Man dies after mixing four cans of Four Loko, a Smirnoff cooler and two acetaminophen pills
Boomer health alert
Why do we care?
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
Why would you drink that trash?
In my day we called them millennials.
Basically 16.7% alcohol mixed with acetaminophen. Will destroy your liver
poor people drink them all the time in texas for some reason
OP is a fuckin retard if he thinks 30yr olds are boomers.
Tax payer money at work.
Go on…
Fuck, it reproduced before it killed itself.
Boomer is a linage, a race in the making.
Darwinism is fun.
What a twit.
By poor people, do you mean spics?
What in tarnation are you degenerates talking about? Baby boomers are the parents that coddled their kids in order for them to treat their kids like fucking pansies which resulted in the production of lilly livered faggot millenials.
t. boomer
Good. Fuckin faggot
You know… I've got nothing. This is retardation. Though what does this have to do with boomers?
Is claiming the wrong age range a "boomer" a meme?
It popped up all over pol when the ban list was lifted.
His parents are French Canadian boomers, the very worst kind before you start looking into the shitskin boomers.
1) Never heard of Four Loko
2) Upon reading what it was, I decided the guys almost certainly a faggot
3) Since when the fuck do thirty year olds qualify as boomers?
4) Op is a faggot.
Yes anything that seems old is a boomer now.
It's from here:
c h i r u . n o / c i r n o / 4 5 8 8 1
top kek
What the fuck are you retards talking about? Everyone I know has downed a bottle of jack and taken some codeine and acetaminophen for the headache countless times.
Sage for who cares.
Those fag are retarded.
Yes, yes, yes
By all means, user. Don't let me stop you.
For people with lives who haven't seen this stupid forced meme, anyone that was born before 2000 is now considered a boomer and those after a 'zoomer'
I think its a shitty meme intended to lump millenial fags in with their parents in an attempt to blame them for the actual boomers. As an X'er myself, its terribly funny to think millenials and boomers have anything slightly in common. Shit, the mower in most of the memes are outside of the purview of most millenials to ever own.
Not saying it's healthy, but it more likely has to do with the alcohol, caffeine, and whatever antihistamine was mixed in with the cough medicine. Everyone has taken a headache tablet when they're drinking. I share this board with 14 year olds.
Fuckin' polar opposite of my experience. That's psycho shit around here.
Please stop posting your brainless nonsense and read a fucking book.
Good to hear of idiots killing themselves.
i dont think so … cant teach that level of stupid
thats a talent
thats only 3 guys … i feel gyped
That "meme" is paid for by Monster Energy.
I mean poor people. Niggers, spics, whites, whoever. Poor people love that shit.
In other news, OP refuses to stop sucking dicks
Your friends are retarded which makes you retarded by association.
Instead of following the herd of the dumbass retards you call "friends"; I suggest you research how alcohol in combination with certain medication results in a very bad time l8r in life.
W/ my vodka habit,I NEVER take acetaminophen.
Much to ya'll dismay.
Much higher % than 4 loko.
That boomer expressing his individuality w/ dat Red Bull
Guess I don't know any poor people. Never seen that shit except on the Internet.
See plenty spics though.
It's astroturf, a forced meme that started popping up a little while ago meant to drive a wedge between age groups.
kind of funny how Zig Forums isolated itself so much that its user base no longer understands chan culture. Zig Forums IS the 30 ear old boomer.
I noticed about 3 or 4 weeks ago anybody that was an idiot or a doofus was getting labelled a "boomer" for some reason or other regardless of age.
Must be a new thing.
It was started by some d&c nigger on and now
He flags these posts as advertising so they get deleted.
That figures. Those are the worst fucking boards of all time.
Why is that stick backwards?
You're the fourth, user.
That's a lot of alcohol right there. One of those will get you normally drunk.
Moshe, please.
And they wonder why we call them children.
You're either retarded or samefagging. A couple faggots d&cing is not an entire generation. Let this astroturf bullshit die.
And nothing of value was lost. If you're too stupid to understand that you don't mix alcohol with any type of medication than you deserve the end result.
Had he stopped at this point, he'd probably wake up the next morning with a medium to heavy hangover depending on what he ate. If he were any smart, he'd learn from this event and never drink like this again.
Seriously? It's like bashing oneself on the head with a hammer and act surprised when their skull cracks.
Acetaminophen, aka Paracetamol, does not interact with alcohol. Two pills are a normal dose. There may be a long term risk of kidney disease if you frequently use the two together, but that's it.
The quantity of alcohol he consumed cannot be calculated without knowing the size of the Four Loko cans, but even if they were large ones at 500ml the total amount would only be 260ml of pure ethanol, equivalent to 650ml of typical whisky or vodka. Certainly very drunk, but highly unlikely to kill.
This. Shitty slide thread with no relevance to Zig Forums at all. The kikes are out in force trying to make the Hannah Hays thing disappear.