Israeli MP|Politician says Niggers have No Culture & Should be Forcefully Kicked Out/Genocided

Israeli MP says Africans have no culture and Israel should stop African refugees from having children

During an interview with Avi Yemeni, an Israeli-Australian pro-Israel activist, on July 27, Hazan further said that African immigrants were a threat to Israel and would destroy the country.

I think it's time we all learned from the Jews, don't you? At least let the Kangs know they aren't welcome anywhere and Jews back this view.

Other urls found in this thread:,0,7298693.story

The Jews really hate niggers, makes our niggerhate look like child's play. Even their fellow chosenites

Black Africans who have been Jews are centuries are denied citizenship in Israel simply because they are black.

Or this hilarious shit


Our white kids here aren't even that redpilled yet until they have to personally deal with em later in life.

The Jews are the few left in the world next to Muslims to still genocide blacks and we should emulate them.

Jews jail and lock up niggers like nobody can ever dream of.

It just goes on and on. We should be emulating the Jews on the nigger question, doing anything less is anti-Semitic.

Can they do anything original, FUCK…this is OUR ETHNO-GLOBE…kikes are not WELCOME and need to be exterminated as well as their shitskin and nigger brothers. Kikes are the degenerate spawn of the niggers…so it is almost like he is talking about HIMSELF when he says all these things.

Except for the fact that kikes ARE NIGGERS by rapemixing their DNA.

Just use it as leverage on cucks that love mutilated dick.

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Fuck I hate this jew. He's made quite a name for himself in Australia, jewing the diversity-minus-Islam civnat crowd into believing he's their greatest ally, teaching Krav Maga courses, even trying to recruit Australians for the fucking IDF. He's a one-kike Israel shilling machine. I swear the faggot is mossad, but I have no concrete proof for it.

No retard, I am not mad that they get to live it, I am assmad that they get to live it only for themselves while flooding my homeland with niggers and arabs.

You don't need proof he's mossad, what even for do you need such evidence? he's a zionist jew politician of israel who wants goys in the IDF to fight israels wars for the jews.
Sage for doublepost because some faggot will ignore all context and focus only on the double post

For the reason that it frustrates me that I can't prove it conclusively. Yet.

Even if he isn't Mossad he is Sayanim or a TRAITOR to your nation from the inside. Remember Cicero!

They won't get to live it for much longer. If the global population continues to explode I believe that the middle eastern nations that have kept the hordes at bay(mostly Saudi Arabia) will decline and fall and just at with Libya, Syria, Egypt and Iraq the instability will allow for human traffickers to get people into pissreal

Naturally. It's not like I'm saying "oh, we can't gas this faggot until he's proven to be Mossad"; more that a Mossad connection would be icing on the cake, so to speak. I think we can all agree that for his actions alone Yemeni is in dire need of gassing.

Jews don't get a country, just like everyone else. Time to be diverse.

WTF I love kikes now!

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Ay hol up, dats anotha shoah!

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gotta love these coward fucking niggers, claiming they're "da' origino Hebros" but too chicken shit to go take the nearest synagogue because it's theirs

The holocauzt iz a joke!
Daz rite!
Haaail Hitler!
You waz opressin the germans!

Kek. Hate Jews all you want but they know what to do with niggers even if they hypocritically say otherwise in other nations example,0,7298693.story

I strongly suspect the Jews murderizing forever all niggers everywhere after they outlive their usefulness in destroying white nations.

They just need diversity in their bedroom and in public life. Be tolerant bigoted jews.

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All Africans must gather in the synagogues for asylum. Take that, dirty jews

Infernal trips checked.

They Wuz (((Kangz)))

Nice to see Jews wanting to prevent niggers from ever being born and acknowledging they have no culture but it seems to only be limited to Israel so would you Jews please be kind enough to extend these sentiments to all nations and peoples? Thank you.

Need to give a link to that video.

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He's not wrong.
Instead of spreading this to leftists, spread it to cuckservatives and zionists. People like Ben Shapiro.

That’s gross.

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Damn, she'd I recant my love for Hitler, hookup with a >>>/jewess/ and join the chosen?

Haha, yes! Let that squirmy little manlet taste his own civcuck medicine.



lol x'D


Almost like they're aware that their language is some african semitic trash. And they don't like that.

Is right though. Don't let it bother you, and use it as ammo. This should hit twatter, the time is ripe for it. I don't have one myself.

It seems a certain Muslim man was right all along.

The blacks are an eternal slave and bitch race, in front of the might of the Semite (Arab, Jew) or Oriental (Chinaman), the Negro cannot help but KNEEL.

Is this why Trump really tweeted about South Africa? We're going to work together with the Jews to have a nigger-free world?

so they fake jews are calling the real jews fake?

I am not surprised

I'll do it if the kikes are in the way. That way, I kill kikes first, THEN niggers.


But dey africanz wuz da real jews n shit
Caanites nigga

lol no, Trump has no control and this point and is compoletly set up by Kushner to serve israels goals only

Post these around liberal campuses.

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It really disgusts me why Jews exist in the first place. Because of this, it gives Marxists and leftards around the world into thinking Israeli kikes are "White racists" and since you keep seeing them killing Palestinians, diversity is totally amazing for the West. I'm really not so sure why the Jews did this. You tell some of your golems to believe in degeneracy and decadence (feminism, homosexuality, race mixing, open borders, etc.) and then claim it's for a "brighter future" in their homelands, and once they realize (((you))) don't even practice what you preach on your own "holy" land, (((you))) suddenly see (((your))) own golems wanting to lynch (((you))). How the hell is this "high Jewish IQ"? The "Zionism vs. Marxism" battle is really fucking retarded to me. Marxist retards think "Zionism is not Judaism it is Nazism" because they would never bother to read the Talmud, and then you get to see both sides whining about the Holohoax as if it actually happened.

you always loved them, shlomo

Given the status quo, I'd be considered super-nazi racist but not only do I not want the niggers dead, I want them living happily and doing well. I'm a separatist and supposedly that makes me racist because I can see that people of different physical features and cultural backgrounds don't do well stuffed into a box and forced to live among each other.

Jews just want everyone enslaved (which we are / interest on currency and gibs to israel) or dead (Christians)

They're wretched

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(nice Satan trips)

It's not about who did it but what happened afterwards. Ghadaffi was right when he said his death would mark the beginning of a flood of africans into Europe, was he not? If those countries in north africa served as gates I imagine there are other countries in the middle east that serve as gates too

You're referring to Mahathir?

Reminder to all the newfags and boomer cucks in this thread: Jews are the primary enemy of the White race, and the only real nemesis we have. Blacks are incidentally our enemies today due to how they have been used against us by the Jews, but without the Jews they would not pose a threat to us. This story does not make Israeli kikes 'BASED' in any way, shape, or form, and they still need to be glassed.

someone somewhere i hope is inventing zyklon b+

This has to be a shill training thead, so very obvious and terrible


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Niggers are why I carry a Glock41

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Love or Hate Jews, you cannot argue they do not have the Right Idea.

What's it like being a nigger? You can use pictures if words are too hard.

They don't have any ideas user. They stole everything they ever claimed was theirs and lied about the rest.

It's more than that. The jews think they are the pinnacle of any culture and that all others are beneath them.

Racist jew won't get any (((global media))) coverage for his racism either.

Try to tweet this and shitter will shut you down.

Maybe these non whites should start avoiding whites because they're crazy. That would be a shame.

The kikes are heartless. They would even turn on their close genetic cousins like that :D

They have to go back

Nothing wrong with jew jitsu, is there? Aside from it being jewish, that is.

The day I hear a black hebrew say this to an ashkenazi scumfuck aka garden variety heeb is the day my autistic depression goes away.

It seems the nigger problem will be taken care of even if whites are gone.

That was probably the first bath those niggers had in months.

Bathing is gross, the jews need a shower.

Orban learned from Israel goyim. Thank the Jews.

It's been known since scientifically times,niggers have no identity or culture.
Subhuman shitstains.


Now if you guys can get Trump and the leftard ZOG media to address this , that would be legendary.



I don't believe they actually let niggers in there. They are only pretending to have the same problems so they are not attacked.

Funny, the Jews say the same thing about Whites. Cue thinking face emoji.

It's just Jewish Projection. Take Israel, It had never been the land of the Jews. Jews were always a minority among other nations which lived there, and they lived as bandits attacking the trade caravans of the Babylonians and the Assyrians. And this should explain to you why those nations were after them all the time. And it should also explain to you why they different from other nations did not have a civilization of their own. No temples, no statues, no stadiums, no theaters as if they never lived there. And when the Arabs conquered it was already Christian since the Romans drove the Jews out some 600 years before the Arab conquest
And if the Myth of the Kingdom of David was true, it even didn't last for more than 70 years after which the Hebrews live in scattered communities till the Assyrians captured them and disposed 10 out of their 12 claimed tribes/bandits till the Romans came and expelled those two tribes out of the empire. The Jews have nothing so they have to project onto others who have things.

Now why hasn't leftypol and antifa attacked this Israeli?

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Op, don't you know what a small population Israel has?

Genociding 45,000 people in a population of 8.4 million, so what?

What's the big deal?

If this happened on this scale in the U.S, with it's population estimated at 327,000,000,

It would be the equivalent of the U.S. genociding (forcefully removing) 1.7 million black people

Let that sink in.

Should Israel take in it's fair share of the migrants?

Depends who you ask!

The irony that they are going to be the land bridge from Aprefrica to Europe is not lost on me. Nor is the thought of billions of migrant niggers (the same ones they cursed us with and applauded) tearing down the walls of Israel to devour everything in site.

lol why do you even bother with this shit black niggers are the ultimate bitch race it doesn't matter arabs, latins, chinese, or us jews only whites are even more of a bitch race than blacks and you will be the only race we make sure dies before them and the worthless niggers will follow after they outlive their usefulness to us.

Their mods work overtime policing any thought crimes about helping Palestine before it coagulates.
Actual English speaking social leftists that hate israel are a minority in the left.


1.7 million niggers would NOT fix the US even if we were able to take care of that many. Currently there are around 40-45 million niggers in the US (13 to 14%)

You're talking like .005% of the population. That's literally drops in a bucket.

We aren't "learning" anything from Jews. All this we already know, we just don't have the balls yet to implement our plan.

Based tbh

maybe you could make a huge stint out of this by shooping some "we want in" signs at a generic black rally.

Modern American black culture is Jewish in origin and character. The reason they don't like them living in their own nation, is because it conflicts with their beloved inferiority complex. Don't believe me, ask your fellow tribesmen Paul Gottfried. Separate the strategic commerce from the active participation and blowback, you are still left with a disproportionately philo-african people.

Speaking of Isreal…

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They probably play drake 24/7. There is no need for a word denoting Jewish wiggerism, it can be assumed.

the term "wigger" would imply they are white. use "jigger" next time. thanks

It would make more sense to start calling niggers "Nikes" (nigger-kikes).

Nikes! I fucking love it.

seems JIDF really have taken over this board

Where's the lie?
Just wish they wouldn't interrupt other countries from doing the same.


Either way they both need more diversity.

Because they're their useful idiots? Look at antifa that video showing they were led around by the JDL terrorists.


Yay Verily!

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I fear that Israel may be in need of our help at this time. They certainly aren't embracing Diversity the way that the rest of the West is currently partaking in. Being our greatest ally in the Middle-East, it's imperative that they adopt the gift of multiculturalism. They are the only democracy in the Middle-East, so it is our Israeli friends who must lead the charge against bigotry, ignorance, and hate this part of the World.

I think there's a resurgence of Anti-Africanism because at this point in time, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and Africans are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Africans will be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Africans will be resented because of their leading role, but without this transformation, Israel will not survive!

The voice of (((tolerance))) can only be heard for Israel.