I'm not going to be a mindless Trump cheerleader, but he is still the best thing in American politics (I know JIDF is going to screech at that reality), up until 3 or so years ago, everybody was much MUUUCH worse. However I'm tired of the so called "4d chess", it's about time we as a community work towards getting a real hero in power. Be it Patrick Little or whomever else, we need to take an active role again in forcing that Overton window to our side.
Anyone who claims to "wait for Hilter!" or "wait until the collapse" is either JIDF or most likely a coward. Like Oswald Mosley said (I can't find the exact quote) anyone can fight when it's heroic to do so, but the real task is going out and canvassing, the boring day-to-day activism. We must reawaken that brief moment of American fascism, not this wishy-washy brand of MAGA conservatism. Many here (myself included in 2007 during Ron Paul's 1st GOP campaign) had a brief transition moment where we supported libertarianism, and now many are stuck in paleoconservatism… or MAGAism.
Think in your head what the IDEAL America looks like and take a pledge, internally, that you'll fight for that ideal, not "well this is better than what we had". Salvini is promising in Italy and Hitler was elected democratically, the possibility of a coup in our pozzed military in nigh impossible… so for now democracy is our best shot. America is at its Weimer Republic moment.
Initially, yes. But I decided it was better to make a separate thread on it. Especially since the catalog is really slow today.
Gabriel Kelly
Jaxson Anderson
True words, OP. Honestly the time is coming. We just have to keep pushing the window. The right men will know their time. Honestly I am in favor of more informational warfare. Comments elsewhere on the digital landscape are becoming increasingly up front and blunt about the situation we are in. It's a good time to be blunt as well. Unapologetic. I don't know how much good we're in since it's not a major election year as far as leaders, but Fox is kvetching about how a few boundary-pushers made it through the primaries so I get the feeling our time is coming. The spirit about Trump a paradigm shift, even if he himself is not. Reactionary ideas are surfacing more than ever before. Not sure what advice to add but we will do right when the time comes. For now we have to be open about certain positions and beliefs.
Lucas Lopez
ITT: damage control
Owen Garcia
You were right up until here. Democracy is one of our best TOOLS, but it will not provide a cure for our nation's ills. Ultimately, causing enough political flux in red states that they start outright ignoring the federal gov't (as leftists have already started in their states) is the ideal means of success for the white people in America.
Lucas Cook
So you decided to kill a thread for this. The Jews would be proud.
Bentley Flores
There are 5 anchored threads down there, it's fine.
Christopher Gonzalez
If Trump is so great then why have anti-white propaganda and attacks increased tremendously since his election with him doing nothing to stop it or pardoning any white wrongly arrested for defending him or herself?
Jeremiah Gray
America is already dead you fucking retard. The time to fight was 50 years ago, but whites were too cowardly to do so. Now the only correct strategy is to destroy the USA as quickly as possible so that real White countries in Europe can save themselves without the global antifa (USA) attacking them for it.
Logan Gray
Trump is a bluepill, but he significantly damaged the media's control over the average joe (call it a kike plan backfiring if you must). The antiwhite attacks ramp up as an attempt to "correct course."
Carson Davis
Trump is too busy tracking down 95 year old nazis and having them deported.
Jackson Jackson
It will be coopted and taken over by all those you hate; rinse and repeat
Easton Williams
Yes, it's a hard fight. But the issue with past great men like Rockwell and Dr. WLP is that they had no way of communicating en masse (not to mention boomers were fucking cancer). The internet is still a great way to push our message, even if (((they))) try to censor us along the way. Our path is clear, we have to use Jewish manipulation tactics and cyber guerrilla warfare to poison the current GOP system and put enough of /ourguys/ in power. We need to keep shifting and shifting the Overton Window and help European nationalists (and sympathetic non-Europeans as well like Duterte and that Brazilian guy) to help us back and forth.
I imagine we won't be allowed to have our Hitler (or not for long at least) and war either external or civil will break out… but this time the jews don't have a monopoly on information. Had the internet existed in the 1930s/40s the average American would've been able to see the other side.
kek, and the white flag is the sign of cowardice and surrender
Elijah Howard
shut the fuck up you goddamn kike shill
Hunter Martin
Why can't white nationalists ever be proud enough to wear white? Even in the Ku Klux Klowns, the BLACK robed klansman has a higher rank than the white robed peasant commoners.
Adam Brooks
You know, shlomo, it's better to be an idiot and keep quiet, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Brody Morgan
Fascism is much more than just WN, kike.
Brayden Peterson
You can't keep your mind off of cuck porn can you Shlomo?
Weimar Germany had many more problems than just the kikery and degeneracy. They weren't allowed to have an air force, and the Reichwehr (armed forces of Weimar Republic) were only allowed to have ~100,000 personnel. Even the normie German conservative of the time hated Weimar, not to mention that when Hitler came to power millions of Ukrainians in the USSR were starving to death, and communism was much more of a deadly threat. Today, the DPRK is the last traditional communist state and even they are weakening.
Isaac Diaz
Kim 'Big dong' Il, realised that kikes play with words, so he took his officially Communist state and made it into an Ethno-nationalist one. And it's worked brilliantly because the kikes cannot get anyone other than boomers to support an invasion of North Korea. Take notes from Kim. It may be worth it for a splinter cell to intercept and subvert leftists and slowly turn them toward our goal. I doubt it can go from tranny to 1488 but if they end up doing us a little bit of a favor it would go a long way. If for no other reason, than at least the lulz would be breddy epic to find out an user turned AntiFa into "Workers of the world united in their respective countries" aka Ethno-nationalists… or something.