Elizabeth Warren Proposes Anti-Corruption Act



She outlined legislation covering 6 points:

It looks like Pocahontas might be making a power-play for the presidency. She's been blaming much of the corruption on Trump, but everybody knows she's been taking kickbacks from all sorts of people she is supposedly fighting.

As far as the actual points she makes in her speech are pretty big. If she wasn't a corrupt, lying bitch herself, I'd applaud her on the points she's making; she has diagnosed the cancer with some degree of accuracy, but she's too deep in the system herself to effectively be able to take it down without threatening her own financial state of being. They would throw her to the wolves in a heartbeat if it meant keeping their position on top.

One thing she mentions she wants to do specifically:

Personally, I feel like it isn't going far enough. Call payoffs to politicians what they really are and just fucking ban them outright: bribery.

Alright, Zig Forums, let's hear some thought on this.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah that’s not going to work. A law to prevent people from breaking the laws?

I know bait when I see it. Go away Cheerios. Go pretend to be a Navajo elsewhere.


I agree. You can't legislate common sense–nor should you have to. We need people in power who are ACTUALLY trustworthy, and people like Elizabeth Warren are keeping the rest of us down.

I actually agree with this

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Most of this shit is already illegal and not enforced.

We can pass as many laws as we want, (((they))) can pass as many laws as (((they))) want, it doesn't fucking matter until a judge is willing to enforce it. They aren't, so this will do nothing, still, exactly like the fifty billion other laws identical to it before it.

Never mind. Garland would have made the court 56% jewish. This cunt doesn't care about diversity, she is just a useful idiot for jewish supremacists:

"Billionaires and corporate giants have launched a full-scale attack on fair-minded, mainstream judges. It's happened at every level of our judiciary, but the best example was the unprecedented blockade of Judge (((Merrick Garland's))) nomination to the Supreme Court.

Judge Garland was an obvious consensus nominee and a straight-shooter who followed the law. Why block him? The problem was that Judge Garland's career didn't reflect a sufficient willingness to bend the law to suit the needs of the rich and the powerful. And for that sin, far-right groups, financed by big business interests, spent millions of dollars attacking him, to torpedo his nomination and keep that seat open."


Why are there any Jews on the Supreme Court in the first place? Are they dual citizens? Have they gone and prayed to the remains of the Roman Fort?

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Wow Goy, how could you oppose that?

This is the exact kind of narrative Obama was pushing before he got elected, the exact same kind of narrative Trump was pushing before he got elected. The establishment is just setting up another puppet for the public to graft onto who will turn around and not do any of it until the public gets fed up and another option is presented.

Towards the end, the Roman Empire burned through emperors like crazy.

Then how do you call yourself a Jew?

This sounds more like this is part of the big Dem campaign against Kavanaugh.

So again Rules for Radicals?
Accuse others of the things you are doing and neuter the solution so it can't be used against you.
Do these yids ever realize that once the opponent knows your strategy you're gonna lose every time?

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hmmm where have we seen this before
federal reservefucking newfags


They have mob rule and corrupt federal judges to stop the goyim from stopping them.

This is reasonable, except the fact that the one pushing it is Elizabeth Warren, a millionaire who lied about her ancestry so she could get a high paying job that cheated out an actual native or PoC of the job.

Going by the bill, I support it 100%, the problem is it will never pass. Both parties are so deeply corrupt but the leaks by the "Russian" hackers prove that the DNC is infinitely more corrupt.

Exactly this.

Would you vote for someone who promises they can make everyone a billionaire?

Seven floors above, even.

tbhfam i will vote warren if she will vote this

These don’t seem bad until you realize it’s just her talking about how she’s going to fight against all the things that her and her friends do. She’s a lying gun grabbing cunt. My ancestors killed Indians, looks like they missed one.

Spotted the leftycuck


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It all comes down to the same thing with these progressives- fewer white people = better

She named the Jew? No? Then fuck off.

even better question is why did every justice go to the same college?

I'd poke her hontas.

She's a perfect example of a hippy that blew her mind with LSD.

Where do I sign up?

Of course, banning all of this shit in Washington is like banning guns in Chicago.

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It works for me.
But enforcing the anti-corruption laws we currently have would be a better first step.

Any anti-corruption legislation is good, all politicians (even "ourguys") are hostile to normal society and should be inconvenienced as much as possible. I welcome it, even from a twat like Warren, provided it is not explicitly biased against conservatives. Any implicit bias can be turned against them in later years. Her outline sounds like it would be useless, though.

Retarded, companies can still bribe them in a million other ways and they could just buy narrow sector ETFs. Usually lobbying and crony capitalism in the US doesn't benefit single companies anyway, it is done at the industry cartel level: See insurers and pharma uniting to prop up Obamacare. Even looking at the biggest exceptions, like Lockheeb, it didn't happen by bribing politicians. It works by making them look good career-wise, and promising highly-paid board positions when they retire from government careers.

I'm guessing this is to please the MUH RUSSIA crowd, but it is stupid. There is very little damage being done to US by foreign lobbies, most foreign lobbies are harmless, and the big problems like China or Israel are smart enough to wrap it in a domestic entity. They all have sizable diasporas with US citizenship, but loyal to their home country.

A politician can just marry a lobbyist and the corruption continues, among many other examples. What a pointless restriction.

Trivial to detach funding from individual bill, stupid idea.

Very wishy washy "goal" unless you specify exactly which loopholes you are closing.

There's already too much bureaucracy, no need to add another ill-defined waste of tax money. At least reform existing agencies first.

Yeah, get rid of activist judges RBG who try to push their headcanon on how the constitution should work, and get people who are willing to follow the very simple laws that have already been established for 200+ years, instead of being status whores and selling out a beautiful legal framework just to ride on the latest wave of public hysteria.

Oh wow, another agency? How about telling existing alphabet soups to stop harassing average Joes and go after corrupt politicians?

Just strengthen FOIA and make the response deadline shorter. Now that we are in the computer/internet age, government should be able to release records faster and easier.

Seems that way, but I think something is blocking her. She would have definitely been a much better candidate than HRC, but so was Bernie and he got cucked at the primaries. Maybe that's what's stopping her.

She's also said so many times that she won't run, won't it be awkward if she does? And how's she gonna play the woman card when HRC already ran that into the ground? Trump would fucking obliterate her in 2020, and by 2024 she'll be 10 years past her prime.

She's just saying that, she couldn't care less about fixing the system. She's just really good at telling people what they want to hear.

dont forget poleece

As democrats go, she is not that bad. She hates the banks, which means she is no fan of the jews. Her platform is far more palatable than anyone else on that side of the aisle.

This is what happens when redditors are allowed to post here.

And it shall be known as "The Star Chamber."
And we all know how many points that star will have.
And thus unelected (((bureaucrats))) will have absolute power over the running of the state and the elected officials will cower in fear of the inquisition.
Typical tricks.

Also this.
Getting REAL tired of this shit.

Checking those trips.
However, who watches the watchers?
At least elected officials are, theoretically, accountable for their actions.
We already have an intelligence apparatus that is DEEPLY corrupt and will not investigate their own. More bureaucrats will not make things better. Only worse.

The only way to even start making things better is to remove jews, shabbos, and non-Whites from any position of power and, over time, deport them all.
"Diversity" means corruption.
Almost all non-Whites (especially kikes) are simply more prone to corruption.
Look at their countries!
Look at Mexico, or India, or Africa!

While I hope for peaceful solutions, I wonder if there even are any.
The ongoing genocide of White America must be stopped.


AIPAC is doom NOT

The only way to get good policies passed is with referendums. I wouldn't expect somebody who endorsed a Clinton to understand anything though.

Oy vey, facts are antisemitic, you G-D damn goyim.

Because it's easier to create controlled opposition than it is to control the opposition.

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wow thanks
maybe if we're super lucky it can be against the law to be poor, and to be unhealthy, or to even die
imagine, an entire country of rich and fit immortals