WARZONE SEATTLE: Military Deployed, ANTIFA ARRESTED and Beaten Down By Police at Bloody Rally
Other urls found in this thread:
If any of you are stupid enough to watch op's video, you should neck yourselves for giving him jewtube shekels.
That's actually what happens in the video though, leftynigger.
Please watch the video before demeaning my content. It literally all happened and there is video evidence to prove it.
Sage because OP has as many brain cells as a baboon nigger for not embedding the video.
desperate antifaggots detected
make a webm you useless shecklemeister
if it really is your content, that is, and you're not shitposting in telaviv
Show me how to embed, or just click the link, it's very simple. Although at the moment, you are trying to shift the conversation from the bloody attack and arrests to your inability to click links.
Tl:dw negro Antifa bats police officer with sign, gets taken down and arrested.
Some chaos, patriots leave by duce and half
how do you embed a youtube link
If you're going to shill your shitty video at least learn to shill properly.
Click show post options and limits, put your link there. Read the FAQ (the question mark at the top of your 8ch page) to see what you can link to. Limits cuz' Jews would shut Zig Forums down with their porn otherwise.
Wow, almost as if crazy old user d88ec0 was right and he was shilling his youtube video for money.
its boots on the ground video of a relevant event. quit being a shill faggot and appreciate that fact we have eyes willing to keep us informed so we don't rely on enemy media.
What's the problem? Antifa chimp out in Seattle. Okay, it's news and Zig Forums worthy. Why you guys shitting on it? You jews or their antifa stooges?
If neither, stop shit posting. Just click catalog and move on, not your type of thread.
Did you really just refer to yourself in the third person as your thread ID?
they aren't sending their best
I'm not some faggot's pay-pig. He's clearly not from here if he can't even manage to embed a youtube video, much less make a webm. He's only here to make money off of us and I won't stand for it.
This thread is a perfect example of why people need to lukr 2 years before posting.
damn fam its like you're new or something
wew lad >>>/reddit/r/news
From the faq. You can embed from these websites only.
the person you are responding to is not the OP. I am…
Data nasty
Don't worry. You're safe in mom's basement.
You should use TOR, too. (because it's written by the NSA).
They know who we are, user. You're only fooling yourself if you think you're safe.
These aren’t Nazi’s they are Communists
Why would you worry about safety?
First half
Second half
oh my how did you do that sorcery? did you simply visit youtube-dl and right click and hit save as or did you rip it from one of the many easily searchable websites? can't into internet
My problem is dumb lazy niggers making shit threads form the start.
Is embedding too hard? too much?
They selectively enforce the law now in America.
kek. yes that plus losslesscut
They were already doing that in the UK and much of Europe. Can't just say America is at fault for this shit.
I never implied that.
But America is in a state of lawlessness if they enforce the law to it's full extent on someone they don't agree with, and then let someone else go without charge for committing the same crime.
Except for hour long jewTube shit.
an old hdd of mine had the entire kung pao enter the fist move in a 12mb fit-for mobile .mp4
quality wasn't half bad either
it's doable just takes skill knowing how to set the settings just right
and a beefy processor
there's also a 40 something minute long nuclear bomb video some user compressed into 16 megablorts floating around too
bullshit video descriptions
a single antifa member was shown getting arrested for pushing back at an officer. the police were properly keeping the antifa contained.
there is no military deployed. the camo truck is obviously civilian owned and is giving rides to patriots
as for the video in your other shit thread
the buses are obviously providing safe transport for patriots, the people inside the bus have american flags and gadsden flags. definitely not antifa being transported by soros.
epic fail op
dont even lurk, just go back to reddit
Apparently bike cops are military now.
op just keeps making threads for every new video on his channel
You forgot this one:
Isn't it great when op can't stop sucking dicks and proves you right?
they're tryin to correlate clicks
notice how they're all low views
almost all of those are from those threads
Why the random attack on Tor.
jk, I know…
you are a jew
Tor works to separate IP from routing.
If your identity cannot be connected to your network device (phone, computer, ps3, etc.), it's contents, the internet service account, or the data contained within the packets you are sending, then you are safe using Tor, even if you fall victim to javascript or other exploits.
Some things may still happen.
1. The exploits may be used to damage your device or it's contents.
2. The exploits may be used to collect telemetry data and compared to data elsewhere on the internet.
3. If you commit crimes + the location you commit them in is the same always or often + you fall victim to exploits or malicious nodes, then you may be v& at that location and your identity will become exposed upon contact.
Tor was written by the NSA.
Mandatory access controls in Linux, Yep! NSA.
Lets face it, you don't say anything stupid enough to get their attention anyway. Stop thinking you're important.
Then don't click on it and stop your bitchin' thinking you can tell everyone else what to click on.
tor is not safe. depending on exploit ie ip leaks, not only do they unroll the device you are on and find your ip, but they take your entire subnet and find what's there, let's say your phone…. haven't horse with in awhile, but I've seen some damn nasty stuff user
Buncha fat cops shuffling around in their bike shorts and one nigger getting arrested.
police on bikes is so pathetic
It all looks rather like another staged street conflict, tbh.
the reason it looks staged is because antifags are as ineffectual as shit in anything they do. It must be all the soy they consume.
The have better mobility than cars and motorbikes in those situations.
They'll all be released with the help of (((Lawyers Guild))) and Antifa knows this.
Actually, the reason it looks stage is because Proud Boys™ is a product of Gavin McGinnes, of ((( VICE ))) fame.
But hey, I'm sure the next ((( branded organization ))) will be non cancerous.
Shill harder
Why do you faggots cry D&C yet when someone criticizes ZOG you lash out at other whites?
OP is a fucking faggot and should be banned. This lazy nigger faggot is trying to get you to watch their videos so they can dox you via your jewtube account.
Reported for data mining thread.
1) Unless you're posting from Russia, UK, Germany or Sweden, no one gives a fuck if you post on Zig Forums unless you're posting something that violates 8ch's terms of service.
2) Stop being so paranoid. You're not the revolutionary agent of change that you think you are.
3) It all goes to a US government fusion center anyway. The Government already KNOWS you're on Zig Forums
Wait, so you only visit popular (Jewish advertised) websites on Jew Tube?
Yet if you're browsing a website the website doesn't get know who you are. It's essentially the poor man's VPN. You know I always find it kind of funny how all the anti-tor shills love to say it was made by the government and is not safe but everywhere else spys on you so what's the difference? Oh, right, YOU don't get to know. That really gets under your skin doesn't it pig-fucker? That YOU do not and will never have control over those of us who use tor really chaps your ass doesn't it sausage stuffer?
For one thing, you need the address link from the address bar, do not use the share link (youtu.be
Embed unrelated slightly, its about commies admitting that blood and war and might is the source of all wealth, and if put into a vid with appropriate antikike imagery would trigger the commies horribly.
you proud little fag, who gives a shit about your video. I believe you ok , now why the fuck should I care. As a proud fag you shouldnt look for recgonition from others.
Gavin McSheep, was a fucking pathetic life you live
By lurking 2 fucking years, faggot.
plz give proof of this.
You are being SO obvious lol
things are accelerating
the kikes are no longer respecting differences between their holdings
let's see how much damage they can do before ousted
Wow, (((clickbait))) being used in multiple threads to discourage people from watching videos and looking into things. Where have we seen this tactic of attack the source and not the content before? I sure do (((wonder))) where this is coming from!
Who gives two fucks about Europe, you faggot?
Tor is a honeypot designed to attract those who have something to hide.
Niggers don't care about Europe.
hey you said nigger … thats not nice.
no one cares about europe that matters. Poland is not europe anymore. Get fucked France
there is none, he's just baiting you into watching his proud cuck video
if you think about it, there's absolutely no way the national guard would be called into a situation like this
Negroes don't care about Europe.