What we know so far.
>Kikebook: WC Dub (Mr White C)
Feel free to add more.
Man dares wife's daughter to knock off maga hat
Other urls found in this thread:
Who is this "we"
Checks out.
The memes are too real today.
I'm not sure whose more of a cuck - this guy, or the all the White people who voted for Trump only for him to abandon them.
We don't need an update every time zionist trumpniggers get bitched out by their weimerican counterparts.
You couldn't be more assblasted over a polish jew getting deported. Go back to the shit thread you belong in, fucking dumbfuck faggots.
I was going to check the Mensa registry, but he fucks coons, so….
Technically you don't know that, his wife could be the coon fucker and he could just be sloppy seconds.
Maybe he hates her and is trying to teach her how to commit hate crimes so he can finally get the black boyfriends spawn out of her life and have those cucked sloppy seconds all to himself.
Hmmm…his surname is from Belarus but there are only a few hundred of them on the planet. A defective genetic line dying out since he is cucked without children.
Nothing of value will be lost.
Yea, should have voted for Hillary, because at least she made it clear she hates white people.
He is fucking jew. Jesus, those who cant see that, better repair your jewdars fast.
And this litlle black turd is his daughter with negress, as simple as that.
Here, juden pece of sit with his negress wife.
Does he have metal teeth like some junkie nog rapper?
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he's an oil driller.
He probably didn't even get married to the ape shebeast and created a goblin anyway.
God damn he looks like Chuggo
good observation, that seems to be so
sleazy looking perverts. we know he's capable of bestiality but his sheboon looks just as bad.
Is he fucking that little girl or is that too black for even him?
Anchor this thread to the depths and forget it ever existed
check out his facebook, it's bizarre. he's the biggest wigger I've ever seen.
There are more people on Zig Forums who support the president than not. Deal with it and find something else to talk about.
Threads like these are illegal on Brave New Zig Forums.
Gonna keep posting it in EVERY thread you niggers show up in!
The fuck is wrong with his teeth? And why do his eyes look fake?
Keep up the good work user.
You mean the National Socialist who Trump deported for world Jewry?
Yeah, actually, you should have - better someone who openly opposes your people than someone who does it behind closed doors while telling them he loves them.
kikey is gone, this isn't a subreddit anymore.
don't even respond to these people user, just report the blatant rule breaking shills and filter the rest.
Seems legit.
1a88de you're filtered Shlomo you get no more (yous)
nigger grill
No I mean a fucking polish kike who happened to guard a german prison for other kikes. Now fuck yourself.
Is this some kind of bot spam or did the shill I filtered hop VPN's to say nigger
Jewish monster.
You have any proof he was a kike?
Because I'm pretty sure you don't.
I'm pretty sure you're just an assmad administration shill running damage control.
Yeah, about that, polvol2 is making sure to dismiss every report for this shit.
He's pointing out the fucking bald asshole has a nigger grill.
It's fucking sad.
Aw, whats the matter? You miss kikey?
You miss this place being a breeding ground for civnat reddito scum like yourself?
That's too bad.
It was a response to why his teeth are jacked up retard.
Tel Aviv says that we shouldn't vote for Trump, and we should get Hillary in the white house, because Hillary will make white people poor, and that will be good for white people, and also that Trump is letting in too many immigrants, therefore he's "baste" and pro-black and so on. So how is this video possible, how can niggers hate Trump? Baste or not, this seems to not compute.
Holy shit, yeah, 8 posts out of 45. That sure is indicative of nothing, you shill nigger faggot.
talking to himself across multiple threads now
Learn how to properly greentext and then kill yourself cunt.
Learn how to better hide your shilling and maybe I'll consider it
mods on cuck Zig Forums will delete the entire thread the second someone posts that link pic
(((not an argument)))
Is he wearing grills? Fucking faggot.
vid related
Sure it is.
The argument is that you're an awful civnat shill faggot.
And the evidence in support of that argumentation is every post you've made in this thread and the other
That's what the white man calls a (((fallacy))).
liberals love to abuse children. there is something especially broken in a person that would want to harm an innocent in this way.
the left is inherently diseased and needs to be dispatched.
You who claims to be against child abuse, will you take a stand against circumcision, which is the sexual torture and sexual mutilation of babies?
No, a fallacy is a real thing - what you're doing is being an awful shill/mod and hiding behind cuckchan rhetoric, you fucking scumbag.
Nigger "culture"
You can tell who is the dominant one by who leans into their partners during a photo. If you look for it you will see these fucked faggots ALWAYS lean in.
Still good to point them out where they are.
No, it isn't kike. Which means no upboats for you.
Unlike Trump's grandchildren, he isn't a kike.
G-goy, it's part of our religion! You wouldn't stand against religious freedom, would you?!
You really have nothing better to do all day do you Kampfy?
What is this image supposed to be representing? What “side” is it on?
It kampfy, sucking Trump's cock.
The Kippah in question
Hmm, I see
sage for /r/ the donald tier comments
So, you obviously know literally nothing about logic.
Most fallacies don't apply to most reasoning, good or bad. Little surprise what you picked didn't apply, since you have no education.
Your (((fallacy))) is (((misrepresentation of proportion)))
Your (((fallacy))) is (((ad hominem))) (this species you are not familiar with, being uneducated. Simply, this one pertains to an emotional appeal, here with imagery, and there's a bonus, because the imagery, which is emotionally-manipulative:
Calls for a (((premature conclusion)))
Yet another (((fallacy)))
you can smell the virginity in this post
This is post modern ironic humor, yes?
First day on the job, moishe?
Autism does not equal virginity.
Calling out the Jew, does not denote virginity.
MAGA hats are stupid because baseball caps are stupid. Where is my MAGA fedora?
You are for being bedridden in an AIDS hospice.
Your nose is practically shattering my screen.
Man, that takes me back.
Looking at how degenerate this guy is, I wouldn't be surprised if he were the oildriller.
Can someone else confirm that he deleted his facebook? Im not pulling up anything now.
His FB is not coming up for me either and it did before. He must have deleted it. If you pipl the name and location you get an address and phone number but I'm not sure of the accuracy of that information so I haven't posted it.