In case of USA collapse where would you go as a refugee?

Canada and Mexico would be quickly overwhelmed and would stop you at their borders. If you live on or near the East coast you would go for Europe, but West coast…Auatralia is tok far. Japan, China and Russia are the only options.

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Other urls found in this thread:

you stay here and fight to the death


Foreigner or urbanite?

Depends on the region. If you are on the coast chances of you getting out are vastly larger.


I have family there. Hating Jews is legal, so is shooting.

Anyone who isn't willing to isn't a true American. A real patriot doesn't flee to another country when shit hits the fan.

No, are you a filthy little foreigner or an estrogen addled urbanite who wants to be a foreigner for even contemplating such a thing?

I've been waiting my whole life for a war worth fighting. Why the fuck would I run away?

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If America collapsed, the rest of the world would quickly follow suit. $20 trillion in economic output per year and unpaid liabilities doesn't just disappear into a vacuum. Even North Korea would be screwed once the aid stops coming in from China when China collapses because half their economy disappeared overnight.

What exactly are you fighting for at that point? Dirt? So others can hide under your umbrella?

I like to call it the United States of America, but yea.

That shit died the day we decided to kill our own families in WWII for a bunch of ungrateful ants and rats.

not the "United States" of America, just America. Our land will be our land long after the current government is gone.

you find whoever is making shit threads like this one and you steal all their beans and water.

It’s probably the old codger looking at this other kid over there like a piece of meat.

I'm sure the Danes don't want cowards running into their country.

I tell everyone to make sure and bring all of your good stuff with you when you "run to the hills" because us hill residents will take all of your stuff. I will take it all and eat you, especially if you are a rich yuppie kike. I cant believe people would think locals would be willing to share their life-saving natural resources with out-of-towners SMH

Marry a Asian girl and get citizenship in her country before everything goes down

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You don't need money to survive you need arable land and the ability to transport food and potable water.

why are these cuckchan threads permitted

Why so angry?

Trips confirms. Fight to your death. End of story.


My family and my property.

I am sure the Royal family doesn’t view me as a coward. I am one of theirs

That's a trap, bruv

It’s a beaner invasion of cartel members at the store I am sitting at. I just got frogged here by a little degenerate.

You can marry a trap as well

Every time I see a New York plate I want to start shooting now.

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Ain't Canadia just part of 'Murica?

I don't even think shes a trap

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Agreed, I think of what Oswald Spengler said.