Anomalous blue-eyed people in Israel 6,500 years ago

This is very interesting they're talking of blonde and blue eyed migrants in modern day Israel during the Copper age.

The earliest dates i was previously aware of was Kura-Araxes Trans-Caucasian culture at around 5,000 years ago in the region, this is an earlier group.

This group seems highly advanced for the period and further digging will be required, they've certainly been sitting on this since 1995 at least, though the DNA tests are recent

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Other urls found in this thread:–Trypillia_culture 30&version=NIV
I suggest watching the entire series, but if you don't have enough time this video will be enough.
His series debunking the "chooseness" of jews made me understand parts of the Bible I didnt understand previously and made everything better historically.

Yeah, they're called Hittites. Now fuck off we already have this thread

This could possibly also give insight into the groups that formed the basis for Sumerian culture at around that date.

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Adam was the first blue eyed man
Caucasians are made in God's image

This is 3,000 years before the Hittites.
Pestilence is taking too long. We need war.


Das rite gentiles, we wuz blue eyed aryans while you where still in caves an shit (hehe)

I mean, yeah

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The ancestors of the Hebrews arrived much later in the region as a sub-group of the Amorite expansion.

The burial boxes i have seen similar with the Cucuteni–Trypillia culture of Ukraine, and the ceramics.–Trypillia_culture

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Even the Jews don't claim that, they reckon they disappeared from the region, but the Trans-Caucasian Hurrians were back ruling the region from 3,000 to 1,000 BC


Israel was always white and also multicultural, you see. So perhaps Israel should open its borders and hearts more to those in need.

I wonder why the jews had to move back into their 'own country' a few decades ago, by force?

Oh they're starting to make the claims alright.

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in other words Israel

Neanderthal sites in that region have long been recorded, but the earliest Semitic expansion from the Arabian peninsula dates to when the group in the OP mysteriously disappear, ie their ancestors were responsible.

It may well have been a peaceful region before then but by 3,200 BC when it is re-colonized by Trans-Caucasians it was a very dangerous region as indicated by strong settlements and evidence of warfare.

There are again major expansions from Arabia at around 1500 BC and that ends Hurrian colonies in Jordan and by 1,000 BC Jerusalem has fallen and Semitic control established over all the greater region.

You're trying way too hard, leddit.



Same neanderkike shill from the other thread trying to start up again:

Additional shilling from thread:

New ID:

It's freakin' weird a thread about an unknown Caucasian group in the Near East 6,500 years ago has to become a thread about Neanderthals last found around 40,000 years ago.

Yes, they were the angels as listed in sodom and gomorrah. The messengers from God are those closest to the ideal.

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This is more sapiens than anything.

What's it like being so easy to catch?

What's it like being so wrong?

Attached: Goyim Please.jpg (275x300, 29.39K)

Never been wrong so I wouldn't know.

So take the moment and get to know the feeling. Or lack thereof. I'll wait.

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Was me you stupid fuck. I replied to myself as a continuation of the first post. The Third Reich made very similar conclusions, and you're reaching far and wide, projecting like an autistic retard.

Ahnenerbe research clearly seems to offend you.
Kills your credibility instantly. I despise jews trying to fit in here.

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Look how fast they showed up. (((Coincidence)))?

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I'll see you next time you try to pull that bullshit again.

Didn't you get arrested?

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Woah, how can anyone have multiple threads open at the same time. Why would someone who posted in a thread about a similar topic, post in this thread, obviously has to be the guy I think he is. I was lurking until you decided to tag my post in your jew-brain nigger writing.

I'll be in the thread.
Nice one.

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I believe you.

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Thread nuking kike.

The Canaan region has been fought over by multiple different peoples. Jews like to claim they always had it, and have had to retake it. An obvious distortion of history.

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Lel, I newer saw something simmilar

Amount of time linking all this stuff and making connections, hillarious. On the other hand clearly shows jewish psychotic nature. Induced from neanderthal admix.
wait for hysteric reaction now, lel

Right some don't appear to like the greater historical context of that region being considered, according to Neanderkike theory it was occupied by the ancestors of the Jews as far back as 40,000 years whereas even in their own tradition they only entered the region 3,400 years ago.

So, when kikes were still cave dwellers some arian people from Europe/Hyperborea came along and brought them civilization, same as they brought civilization to south America… But are the current kikes the result of intermixing between the visitors and arabs, or were they kikes all along?

The Jews make it clear themselves in the Book of Genesis that they were to be a mixed race people having initially inter-married with Syriac wives as in the story of Jacob and Laban (white), were the story goes Laban manages his herd and keeps all the speckled herd and the simply brown whereas Laban retains the pure white.

>Let me go through all your flocks today and remove from them every speckled or spotted sheep, every dark-colored lamb and every spotted or speckled goat. 30&version=NIV

Of course he also makes as many as possible speckled, but the point is that's how Jacob/Israel was to be understood as a mixed race group themselves or simply brown, they've been selectively reproducing from the white population for the best part of 4,000 years because they clearly understand that advantage that sets them apart from the humble sandnigger

The comparison between goat selective reproduction and human is also evidence much earlier at Catal Hoyuk.

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I don't think it is anomalous as much as it is an ancient symptom of White FLIGHT, yet again…I am pretty sure that we covered almost all of the ancient Earth. We know that the Pharaohs were European before we were driven out by violent low IQ nogs and their 1/2 breed kin.

Schizowop belongs in a garbage can. I can't take anyone seriously that think jews are the purist Neanderthals.

Kikes aren’t from Israel they are misceginated Arabs who’ve been kicked our of hundreds of countries for the exact same reasons every time.
The Levant is white man land. Your average Leb has more in common with an Italian than an Arab.

They are the least pure of the Neanderthals with the most nigger blood. They are the part animal 'bridge' between 1/2 human niggers and human beings.

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Yeah yeah (((you)))'re all blue eyed and based we totally buy it. Not getting the rope when the time comes be assured.

Let me help you here user, the article indicates that at that time the Levant was 100% non-Semitic

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So Jesus was white.

LARPagan cucks BTFO.

He was indeed a European male. I think most of the LARPagans (although I have my own interest in paganism) are doing the bidding of the 'new age' kike faggots and their agenda of destroying everything that is European.

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Absolutely nigger-brained.

Is this some shitskin shill?

Are you one of those people trying to push that Iranians are white?

very likely to be Ionian or Achean Greeks. Greeks have already been know to be part of the genetic make up of Israelis. Feels bad man
t. Greco-Roman


This. All historic accounts describe Jesus as blonde haired blue eyed.

The lying kikes are liars, like their father.

Wait a minute. Does this mean the genetic ancestors who lived in the land get to invade and slowly force out the other genetic people in this land? whats the haplogroup?

That's some tasty bait there user.

Stupid fucks. It just says there was a genetic mutation in the genes that allowed for blue eyes. And we already know Iranians are the proto-Europeans. Fucking jews think they can now say that was us. We wuz white.

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No i would suggest at this date NE Iran in the region of Azerbaijan South of the Caucasus was settled by Europeans that had moved South there during the last ice age, thus they were white and i would consider them the group involved here indicated as Iranians.

As for greater Iran at that time the proto-Elamite SW region i would consider largely Dravidian, with admixture in the Zagros mountains region from the NE region, it's a large country and there were various population groups.

I just think they were from the Trans-Caucasus because they moved into the region again in 3,000 BC, also worth noting that early civilization in central Iran was more advanced than early Mesopotamia which was initially an extension of Iranian developments.

Which ones?

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kikes want to destroy whites so they can claim they were the real whites all along.

yep, it's a shill thread

They're not actually claiming that and it would be absurd if they did, their only fault is in stating this was in Israel rather than what is at present Israel.

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Is this a good place to discuss how Gaelic is currently labeled as an "afro-asiatic" language?

Maybe we can bring up William Comyns Beaumont?

I'm after a big fish, I brought bigger bait. Be a dear and wake up one of the archeologists from the institute in Tel Aviv for me.


uh, T I think

It's listed as an Italo-celtic language.
As are all the romance languages like Spanish, French, and Italian.


Maybe the Blue Eyed People were visiting the Old Jewish Bloodline; Beta Israel

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Well maybe, research indicates that long ago there was a vision expanding from the Trans-Caucasus of discovering new resources, developing new technologies, advancing society, opening up trade routes, a vision of the advancement of all and the early expansion into the Near East as a part of that.

It also appears there was natural opposition to that and resentment and it was emerging from the Arabian peninsula which seems to have eradicated these first colonists.

As i've pointed out they returned circa 3,200 BC with the greater aim of establishing overland trade routes with Egypt and Africa, they'd already established sea trade around the Arabian peninsula to the Red Sea coast of Upper Egypt/Sudan from 3,600 BC onwards from Susa in SW Iran which went on to become the Uruk sphere of collective interests, the basis for Mesopotamian culture.

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The striesand effect at its finest


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You forgot the final frame where the niggertoon starves to death and dies.


there are people on this board that unironically say this shit lol

Jericho (the city) was that old for a reason.

No but jews are us.

Modern scientific cult right here. Assuming people that live on the land now are the same people that used to live there and everything is just randomly weird that old artifacts seem completely out of tune with today. Only idiots believe territory has never shifted and that neither have people.

only faggits have blue eyes.

I suspect they are from Zig Forums, and Zig Forums facts have created such strong cognitive dissonance that they spawned this idea to cope.


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We Wuz The Reel Jews!!

Christian Identity is the only way forward for Christian National Socialists.

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But nigger, Israel does not exist, not even the shantytown they started 70 years ago.