Kikes and their golems openly talk about making tech less white

In Madison, the tech scene is booming, male and white

Madison’s tech sector is booming. But not everyone’s seeing the benefits.

“Is Madison a tech hub? Yes,” said IT professor Christina Outlay. “A great place to get a tech job? Yes. For techies of color? Maybe, leaning toward no, not yet.”

Outlay was among four local tech leaders of color participating in Wednesday’s Cap Times Talk at the Madison Central Library about the lack of diversity in the local tech scene. The session was moderated by Cap Times reporter Amber Walker, an education reporter and former teacher who has reported on the city's racial achievement gap, which has a direct impact on the ability for minorities to succeed in the tech workplace.

All four of the panelists have an interest in developing local talent to make the tech scene a little less white and a little less male: Outlay, who lives in Sun Prairie but works at UW-Whitewater, also founded Colorcoded, which aims to get girls and minority and low-income kids involved in computing. She also runs the UW-Whitewater CyberGirlz camp for middle schoolers. Rasheid Atlas, a longtime web developer, works with the YWCA’s YWeb Career Academy to bridge the racial and gender gap in the local tech sector. Nhi Le is director of the startup accelerator gBETA. And Dante Viscarra, CEO of the tech innovation company Fu2ra, founded La Communidad newspaper and the Latino Chamber of Commerce.

All four pointed to problems that make the local tech culture unfriendly to minorities.

"It’s a difficult place to build a network if you’re going to surround yourself with people of similar cultures and race," said Outlay. “I’ve actually had students of color come here to take tech jobs and they’ve struggled. And it’s been less about struggling with the job and more about struggling with the environment they were in.”

Rest of article:

They are openly talking about making a city and its tech sector less white and male. We are at the point of open warfare.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Three of my friends, all senior programmers already got replaced with Pajeets. There won't be a woman shitskin in sight, it'll be nothing but Pajeets and more Pajeets. A sea of shit in tech.

They dumbed it down for sole purpose of making it less white and less asian. In the end, all the hard work and ingenuity will be pushed on one white cuck soyboy while every nigger and woman UI artist will push their ideas onto him until he cracks and goes away from the company.

It is self destructive for any company to employ in this manner but they have enough pajeets and hipster niggers that will do all the monkey work for them.

The best work for a white STEM is to work on a startup that has a lot of potential and then NOT SELL IT to 5 biggest tech companies when it gets big. That is only way that whites can get ahead in tech.

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Midwestern techies, you’ve got to fight this shit. Don’t give in this time. The more you do, the more they take. Resist them however you can.

Acceleration back to the Stone age

Well Zig Forums, today I pulled the trigger and am going back to college for electronic gaming development. I'm under no illusions as to the SJW menace in existing companies, but my master plan is to start my own shop… and only hire shitlords (there are ways around EEOC). Wish me luck, and to the rest of you, become the change you wish to see as that pajeet lawyer activist guy said.

It's always tech they go for… notice they never talk about accountancy being too white, law being too Jewish, or even something like auto mechanics being too white. There is a reason for this, they want to diminish the US tech sector.

Just be aware that this is largely a meme degree, and it would be better if you just took computer science.

I would only hire lipstick Lesbians

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I already know many languages, I want to learn project management and the math behind it.

Just be aware that degrees dont really matter in gamedev. If it helps you learn, go for it, but its technically a waste of money. Go for something you cant learn on the internet instead.

Computer science doesn't teach you languages, as a side effect you'll learn them, but it will focus on concepts. Why don't you instead take applied mathematics?

Is there nowhere we are allowed to be the majority? Obviously I know the answer.

Wisconsin always has the whitest Division I college football team along with like Stanford. Next they will complain about that.

I should say Top 25. Northwestern is white AF too.

Madison is quite white for a city, but the poz runs thick and I cannot deal with the pajeets, faggots, trannies and nigs. I'll be moving soon.

listen to your fellow anons, don't get a meme degree.

Like OOP? Also, there is a surprising level lot of math as part of this program.

I'm also older than the average student and already made my fuck-you money, part of this is also a networking opportunity.

Best of luck user, i'll be the first one to support you.

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Translation: The only way to stop/prevent the Caucasian from outperforming every other group is to stop/prevent him from even having a seat at the table.
This is why we have such a huge influx of rational, logical minds moving towards nihilism. Taking away everything from them is the White man' Samson Option. And imagine how powerless the powerful will be without power

As a person that lived in Wisconsin, it’s not the Whitopia these monkeys make it out to be.

Which means the will, will be the only power

Just the fact that it's white-majority is enough for them to say it's Whitopia. I mean, they still say that Seattle is blindingly white even though it is over a third nonwhite at this point. Hell, they even say 48% white Austin is too white for them.

>to stop/prevent him from even having a seat at the (((THEIR))) table.
But not at your own table.
user, you shouldn't be doing something that gives them power and money anyway. One of the first thing that need to be done is to separate the kike facehuggers from parasitism on our people…that means you as well. Why would you want to work with all these parasitic energy sucking vampires? Wouldn't you rather work in a productive environment where you will actually be doing something meaningful, rather than multicultural hell?

Madison is pretty white, but it's liberal as fuck. I don't know what these people are complaining about. I swear they wont be happy until all of us are dead.

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Classic long-march and they won't stop it until white people are literally dead. Battling them should be done on as many fronts as possible.

Triumph of the will, is real and very powerful

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Within driving distance of Madison is Milwaukee. Go check the demographics.

They have been openly talking about that for decades. Where have you been?

Maybe soon.

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Being straight doesn’t make me a color other than what I am. I will go wherever I please.

Disgusting. Save yourself some money and teach yourself.

on balance, the last time we tried this an alliance was made to stop the intentional segregation of the wheat from the chaff
>(((they))) and their faithful niglet proxy warriors are too stupid even to know what they had, or could have had, when it is finally taken away from them

Making phone calls with phone numbers as threats won’t get you anything, or anywhere.

Get out of my colors trash.

The only ones there I've met are either white soys (generic face) or pajeets. Personally I found it easier to get a job in CO.

If I remember correctly, there are large pockets of blacks though, and a hell of a lot of chinese/pajeets enrolled in the university. Also, didn't UW-Madison recently make something free for poor students?

These initiatives are such bullshit. If people want to study tech., they'll fucking study tech. and, as a result of their dedication, will fail or succeed. There's no fucking gate keeper trying to shoo away participants from enrolling. Deliberately reducing the learning curve will only result in more and more QA/DevOps to continue their shift towards Southeast Asia or work visas for Pajeets. Honestly, at the end of the day, no one will give a fuck about diversity when production is down because Jamal can't properly code/debug.


What a clown world.

How much of the economy is actual wealth-production and how much is sinecures like these directors of organizations, consultants, SME's, and what-have-you?
If all those parasites were put to real work, or, if that money were instead put back into the economy in the form of higher wages for actual workers, imagine how great this country could become.

Pretty much this. There will be no more technological advancement. I'd say there hasn't been for years, just integration of jewshit onto every device and cell phones becoming forced onto the populace more and more

It is clear as day that jews are driving tech culture in the ground. Have jews always been a problem for technological advancement? How do we reconcile the fact that many pioneers of computer science are jews?

In no particular order:

Richard Feynman
Richard Karp
Richard Bellman
Sergey Brin
Richard Stallman
John von Neumann
Branko Grunbaum
Joseph Kruskal
Bob Kahn
Stephen Wolfram

The future of tech is a nigger version the a chrome book, running an OS that’s even more pozzed than Win10, browsing a version of YouTube that’s even more kiked than it is now.

It's not that large, but they are concentrated in a pocket mostly in low income housing near the bus lines on the southeast side. There used to be gas stations on the east side that looked like Baltimore with all the niggers loitering and playing loud music and dealing drugs. The university is basically the only area with asians and pajeets, though they make up a negligable proportion of the permanent population of Madison. Most students leave the city after graduation, so the make up of the university doesn't really accurately reflect the workforce of the city per say.
I wouldn't be surprised. I haven't been on campus in over a decade but they're always going out of their way to pander to the lowest common denominator.

I fucking hate this city.

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WI blacks live in Milwaukee (and have ruined large parts of that city)

It's true. A good friend of mine moved there for electrician work. At least he's in one of the nice suburbs. Milwaukee is very segregated at least.

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it is but they'll spill over, I'm seeing it now - suburb of STL - being flooded with niggers since the ferg riots =(
I visited Milwaukee twice - nice town, niggers ruin it though.

Don't be sad, it's like that in every major or semi-major city. People refuse to learn about this menace, they are like locusts.

WI will be primarily be (in descending order) Hispanic, Somali, black, moung, other, by 2030 it seems.

FBI please go.

gun laws are pretty ok in WI though, get your CCW and bring it with you daily

Very much so. It's one of the few US cities with such clear lines of deliniation between the black, the hispanic, and white areas. If I recall correctly, there's a little pocket of Orthodox Jews in the really nice neighborhoods by the waterfront. The nice parts, like the 3rd ward and waterfront, are actually really nice but the rest of the city is Baltimore-tier.

ok, thanks for that shitlibs. it's gonna work out great for us no matter what you do.

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want to really resist? lean back, like the feminists keep demanding (and never following thru on). while they are having premarital sex, you study the tech. they will come crawling back, but you will dictate the terms.

This shit is completely intolerable. This system has to fail and be completely rebuilt in separate legal order of a white ethnostate. There is zero chance that the current legal order that allows systemic targeting of whites for very basic things like the ability to make a living will change politically. Demographics mean the required political/legislative change to the legal structure that enables white genocide will never, ever happen. For now, stop working for kikes and shitskins or patronizing businesses that employ whites and shitskins. Total boycott and reinstatement of segregation on a voluntary basis. The end goal must be a white ethnostate. This must be achieved within 50 years, or we are all going to be killed off one way or another. A white ethnostate must happen now.

Yeah anybody who says fight back must be secretly an infiltrator you fucking jerkoff pussy asshole. Fuck off

Start your own company with the whites and asians booted out which will bury these pajeets factories.

The drag on innovation caused by enforcing dewhiteification of tech would go a long way in helping China and other countries close the gap or widen a lead in various areas.

How fucking retarded must you youo be to suggest cucking yourself by marrying a whore that only has a financial interest in you? ==NO HYMEN NO DIAMOND==

Remind yourself of this in situations where the people are overwhelmingly brown. You need to have more white people for the current whites, right?

They've probably struggled because they're retarded faggots blaming their incompetence on le ebil whitey :((( t. nonwhite who miraculously has never had any of these so called "challenges" when dealing with white people despite living around almost exclusively white people my entire life.

They want the white technology to be destroyed so we cannot go to the space and colonise the snowy planets.

They are very afraid that we will create a nuclear powered space city.

It happened to Microsoft, and it'll happen everywhere eventually.

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Personally, I have no problem with big tech destroying itself, plus the alphabet agencies like NSA. With growing incompetence, it makes for (((the powers that be))) harder to track us.

You forgot McCarthy and LISP.

Beta leftists literally get on their knees to die rather than lift a finger and be accused of "racism". And when they're victimized, they'll find a way to blame whitey. Only a small percent of high IQs among them can be redpilled through a series of concentrated deprogramming.

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Forgot 5th pic so here's bonus enrichment.

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Wut. Maybe it's because I'm very tired but am I reading this right?

I'm not reading this correctly, right?

You didn't think she was going to challenge her brainwashing and admit she's been wrong, just because she got raped? After all, she believes the rape was just a natural response to oppression by me and other white men who rape and torture simply by existing, despite never actually doing anything.

That won't happen. They're ok with everything breaking down and turning into a shithole (schools, government, cities) then fleeing to the next zone that's "too white". The practical way to resist is start your own companies outside of leftist shitholes and don't let any outside money ever dictate (board seats) who gets hired. Get out while you can.

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Yes, friend, that is how 99% of brainwashed leftist anti-white "white" women react when they're enriched by diversity. Blame whitey.

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I know how retarded some of them are and I've been a consistent user here for years and have seen some top-tier retardation but I've somehow never seen that one. I still get surprised at some of it somehow, honestly.

>at last I have awoken, I finally see who is to blame for this!
>we must remove the birds!
Brilliant conclusion.

It's a very redpilling and sobering to hear leftist victims (men and women) speak firsthand. They use calm intellectual voices to trace every action back to blaming whitey. Whites are the root of all evil yet also some how the only ones capable of taking care of everyone else like everyone else is a child. There's no agency or accountability for anyone else. Race only exists when it's used against whites. It's the common sick programming of any cult that demands ignorance of reality to keep up the charade they invested so much time in so they can crawl back into a comfy bubble. Check out the image where the victim comforts the Uber rapist.

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Sorry for double posting, but I looked again at and something occurred to me that I don't believe I've read before. The first part we all know and have talked about - what do you notice about the white people in every pic? Mostly women (not the most important part here though), and more importantly, they look like they're at least middle class which means that in all likelihood they live in a safe, friendly, white neighbourhood boring shithole that doesn't even have a sushi restaurant or much diversity (specifically the Swede). And as we know, this is largely why these naive idiots ignore the complaints of other white people who have actually had to deal with the increased crime rates, lower community trust, worse schools and general mediocrity awesome benefits of diversity and act like it's no big deal (because it's never their daughter getting harassed by groups of Youths™ or their brother being threatened. So why is it when whites complain about this stuff it's just scoffed at by others and mocked as "You're just racist, you're sensationalizing", but these same people often unironically shout "Listen and believe!" any time some woman claims to have been raped/beaten/harassed?

What I'm getting at is that I think it has some decent meme potential but I'm too shit and lazy to make decent propaganda. Basically in the same vein as the "Left panel: loves XYZ, right panel: killed my XYZ".

The first colonists on Mars better not be the result of a social experiment.

Well, even back in the day we sent the monkey first.

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That computer article always hurts my sides. I can't believe it's real.

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You're on the right track but I'll redpill you more. The truth is that half these women do live in diversity. They live in and around leftist cities and they still have rational fear enough to avoid heavily black and latino areas day or night and to be cautious walking down the street. They blame whitey. Because they were brainwashed by anti-white-leftist-Jewish media and public schooling, they figure this is all the "price and result of slavery" and they suck it up. They weren't taught about every other race being genocidal, enslaving (all races), and killing tens of millions. They weren't taught about millions of whites being slaved. They weren't taught genetics is a basis of brains. They weren't taught there are big average biological differences in behaviors and intelligence, that we're not "all the same". They were taught to think IQ is a myth and has no correlation, that everything is culture, that the opposite of reality is reality. They rationalize this because whites happen to not let past aggression against them get them down. Whites enslaved with start rebuilding the very next day if given freedom. So leftists see the end result of success and conclude that correlation of success equates to oppression when all it equates to is a set of genetic behaviors and intelligence and the will to work.

That is the cognitive dissonance they live with. They were taught their entire lives that white means oppression. A life of Frankfurt Marxist style Jewish propaganda will do that to medium intellects. They become self-hating cult members whipping themselves. They will only acknowledge anecdotes (the few trees of good case examples) and any look at forest fire will be rationalized against whites. They're at war against gut instincts, between fearing death by barbarians and embracing suicide by barbarians, and sometimes they will walk into a lion's den or near an alligator just to prove they're not racist, suppressing their own humanity.

You're right on half of them. Half of them are sheltered. A good example is leftist northerner attitudes on illegals. They don't care about illegals pouring in because they don't have to live with them like Southerners. Northerners live in ivory towers which will soon be blacked. They won't know how good they've got it until it's gone. That's a common refrain, isn't it? People who lack foresight. People who lack fear of poisonous snakes. People who refuse to consider uncomfortable facts at the expect of thousands of more victims to come. If America and whites were never good in their minds, they'll just assume see it on fire and circle the drain.

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What's also very telling is the picture on the bottom.

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so it is written.

Madison has always been an overpriced liberal shit college town.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with making it easier and cheaper to steal intellectual property.

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FOSS is already collapsing because of BS charges over feefees, everyone who mattered on these shitty projects is either leaving or not collaborating anymore, the only ones left are the mouth breathers complaining about nano-aggressions and shit like that

Now the same is happening to google, microsoft and amazon with their employees going all muhethics over bullshit these companies were always involved with like helping dictatorships. Basically these cucks fucked themselves in the ass by creating all these shitty inclusion agencies within the companies and hiring these professional victims because now they are organizing this shit thus killing the company from the inside out

Also madison aint shit, tired of these shitty nobody-cares-about cities pretending they can be a techhub. You aint shit you faggots.

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Sadly, I remember the first "tech bubble" and watching, as my friends who worked at corporations like Dell, got on planes to the designated shitting streets of India, to teach the new "tech Pajeets" how to do their job, so they'd at least to get their severance package.

How bad was it there? I mean did you at least find anything positive there?

Apparently this caucasian does not know that almost everyone who isnt black or chink is caucasian. Pajeets, north africans, arabs and jews are caucasians. Let this be a lesson young man, dont use words you do not know the definition of.


Redefining the meaning of already existing terms is typical of jewish shills. Do you know that the caucasus mountains are located in central asia?

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So exclusively Asian?…

Who's going to innovate?

terminal emulator with command line plus a browser is all I do.

go ahead, make tech "blacked", we will be here laughing at the whole thing collapsing on itself because you can not fix the stupidity of inferior races. see how your money addicted jew bosses will be happy when you can't so shit anymore because all your workforce is nonwhite or female

kill yourself