The more diversity of peoples means that there is more diversity of law in nations until the very idea of 'nation' is obsolete. This current trend is engineered so that the kikes can allow their subversive death cult Islam to overthrow legitimate governments in favor of their jew world order. Are we obligated to follow any of the 'laws' that jews seem to think are binding upon us when #1 they don't follow any of the same laws #2 non of the 'cultures' that they are busy importing into our nations follow the 'laws' of the US Gov #3 the US Gov has overthrown their own power base (Ethnic Europeans) and voided their social contract with us of their own volition.
What say ye, anons? Do we still need to follow this broken social contract or not? Can we FINALLY go our own way and leave this corruption behind us for good? Do any of you still feel any obligation to uphold the law anymore?
The elites keep showing us it only exists if someone can find a way to enforce it.
Cameron Long
Not when the supposed leaders are out to betray the people. Neither if they are working for other groups and purposes than bettering the nation and it's people.
However, you can't do much if you're in jail. Neither can you do much alone, find a group, play it smart.
Landon Morales
I am actually writing the state about laws and behaviors that became permitted as the presence of africans increased in the US, such examples include providing identification at a traffic/travel stop without being ticketed ot arrested, which is essentially the state ruling that you are a liar and a potential felon without due process in a court of law, another being the ability for a judge to okay a raid (armed men break into and enter your property, kill your doggo, and maybe your family) without due process in a court of law, since the "criminal" has been deprived the right to a jury trial. I am asking that they change these, and other, behaviors.
Anthony Parker
If your country has the label: "democratic" applied to it, it is the jew world order already. The islamization is done so that no legitimate government can occur.
Kevin Martinez
You won't get anywhere with sternly worded letters, but I wish you the best of luck regardless OP. Be ready with the backup plan when they send you back a automatic reply and put you on a list.
That is a very inaccurate perspective on how local and state governments work. I have succeeded before, many times, with both judges and police. I do not use "sternly worded" letters but polite and reasoned ones that use their laws against their actions. It always works.
No obviously the rule of law doesn't exist any more. They literally teach in Law school now that literal interpretations of law are bad. Does that mean we don't have to follow the law? No. The law is followed because of the concequences that exist - nothing else. So do the concequences for breaking a law still exist? Yes? Then you still have to follow the law; unless you are willing to accept the concequences.
Cooper Diaz
Governments are progressively making more laws and more punitive sentences for them until it becomes a case of picking a random fellow off the street for any technical offense to incarcerate them for 15 years. In either case both the rules and the consequences of them are draconian. It's getting to the point where only revolutionary politics can work which is a scary thought, and I for one don't look forward to the mass suffering involved followed by the leadership equivalent of musical chairs.
Give examples
Alexander Gonzalez
I think 'No' as well. I don't think the 'laws' serve us any longer…I wanted to see what the consensus was because the violation of all forms of law is brought up in complaints in so many threads.
Representative republic (it didn't save us from the jew though).
That actually sounds like a wonderful project that will teach your state reps about the issues surrounding the constiution and violations of legal precedence. I know that shitskins and niggers NEED big government in order to function on any reasonable level as a subhuman in civilized society. They actually need babysitting. Whereas Europeans might go their who love without a meaningful encounter with the Law. It is not clear to me how this jew world order is supposed to function with two completely different societal needs for legal and governmental intervention (one that requires no legal regulations or government and another group [the vast majority of the planet] who literally can't exist or even function day to day without handholding minute by minute) or things like sharia brutalization.
Ian Ross
I hear you. I am trying to gage when we feel that 'accepting the consequences' of not following the law are no longer an issue for us as a people. There is only so far that 'accepting the consequences' will take you before you realize that NONE of it was or is worth it anymore.
Landon Smith
I always held that civil law should be ignored and that only criminal law should be observed, to avoid barbarism. But everything is becoming "criminal" law now. How do I know which things to respect and which to ignore?
Kevin Myers
Well that's the crux of it I suppose.
Couldn't agree more.
Daniel Wright
IDK man, it has been a long time since any of it made any sense to me (maybe since we got so many jews in 'legal' positions)…maybe since the US began to be flooded with people who have a completely different (by their brain function) idea of what 'law' means. I honeslty don't feel like these other cultures even consider 'criminal law' as law. It seems like whatever animalistic 'feeling' occurs to them is how they proceed to behave. Woosaaaahhhh…ETHNO-GLOBE.
Joseph Wright
The answer is to become a politician and implement Jewish policies, that is, policies Jews implement for themselves See
If anyone from the (((media))) or anyone else dares to question you, just say Israel is doing it and quickly cry antisemitism for daring to question your policy.
and on the same day, the same fucking day it's also reported that police (who carry plenty of tasers in case you're "disorderly" in public) are being given special protections in law: Which essentially makes knocking their hat off an aggravated offense, which it *already* was but now it's mandatory to add additional sentencing as though they have more rights than anybody else.
So I sit back, thinking that all you need to make a taser is a battery and a capacitor and that anyone could easily swamp the black market full of them… But what good would it do? Everyone around you is a gud goy. The only people who would want them are foreigners who already carry acid and knives around because they're much more effective.
I can break the law and probably get away with it but even so it does not undo the decades of cultural change that have made local men into insufferable mice.