Mollie Tibbets is dead and we should all celebrate

The curse strikes once again!

Attached: dumbGirl.png (611x230, 32.3K)

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Who is this, what are you talking about, and why is it thread-worthy?

Hang yourself, nigger

You really don't watch any news?

Heh, hadn't seen that before. Good. All race traitors deserve the rope.

Attached: 15f422c923c865947ee3c7cb61d1b30e0bc21b62d940a7226cdbef2df0dfb992.jpg (718x838, 68.47K)


My jewdar went off while looking at the pics in article. Are they jewish or just the father?

Who? Nice OP faggot

Don't know. The last name doesnt sound very kikey.

Its a story that been all over the fucking news for the last month and a half. Didn't think i needed to elaborate for you. I forgot you were retarded.

I don't understand. Murder in USA happens frequently. Why did the media pick this one case?

Feeling a bit smug right now.

Attached: 0c5270a85b350847a7e619d6fafccbe62a61c61968fc29a0221feb601bec0ca7.png (228x217, 63.41K)

anchored. no one cares. lol

She was Mizrahi jew.





Well, that explains why the media were all over this single missing person and not the 50-ish that went missing around the same time.
(To be fair, they also expended quite a bit of effort on finding the autismo. )
And, she got a ton of attention, too.
There were fliers at least as far away as Cedar Rapids, which is about a 2 hour drive.
You never see that here.

Holy crap, that captcha, too!
Good one, Kekā€¦

Attached: clebum.png (230x100, 5.25K)

From where? Brooklyn is where she lived which is an hour from CR.

For whatever reason, they're not disclosing where she was found. Just the county. I wonder how good the alibi of that "fiancee" is.

You're right; I keep forgetting you can take 380-80 (I always go the back way 151-to-6 or 965-through-Tiffin).
By the way, the press conference is in another 10 minutes (unless the Manafort verdict preempts it); rolling for found behind a rest stop.

News? Like on the tel-avivision?



With a Christian name like that, I'm sure he's a future conservative voter.