'Silent Sam' is down: Protesters topple Confederate statue on UNC campus

'Silent Sam' is down: Protesters topple Confederate statue on UNC campus

More than 300 protesters first gathered at the Peace and Justice Plaza at about 7 p.m., before marching to the base of the statue, calling for its removal. By 9:30 p.m., the statue was on the ground and the crowd was cheering.


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Someone should tear down a statue of Martin Luther Kang jr

It will be done by sundown a month from now.

(fucking checked)
MAKE IT SO. I've been thinking about throwing oil on the sculpture of him in D.C

kfc grease please

kek. For serious though, right wing art squads are way overdue.

You know the kikes and niggers will go absolutely ballistic if any of their shitty 1960s hero icons get defaced in the slightest. I hope someone trashes that fucking Lenin statue in downtown Seattle.

If the NWF had any balls at all they would have already done it

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Good job stopping these hoodlums, FBI/CIA.

they're anti-white leftists that hate America too

What's the final solutions to the (((university))) problem?

They probably handed out the juice boxes and animal crackers

I got a new narrative. Are the niggers worth the hardships and sacrifices by MLKJR?

They would try to dodge the draft to "fight the man" and end up getting killed for deserting.

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Obviously not, I don't have the Boondocks clip on me though

I don't know why people want to do this, but I've given up caring. An iconoclasm is fine, too.

He was a nigger, he instigated niggers to riot in the streets, my grandparents told me stories of when he died, the niggers were raping women in the streets, beating people up, flipping cars over. It was the biggest chimpout in history, and if you think kang jr didn't want this then you're dead wrong, he was just putting up airs so the general populace thought he was a good person, he wanted niggers to riot, rape, kill, and loot. This is because he wanted to kill all whites in America and turn it into Africa.

I didn’t even get to see it while it stood

While i hate to see our culture torn down like this these insufferable niggers couldn't have chosen a more perfect time to do this. All the true believer antifags have already made up their minds long before this. All this will do is drive southern normalfags further to the right as they see this as an attack on their heritage. Likewise any moderate educated whites elsewhere in the country will see the parallels to the cultural revolution pointed out in this thread and be disgusted at the wonton, undemocratic destruction of public property to virtue signal.

Someone needs to take a sledgehammer to this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Lenin,_Seattle

what I should be worried some asshole is taking shots at me trying to intimidate me

Bruh if you could actually shoot me you would have already

most people think that he was a hero,which I say we use to attack the niggers with,

I would have hit me by now.

This is the problem. Most young people have no fucking idea about this stuff and don't understand that valuable culture is being destroyed. Again, what's the final solution to the university problem?

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lazy niggers couldnt even finish the damn thing.
should take down the baphomet statue in detroit and the other gay statues the libs put up to mock christians.
The lenin statue in seattle or portland, forget which it resides.

Getting the kikes out of the universities is the solution.

It's Seattle, user. See

To niggers and nigger lovers, he will always be a hero. I once saw an article from a colonial newspaper about nigger love and how harmful it is to America and how it will destroy all culture we have, I'll try to find it again because they warned us of what would happen if we let niggers go free, and they were right.

We lynch the kikes and race traitors, along with all the non whites in America.

There's a bust near where I am, but it's in such a traffic heavy spot I would be taking too many chances to try and take it down, since I would 100% get shot if I came near the thing with a hammer.

Fucking disgusting, just found a video of it on YouTube. This just makes me want to take a flamethrower and set on fire that entire crowd.

I knew it was one of those pozpit hipster enclaves.

back to this again, eh. durham wasn't enough. i agree with the earlier poster. they picked an inopportune time for their cause to do this. pretty ugly shit they did to this statue. people see this and keep their mouths shut or laugh it off but deep down they want this stomped out soon. they see this and instinctively the hair rises on their neck when they think of their own shit getting in the scope of these vandals before their little overly socialized head kicks in to tell them oh no it's a good thing what they did, i'm calling npr.
what's interesting is that the lunatic far left on commie twitter is convinced these are state provocations taken to discredit the legitimate Cause by provoking a fascist reaction. the State won't do it; it wants to set off a natsoc revolution by pushing socialism until people snap.

I really doubt they want a "natsoc revolution"

You'd have an easier time burning all the campuses to the ground than removing kike influence.

I would love to see that article, for my collection. Soon brother

full speech

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oh noooooooooooooooooooooooo!

CIA thread. Who give a fuck? There is nothing to "conserve" anymore. Let the Leftists tear into shit until normies rise up. Dont come here and try to recruit.

Reminder we have a prime oppertunity to bomb pedowood now with the #metoo movement you faggots are busy jacking off to slide threads.

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Here's the article, funnily enough it's from a newspaper in New York near the beginning of the civil war. historians.org/teaching-and-learning/teaching-resources-for-historians/sixteen-months-to-sumter/newspaper-index/new-york-herald/nigger-worship-and-its-consequences

Pretty much this.

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Bet you're not even American.
We're not going to war on your behalf, Hans.

Some people can have all the information in the world and never learn to be honest. They hurt themselves, and instead of hearing people who try to help, they hurt them, too. Doesn't it suck?

I mean really, who cares about a statue? Who cares about any statue? Why organize around this one way or the other? Isn't it a bit petty?

It's funny to make others do it, but why make them waste their time? I guess it's not a big deal. Breaking statues or putting them up is is just another pleasure.

I guess we're just never going to meet these cunts with deadly force. It's weird, but this has always been one of the biggest blackpills for me. It's always done with the approval of local authorities (otherwise the little revolutionaries wouldn't have the balls to try it), and they never get punished by the electorate. I know we aren't voting our problems away, but damn – is there one town left in the South?

Go away, hang yourself, livestream it, and leave a note for your surviving mother not to grieve, you were already dead.

If they really wanted it stomped out they would do something about it. Voting Republican isn't doing something about it since the Republican party supports this behavior explicitly.

Agreed. Statue toppling has run its course. Wake me up when you reach Lincoln.

James bond is on it.

Nothing they can really do about it. At most they can fine these fags or relocate certain ones into a museum.

Many statues were put up by Civil War veterans together , in common cause. How many people even know about The Great Reunion at Gettysburg 50 years after in 1913 ?

flag burners, anthem changers, statue vandals, tomb smashers, war memorial desecrators, etc
they're all the same

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These are all great ideas

There is plenty they can do about it. It comes with consequences and endangers their debt-fueled lifestyle, though.

His name was Silent Sam, and his free speech was silenced. Heh, that's pretty great.

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Trump needs to cut Federal funding for these Marxist recruiting infestations known as Universities.

every single faggot chimping out in the video is a mind gone to waste.

counter intuitively, i welcome the Shitlibs dismantling history and twerking atop the ruins of White Civillization, because it sets the precedent and normalizes the erasure of our past.

so that when the Hard Right rises and siezes power in America and when RWDS start demolitioning every MLK statue and burning every Maya Angelou book and pulling it on the thermite charges wired to the steel beams girding the Obama Library, all we will need to say to the Dhimmi Cucks is this: "we learned it from you"

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Threadly reminder to have white children. Though they can destroy the artifacts of our culture, we can always rebuild and rekindle it as long as we keep our bloodline on this earth. Let that flame of pure, beautiful, creative light be extinguished, and we will have lost it all.

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Have y'all noticed that the statues that are being protested and violently torn down are in pozzed areas. UT Austin, North Carolina, Virginia, New Orleans, SOuth Carolina state capitol (Indian governor), Florida locales……these places are infested with goddamned yankees, transfers and college students.

Places like the whole states of Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, East Texas (My homeland) and Georgia - Most of the Deep South. They will not pout up with that! Thank God that Alabama passed that law making it illegal to remove any such monument.

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FBI man, hold me back.

I think they did a good thing. The men and women who fought in a war to protect your freedom did so because they didn't want their children to fight. As we know, wars are started by Jewish profiteers.

Thus, their vandalism drew attention and discussion to the kikes and the badness that is war. The monument therefore still serves as a warning again war, which is honoring the memory of those who died.

tldr their vandalism was a good thing but it was right for the wrong reasons

checked, make it so

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These digits demand dismantling

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Starting taking down nigger and kike statues, also if you know this is going to happen chain yourself to the statue like the hippies do trees.

Most of the ones in North Florida are fine, for now at least.

Start pulling down MLK street signs so niggers won't be able to find their own homes.

300 unarmed niggers and cucks and no one went there with an AR and a bunch of mags? PUUUUUUSSIES. WTF do you have guns for? You just stare at them, clean them and once in awhile shoot some cans and paper targets like a giant fag.

Well come on FBI man you have our names and addresses, ship us a private armys worth already.

They do this shit unannounced much of the time

This is the thread they're trying to push off the catalog.

We're already in a civil war. Respond in kind.

School privatization is supposed to root up poor white people, just like this. It's supposed to shake up the cultures that have lost all sense of anything more worthwhile than beer and boots.

I mean, I'm guessing. I know school privatization comes from the other side and all, but nobody really likes people who like the confederacy except people who like the confederacy. It's this shared nastiness that untrustworthy people use to pretend to have something trustworthy people get for free, like moonshining and satanism. Those who aren't "in on it" see it and are like, "wow, I don't really want friends like those anyways."

I used to be totally sympathetic to the cultural heritage argument, but the people who want to preserve that bit of culture aren't good at preserving the heritage of other people. Secular governance, for instance. That's real American heritage that confederate whiners rarely protect.

I'll bet Redneck Revolt / Dwayne Dixon was involved, this is the university he teaches at. He is the guy who chased James Fields with a rifle at cville last year. We need to ID the people who pulled it down.

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Exactly right. We need to single them out.

you mean this guy?
-tattoo sleeve

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-same fucking neckerchief

Fuck off, kike.


start DMing people this on twitter - I already have


fuck it's even the same hat

Trump agrees 200% with the sentiment being expressed by these people. He just doesn't like it when it bleeds over into anti-israel or anti-capital sentiment.


Murder yourself.

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Zig Forums no longer has any consistent or coherent beliefs too be honest. We've purity spiraled ourselves into oblivion. The only commonality between the average user of this board now is our hatred for Jews and Communism but everything past that is a bunch of autistic screeching and schizos

*detective work accomplished in thread at nearly lightspeed*
you, nervous: "oh boy i'd better drop a blackpill"

Welcome to reality, buttercup. They're winning and you're posting on Zig Forums. How many of their monuments have you torn down and defaced? You know what the public thinks when leftists do this shit? They don't think at all. They don't care. You have yourselves and that's it. The public is a horde of morons that follow virtue signalling and you're not doing anything about it.

Zig Forums went comatose when Ikampfy took command and then died when r_theDonald flooded in.

Information you won't do fuck all with, just like always.

The investigation threads only came back recently as Summer is starting to come to an end. Summerfags are a very real thing

why can't they just accept that the civil war ended over a hundred and fifty years ago? even if they were vile racists, they're long dead and buried. let the dead lie for fucks sake.

The majority of not all the statues are not even contemporary to the Civil War in all fairness. They were built in the early 20th century

Again, murder yourself.

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You will do nothing in the face of your death except huddle on this board with the other delusional dumbfucks and you know it. The left is winning.

won't do nothing with it, eh? if you're reading this, help me with the twitter DMing and maybe go look at the halfchan thread

You know what'll help wash the flavor of Abdul's cock outta your mouth, user? Bleach.
Get to chugging,nancy-boy.

also, reminder:
nobody got charged for the last one, maybe dixon can take the fall for this one? he went there for a reason, and didn't seem at all concerned with letting it be known that he was present and most likely involved, if not in the physical act with the organization



get out, jew

that's still within the lifetime of veterans

Just stop acting like bitchy women Christ. Its the same shit for the past couple years now

Yeah and so are the newest holocaust memorials

Nigga, you ousted yourself the moment you used outdated chanspeak. Shut your fucking mouth and stick to the topic at hand, you uproarious cocksucker.

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don't sage this thread, we've got good info

Pardon the mess, user.
Proceed onward.