Third times a charm right mods? Why is this being deleted

Third times a charm right mods? Why is this being deleted.
Why the fuck arent we promoting Black ethno nationalism in africa, arab ethno nationalism in the middle east, asian ethno nationalism in their respective countries, ect ect.

Easy as pie. "you nazis are racist" No. we support black people and think black people know whats best for black people.

Fucking meme that shit, tell black Americans they can take advantage of the "white education" education they have had on the american taxpayers dime and take that education back to africa.

Prove we aren't hypocrates. Like seriously, I fucking love the natural order of things.

Fuck it give a few states to the native americans to do whatever the fuck they want with. Let them govern their own people.

This kills the jew, as they are the only ones that decided that it was more important to influence other countries than build up their own homeland.

Do you really give a shit if we give the nogs a state or two, if it means we get control of a few of our own.

I legitimately dont want to see any race eradicated from the planet, as much as I dont want to see another animal go extinct.

Ffs Id extend an olive branch to the neanderthal jews and give them some fucking useless land in aus or something. (if it comes down to the kikes living in the us then nuke em)

Am I missing the point or something? Are we not fighting for the natural order?

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We support you OP. Mods are fags and probably lefties pushing divide and conquer.

They want the left to be the only group niggers identify with because they want a lock on the voting demographics. Mass immigration is about homogenizing the population culture and world government so they can sell a can of coke to to all 7 billion at once.

Eat shit and did nigger lover. I don’t promote shitskin ethnic nationalism because I have no need or desire too. We have no moral obligation to empower our enemies anymore than they are. Your post is Jewish trash and so are you

Am I touching something or does shit like this get deleted often, first time I am really experiencing this. even the 4pol post is still up.
If you see a new youtube channel popping up with a name uncle ted related its me, please spread. I want solutions for the here and now, and will be focusing on alternate strategies.

Nice Samefag first post you like rat

yeah I'm not really stoked on the progress you guys are making.

I love how I implied I would rather nuke israel than share a continent with them, but to you I am jewish trash.
This, this is why you lose the normies.

Do you know how ids work on Zig Forums?

I'm with you, OP. Push Ethnonationalism for all races. It'll stop miscegeny, mass immigration, globalism, and if we're lucky, all other races will get wise to the JQ. Inspire everyone to go back to their homelands and leave each other the fuck alone. Teaching other races to embrace nationalism is the only sure way to stop the jew's plans for a global mutt slave race.

Do you honestly believe that niggers would survive on their own in Africa without the white man's help? They'd finally go extinct, like they should have thousands of years ago.

why am I getting such resistance on this. I've legitimately never had threads on here deleted and given such a hostile response as much as this one.

How the fuck can you be so retarded? Do you really think things aren't happening outside of your country? Or even better, do you really think hundreds of millions of blacks and asians are waiting patiently for you, Majestic OP, to enlighten them?

Ethiopia, Iran, India, China, Thailand, Myanmar/Burma…there are so many countries with rising or far right nationalist sentiments that you probably can't even find them all on the map.

Stupid cargo shorts, plaid shirt wearing, pop tart eating american piece of shit.


Imagine the intense rage and butthurt from the ruling class kikes if every brown person turned into a Nazi too. It'd be like annuda shoah.

Talk for yourself idiot. I don't know what's wrong with you retards but this isnt a Disney version of National Socialism where everyone gets to be a good little nationalist and we all live in eternal peace.

I believe in a place where whiteness can shine without any white guilt or shame, I want a society with less Jude controlling what we choose and more people making up what to decide. No more mind control! No more information control! No more value control! I stand for a just cause, I want a place full of culture and a bright golden future!! We shall be free to shamelessly make our own wars! Free to make our own memes! The weak to be protected against the harmful Judaism trying to poison them! WE WANT OUR OWN WORLD ORDER THAT WILL TOPPLE DOWN THE JEW!

Attached: invertedmeme.png (1179x670, 811.34K)

Good. We should support every single one of them. Once the Marxists and kikes are all dead, we can air our grievances after the dust settles.

I love how I can make a thread focusing on non getting non whites in america to move out of the us and join their own respective national identity, and you accuse me of being blind to whats happening outside of the us. If I did not make that clear I apologize, thankfully it was clear to you I was american, and other than adding what you could to devalue my point I think its safe to say you understood what I was trying to get across.


wtf is your problem with pop tarts, tasteless Eurofag?

how about no jude controlling? Thats what I am suggesting.
Basically a more edgy version of what I implied in the op

I just said that.

Nah dude I'm cool with him shitting on poptarts he can have that one.
Except the cinnamon ones, those deserve their place in the ethnostate.

(That's what I meant anyways)

I saw Jolly Rancher Pop tarts in the grocery store a few days ago. That's pretty disgusting. Cherry, blueberry, and normal flavors like that are really good though.

"I want a society with less Jude controlling what we choose and more people making up what to decide"
Sorry dooder. Getting a lot of pushback on this thread so im just snapping at everyone atm. I know what you were implying, genuine thanks for the bump.

I want us to be totally free of the Jew! We'll make our own nation if we must.

You are welcome brother.

Still garbage for ya tho.

Why the fuck would we? You think even at their best they would make actually livable countries that would make them not want to eventually invade the west again? The simple fact is as long as they exist they will continue to attack us, if we don't take a permanent solution in dealing with them then our grandchildren will suffer for it.

Also i like how you tossed asian in with arabs and niggers. You can't mask that one of those groups is not like the other.

I support this, it is the politically correct and publicly acceptable way of stopping the jewish onslaught on our society, culture, and values and longterm serves as a huge red pill AGAINST "muh diversity"

As an American too, this really is a great idea. The US military is controlled by our kike congress and we're always fighting a war for Israeli interests. Start turning all the Mexicans into Nationalists. (They're almost already there.) If the (((left))) thought for a second that they'd be opening the floodgates to a wave of trads / NatSocs, Obama himself would start trying to build a wall. This is doubly effective if Mexicans get wise to the JQ and use their numbers to start voting the jews out of power.

All those groups are already racist in their own places. The only one which isn't is White people in their respective countries.

Attached: Yemini tribal conflict.mp4 (720x480, 5.65M)

If it works, a sizable amount move back to africa, if not we help our own optics and promote division in the nog herd.
What is the downside?

Cool. convince the rest of them to move peacefully, and when they refuse move them forcefully. At least make it clear we tried.

Thanks for the support man

Potential deescalation where once they're back in Africa everyone goes "well this is fine" and stops fighting. Then in 50 years they start starving and swarming the west again. You just pushed the problems onto your grandkids.

An ethnostate would mean to give up control over resources. Never gonna happen under the Jew. All the wars humanity fought were to get hands onto those resources.

Because white-hating minorities have been led by the left-wing since the 60's and they understand subconsciously that conservatism and nationalism are expressions of white ethnic interest. Without violence or state power you will never convince Xmillion niggers to leave America and all it's gibs for fucking Africa.

Let's just gather clues of what the Jew are up to, find where they are that and get them out of the country. WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER Zig Forums.

So stop the gibs, and suddenly being an educated nog in africa becomes the best option for them. how is this not easier than genocide?

Do you even have a brain boogerhead?

The Leftist shills are only growing and getting worse like a sickness every single day, we need to act NOW Zig Forums.

thanks for the bump. Boogerhead is a good one, glad to see you are using your creativity.

Do you seriously have to ask? Unless we figure out genetic manipulation to the point that we can rewrite the entire race you're asking for the impossible. And even if we did why would we waste the tech on them?

The mods on this board are beta male orbiters, don't expect much from them.


Yeah actually they are already nationalists but it kinda seems that the WASP ideals don't resonate with them. Maybe just maybe if they achieve majority in the Southwest they won't give a shit about your republic, constitution or freedom.

Fucking dont, convince them they are smarter than they really are and their skills will go far in africa. that or let the jews use them as their own personal army.

For who? The Whites of the future to read about it in their textbooks.

And how will that help when they inevitably fail and decide they want what whitey has? And when our great grandkids who never went through this shit feel bad and let them in? And all this shit happens again? You're just pushing the problem onto your grandkids you selfish cunt.

I frankly dont hate a lot of mexican values, the ones I grew up with had way better family relationships than the american parents who were too concerned with their jobs than their own kids. They do need to go back to mexico, but I don't see them as enemies. unfortunately the ones that immigrate tend to be the shit ones that would trade their heritage for a few extra ameribucks

They've already achieved a majority there, user. Might as well give Cali, New Mex, and Arizona back to Mexico along with all the libtards who let them in in the first place. Ban immigration from former residents of those states. Kikes would lose their precious Hollywood and billion dollar estates.

For that to happen a far-right government is in power which isn't happening realistically (demographics) without a revolution.
What? Of course not.

you grew up under jewish education and still ended up on this board.
When the youth are educated right they have nothing to fear.

Send medical aid to Africa and sterilize them via vaccines and other biological weapons. Let their race die off. The news invents some story about a "new plague" and every other nation will be afraid to let them back in. Final solution.

Yes. my plan goes to effect once that movement is starting to gain real power (we are gaining momentum). At that point we can choose to give control over the minorities to the jews, or we can try to convince them there is a better way. I prefer the second option

If my plan fails and there is no other option, I see no issue with this, but I again would prefer to not see any race die out, in the same way I do not wish to see more animals go extinct.
There is room for balance in this world, it is white mans burden to at least attempt it, but in no way am I saying we sacrifice our own people for that cause.

It's humane. It's not killing them. Combine that with anti-kid anti-family propaganda. It's basically the same way the jews are ending the white race.

It's not just jews, whites have a pathological altruism that is their greatest weakness. And even when jews are removed you can't say that their won't be some other group that discovers how effective marxism is in subverting countries. The most effective solutions are permanent ones. Ever notice the USA hardly has problems with the previous injuns that lived there? Exactly.

That'll work just fine.

I can't believe a white person is that stupid or deluded on 8/pol/ in the [CURRENT YEAR] unless of course you are a spic. Maybe 30 years ago we could have a had a nice discussion comparing the Protestant middle class family and work ethic vs the Catholic Mexican but the real question today is DEMOGRAPHICS.

These threads are made by the same faggots who say white nationalism is a psyop, they want all whites dead.

We will make up our own language, our own symbols and our own inventions, stranger, more different and more cunning than ever before. I propose we change everything! We will make it our own paradise!! We will give our country a name!! It WILL be totally free!!

Attached: Death-Stranding-1080P-Wallpaper-1.jpg (530x377 69.54 KB, 38.96K)

Full European, full 1488, I just prefer realistic solutions to edgy white kids trying to show off how they can be the edgiest nazi on the Brazilian basket weaving fourm.
You provide nothing to the conversation and just continue to bitch and signal how hardcore you are. It's an user board, you are allowed to be realistic, no one is judging you.

THE SNAKES EATS THE RATS! For that, our national animal will be that of a Pit Viper!

You are one dumb motherfucker. Read your posts because I don't have the mental energy to write anything more.
You mean this guy?

Attached: Dg3tLoRVAAAN8s6.jpg large.jpg (650x750, 45.47K)

Edgy? Don't you mean clever!? I thought this is what you always dreamed of!

Yeah that's also an example of an edgy white kid.
Unless you are gunna start the genocide tomorrow shut the fuck up and suggest something useful.

No offense bud but he has a point. The things you are suggesting are neat, but now is not really the time for things like that to take priority.

For this, I propose we shall come up with a military service branch that is far greater than any! It'll secure our interests, make sure that our people are safe, our nation and our allies kept well guarded and even promote healthy standard living! It'll become our Elite Military Service Branch, I dub it the Uzouzlla, why? Because I like the sound of it! One day it'll mean something.

We will not only talk about what ids happening, if we do care we got to get up and show our brethren how much we care!

Spend your time on your own race

Something useful is creating more nationalism and removing the jew starting asap. I suggested in a previous thread, when the midterms and 2020 primaries roll around, we need to meme lefties into replacing all the jews in congress with minorities. Use their anti-white hate against them. When they try to push for Moshe instead of Latoya, call them racist and sexist, etc. This creates a huge problem for the jew. Jews can hide among the whites, but they can't hide as well around brown people. They'll be voted out of power based on the color of their skin, OR they'll have to come out as a jew. "B-b-but I'm not white, I'm jewish." This is equally as dangerous for the jews because normies will start to realize that jews have a disproportionate amount of power in the US, and we can use this power+privilege model that all these "persons of color" were taught in college to red pill them on the JQ. Use the anti-white rhetoric against them. "Fellow white people" blows up in their hook nosed faces.

I literally am. This wins us hearts and minds, of our own kind, and future nationalist allies.
plus it solves the what is white problem

I support you OP.
t. oldfag who has fought the entire deep state and Alt-kike (version 1.0 Spencer-Dugin, version 2.0 Siege/esoteric, version 3.0 Jordon Peterson, version 4.0 "Q")

Real NatSoc has your back.

Attached: black nazi europe.jpg (600x338, 39.66K)

Obviously the ballot box won't work so that leaves us with a couple of options I won't name. The best thing you can do is connect with people and completely isolate yourself from the cuckservative-democrat paradigm.

Yes, WE you fucking kike-shill.
There are things we are disagreeeing on, but there are bigger things like what OP alludes to that are worth neglecting these differences over and acting as a unit.
Yes, it's us, it's

Glad to hear it man, some of the replies leave me feeling pretty bleak.
We are better than the jews, we should see the beauty in all races and it shoulden't be so hard to concede that those that have evolved in their homelands for thousands of years have the right to exist in said homeland, as long as they stay involved with their own communities and not in ours.

lol I saw a video of Timothy Leary telling young Boomers not to vote and to take drugs. That's you CIA (((Siege))) kike

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Always remember that post 2016, 90% of anons are paid.

We lost the majority battle but always win the redpilled truth battle. Keep your head up

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he never implied the nazis were inclusive.

I figured those fucking CRT faggots still lurked among us.

try harder CIA kike

His wife translated Dugin's book

Attached: spencer dugin alt right.png (1254x1178, 807.25K)

are there any figureheads preaching these ideas or do I need to throw my hat into the ring?

What are you even talking about retard? Pierce called out cowards like you 20 years ago btw. You would think impotent cuckservatives would learn their lesson but it seems your kind has a masochistic fetish for being outmaneuvered and herded by leftists in power and resentful minorities.

We would be if we were egalitarians. We aren't, nothing in nature is equal.

Because they aren't us, we have no moral obligation to help our enemies that repeatedly demonstrated that want us dead. Why is Black Nationalism promoted in your leftard board but White nationalism is demonized, pinko? Unlike us you are supposed to be equality worshipers.