.

The GOP doesn't have a plan for the future. Normally conservatives win elections by promising the electorate that everything is a-ok and he's gonna keep things that way. Things right now are not a-ok and everyone knows it, which is why Trump was atop the polls before primaries even started.

What? The general population is 45% brown right now. In the youngest generation is 65% or more.

White births just dipped below 50% of the total five years ago.

No all they have to do is explicitly appeal to the White vote.


Listen up young minority. You only know the prussian education socially engineered school safe space. We are the silent majority. We infantilize you and our women. We had to take care of you while espousing equality for decades. We were always national socialists. You probably know us at your age as "gifted" progressives. Everyone deserves an education and we took great care to combat the stereotype threat and create your safe space as mandated by the state. Our modern strife arises from bringing the internet to the classroom which was historically a place to think without the limiters that are minorities and women. You're a non-believer. Conceited too. Love God or you will live in hell. This will become more and more obvious after your schooling is over. Your bias is showing as there are enough gifted minorities and women and they are either here or there playing both sides with us. Catering to notions of equality in the land of freedom will always fail because we are both vastly superior and vastly inferior to the norm and we run this show by proxy because others look up to us. And they still will if you unmask us as our accomplishments speak for themselves. Take advantage of these disproportionate opportunities afforded to you and actually study and become learned in a profession. School is about regulating self-esteem as it is the key to learning. To learn you must go beyond school and take initiative to study and make attempts. We are not attached to the Republican party they are a mere tool to confront the uppity Democrats. You don't think we would sit on the sidelines and let normies rule just because we'd have to become Democrats. Most of us, and Trump too, were Democrats most of our lives. Trump serves an important role in bringing real political dialogue to the school system which has gotten out of control due to the sexual revolution, which is merely the misuse of the education safe space for non-education purposes.

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I think you mean 'White People'.

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This mother fucker gets it.

We will have our American Hitler. Just you wait.

The GOP despises who isn't a rich kike or has literal family connections to kikes (Trump). I dare anyone to prove me otherwise because I haven't seen them as a whole do a damn about the shitskins running amuck destroying society and civilised life. I wish the democrats didn't go and went crazy pandering to negroes and other assorted trash, they'd be perfect otherwise.

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WTF is with all the slide threads today?

Reminder to sage, shareblue is working overtime today. Starting to look like cuckchan here.

The Jews want to get rid of that thread about the retarded porn girl because its a genuine threat to their efforts to push BLACKED and other gross pornography.
One of the Anons therein was talking about pressuring Republicans ahead of the midterm to start enforcing the Federal obscenity laws, and they're freaking out trying to find a way to get it the fuck off the board and into the memory hole.

Intelligence and political preferences is downstream from genetics, and the only demographic that cares for liberty and the true American way are whites, who are becoming a minority. The MAGA path can only get you votes from a shrinking, and soon to be dwarfed, part of the electorate. It's not a winning strategy. Race realism and deportations will be necessary to prevent this country from turning into Mexico. We'll have to deport citizens. Either that, civil war or complete victory for the left and the brown invaders. I know: It's sad and grim, but it doesn't help us to hide from the truth.


Reminder to newbs, people literally only say this in slide threads. If it shows up everywhere, people are still literally only saying it in slide threads. Leers!

Hes not wrong. There is a sanders dicksucking thread, a LOL AMERIMUTTS thread and a 'Is maine based" thread all on the first few pages.