PM Trudeau stands by his 'racism' comments to heckler

"That intolerance with regard to immigrants doesn't belong in Canada. That intolerance with regard to diversity, you don't belong in Canada," Trudeau said

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All white canadians please come to the USA.

Notice how he always bends over backwards for the shitskins in Canada, but he never once criticized Israel for what they’re doing to the Palestinians. Really makes me think…


Attached: Justin Trudeau On Returning ISIS Fighters They'll Be An 'Extraordina….png (1282x581 19.21 KB, 606.99K)

That Spurdo with Trudeau's hair is a vision from hell. Canada is so pozzed I could puke.

And live with even more shitskins? No, this is our land and we shall stand our ground.

No stand your ground leafs. Better that we cede the white rural white areas of Canada to the balkanized white US nation that emerges eventually. Whites should probably leave Toronto and other multi-cult cities to accelerate the fall of the their tower of Babel.

"You don't belong in Canada" says the Prime Minster to Canadians.


This piece of shit deserve a bullet in his fucking head, son of a literal whore.

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Like hell I am going to abandon my homeland because a couple subhumans think they have a right to it.

Do you fags even get to have guns?

For now, yes.

All of the speech suppression is only driving us underground, and concentrating our hate for the state.

He wipes his shoes on the faces of Canadian men. I mean, how fucking pitiful a man are you if Trudeau can walk all over you? Jesus Christ.

every cuckservative, ever

I hate traitorous cuckservatives more than the neomarxists in our government because the pathetic cuckservatives serve only as controlled opposition and marxist enablers.

Cuckservatives get the bullet too.

It's not so simple. You need an in demand skill, or work for a company and ask to get transferred to a department in the USA.

Don't worry, goys. I'm sure (((Scheer))) will fix it!

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Canada yes!

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Does Canada have enough bogs for people like this?

What's turnd's approval rating look like>?

The good news is that those bogs will eventually yield fossil fuels

Dobson would know about making things bigger, the fat inflation fetishist fuck.

Did the first guy bake the pie for himself? then why are you trying to justify theft of his pie?

Is that chef a wizard? because you can't just upscale a pie, you will leave the center soft and under cooked and the edges burnt, in that case everybody gets a bunch of shitty fucked up pie.

These people are actually retarded.

The first frame illustrates taxation is theft the second frame illustrates inflation is devaluation.

The social justice metaphor doesn't even fit if the is pie meant to represent opportunity how the fuck do you triple the opportunity? you don't it's legitimately stealing some else's opportunities by threatening people who offer such opportunities for only hiring competent workers.

Trump please save us.

only 7 bogs, friend.

If we add up their acreage, it's at least 31,000. (no info for one)

If we take the average sq inch space taken up by a Canadian, it's 1260 sq inches, multiplied by gay people in Canada it's 3628800000 sq inches or 580 acres.

So, yes user, they do have the bog space.

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Here is a map bog distribution for any fellow leafs who may be interested.

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There's a first panel missing where the guy baked the pie himself and then someone comes and takes a piece away saying to check his cooking privilege.

Excellent. Thanks, anons.

We need to cast down this kingdom of lies now.

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What do you propose, CSIS-kun?

If the Canuck Cucks re-elect Trudeau I'll never be able to respect any of those idiots again.

When the revolutionary action begins we'll come up there and kill all those invaders for you but you wont get to keep your independence and you wont get voting rights until our education platform has run it's course.

Allowing your populace to be replaced voids all treaties, The invading parasites aren't concerned with loyalties of the people they are replacing, a displaced and invaded nation is no more an ally than a body snatcher could be a friend.

WWF Wrester Tom McGee left Canada to live in the USA….I knew him personally from the gym I trained at. A great guy, very friendly and down to earth. Very polite.

Look what living in the USA did for him; he got whipped on by 6 niggers with crow bars for nothing

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That's what you get for electing someone from Quebec.If someone from here show up for the federal election you can be sure it's bad news because he almost certainly going to end up being a globalist cuckhold. No true self respecting Quebecker is going to be Federalist. Those faggots that end up being fooled again and again thinking that because he speak french he is going to represent us need to be thrown into the bog as well.

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Did you get lost on your way over here from 4chan? You must've meant to post this in >>>/faggot/

The good news is, I can guarantee Trudeau isn't getting re-elected. Now that he legalized weed, he's outlived his usefulness to the druggies.

The bad news is, whoever's going to replace him is going to continue everything his pansy ass was doing. That new nationalist party's getting cockblocked in its attempts to be made legit, and apparently the only good candidate speaking out against Immigration (Bernier) got kicked out for that cuckold Scheer.

Stand your ground leafbros. Us white Canadians and Americans will get through this Jewish hellscape together.

Colonist/Pioneer master race.

Which is the best way to be. FWIW I hold a lot of hope out for the Canadians. You dumbass leafs are our brothers and can get your shit together

He's a complete fucking imbecile. And this is what happens when he goes off script and attempts speaking his own feeble mind; he doesn't make an iota of sense. Weak, pathetic, faggot.

Checked. We can do it. There's a lot of land for ((them)) to comb through.

Yeah because electing ROC leaders totally (((paid off))). It's just not that fucking simple. Much like south of the border, the whole political system is corrupted and under foreign influence.

I really think it would be worthwhile for people in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and western New York to reach out to Canadians and the other way around as well. French Canada seems to get it and be on the right track. I think the potential for as strong a united front as can exist in North America lies in those lands.

I agree. We shouldn't get D&C'ed so easily.

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If you were jewish then maybe, otherwise Trump doesn't give a shit. He condemns racism as much as Trudeau anyway and his big selling point lately is about how many jobs he's getting shitskins and how much he hates racism.

Is on the mark about this? If so it would be a great pet project to start. Everything seems so daunting at first but the unification of our people is happening, and I am trying to do my part as well. The D&C has worked for the last time brother, we're all in this together.

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The absolute state of the arrogant 'murican nigger

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gas yourself kike

He's more white than you are, Rabbi. Classic JIDF divide and conquest move. Fuck you, your tribe, your "values", and Israel.

Not only is the meme not funny and demonstrably false it's also likely being posted in a D&C effort.

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Cannabis market expert here. Every chart I've seen sees a massive uptick in use for the first six to eight months, followed by a massive dropoff in use when boredom or addiction sets in. Think strategically. Most of the SJW population is going to be baked out of their skulls until next summer, so that means we get to run the show unopposed. And then consider a three to four month detox period when a lot of these SJW wake up from cannabis culture and realize that users aren't that nice. You might actually have a massive conservative movement in the making. Now all you have to do is get Bernier to either start his own party or marginalize the (((barriers))) to him taking over from Scheer.

I'm not american so I count on the men of America to deal with amerimutts like you, kosher slave.

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The kike is just projecting. It's all projection of the cretins that they are. Good post though

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What the fuck are you talking about? Do you think you'll convince anyone with this nonsense?

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We're not the boomers they're used to deceiving user. It really was all build upon the idea that television would be the penultimate form of entertainment


Nice pic, did you got it on 9gag?

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I guess this is the ashekeNazi IQ at work, pitiful

well we know you're a d&c kike for sure

Indeed, you kids are worse. I'd rather boomers that hate the alt-right over the zoomers who infiltrate and turn it into alt-lite.

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Remember user, nothing is more inbred, sickly and deformed than a descendant of canaan. Bullets are too good for these kikes

I'm sure you would mongrel. Take your monster advert and your brittle bones back to 4pol where they belong

You kids will be killed by real nazis when the time comes, shame I won't be there to help because I live in a better continent.

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Why is the boomer carrying a jewish energy drink?

This. Specifically, they should migrate to the northwest.

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When are you faggots going to do something about Hongcouver, Seattle or Portland?

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That patch is a cute touch. I don’t think many would have noticed.

"I'm 98.6 % white" fuck you & your Stormfront "scientists".
Cue the flood of self-serving pseudoscience.

So,the slim majority/ minority Whites in 'murica are "muh 96.2" White?
Sounds legit.
What I want & what I know have little to do with each other.

That's just the average. 95% of white Americans are completely white.

Found the original.

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Did his twitter get suspended? lol

captcha : moeaju.


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If by some miracle he does get it hes not its gonna be as a minority gov which means he will have to metaphorically and literally dicksuck the conservatives and bloc quebecois who I think will get majority of quebec again in order to get any of his plans done. And if hes nto stron in any nafta agreements and causes our dollar to fall furter he will be killed, and not just by whites but by even the migrants who have to find out that the blood they are sucking is worth even less than their home country

What a sexist asshole, mansplaining to a woman like that. :^)

Also reading the stuff, even his own party of marxists are impying he fucked up here.




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If they're illegal but they have his Blessing then I guess that legislation is just a rusty old formality :)

At this point we'll treat illegal immigration like littering

completely ignore it and let it fill our streets and stink everything up

Good ol dobbie

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Then once it gets so bad we'll have volunteers go around and pickup the refuse and dump it on barges that go out to sea.

White Canadians do have a very unique opportunity to relocate to the United States en mass. Whites leaving will more quickly do them a greater deal damage than it would United States.

I bet Dobbie reveals himself to be of Jewish origin.

There are tons of guns in Canada.

A more normalfag edit.

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Not auccurate enough, in communism he does not have a choice.

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What do you expect from Fidel's son?

Fuck immigrants, fuck cuckdeau, everyday we do not gas these traitors and their nigger-slaves is another day towards civil war. I really hate this country and await its destruction, in the mean time, no, I will not leave my fucking homeland

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That funny, because the fact is that massive faggot Trudeau doesn't belong in Canada. He belongs in an oven.

Not brought up with hard work, moral lessons about the virtues of hard work and planning for the future are looked at differently; Aesop's Fables 620 and 564 BCE; The Grasshopper and the Ant.
"…the grasshopper finds itself dying of hunger and begs the ant for food. However, the ant rebukes its idleness…"
Then; Moral and artistic debate.
Now; The Bee demands the Ant give ALL the Grasshoppers his stores…

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Most PMs are from Quebec. There's probably a (((reason))) for that.

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Tell him to check his Scottish privilege. (He's only 1/4 French, remember.)

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