Will you kill yourself if the dems get their blue wave?

Will you kill yourself if the dems get their blue wave?

There's a lot of cockiness on this board with regard to our side winning big this November. However, the reality is that there is a major risk for us, that the dems could actually take the house.

If they win big, what will you do? What will you say? Will you look back on your hubris of today and call yourself out for being so naive or will you remain steadfast in your views, refusing to acknowledge the defeat and continuing to tell yourself that we'll win next time?

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I'll never kill myself ever, regardless. Suicide is for fags.
Ha. You get one ha. That's it.

Shill faggot. These niggers can't even flip the house realistically. Stop concern trolling.

While I think OP is a defeatist (maybe even a leftist shill in a clear disguise), but he's right.

If anyone has been paying attention to what's going on in social media, you will see that our voices are being systematically removed from the public square one by one. I know many here probably don't like Alex Jones, but look at what happened to him. He's been erased. It's this erasure that is happening to all of our highest-profile figureheads. It's chilling dose of reality if you think about it. Dystopian.

I meant clever

No, I'm not a soyboy liberal that cries when things don't go their way.

Do you feel lucky?

Why is a Fox News-tier thread allowed on a politically incorrect board?

Fucking idiot. This isn't an issue of your mom telling you "no jimmy you can't have battlefield V when it comes out". This is a matter of the future for you, your children, and our country.

Here we go again. This never gets old.

Not really, Moore losing was worse than anything that will come this Novemember, really we lost all our energy in the election and it's really hard to support a party that went so fucking hard against what it preached in 2016

why not be a green greaser op?

someone who cared about those things wouldn't kill themselves

still waiting for DOTR - it will come one day, but we must focus on improving ourselves so that we are ready

Actually it's about noon in Tel Aviv right now and the demoralization shilling is right on time. Threads like these wouldn't get paid for if the Jews weren't afraid of losing big in two months. So to be honest, I'm not worried.

Do you need endless examples of libruls crying and rolling on the floor from the election night?


I've got an 8 inch dick.


I'll feel fine.

except Bibi wants Trump to win

Yeah I really don't think it would make that big a difference. The question is, what will TRUMP do if that happens? I imagine he'd be quite pissed off, and I imagine there's many things he could do between now and 2020 that would make the far left literally shake and cry for decades afterwards. We all know how he likes his little vengeances, I hate to think what he'd do if he was no longer worried about bipartisanship or his legacy.

The only blue wave thats happening is in your fantasies.

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I…Im one of you, go…err… i mean guys, and wont you all… i mean…. we all fewl pretty dumb when Drumpf…err…God Emperor Trump…blechhh..kvetched in my mouth a little at the name, oy veyy. Were gonna feel so stupid when the blue wave hits.

Fuck off, kike.