The danger of Non-Whites in the military

We need to awaken White servicemen to the dangers of a multiculti military!

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When was that post made? You could get him court-martialed for openly breaking the law.

This has been known since the Vietnam war, it is not new. People (incl government agencies) have tried to prevent gang members from joining the military but the military has a whole system of its own disconnected from even federal law enforcement.

Hitler was right again. Sage for this being incredibly obvious.

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I need memes. Here’s my idea:

First of all, if we want to fix the demographic crisis here in America and defeat the (((ZOG))), we will need the help of the military. We can’t even manage to muster 25 guys for a fucking rally.

Do you really think the whole nation of Whites is gonna rise up and take up arms against the most sophisticated tyranny in the history of mankind?

Forget about it!

And don’t even get me started on this QLarp crap!

The fact of the matter is, there is no America without White people. We need our military to be comprised of people who know what is coming and are willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that Whites are protected, and thus, that America is protected.

Most active duty military personnel (Whites in particular) are muh MAGA Conservatives, that’s good but not good enough. Most military people I’ve talked to are pissed about the endless social justice, muh wimmin and sensitivity training they receive. Most are aware of the anti-White agenda and are suspicious and distrustful of non-White servicemen and wahmen, and for good reason.

Don’t believe me?

Watch this: Focus on the non-White marksman.

There are hundreds of examples of this degree of multicultural incompetency within the military, Army and Navy in particular. A military comprised of so many non-Whites is a Communist coup waiting to happen. You remember that story about the Westpoint grad who was an avowed Communist? This is much more common than one might imagine. It makes us look weak and is a threat to National Security.

My goal is not to sow distrust within our ranks to weaken our military, that distrust is already there. My goal is not to make America weak. The fact of the matter is we ARE weak, our military is becoming a joke. Like most of us, much of my family served in the military and I personally have a great deal of respect for the military tradition. But this is fucking ridiculous, most of these non-Whites are borderline retarded, anti-American and are the weak links in our national security.

So here’s what I propose:

A meme campaign designed to target active duty military men and women. Get them to see the dangers of a multicultural military.

E.g.: Dindu/le 56% meme format:

Squad of White door-kickers needs indirect fire support on a suspected ISIS (or soon to be Iranian, smh) fire base.

Dindu mortarmen, receive the call but are too stupid to read a calc…or read period!

So they splash mortars right on the infantry unit’s fucking heads


Worse shit than this happens in real life, but you’ll never hear about it on the news. These people are dangerous and a liability to our servicemen.

We need to get Patriotic White servicemen to truly grasp how much of a threat they are so that these non-Whites can be kept out of positions of power and influence.

I’m sure some of them are nice enough people, but overall, they are a useless.

In addition, find examples in the news of these kinds of incidents where non-White incompetency leads to the deaths of White soldiers.

Find videos of non-White soldiers acting foolish and dangerously, I have personally seen too many to count.

Post statistics of racial demographics of the military, these numbers alone are shocking.

This needs to become the new IOTBW, it is that important!

The fate of our national security quite literally depends on it!

Attached: military-demographics-04.jpg (1264x1215, 377.82K)

Is that a british soldier uniform?

This fucking coon was probably recruited under onigger.

The military is just another form of welfare. You should know that by now. The one thing it doesn't exist for is defense of this country.


This. Vietnam and the Negro "soldier".

It was actually a get thread that used this event to get me to walk outside last night while they sent goons I was hypnotized to not be able to see.

The "big secret" of the army is that only grunts are held to military standards. And grunts are 80% white, 15% spic (usually puertorican for some reason) and the other 5% is divided between chinks and niggers. Niggers easily being the most cowardly.

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Attached: Military Demographics 2016 - (((Council on Foreign Relations)

its wasnt made , op is a faggot with ms paint, real nice kikeness you faggot

The military, including every single White person in it, is your enemy. They will violently murder your whole family to secure a sufficient cut to keep them in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.

That’s why they’re developing a robotic AI army.

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You’re making this out to be a greater problem than it is. The Veterans are more dangerous than the actual military right now.

Nice try, Ezra

- there are lots of RP'd in the US military, despite knowing that after 9/11, the military was nothing but a kike-fest of useless wars for a shitty piece of land that isn't even a fucking NATO-member. the Caucasian has been forced into the military because a) it is a disciplined environment focused on bettering our brightest. It's unfortunate but true that it's easier to maintain an all-volunteer military when the economy is shit and no one is hiring Whitey because he's a Caucasian of Euro-descent
- the US military needs to better understand that they all pay when niggers act like niggers in Germany, Japan, S. Korea, etc…. The US Army doesn't hire people that need to perform from the neck up

"Muh 98.6 white mill-turry "

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Ezra is who the military works for. You keep pretending with that hand out, though.

They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists.

Nice commie facebook meme

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You know what happens when you get a Veteran with ptsd angry and you? He doesn’t go for the rifle first. He goes for the shovel.


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Stop trying to get Zig Forums to kill that ebil 9/11 truther for you, Chaim.


They're all ZOGbots.

Nigger will nig no matter where they are or the circumstances.

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doesn’t look like me at all.

That’s cute. What makes you think the Vet isn’t a cop?

That chick slamming that guy looks like a move from street fighter II.

Based and Earl Turner pilled

But user, an incompetent military full of cowardly shitskins that can't aim is exactly what we're waiting for.

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Shitskins are put into the military because they will feel no remorse when they're genociding us South Africa style.
form your local militia

Unless you've been through basic, your opinion means fuck all. Good luck proving you've been through basic

digits wasted on a stupid question. No, Brits don't have American flags and "US Army" on their uniforms.

they cant swim
thats all im gonna say

He has a unit patch. Niggers like that don't last long before they get kicked out.

Suckstart a shotgun, zogbot.

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Fuck You I’m Mortars 11c, how about a bunch of dindu door kickers that can’t call a fire mission to save their life

Americans didn't wear those types of helmets.

How about the military teaches them to aim and it would be better to have whites who won't turn their guns on citizens they can relate to.
Willing to bet half the people shitposting in here aren't even American.

They rarely hold combat roles. Can't pass the swim-qual. dead srs


That's WWI era propaganda. Do you think they all carried 1903 Springfields too?

A weaker military = a smaller problem to deal with down the road.

And if they’re American they’re probably some alphabet agency

great so white men die first fuck that.

This is the real take away. I hope every honest white man in the military is kicked out for being a racist evil white male.

Even if your military is not multicultural, you still shouldn't join it.

underrated as fucking vanilla ice cream

This is your elite infantry in action 1950's. Think its better post PC?

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The two girls look aroused. I don’t think they understand the situation.

They carry m-13s with big clips n' sheeeeit.

Thank you for your service.


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cognitive dissonance. That the army would be for telling kids where to go to school. Eisenhower can rot in hell for that order.

Seriously looks like the soldiers are fucking around in that pic. Chicks are definitely laughing. Wtf is going on there

they (boomers) believed their gov was there for them, not the golems and muds.

And this is back when the USA was overwhelmingly white.

And im expected to believe 1488 will solve everything. Fuck we are to SA what the 50's are to the 2020s

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that anyone thinks that is the solution as opposed to expelling every noncitizen mud should make it clear that we have to crash this plane and be the only survivors

1488 calls out the (((core))) of the problem. The USA was very White back then, but still heavily Jew controlled.

I remember that, that's when they were looking for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the Boston Marathon Bomb suspects. Five years later, and the fucker is still alive in prison.

Elite bring in shitskins
Elite troll shitskins into playing make believe games in the street while Custer's Battles mercenaries set up noisy but harmless black powder bombs
Elite use crisis actors as fake victims
Elite use US military (all white men from what I can see in the videos) to totally violate constitutional guarantees against unlawful searches.

I'm not going to hold my breath expecting any authority figure to be on "Our Side" when the shit hits the fan.

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Your Band of Brothers

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those ptsd boomers from vietnam sure took care of the problems when they got back. Yes sir, they promptly blew their brains out with a bullet or a snort

You do know its the "military" which transports and protects the drug precursors grown in Afghanistan to the US? In early 2001 the Taliban had secured the country and stopped field production, then you get the 09/11/01 attack and America invades on 10/07/01 with Operation Enduring Freedom. Next year production goes back to normal.

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The Taliban also stopped all the bachi bazi boy raping horseshit dead too. The US and NATO forces moved in, made an alliance (ie paid them as mercenaries) with the Northern Alliance who promptly came in, grew opium and resumed abducting and fucking little boys in the ass.

it never went away, tali just wanted to create a panic in the market. Works a charm to drive up prices.

Never a cop,DA,state senator,judge, etc…
Only themselves or some dumb kid who didn't instantly drop to their knees & start sucking their assholes.

You do realize we're not alt-right, right?

so we can't even manage enough to fill a table at applebees?

fine you can always find 1 in a thousand. Doesn't change the meme

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But instead you're told, "he blew up those towers goy", "we gotta invade Iraq, Saddam is his friend", "MOAB Afghanistan forever".

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Exactly. One of the reasons the kikes had us invade Afghanistan was so that they could then genocide us with opioid painkillers.

good try, is this your first conspiracy party? You

Too late. Although I put the Marine Corps over the Army for being trained to kill properly. It's also the introductory course to a set of skills for life, not just a one-off thing. Daily reminder that you will not war as a civ and that there are politically cucked operators who can kill you with minimal effort regardless of how strong you are.

Aren't the marines under the Navy?

go take 6 weeks, with a book and a pack and train yourself. Expecting someone else to make you hard because you got a free tshirt aint gonna do shit

thing is with military is that you have to eat really shitty food, you'd probably be better off getting private training

You are VERY bad ass.

Get back to me when you take on anyone with a navy and an air force.

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White ZOGbots are now indoctrinated into believing they are serving and protecting the state and not the people. They won't help us. Most of them are what Dr. Pierce call constitutional conservatives.

No, you nigger. This has been happening for years, and I've talked about it for years. It's an open secret at this point that the Taliban destroyed the opium fields and the Armed Forces of the USA were stationed to protect them to fuel the black market drug trade. This is still continuing to this day under Trump, as we still have troops in Afghanistan.

As in:

Fuck off, we don't go to honeypot rallies.

Haven't had such a good chuckle in a long time.
He may be coutner-overton-pushing, but he isn't against the background-establishment as a whole.
I am still waiting for that wall, but the only wall he really seems to care for is the paper-note-wall in Yidsrael.

Just serving with niggers and women is enough to wake the dead.
t. lefty who did one deployment as 11B

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There's not one goddamn place where it has "an American flag" or says "US Army." Stop being a lying faggot.

Never interupt the enemy when they are making a mistake. I want the U.S. military flooded with niggers, shit-skins, dykes, and whores. This weakens them, which is good for us. We don't have any foreign wars we need to worry about. We are, however, headed for a domestic war against our own corrupt government, so a weak martial force is exactly what we should be accelerating. The kikes think they'll be able to use the boot of the zog army to eliminate the white man. I can't wait to see the surprise on their faces when they are drug from their beds to be slaughtered in the streets. Oh glorious day. Praise kek.

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Fuck off kike


Pick one niggers