Michael Cohen pleads guilty to 8 counts
From CNN's Mark Morales
>In a plea deal, he said that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office" he kept information that would have been harmful to the candidate and the campaign from becoming public.

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Nigger calm your faggot ass down.

Go be a fag somewhere else.

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What is everybody meant to do? Just ignore this?
This is a major political happening, even if it doesn't affect Trump in anyway it's still interesting.

Serves him right, he trusted a Jew!

It probably has nothing to do with Trump.
If it was Trump the article would have said his name and not just "a candidate"

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I mean, anyone following Manafort and Cohen in the news could have likely predicted these turns of event. In that sense, this is really only "newsworthy" in the strict sense that it's happening, but not particularly anything that's mind-blowing. The implications this has are more important.

Technically, yes. As improbable as it might be, the wording means that "a candidate for federal office" could be anybody from Jill Green to a senator. However, they have to use the exact phrase Cohen used in scare quotes to make it sound more official; we don't know what sort of evidence they have. The media and the deep state have had a hard time pinning anything on Trump, but in today's climate, all you have to do is dig and embellish what you find and you can charge anybody you want with a crime.

This won't end well, something will happen.

Do you know how many other motherfuckers this kike has defended in court? He's not Trump's personal lawyer for life.

(Cohen, Trump's lawyer) "I barely knew him. He was lawyer to a lot of people. Many people. This has nothing to do with Russian collusion. There is no Russian collusion…."

doesn't exist. federal law just makes shit up whenever convenient. Jewish circus for the goyim

No, but you can be absolutely guaranteed Cohen no longer has a career. Since the beginning of all of this:

Cohen is PRAYING they knock Trump down a few pegs so he can bank on book deals and interviews for the rest of his life while hopefully avoiding jail time. If he doesn't, not only is he going to spend lots of time in prison, he's going to be ostracized and never have a job EVER again.

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You obviously don't know what a happening is.

A lawyers only saving grace was their supposedly inviolable attorney client privilege. Maybe he can move in with Terry.

wew lads autism is extra strong today

fbi niggers can eat a double decker poop falafel

nasty woman

trump is a zionigger and he probably sucks dicks

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You pretty much nailed it. Hes trying to save his own skin not realizing hes gonna suffer long term because of it instead.

Jews dont respect that user. Nor do idiots who fear jews.

Cohen will be pardoned if he's incarcerated at all.

Look at all these triggered Trumptards.

Now that you're here, it certainly is.

Your failed raid has already been exposed.
Next time dont make such obvious mistakes like using nigger memes and linking directly to your feminist shithole internet rags.
>>>Zig Forums

You mad kid? You’re on my board


They keep saying that about Manafort, too. I highly fucking doubt it; not only would it make Trump look bad, but a pardon will serve no useful purpose. Manafort receiving a pardon for over 9000 fucking years in prison because he's a corrupt piece of shit will do nothing but allow the media to cast aspersions on the power of the pardon, and Cohen was going to flip on Trump to save his ass, which would make it a matter of showing clemency to an enemy.

Trump is in an extremely precarious position; the greatest move is not to play, but his opponents are fighting in such a way that it demands his attention at a minimum.

At this point, the best thing he can do is continue to agitate and ply the public to frustrate them even harder against the establishment. If the hammer ever comes down on Trump, regardless of how guilty he is, the public will reject the judgement against him. If Trump is able to legitimately prove any of the allegations against the Democrats, then the public will be rioting in the streets demanding wide-sweeping government ethics reform.

The shilling is out of control. People need to be talking about this and how to proceed.

Hurr durr, of course my IP changed I drove into a different town.

static ip master race checking in

Said the same shit about Arpaio. Why would Trump let people sit in jail for going down in a witch hunt that had nothing to do with the original investigation. He'll pardon, they'll bitch, life goes on
Yea, I've heard this repeated ad nausea since the primaries.
What? There is nothing to talk about. Ass chapped feds are going after Trump associates cause they can't get at him. Big fucking deal.

pick one

if this meant even the slightest chance of getting trump in trouble, it would be worldwide news for the entire next month. they would be blasting it over the fucking emergency broadcast system, you would not be able to get away from it.

it's nothing. non news. perhaps even a type of news that is dishonest and incorrect, what would we call such a thing?

Eh, it's just a sex thing. Trump just locked in 2020.

It would help him to make it look like he can protect those who side with him so pardoning Manafort is possible. That we all know he can make all attention to that go away by saying some random shit on twitter.

VPN master race possibly checking in.

Fake news is more than just that. It also includes many strategies of manipulation, of failing to report on critical stories that are developing, so on.


For example, do you know anything about the protests, in 2016, in South Korea? I'm not insulting you, news readers will not know. And what of the protests in Armenia, in 2018? And there have been many other events. What about the car bombing of a journalist in an EU country, over her involvement in the Panama leaks? The news doesn't even exist, anymore. The seeking out of the story, the development of history as it actually occurs. Instead, they attempt to achieve political and social behaviors by shaping opinion. Fake news, in other words.

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From Cohen's sack of shit lawyer

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CTV here in Canada is talking about potential impeachment. Anything to this or are they just being autistic for the billionth time? I honestly haven't been following any of this shit.

Lock the asshole up!

Just the usual autism again, nobody will care in a week.

There’s at least a dozen traps in here. Let’s just free post on the bottom and trigger them all like the Flash.

As a canadian I can tell you its the latter, the (((gov))) cannot impeach trump and risk a civil war. They need trump to step down himself to avoid conflict.

President Pence.

Now we can finally start electrocuting faggots.

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There's no way he would and if he did it still might cause a civil war.

Except the actual court transcript mentions neither Trump nor "a candidate".

This guy worked for the Clintons, he hates Trump. Not shocked at all he would say this. I'm sure Cohen is probably mad that he tweeted that

This is honestly the biggest non-event since the Maddow tax return troll.


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Right on both accounts. But impeachment garauntees war, and not just civil war but full blown world war with jews fleeing every which way.

They dont care.

Did say "a candidate for federal office", moron.

Bye, Felicia!

Either way, you lose.

Congrats, you found a jew. Now post the transcripts and show me where it mentions Trump in any capacity.

It's an insane amount of jewish logic to say that making payments for an out of court settlement is a crime because of the "principal purpose of influencing an election". That is asinine. By that logic, any type of donated funds used by candidates is illegal because they are trying to "influence the election".

notice how none of the court documents even mention trump.

It's a nothing burger, as usual. The press will keep smearing trump for the divide and conquer meme.trump wins reelection and we have four more years of salty libshits.

Cohen's lawyer needs his ass handed to him.

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Did you even watch any REAL news today, retard?

Yer honor, I'm just a simple man that likes to grab pussy, how am I supposed to know it's illegal, that's what I pay a lawyer fer.

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Makes about as much sense as pic related. Still… that gave me a good laugh.

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This is what a deranged leftynigger looks like.

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link? haven't followed said news

Bye, bye!

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Easy don’t go with either.

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Not wearing either and you’re not in charge here.

You can't violate campaign finance laws if you've never worked for a campaign!

No mistake

I can't see past the spergs saying "lel blumpf" what's actually happening?

A. Wyatt Mann predicted this.

Cohen has a stupid lawyer and they are imblying trump without naming him.

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The manafort thing as well, not just this, cuckchan is useless.


wtf I agree with cuckchan now!

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(((Cohen))) will fry because he betrayed Trump. Being a rat kike and recording him unknowingly. And Cohen likely has nothing trade for freedom.

My bet is Trump pardons Manafort even though he doesn't deserve it because he kept is mouth shut. Would send the message to others that loyalty is rewarded.

And Muller fucked up. He thought Manafort would cave before it went to jury.. There is nothing he can offer now to Manafort.

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Lefty memes are always so terrible. kill yourself yid.

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It's weird how Mueller only goes after people who betrayed Trump, almost like Trump is in charge of the department of justice and could end the investigation yesterday if he felt like it was in his best interest

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He was smart enough not to name Trump though. His dipshit lawyer on the other hand….

know any VPNs that are halfchan friendly?

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I love how you stupid fucks think that blatantly ripping off our memetics that worked so well against The Cunt during the 2016 elections will be a successful vector of attack. Once again you niggers prove you have not the faintest fucking clue how meme magick actually works. It's hilarious and sad, but most of all it reeks of desperation.

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He will be a witness against Trump for no time



They don't stand a chance against us.

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How does giving Israel billions of tax payer money fit into all of this?

I wonder if they’re doing this now because they need time before November for the court cases to go through so they can use this as ammo.

That would be funny, but I think muller is getting panicky. Would not be surprised he was threatened to get results fast ir be punished with his like dragged through the mud until he suicides.

Honestly without naming him outright none. They are thirsty for a solid win to embolden the libshits.

Honestly I only understand the cohen case. The manafort case is a mystery to me.

the swamp is self draining

I remember getting banned by the Turkroach during the campaign for warning people about these two kikes. Im so glad we can finally discuss Trump without sucking on his cock.

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Is this the game they're going to play now?

go bitch about your TDS to your fellow soy fags on theDonald reddit.
Zig Forums doesn't worship kike-emperors faggot.

rename image to PDF and open book

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I'm absolutely shocked!

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Yet, Clinton is going to walk free. Really makes you think.

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Aww the stooge is mad.

Yeah…tick tock blah blah blah. Trump has been getting railroaded non-stop. NON-STOP bending over and getting fucked. Just letting these lying, nasty, bullying jews dunk all over him non-stop when there is SO MUCH EVIDENCE to put the cabal to death by firing squad. WHY THE FUCK IS TRUMP DELAYING? IS HE WEAK? IS HE INCOMPETENT? FUCK YOUR TOCK TOCK BULLSHIT Q LARP FANTASY

so why is it interesting?

In relation to manafort:


Nice nothing burger.

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I haven't found any that work there, but you really shouldn't be posting on that website anyway. Its fine to lurk or whatever since they have more eyes and pick stuff up we miss sometimes.

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He was Hillarys lawyer too.


Jews being jews.