All this crazy crap happening in the modern world how do you guys even do it? How do you guys keep going learning new horrors everyday and not being able to stop it?
How do you guys keep going?
jew free first post
ask again but don't try to demoralize next time
I go on Zig Forums and post about my 8 inch dick.
Sorry I didn't mean it to sound like that. This is my first time posting.
By elevating myself spiritually and accepting the true nature of earthly life. If you want to grow your fortitude, I suggest reading pic related. Then you will be able to ride with the rest of us.
We'll you're doing a good job of passing the checklist for not being a shill jew kike co-opter so far, admitting a mistake without being a passive aggressive snarky faggot is pretty good user.
I keep busy self improving and learning useful things. Right I have a project on hold that automates downloading my seasonal weeb shit because I need to change up some hardware but I want to wait till the airing season ends before doing so. Currently I'm working on swapping the firmware on my droid 4, it mostly entails me just sitting down and reading all the information so I know what I'm doing when I do the actual work. Another project has been getting my bud motivated by giving him 70 dollars to get his bike tires fixed so we can go bike riding together because we are both out of shape, it's in the shop now and we're gonna go riding Thursday.
Bonus points if you two give your bikes tiger paint jobs.
I just feel like I'm exhausted from knowing the man made horrors that (((they))) create and keep creating.
i hold people responsible for their own suffering
oh and I did these in the past and present
kek, that gave me a good laugh user but now I'm seriously considering it
My gears are lubricated with jewish women's fat and I bathe in your nation's soap daily.
Another slide thread
user (((they))) have been working on their machinations of horror for generations and there have been many of them working at their collective goal, not one of them is responsible for every part of it, you don't have to take on every aspect by yourself, just pick a few things you can help with and focus on those in co-operation with those that share your ultimate goals.
I feel a good guideline is thinking about whether an action supports or impedes the 14 words directly or indirectly. In helping anons automate their common processes I feel I am helping them make more time for other pursuits.
>I just feel like I'm exhausted from knowing the man made horrors that (((they))) create and keep creating.
I tell myself this:
I need too be doing the same by keeping myself busy with projects and not worry to o much but it gets sorta hard you know what mean?
I do, it doesn't help with how polluted 8/pol/ is these days, it was much more focused and concise around the gamergate days. An unfortunate side effect of flexing our internet muscles during the election is that we're on just about everyone's radar now so it's hard to get anything done without putting in as many hours as anons like der fuhrer here
Lel, You obvious demo shills are absolutely pathetic
he did admit he was new, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt for now
also I wish they didn't get rid of the primer, you don't have a copy of it do you?
You both get none
Calisthenics, it’s free - Pull ups (how can you lift your fellow man from his fallen state if you can’t even lift yourself?)
learn a new language, read a book, develop a useful skill and hone it
Develop skills in self defense and scouting
Take up hiking and back packing as a hobby
its about revitalizing and restoring what made the West great. You need to take control. I’m just trying to point out simple things - things that were obvious at one time “we were made to be in nature and be natural and this is where you find the source to resist and transcend the new world order and that’s why they wanna keep you out of it.” Our cities and towns are being infested with Psychic vampires and literal pot bellied goblins.
Become spiritually fit. You need it now more than ever
silent prayer. Only god knows what is perfect for you. If you want to align yourself with truth and good and be able to fight evil you have to sit down and shut up. Be still and know god. You have to let go and let god intercede in your prayer. Slow down and let the truth catch up. Do not take ownership of thoughts. They are all lies.
I didn't mean to do anything like that. I just wanted to understand how everyone keeps themselves sain from all this.
it's sane fam
There's a jew behind every disgusting thing in this world
You don't need to know anything more
They are even in this thread
this is the truth
I never thought I'd be called a shill lol. I've been lurking since the exodus but never really posted
Woops sorta had a brain fart there.
Concentrate on what you CAN do, user. Then do it.
Compartmentalise and do something every day. Make sure you regularly exercise, its really important.
When you get low understand that’s normal. It means you give a shit.
And remember, sometimes you just have to take a break, i like going camping.
Just sitting/walking doing those little tasks that camping and hiking requires in nature: quiet, solitary, just living for a little while. This helps.
which one
When Zig Forums was made. In very beginning when hotwheels was posting. Does he still post? I haven't really paid attention since he moved to the Philippines.
Yeah a break from Zig Forums would be good I haven't stopped coming here since the site was made.
sorry user, you failed the test, the site was made well before any exodus
This could always be a LOT worse.
I did?
yup sorry, I'll still talk with you but I don't trust you now
Seems like the thread died :(
it got anchored because you made one too many mistakes so even if someone posts without a sage it will not receive bumps
you said a number of things that anons are conditioned through experience to immediately reject, one example being the demoralizing nature of your posts, including the OP which is what most people saw and reacted to, see the following.
When you become familiar with the tactics of your enemy such reflex responses become commonplace and few if any are criticized for them.
Hey user, welcome.
Just make sure to put a little more effort into the thread next time, else this will become the same ADHD-addled hole that is 4cucks.
Well, that is a tough one, there is a giant enemy, and there is almost nothing you can do by yourself.
That is pretty disheartening.
I see only one way that we can actually do anything against it.
We (or single posters, if you want to be an individualist cunt) have to focus on single issues.
Make it your expertise.
At the moment it probably appears to you like a thousand (((tentacles))) reaching for the destruction of us and our people.
And that is the way it is.
But know also, that despite there being so many tentacles to see, for most people it takes one very legitimate perception of one of these ailments to be able to conceive that there are more left in the dark.
In other words: find a single issue and start focusing on it.
We are in a constant state of information-overlaod.
This leads to a feeling of being overwhelmed and underpowered.
And in relation to all those issues, that is true.
However, if you start focusing on a single issue and ignore/spend less time on the others, you will see that you can actually change things.
Remember IOTBW? It was literally one university-leaf that started it!
How did he do it?
He simply took time off of shitposting and focused on spreading One (1) message, instead of diverting attention to dozens of topics at once.
And you know what is amazing about that?
He did it for fucking no moeny at all.
Let that sink in; he created the outreach of the entire MSM for a few days - by simply repeatedly making the same 4cuck threads and defending them against shills for a few weeks.
That is fucking amazing.
Take hope from that and seriousness from the gravity of our situtation.
One of the biggest things that can be done without even leaving the PC is to encourage unity of Zig Forumsacks, because it allows us to act as more of a unit and less of a coincidence.
We may disagree on much, but that is not important, what is important is the overarching points that we do agree on.
If we get to that point, then we can start disassembling this monster, one step at a time.
Because you see, it's not like these tentacles are strong.
No, they are entrapped in a big building of trust from "the people" and once they start seeing that, they can simply leave those established narratives of trust and demolish that house.
The tentacles will quickly die, if people become weary of their existence.
It is our duty to spread what we know and to not degenerate into petty squabbles on the sidelines.
Heck, even just gathering a little info on narrative manipulation and how to create bot-accounts could be revolutionary on here, if you present it to Anons in an accessible way.
Fug, I mean, that shit is realyl not hard.
Like, really, really not.
I learned it, it was p easy to do.
And there are so many bike forums.
Those 70 dollars would have been better in the hands of some chapter of a right-wing movement or perhpas identitarian-chapters.
Either way, good on your for networking still.
ALso; perhaps you could replace animu with actually reading the historical works and such?
I am not doing that either, so I should not be talking, but I want to use this as an opportunity to tell you about /pdfs/.
It's a great fucking board.
Absolutely horrific, they have so much to learn and read; it's enough to fill three lives.
And /zundel/ is pretty good too; it's more on the holohoax stuff; but still has a lot of other contents too.
Also, you can visit this one right now:
(He should have a somewhere, tons of stuff, 70GB of valuable knowledge.)
The biggest thing you could do really is learn speed-reading and tear through as many books as you can.
Imagine doing that and making a mind-map of arguments that can be copy-pasted in online discussion?
We be da shills nao!
Some are just distraught anons, user.
Examine the post for what it can lead to and what constructive part it can play.
This is better than any shill-awareness campaign.
Hatred. Pure, unadulterated hatred and spite.
tbh man it's probably only the tubes that need replacing and that's at most 15 dollars, and he intends to give me the remainder back when he gets it fixed. We both work nights and I have some spare money and I figured it would be faster to give him some money to fix the tires on his time than organize a time to get together and swap out the tubes/tires with the tools I don't even have yet and as a result we're probably going to go riding this Thursday instead of weeks from now, it was an acceptable use of money to get me and my bud riding our bikes fast.
I actually have a copy of art of war and the german guy equivilant my dad loaned me that I need to get to reading but most of my reading time turns to a copy of "The C Programming Langue" second edition I got for 15 dollars to learn C on top of the python knowledge I have but barely use (it's the green cover one sadly), also I have a copy of Think Python.
I should go there more often but I usually shitpost or go to the sites that host books for free download instead
not gonna do anyone any good if they cant back up the points in the material they are talking about, we need independent thinkers with agency not more parrots
because "keeping going" is all we can and should do, in the face of insidious and perverse opposition one must steel their resolve in a way far exceeding the norm, or normies, as it were, and stave off existential dread by believing that we can and will stop this madness - if we give up hope, all is lost. We are the true bastion of our own success, and that is what keeps me going.
Yeah, that's a way to see it too.
Anyways, good success to you on that endeavor!
Cool thing. I always feel to incompetent and dumb to do that. Or maybe I am just too lazy. I really don't have time for all the things I'd like to learn and do…anyways, good luck on your journey to programming.
Honestly, if you have stuff you are reading, then it's all right imo.
I mean, there might be "better" books, but in the end I think the mass of books on reads is important.
I haven't read in years, but I am gonna change that.
I guess that is also a valid point.
I am just wondering how the barrier-of-entry can be lowered so that the people can start speaking for what they actually feel to betrue.
I mean, it's an ideal, but 90% or more of every movement is just spectators/followers, so I was trying to concoct some way to deal with this and the ADHD-nature of imageboards, as they seem to be the last territories we have.
I do night audit and learning to make spreadsheet programs can really cut down on your work load. For instance one of my responsibilities is preparing the list for house keepers to clean the rooms, this used to be a job that took between 15 minutes and an hour depending on occupancy, but because the point of sale allows exporting as excel and Open Office allows opening of Excel documents I can copy the room data into a program that does all the work for me including listing wether or not they are a stay over and how many people are in the room as well as what rooms are on hold, and it never takes over 15 minutes unless I have to fix something stupid another staff member should have done which is something I would have to do before I had the program anyway.
wew laddie, well may I recommend Goldenbooks "The Little Red hen" and the one with the bonnet on the cover and not the stupid fucking hat, it's my go to for gifts for little kids.
Well that's important but one of OUR advantages is that we have no centralized organizational structure to co-opt allowing us all to act as independent agents, and you wan't your independent agents to be able to act on their own without external influence. You could however prepare easily digestible material for rapid consumption, I tried to do that when I wrote this guide >>>\poltech\66
the physical world is secondary to my spiritual growth, I know that keeping positive and continuously improving myself is all that matters for the foreseeable future.
I have very little time to let the despair take over me. I try to improve myself so I can be useful. What keeps me going is the love for my people and my Christian faith. So I guess I am hopeful, concentrated on helping people around me and on becoming as strong as I can.
I strongly recommend going to /sig/ thread
Limit the time you spend online. It's fine to be online,especially here. But getting distressed by contemporary news….every of useless in the long run for you. You took the red pill, now observe the news to stay in touch while concentrating on your inner revolt against the modern world - that's the first step.
Time management is everything. Stop wasting time - internet, porn, video games, etc. Create a work out plan, then stick to it. Clean your room, keep your stuff in order. Once your room is in order, your mind is prepared to get ordered too. Your mind is as orderly as is your surroundings. There's a reason why soldiers are required to keep their stuff in order. To acquire spiritual strength read books - Ride the Tiger, Revolt against the modern world and so on…there are many reading lists so pick your choices. Religion is also essential in getting your mind together - the one true religion is Christianity so consider looking into it even if you're an atheist/prejudiced against it. Psalms are for starters, you may be surprised to see the change it produces if you stick to a reading schedule, even if you read just few verses but daily.
Furthermore get hobbies, if you lack them. Sports, arts, going out…depends on what you're into. Cut porn and low-effort entertainment, socialize - be a part of community of your people and see what good you can do there…delivering some red pills, showing the example in physical fitness/spiritual realm/self improvement.
In other words do what you can to improve yourself and the people around you. Be the change you want to see around yourself. Your abilities (both physical and mental) probably will be needed in future so you should strive towards getting them as good as your potential allows you to.
If you do all of this the time for leisure outside of your IRL communities will be spent here on some other imageboards but you will not be distressed by "the doom" because you actually do eveything in your power to hold back the night.
Two honest suggestions, .
1. Do not visit the hurt-box all day. This place should be consumed in moderation, limit what you engage with in it. Have a schedule, only browse and post for a little while and otherwise mind other things. Everybody knows things are bad, you have to take that in stride. Focusing on bad shit perpetuates it into your life. You are awake. You are fighting. Many of us are fighting. You cannot consume whole bottles of redpills and blackpills, so to speak, and not overdose. Moderation is everything, the time for passion isn't quite here yet.
2. You do need hobbies. Goals. Things outside of this metapolitical struggle. Whether it's fitness, learning a coding language(or other spoken langauges), metallurgy or woodworking or something similar, sport-hunting or sport-shooting, gardening, baseball or football/soccer etc., collecting old books or records or art, and so on. You need to get out of the constant reminder that bad shit is happening and tend to your own little plot. Literally watch the world go by for a little while every day, and know that you spent a little time on a constructive hobby or endeavor(it might even be your job, of course, but then you should use your free time for another constructive activity!). And therein these things should be viewed as somewhat separate of the larger picture.
For example, I work out, knowing it makes me physically healthier and capabale to deal with adversity. But I do not dwell on that as motivation. I do it because I like to see the results, I like to feel strong and know that I am. The work in a way is it's own reward.
Essentially you have to look at things as fun and enjoyable, only that they tangentially serve you in a larger picture. But that cannot be in the focus all the time, it will drive you crazy.
Another suggestion is to listen to moderate voices amidst all this, not saying to watch the news, but take a deep breath and find people you don't agree with all the time and at least attempt to entertain their opinions. Don't always bring up politics, but you know what I mean. Different perspectives keep you thinking about things sensibly. Always listen first, process things befofe you act.
Kinda basic bitch shit I guess and maybe more than just two points but I hope you're seeing what I'm trying to say.
Good post user. Incidentally you said a lot of what I had to say.
Sage cause I bumped already.
I just redpilled other people. I don’t consume jew media or Jew-cohol, and I do my best to prepare myself for whatever may happen. Get a gym membership and go at least three times a week (try StrongLifts program). Soon you’ll want to go every day. Get a manly hobby. I started knife making.
I fucking love /sig/ threads and it's an excellent trade off for the primer
Actually a pretty good question.
The most concentrated answer is twofold:
First, because it is the truth. The truth exists. It is objective, not subjective. The search for truth is a natural and essential part of the White soul.
Second, because I am White and I want my people to have a future worth having again.
But yes, it is hard. How could things be this bad?
The world should be so much better than this.
And, once Whites retake White homelands and remove ZOG and non-Whites, White homelands will be.
I disagree with the whole "let trouble be in my day so my children know peace" sentiment.
That kind of thinking is part of why things are so bad.
Life is CONTINUOUS STRUGGLE. Anyone seeking to end the struggle is a fool. The only end to the struggle is death.
Now, having said that, there are many different KINDS of struggle. There is the "quiet desperation" type struggle that wears away the spirit and leaves behind broken people who long for death. That one is shit. Then there is the "glorious heroic struggle" on the other "end of the spectrum" which creates strong men and women who live upright wholesome lives full of fulfillment.
There will always be struggle, but it need not be a base scramble for survival and "meaning" in a spiritual and moral wasteland hurtling towards a brown favela shithole. It can be a beautiful struggle to uplift OUR Volk towards beauty, strength, and the "spirit of human greatness" and, eventually, towards the stars themselves.
We don't need "an end to struggle." What we need is a better struggle.
Sometimes this, although such negative emotions can be poisonous in themselves.
There are reasons why the kikes endlessly shill the "say no to hatred" message.
Hatred is the CORRECT EMOTIONAL RESPONSE to gross injustice and serious threats against one's person, one's family, and one's people.
Very much this.
"Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is."
One simple solution.
What about the half-breeds?
I feel that even if I succeed in everything and live the way that I want to live, or the way I ought to live, that it's not enough and that my life began and ended without purpose.
Listen to this uplifting great music.
Takeo Ischi Japanese who sings in German and yodeling!!!
Best German-Japanese colaboration since the WWII.
This is so fucking great!!