Lying kikes stealing amish girls

Hollywood kikes are really scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for naive white women to rape. This bullshit article describes some hollywood jew's infiltration of a super trad white community and her attempts to lure their women away to be 'seamstresses in hollywood'.

As this article is like six months old, there are probably a few women who've already been lured away and abused by some vile hollywood kike.

Anyone have any ideas? Write a letter to the communities warning them about the jewish lies they've obviously been told?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Next time archive, faggot:

And after archiving the link, I noticed this little nugget at the bottom of the article:
Fiction isn't even this goddam strange.

So, like a kibbutz?

So, Right Wing Protection Squads when?

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We should be infiltrating antifa and bringing white people into the fold.

Jews, on farms? I am confused. The Amish don’t even like Jews.

Remind yourself that the Amish are germans.
The jews really seem to hate specifically the germans…
anglos btfo, the jews see germans as their mortal enemy, making germans the only Übermensch.

>Some of the hardest work the men will do, but mostly the women do everything.

Yep, looks like you were right, OP.
Sounds like the filthy kike was trying to inject a fatal dose of feminism into the colony.
I hope they caught on and don't allow her or any of her ilk back.

The absolute irony and lack of self-awareness…

What's wrong with wanting quality furniture at a reasonable family rate?

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Feels so good man.

You realize Amish are honorary kikes on almost Freemason fucking levels right? For fuck sakes they practice almost all the same traditions as orthodox kikes. It’s basically Judaism but with a bit of Germanic culture mixed in.

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Hutterites aren't amish, Amish is used in OP as a synomym for 'trad white rejectors of modernity'. Idk if the amish are kikeish, but hutterites sound pretty idyllic.

Anyway, this is what jews do when rhey find out there's a healthy white community somewhere.

Show up, wave money (usury) under their noses, rile up the women, make fun of everything sacred to them, and eventually introduce minorities.

We need these pure white communities to continue unmolested. What can be done?


One is reveal the Jewish plot. Two is to reinforce negative attacks and stereotypes against Jews and in favor of the Amish.

Three is to emphasize how great the Amish have it.

There's more, but that's what I've got off the top of my head.

Hutterites. They're huge drug smugglers too.

Not Amish.

I've been to Lancaster, they're almost all farmers who ride around on horse and buggy.

Go bang your head against the wall, there’s no evidence Jews even existed two millennia ago. There well songs and entire sagas written about the Keltois and Germania.

Nice try chaim. They are called anglo for a reason.

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Ever notice producers, lawyers, bankers all have the same stereotypes? Isnt it strange they are also highly populated by jews?