To the incredible people of the Great State of Wyoming: Go VOTE TODAY for Foster Friess - He will be a fantastic...

What do y'all think of him? I'm going to vote for him to make Wyoming great again.

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We don’t need a thread every time Trump tweets something.

If Trump endorsed him, he's a zionist enemy of the country.


Trump is dead to me.

95yr old man rolled out on stretcher for no reason but to please kike's evil hearts

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We voted for Trump because he wasn't HRC, that's all it was.

but we do
shills are still so assblasted about the election two years ago that they must post Kroumpft tweets every fucking hour

Checked for truth.

Sorry, stupid paid bot shill. We didn't just vote for Trump. Despite what the Jews tell Trump WE got him elected.

Why we?

Because we and only we flooded the entire fucking system with info, opinions, and distractions. Bannon didn't do shit. Mafia might of bribed voting booths… maybe that did it. But if the votes were real, it was us and only us.

Let's see him do it alone with Sheldon's money and polvol2

zionist cuckold

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He can't, it would be Mitt Romney 2.0. Republicans can't win on an explicitly zionist ticket anymore. They need to obfuscate and put on a show pretending to be something else otherwise they just can't quite get over the hump. This is why Trump has shifted away from White America – who were burned and backstabbed – and is moving towards a nigger patronage and bribery model to secure a second term.

Yeah not surprising given that he was endorsed by Trumpstein

No. We don’t. Explain why this doesn’t go in QTDDTOT.

Where's the wall?
Where's the deportations?
Why is antifa still running rampant?

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Yeah, nah, fuck this guy.

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Go away int. You suck as concealing your rhetoric and its embarrassing.


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Whew lads, glad there were no death camps in Germany

All 'murican .gov institutions are the deadly enemy of the White race and have been since the War of Northern Agression,copsucking yankee.

"These 'murimutt memes are a forced psyop!!! Not funneh!!!


On the right

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'Murica !!!FUCK YEAH!!!!!Coming again to save the mutherfuckin day YEAH!!!!!!!


For a sad little site consisting of 200 disgruntled 4-cuck refugees, toy sure are ban-happy.
You would think you would be attracting as many eyeballs as possible.

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Muh 96.8% "white" mill-turry

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You guys have been using the same two memes for like 3 years.

Those are probably the only memes they own, and they probably can’t make anything for shit. In less than a week I made that Kek comic.

Imagine if I had a place to actually work and produce quality work.


Vote Niggers and Faggots!

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It's almost like it always gets (you's) from triggered mutts who desperately cry about how not triggered they are

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Technically you're only one (you) above me and I'm only giving you this one because of those dubs.