Trump speechwriter fired amid scrutiny of appearance with white nationalists
Can't this fuckin admin vet people ffs.
The country is lost and Trump is a useless fucking israel first neocohen, the furthest thing from positive change imaginable let alone Hitler
Trump has a good feel on the social change in this country, which makes me think he'll be throwing bones (or 'dog whistles' as they call them) to racially conscious whites in prep for a 2020 win. We must be clear that unless there are tangible benefits of a second Trump Admin, we will obstruct.
Or at least I will. Shills astroturfed 2016 on Internet boards, and now they're experimenting with QLARP for the same reasons. That said, I think he's in it for himself and he will cuck for whichever group has dominance. While Kushner dominates the WH, he'll concede to them, but there might be a Cabinet/advisory reshuffle come 2nd term.
So Trump cucked again? Can't wait to see how these fucking midterms pan out. Either way I hope we get a war with Iran so all the good goyim can go find out if they have a nuke or not
I'm already checked out for 2020.
(((Trump))) will likely win anyway because it's exceedingly rare for a president to not be elected for a second term unless they fuck up tremendously. (((Trump))) hasn't fucked up because he hasn't done anything at all, so unless enough of his former supporters become disenfranchised or the boomers die off in droves and the spics he won't get rid of all reach voting age then he's going to get a second term to fellate jews some more
Is he Jewish? He looks Jewish.
So who's the kike that ratted him out?
Isn't VDARE an alt-kike publication?
Globalization and its Alternatives (SS, EI, W)
"Globalization" enjoys a special status as one of the most fashionable TED Talk buzz-words of contemporary social and political discourse. Indeed, we often hear that the purpose of a proper university education, such as that provided at Duke, is to prepare students to successfully navigate a "globalized" world economy. Yet for all of the ubiquity and hype surrounding this term, a serious understanding of the phenomenon itself remains elusive. The purpose of this special freshman seminar is to remedy the superficial manner in which "globalization" is often discussed by considering the phenomenon in light of an eclectic array of important texts reflecting philosophical, economic, and historical perspectives. Our attempt to make sense of—and critically engage—globalization will make use of classic works by Kant, Marx, and Polyani as well as more recent and contemporary works by Francis Fukuyama, Samuel Huntington, and Peter Thiel.
Instructor: Darren Beattie
Darren Beattie, Ph.D. (Duke University) is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science. His research and teaching focuses on political theory.
It's not just that Trump hasn't fucked up, the left is also in utter shambles and has no way of mounting an attack. They have no one to run against Trump and the racial coalition that comprises the left are going to murder each other over who should oppose him. The spics will want a spic, the niggers will want a nigger, and the vaginas will want vaginas (that match theirs). The disenfranchised white voters will vote Green or not at all. 2016 was like watching a train wreck. 2020 is going to like watching a smouldering shit-fire. Midterm is going to set the stage for the next two years.
I don't think so. The ears don't look jewish at all. He looks more German.
Darren Beattie, Ph.D. '16 and visiting instructor of political science, predicted at a political science department gathering Nov. 2 that Donald Trump would win the presidential election. Beattie was also a signatory on a list of "Scholars and Writers for Trump," who endorsed the candidate. The Chronicle’s Likhitha Butchireddygari corresponded with Beattie to discuss how he was able to foresee Trump's victory and what a Trump presidency will look like.
Darren Beattie: I thought Trump would win as early as July of last year. There are various signals that someone really attuned to politics knows to look for. One of the signals for me is when Trump made his provocative remarks on immigration and then refused to apologize in the wake of overwhelming corporate and media opposition. Let me be very clear: This does not mean that I like the way he phrased his remarks. My point is that his willingness to take a position on immigration so antithetical to corporate Republican donors and then not be cowed by the usual shaming tactics reflected early on a certain independence and flexibility that led me to think we're dealing with a very different type of candidate than we're used to. There are other signals like this, but I can't get into them all.
I'm not hating what he has to say thus far… Aside from that bit about not liking the immigration phrasing.
How do we push for acceptance of an anti like platform? It's impossible while Christ fags exist.
Eh, lookin pretty kosher…
It is entirely appropriate that Duke should intervene on behalf of these directly-affected community members.
Remember when the left used to idolize Mencken for his liberal anti-establishment tracts and anti-religion edgelorderry?
top kek
Although he is okay-tier, for a boomer anyway.
>It is quite likely that many of Duke’s own policies, such as its (in my view, admirable) restriction of need-blind admission to U.S. citizens and permanent residents, have a far greater limiting effect on the potential of international students to contribute to the university community than President Trump's EO.
>To be sure, the United States has a noble history of taking in refugees, as is the case with Eisgruber’s family. Far more suspect is the implication that such cases of generosity either establish or reflect a principled obligation to admit all refugees under any circumstances, irrespective of risk.
He's got that same Miller-vibe that smells of Jewry just below the surface…
>Despite its many flaws, the university presidents’ letter reflects an admirable concern for religious liberty.
are you saying (((she))) would've done better??
one thing I like is that he's not afraid to reshuffle the deck chairs instead of lugging around dead weight
You’re retarded if you think that level of shilling will work on us.
You’re retarded if you think we’re going to support your zionist neoconservative civic nationalist that publicly disavows white nationalism and all forms of white identity WHOSE ENTIRE FAMILY IS JEWISH.
>are you saying (((she))) would've done better??
That's a matter of perspective m80, you know as much.
You fags didn't show up until midway through 2016.
>are you saying (((she))) would've done better??
Of course not, I didn't vote for that foul demon for a reason, doesn't mean Trumpberg is any good either.
We need more of our people getting involved in running for any small positions at all first, but the two party jew party system prevents it from happening on a large scale currently since you had to be one of (((them))) or approved by (((them))) to even run.
I'd like to know this guys position on Israel.
Oh, I forgot to mention what this was - his inclusion in the "scholars for trump" thing, apparently.
Fuck off, yid. It won’t work on us.
he looks like a wonky brit
I dunno, I still want to hear his position on Israel.
You kikes know we actually follow this shit right? We know when you're blatantly lying. You will be killed.
So nothing different for you, kike?
Obama openly went to anti-white nigger churches and mosques. Shook hands with black panthers.
Why would he be fired.
not that it matters, the zog emperor will always support israel either way.
at least try to hide the consensus cracking buddy
voting literally doesn't matter, and it functions as a trap to make people feel like they've accomplished something when they haven't. Nobody in the history of America has been more kike controlled than trump. Who has he kept promises to? Adelson and the kikes have their embassy moved, money being sent to israel, a ton of jews in the cabinet, and useful idiots supporting trump. White people have no wall, no end to affirmative action, the police state is gearing up against whites etc.
If a kike offers you a blue pill in one hand and a red one in the other, you don't take either. It's a Jew, both are poison that will kill you with the only difference being how quickly it'll happen.
fucking disgusting
Aaaaah I dunno dude… Hes setting off my jewdar…
pls stop I'm about to throw up
Daily reminder that Trump got a bigger percentage of the jewish vote than George W. Bush, who went on to solidify jewish trotskyite control of the White House, and let the jews do 9/11.
Most individual jews vote demokike, but the jewish establishment controls both parties.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's a Jew…
That's how 90% of this board thinks sadly.
90% of the shills at least
This is 8ch. Everyone looks jewish.
Nah, 90% of the board recognizes you sad civnat faggots from 10,000 miles away and laugh at you when you try to shill that Trump is anything but a good goy.
Remember when the Jew York kikes got up in arms about busing and Zig Forums spammed the comments? Vdare managed to write an entire article on the subject without mentioning the demographics. "btfo libtards" tier cancer.
Not one nod to us. Fuck em.
He should stick to the speech writing. Sounds like a fag.