What are the strongest arguments against Zionism and Jewish Supremacy

The taboo of discussion on the 'Jewish Question' makes it basically impossible to find a decent debate over fact and truth.

It is definitely possible to carefully choose specific facts and rhetoric in order to make any specific group the head of a conspiracy.

That said, it is obvious that Jewish are disproportionately represented in positions of power, and there is good evidence for malicious acts committed by these Jewish agents.

Ironically, it is actually easier to find information on the 'Jewish Conspiracy' than it is to find actual, intellectually honest critique of anti-Zionists. The normal response is to claim antisemitism and then stick your fingers in your ears.

So what is the strongest, most intellectually honest rebuke to Zionist conspiracy? Is there anyone who can provide some form of convincing contrary argument?

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We aren’t Jews

If you can't provide a contrarian narrative, then you likely do not fully understand your own position.

Strong criticism of anti-Zionists is extremely hard to find. I can find strong criticism of basically any other stance, whether or not I personally agree with the criticism or not. But in this case specifically the only response is "you're racist" and rarely some name dropping of prominent gentiles.

Has anyone done a thorough rebuke of someone like David Duke's books or stances?

The simple fact remains. None of these arguments have anything to do with me, simply because I am not a Jew.

If the Jews wish to work towards a similar goals that’s fine, but I am not and never will adopt them as a family or anything else.

I don’t like their behavior, I don’t care for their perspective, and I will never abandon my own people.

Go back to cuckchan, kike.

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You’d think after a year of their bullshit they’d realize that they can change my mind.

I simply don’t give a shit about what they want, because they are duplicitous and untrustworthy.

My own family in Europe views them similarly. They can’t be trusted, and they are too aggressive for their stations.

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The American government basically abandoned me a year ago. My guardian is the King of Denmark and the Windsor’s.

The bots are really going wild tonight.

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Goodbye Jews.

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I'm in total agreement here.

I'm just here for some additional red pilling my brethren. I recently learned of Harold Rosenthal and his crazy interview, but I'm trying to find more solid proof that it was real. Anyone know of a way to verify that it wasn't faked?

Jews take criticism better than almost anyone. They're a mature, creative, generally peaceful, well-adapted population. Antisemitism in the modern day is promoted by pro-semites to identify people who aren't mature, creative, generally peaceful, and well-adapted. It's meant to slip information.

Stop thinking you’re on reddit. Learn what truth is. Lurk more.

Kill yourself reddit.

You faggots are acting as dogmatic and un-objective as the opposite side.

Hurr Durr "go back shill". You're not helping your case.

Someone at some point must have taken effort to provide some sort of debunking rhetoric. Whether that counter-argument was actually rigourously truthful or not doesn't matter. The fact there is this gaping vacuum of discussion is unsettling. It doesn't inspire confidence in either stance.

I've seen more convincing arguments out of flat earthers trying to denounce the current paradigm than I have arguments debunking anti-Zionist belief structures. If there's some giant worldwide control of the dialogue there must at least be some semi-convincing narrative spun up to dissuade those questioning the system. But all I ever see is yous a raysis and the Jews were victims you know.

There is no need for intellectual honesty or analysis. They are the enemy, period. Their orchestration of the Iraq war alone demands a holocaust.

Yeah, but how does jeremy corbyn fit into your hypothesis?

the problem is that we are not allowed to argue against it, non europeans tell us that it is good that they are replacing us because they are better.
guess what happens when we push back, damn right we go to jail for a long time or at least get a hefty fine.

Huh this board must be totally subverted now. Fucked up

Go away golem.

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Okay, I'll bite a bit before dumping more Jewry.

Not really, no. It makes it literally impossible if you want to do it on a mainstream platform, yes.

Not really, no. There is no group which represents such over-representative power besides the Jews, at least not internationally, particularly in Western nations. The usual go-to here is the ol 'Hyberian' meme that some shill faggot like you made awhile back, implying there was an 'irish' conspiracy… Difference is, the Irish are European peoples, 1, and 2, they don't demonstrate the anything near the same degree of over-representation and possession of power as aforementioned.
So, no, its not "definitely possible" to craft a narrative in the context of a European-hostile out-group espousing extremely-strong in-group preference, cultural/religious motivation towards exploitation of out-group individuals, and over-representation in positions of power internationally and specifically in European nations that is as-applicable as that which is ascribed to world Jewry.


Because there usually isn't an honest critique of anti-Zionists to be made, outside excessively-intellectual demonstrations of mental gymnastics.

There isn't one.
Nope. If they could, they would. But they can't.
In fact, a Jew who writes for the Jew York Times recently released a book wherein he basically says as much outright, stating that the overt-Zionist activity needs to be pulled back because its granting European Nationalists the ability to effectively argue against Jewish influence using Israel as a backbone of many of their arguments.

The least-awful response you're liable to get?
Hmmm, I could think of… Wait… Why would I tell you that?
You're basically someone I don't know, who may well be a Jewish agent or factor, and you're asking me to create an effective counter-narrative to my own narrative, which, if you ARE such an agent or factor of Jewry, would grant you fertile ground to pursue a narrative to counter my narrative?
Hah, no. Fuck you.

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The jews already got their shanty-town surrounded with walls and aids, that they call Israel, so the need of a place to run and hide when they end shitting the place where they are hoarding all valuables, is already met.

Jews "end" in positions of "power" because of their constant hunger of hoarding all what they can, to beling in the top of the *toppest elite circle of the top jew, without worrying if the stupid goy dies of hunger. To "reach" those places they have networks of reciprocity, which are paid with material tokens (pet nigger, pet fag, big house, trophy wie wife), and because they need to pay for those – they have to subjugate the goyim, oy vey, and keep in those positions of power, helping the next jews with related positions, for their own gain.

Why are you asking us to argue against what we know to be correct and call us ignorant when we wont?
Why would you behave like this, user?
What sort of (((deranged))) and (((perverted))) (((lunatic))) would . . . oh right.

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yeah I've active since before 4pol was a thing. I think this place has become an echo chamber if they can't even play devil's (yid's) advocate. if you aren't able to scrutinize your beliefs you're just being led by the ((nose)) to your conclusions.

I wonder where the old core Zig Forums users went. it's not here. it's not 4cuck. it's not any of the tiny boards that keep getting shilled. hmm

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The Zionists are members of an insane cult bent on world slavery and genocide of who they see as "cattle" ie everyone who isn't an ethnic jew. Israel operates not so much as a nation, as a criminal hideout for child traffickers, drug kingpins, all the way down to garden variety pedophiles and rapists. It's a den of iniquity that practices white slavery, torture, organ harvesting, and other bizarre practices on the regular.
Any nation the jew sets up will inevitably rely on agents infiltrating other nations and subverting their goals to help the jewish nation. They are parasitic people by nature. They get the "cattle" to work their fields thanks to their subversion of evangelical Christianity in the West, and they get their billions in "loans" that they don't pay back thanks to their subversion of political systems in the West. They also get their prostitutes and house-workers from enslaving and trafficking "cattle".
The jew has long ago given up any rights he once had due to working so vehemently to destroy everyone else's.

lol nevermind, misread the thread.
OP wants some BASED arguments he can use against the left as to why Israel a good boy.
OP is retarded.

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OP doesn't realize his shitty tl:dr subject line implies to most people something completely different from the main body of his post, which is why he didn't understand the first comment. I deem the rest of the thread not worth reading, because OP is retarded.

"The Conspiracy" is just Jew nature. Goys are fair game.

Jews are a Cultural block that will shill their own psyche onto your Nation if you let them control your media through content creation monopoly. That's why Hitler wanted them out of Germany. Group Dynamics & Anomie, basic Mass Psychology; they have always regarded themselves as the Jewish People, thats the trick behind "anti-semitism", only way you are a Semite is by blood. Jews already admit they are different race than us, this is why they had to shut down Hitler and guilt trip all Europeans with the aryan supremacy concept. Jews have been proyecting through "aryan supremacy" what they in turn are and think of the rest of humanity. They cannot cheat the World if everyone acknowledges they are a people, a Tribe, Kin. This is why the promote "one race, the human race" , miscegenation, homosexuality, immigration from shitholes, destroy family values through media, shill against religion/spirituality, control Capital and promote Socialism.

That is the "Culture of Critique".
They kill Nations Souls.

They cannot let the Goyim know.

They will never yield their identity/culture and always force their own views onto others if you let them just because they can. Yes. Just because they can.

That is the semitic mentality for you. Their perception of strength and intelligence is shaped by Cunning and they proyect this onto others and themselves, those who match it are given respect. If you let them swindle you then its your fault. If you let them get away with it then you are not worthy of being respected by them and so fuck you anyways. This trait is prime feature of Jacob fundation of Israel myth.

And this is the reason why the State of Israel will never speak against the actions of their kin and why our animosity is spread to both factions. While you can deal with Israel kikery at a state level, until the jews in America are named then the situation is fucked.

There is no conspiracy. Its reality.


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that's the extent of their convincing contrary argument.
for further shameless pilpul, see jordan peterson ("jews are geniuses"), or watch some random rabbi course on youtube.

Kikes push the niggers to argue against white supremacy because it's actually jewish supremacy. Nearly every media CEO is jewish. The top billionaires in the world are jewish. Also GTFO kike.

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