He should have been President and you know it.
Jeb Bush for President
Never payed too much attention to the guy, how much of an Israel cocksucker was he?
Don't blame me, I wrote in Jeb! in 2016 and I plan to do it again.
How did I get to 4chan?
Wait… This doesn't make sense… The url says Zig Forums… But here's this thread… Weird…
8ch should be called bitch Chan. Most of you are bitches
Good work, user.
When you’re on a news site and the googles send degenerates after you.
Was outside doing stuff not even 30 minutes ago. Of course I was frogged. Was just frogged by some fucking degenerates again.
I’m not dark, I am tired of the faggotry. Stay the fuck away from me. You’re annoyingly persistent
Stay away Mexicans
The porn girl thread isn't going away, not matter how many slides you create.
I don’t date outside my race, and definitely not with old bitches
JEB! 2020
Your rodent breed of a mistake will never get into power, Hoze.
Uhh, my family controls all of Europe shitskin
If you keep on spamming my thread I'll report you.
Go ahead faggot this was a bait thread for me so some fag could frog me. Report me butch. You’re already implicated
Haven’t figured it out yet? There aren’t any white people on here.
Except for me
Slide thread.
it wouldn't be any different. doesn't matter who gets elected, the jew will rule anyway
Does he really considers that sort of larping by talking to himself will ever receive attention? No offense, but I think that broadcasting a live suicide on facebook won't even make his bastard father take a slightest glimpse.
filtered. Spamming kike nonese
No, they will convince people they do. Classic strategy convince your opponents you’re already in power.
Funny, no Jews ruling my country. Even the military doesn’t like the majority of the Jews
Filter yourselves fish.
OP is right. Jeb for the win.
How much dumber do you think that he can get?