West Virginia 7pm Eastern
With all the happenings going on lately it may be an interesting rally to watch.
Some streams:
Fox 10 Benis: youtube.com
Golden State: youtube.com
Blazing Press: youtube.com
West Virginia 7pm Eastern
With all the happenings going on lately it may be an interesting rally to watch.
Some streams:
Fox 10 Benis: youtube.com
Golden State: youtube.com
Blazing Press: youtube.com
Other urls found in this thread:
Who gives about this civnat jewish ass licker
Practically the whole world.
Oh fuck my dick gets hard thinking about West Virginia ladies.
Wish he was doing fewer rallies, and more building the fucking wall.
not interested in watching a bar mitzvah, sage for kike
Thanks for the input Ann Coulter. Always nice having you stop by.
says the ass licker of the ass lickers
Or you know, deporting. We need to be deporting at very least 1 million beaners a year to turn the tide.
This place has gone full leftypol/NatBol.
You faggots honestly deserve Hillary.
Apparently you do.
The walls under construction for weeks now you dummy. And DACA never happened either.
We need to be deporting even the ones that are "legal".
Wall and deportation of 50,000,000 or kill yourself.
Start by deporting yourself back to reddit
A lot of them are butthurt Euros who only hate us for calling them cucks, so they wouldn't be getting much of a difference if Hillary replaced Theresa May or Angela Merkel.
Why do you think he's doing rallies in front of the midterms retard?
existing fence repairs is not a wall, the current federal budget(that Trump signed) specifically forbids allocating funding for a wall on our southern border
The poorly disguised Zig Forums raid is real.
For real, beside east Europe, name a more based leader.
You're not wrong. But let's go step by step.
Nice lie heeb, my dad lives at the border in Texas and there isn't fucking anything going on, it's the same sad piece of shit fence.
Salvini. By far.
"Always do the right thing."
Texas just finished their land surveying.
Yea, pretty based but he's not the "leader". But god damn can he operate his office.
Hahaha nice attempt at downplaying the wall.
How retarded are you lad? Typically when you build a wall you start at one point and work your way across the entire border.
Schlomo, are you even trying?
If the wall were finished tomorrow these natbol retards would still find something else to bitch about
This is bait.
Hi. He’s not building the wall. He’s not deporting illegals in any amount that actually decreases their number in this country. Your statement has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with anything that I said. Go fuck yourself, civic nationalist.
This place is a goner. Sad!
It's even worse than it seems because aside from never having the wall this administration has legally admitted over 1 million more shitskin immigrants from all over the world.
hes worse than Obama on drone strikes for Israel too
This subject is not allowed on nu/pol/.
Funny how you have nothing to add, isn’t it.
Hes not actually the guy laying the concrete you know.
Talking about yourself? What have you added? you're part of an obvious raid on the board.
No, hes the guy signing legislation that forbids a border wall.
Got any source on that claim?
Son what are you smoking? Go back to Zig Forums already.
I hope we see him T pose.
the T stands for Trump.
Subtle advertising for my new always online, and online only experience, fallout 76
Eat shit, kike. This isn’t reddit. We don’t support your zionist faggot here.
Go back to the_donald. This isn’t reddit. We don’t support jews here.
Nigger that isn't "the wall", those are sections of 40 mile -fencing- along the california border, these are already existing fences, not a brand new wall. Which to date has not been funded.
ok thanks leftist. now if you wouldn't mind reimbursing me for the time you just utterly wasted with that absolute nothing.
So in other words, hes attacking ISIS? Like he said he would do?
Way to spin it chaim.
You have to go back.
Well user you should just not vote in the midterms for people who will approve the wall because the wall hasn't been approved yet due to obstruction :^)
Like pottery.
Ahh this really takes me back to the months before the election, when shills flooded every thread and we raced for the first reply. I can only assume this means the DNC and shareblue are worried about the coming elections.
there's no 'we' here chaim. you're retard-level claims aren't some divine writ
Explain why we should support your zionist neoconservative civic nationalist or go back to the_donald.
I don't give a fuck what you support leftypol
your own headline disproves your bullshit. plebbit is the home you should never have left, because only they are dumb enough to fall for your fake news.
Thanks for admitting you’re a paid jewish shill. We don’t shill for Trump here. Go back to reddit. You are not welcome.
hi shareblue, how goes the daily shillings?
I bet every single post you've made on this board is anti-drumpf because you only come here for work.
guess what this makes you.
Y’all are gay and Trump loves faggots.
Shills pretty active across the board right now. be3c21 is assmad as fuck and trying to keep even tangental "better than the alternative" level of approval of Trump from being acceptable.
The Democrats want to turn America into one big fat sanctuary city for criminal ailens
Daily reminder to vote against closed borders just to spite Drumpf :^)
What are some republicans who are actually strong on immigration and not just lying like they have done for years? Under Trump immigration to this country hasn't gotten any more difficult and we have over 1 million turdskin immigrants from around the world to prove it. You need to wake the fuck up and realize we're being lied to, we've been lied to, and these are the same nation wrecking snakes who have been progressively ruining this country for decades and they won't stop. Under both democrats and republicans we've gotten close to, if not under 50% white.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
What’s wrong with you?
You're a nigger and nobody says "y'all" here.
I imagine that was career threatening.
There's a few communists in that room.
also, daily reminder not to have children, or work, or interact with anyone else in any way
in fact, it's best if you just become a hermit
there's nothing the jew fears more than impotent white men
Knock off the spam, redditor.
You're paid too highly, even if you're doing it for free.
I'll give you a rare Trump CNN gif if you stop being butthurt
how're your efforts going at policing every thread and establishing yourself as a 'consensus'?
has it worked yet?
as a newyorker ill definitely be voting against slimeball supreme Cuomo!
right, not for sale
You are arguing with Kampfy/CIA. Don't even bother.
I hope all the salt ITT keeps flowing throughout the night.
Chicongo is a
This is reaching new lows.
oh man your really got me there. you and your co-worker are for sure the real Zig Forums and everyone else is reddit.
inb4 >ive been here for 8 years
Almost heaven…
Who cares
Everybody is kampfy or glow in the dark niggers didn't you get the memo?