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Other urls found in this thread:【survey】/


Fuck off with the kikebush crap, moshe.

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And people say that chinks are supposed to be smart. Also, aren't they lacking in women because families would opt for rather having a boy when they could only have one child? Fucking genius.

Yup. They have 50 million extra males and their solution so far was to ship them to Africa as labourers on their projects. Currently around 2 million Chinese are in Africa.

Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania are so fucking worried about getting riced that they are doing propaganda against sleeping with Chinks.

Typical for socialist hellholes where tax cattle dont want to breed. We had it too in PRL until late 60's I think.

Poland? But your fertility rate is 1.3, it would actually do you good now in the current situation.

Lol is that true are there posters or something?

my goodness what a fucking retarded nightmare of a "civilisation"… a crossbreed of the insect world and the five year plans.

so let me get this straight : the chinks get all the nigresses nobody wants, the niggers get the white women, and who do we get?

So many China threads lately. What's going on?

2d waifu

China is trying to take control of Kek for their own purposes

Chinks and hebes working together to avoid fumigation. They know we're going to eradicate the entire neander/deni line this time around.

No I don’t carry if you don’t like me developing weapons.

David first, that’s me.

I'll never be that desperate

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Jews and all their wonderful products and ideas! Shalom!

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Its times like this I'm glad the west is as liberal as it is, good lord

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There are negro Jews as well

They should be encouraged to breed like rabbits. As well as Arabs in Israel. They would drown the kikes by 2050

It's actually quite scary. They'll be controlling most of Africa in 50 years thanks to the breeding. We need to be shipping machetes, propaganda, and voodoo powder over there by the ton to encourage the natives to clean out the Chigger hybrids.

bitch nigger, we already have a tax that goes to a 'reproduction fund', its called welfare.

Amazing how easily they enacted new policies to unfuck themselves. It's as if jewish economists have no say whatsoever in how China is run. What a wonderful place.

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Actually we should coax a war between the two and take the territory when they finish

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Any woman you want if you are white.
Hahaha wow the kike has really fucked your brain hasn’t she?

It's the Four Pests Campaign all over again

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You can at least get some of that back, this goes exclusively to women

Hi, paid jewish shill. No one here supports or believes in your bestiality propaganda.

The Chinese remind me of that one kid who oversteered and fishtailed everywhere when it was his turn on Forza.

This place is not for you.

I believe

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This is truly isgusting.

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Shitposting doesn’t get you anywhere.

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You are too dumb to shill here, and that's saying something.


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I'm confused. This has the body of a woman, but the face of an autistic 12 year old boy.


I can't even begin with this delicious irony.

I think you need some glasses my friend

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This is what we (USA) should implement for married couples who aren’t on any sort of public assistance. Smart policy! Ideally pay for it not by a tax rather by cutting TANF, SNAP, and Medicaid. There is plenty from any one of those programs to be trimmed!

China is worried about the future elder population which will far superpass the young ones thanks to the one child policy.
One child per family = two old people the government will have to take care of.

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Of course it's a kike pushing for racemixing on Zig Forums. Where are the mods and the gas?

Meanwhile, in the land of freedom, where Trump is free to be too scared to say "white genocide", the self-appointed world's police of oil continues to be destroyed by the jew's golem faster than predicted.

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There's not enough women in that country for all those men. And the women that live there are spoiled by all the men, so they end up being stuck-up bitches that are mega hypergamous.

That's it, I'm reporting your IP.
You're obviously here just to shill.

He won't even address white people as a collective, if he did that he would actually be impeached though

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No but asians look autistic.
You got a fetish or something?

Western women have been totally compromised by the mind virus that is liberalism. I don’t see this sand behavior from Japanese women, so they definitely seem like the realistic alternative for national SOCIALISTS like ourselves. If you want to have children you can just use a white surrogate mother, so that you maintain your bloodline until artificial wombs come out.

Didnt they force sterilize women that had too many children (more than one) just a while ago? What the fuck is this now?

Asian women are the biggest leftist cunts in the West. Far worse than Western white women.

Any statistics to back that up, champ?

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Yes, the jews showed up for free food. And the Chinese showed them the way out after hearing their opinions.

Who else is ready to watch a new Chinese civil war with half a billion dead?

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Also visit a college campus one time.

You mean a college campus where everyone gets brainwashed into leftism?

You keep moving the goalposts because you keep getting raped lol. Those stats agree with everything I've said.
I'm done here. Take your white bull fetish back to the selfhaters at r/hapas.

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Your own friend blew you the fuck out >>12034150

oh wow.

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Why not take the money from their citizens and give it to black refugees from USA? It's not the blacks' fault according to a recent study. If they were brought up in rich countries like China, they would do just as well as your average Chinese person.

Mainland Chinese women are garbage for reasons pointed in >>12034101Try Taiwan or Japan.

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Looks like the typical Korean or mainland Chink. To be honest, the makeup looks obvious. Isn't there an app that erases makeup?

I want to kill them.

Yep TRS kikes are here in this thread

I'd fuck a cute half-asian woman.

Dis gon b gud

They all look like Jacki 4Chan and so will your kids if you breed with it, forever ending your family line

We need to keep on memeing and see how far down this rabbit hole this crazy world goes.

because destroying people is fun

Choose one.

Funny thing about HWNDU (like I mentioned time and time again) is how there are people of different races who come to the event. I mean 8/pol/ would fucking hate them. They just represent civic nat.

that's it im out of here

Nobody is immune to the libtard and feminist virus, racemixing kike shill【survey】/

I literally cannot post them all and that's just from just a single source (that sources others) and the numerous websites stating the truth.

Why the fuck do you think their birthrate went down?

Women are the same everywhere, this will never change and worthless kike subhumans or delusional weebs aren't going to fool the smart anons here who are wise to reality.

This, tbh. White roasties are a lost cause.

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lol Who do you think you're kidding? Asian girls are more intelligent, traditional, feminine and chaste than white women, and it's not close.

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It's easier to train a dog than a human.

TRS hasn't even been relevant since they deleted their forum and podcasts

Are you one of the morons that did Zig Forums's bidding and destroyed that right wing community? The most pathetic this board has ever been.

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Sven doesn't need any help doing that

Because chinese women have become gold digging grave diggers

But your doxxing of the community is what brought it down. Just what Zig Forums and CNN wanted. Way to go, you stupid faggot.

You sound like a delusional boomer kike

Hard to be smart with jews at the helm.

How far chinese tech has advanced is incredible. Never thought we'd see pregnant robot wives this soon.

Remember 'Two Mommies' Ghoul who offered to snitch out all of TRS when he got found out by the media before Zig Forums went after that shitpit?

TRS came here and started telling us what to do. They were punished for the arrogance of thinking they - a bunch of upstarts - were our masters.

Look it’s TRS setting a trap. If you’re going to give me drugs give me something fun, like mdma or actual lad, not nigger teir shit that doesn’t do anything


Just send them all east to keep reforesting that desert.

Only mutts would display such a lack of confidence in acquiring an aryan woman.

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Do you belive it? Why leftist are so retarded? Yeah, one more tax that gov ram my ass will certainly help find me a wife and marry.

Makes so much sense.

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jesus christ, what the hell is that thing?

Replacement level with zero mortality before childbirth is obvious 2.0.